The colour of the world is changing day by day - Fate/Apocrypha

I watched the 3rd episode of Apo. There was one sentence that triggered me hard, namely:

"I am the travelling knight from the Netherlands, Siegfried."

No Siegfried, you are not from the Netherlands. According to the Nibelungenlied you from Xanten, which is in the lower rhine region.

...this is a setting where King Arthur and Mordred are women, why are you surprised by other things being inaccurate/wrong?

The Nibelungenlied states he's from the Netherlands. It's right in Siegfried's introduction.

In the Netherlands there grew the child of a noble king (his father had for name Siegemund, (1) his mother Siegelind), (2) in a mighty castle, known far and wide, in the lowlands of the Rhine: Xanten, (3) men called it.

He's repeatedly referred to as being the hero of the Netherlands in the poem.

Apocrypha did not invent that.
Is it just me, or is animation in this really terrible?

I know it would be very, very hard to top UBW anime and the superb animation there, but good God, almost every piece of motion in this looks atrocious. It's incredibly jarring.

It's also morbidly funny in how the opening tries to convince people that Team Black is actually relevant somehow
Is it just me, or is animation in this really terrible?

I know it would be very, very hard to top UBW anime and the superb animation there, but good God, almost every piece of motion in this looks atrocious. It's incredibly jarring.

It's also morbidly funny in how the opening tries to convince people that Team Black is actually relevant somehow
A-1 Pictures, son.
Guys if you think this is bad animation then you need to get your eyes checked.

Also for all ufotable gets lauded it completely fucking flubbed the fight choreography of Gil vs Shirou. I'm talking 'charge forward, cut away, cut back (destroying momentum in the process) and somehow we're now further away than before' kinda stuff.

And that's just the one I can be bothered to remember. It had massive glaring issues with retaining viewer engagement to the point I actually had trouble getting through the last few episodes because every time we had good action going it'd cut away to something unrelated.
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You know what actually bothers me?
The fights themselves are fine, I've watched way worse fights.

But the sound during loud parts is clipped to fuck, I don't know if it's a UTW thing or it's the anime's fault but goddamn it sounds terrible.
Are they using stock, free public domain sound effects? Some of those sound familiar. They do seem to be trying to save costs, with some sound design, and for example still panels with just panning shots or still bodies with just moving mouths to save budget. Though many of the scenes are still very detailed. They seem to want to focus on select major scenes. Or something else.
Saving for later episodes maybe? Or maybe they only got a small budget for the project.
Most of sound effect are stock. You buy a pack and then use them.

A1 just failed to properly utilize what they have, which was most evident with distortion sounds in Karna vs Sieg fight. That was clearly badly edited by A1 staff themselves.
Oh, wow, they're really rushing through the first volume aren't they? Siegfried vs Achilles and Spartacus's rampage were really short. There seems to be a trend here.

Vlad and Spartacus were great, but that's it.

How are they going to fill the rest of the episodes if they go through material at this rate?

Anyway, at this point the Sieg and Friends show begins.
I'm going to be blunt about Fate/Apocrypha. I've not read the LNs, though I've heard about why the source is supposedly regarded badly by the fan base. For me, the biggest problem is that Fate/Apocrypha, as an anime, is running the risk of making me say these Eight Deadly words: "I don't care about what happens to these people" to the series.

I don't give a damn that Seigfried gave his heart to the Homunculi. I haven't been able to give a damn about the Homunculi. I don't give a damn about Seigfried's real wish. I cannot bring myself to care. Siegfried has been as bland as a blank sheet of paper, and nothing defines the Homunculi except for a generic, instinctive will to survive.

And this is very, very bad news when I am told that the Homunculi is going to have main protagonist status in the coming story.

As for Ruler, while I find her concept interesting, I am currently lukewarm to her and the way she's been executed. Perhaps further down the line, the plot would have a moment to breathe and give me a reason to start caring about Ruler. Right now, while I am not yet at the stage of saying "I don't care about these people" with regards to Ruler, I still cannot get a real grasp of Ruler as a person beyond being the ideal impartial mediator of the war. As the likely co-protagonist (the OP and ED keep hinting that and rubbing it in our faces), this does not bode well.

The good news is that Fate/Apocrypha does make me care for some of its characters. I care for what happens to Frankenstein's Monster - the quiet moments characterizing the Monster with her Master made her sufficiently compelling and fascinating as an entity and there is a fundamental level of decency in her master that at least makes me want him to get out of this war alive. I care what happens to Sisigou and Modred - enough has been done to make them fascinating characters, with an obvious sense of agency, a comprehensible agenda and hints that suggest an intriguing backstory that may have the emotional payoff of the likes done with Kiritsugu in Fate/Zero. I care about Astolfo - and not just because he's a trap, but beyond that is a both a gadfly out to have fun and enjoy life as a bon vivant but also has a well functioning moral compass that subsumes the boundaries of his sense of fun.

But the problem I think so far, is that Fate/Apocrypha barely has time to breathe. And hence, character clash with each other, and pieces move, but they don't do so with any real significance because nothing is done to build the pieces up as unique entities. Where Fate/Apocrypha has slowed down a moment (Mordred in the crypt-base with Sisigou, Frankenstein's Monster with her master Mr Forvedge on a field of flowers amidst ruins) the writing has sufficient competency to make the characters compelling as the show takes a moment to breathe and sketch a character. But I get the sense that the show (which I know is originally a LN) is going at break-neck speeds and committing the sin of many poor LN adaptations where vital internal monologues are truncated or completely lost hence removing meaning from characters.
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I pretty much agree with everything you've said up there.

Besides the two you mentioned, the only other Master+Servant pair who seems even the slightest bit interesting to me so far is Chiron and his Master (but not to the same extent). And what do you know, they were also one of the few who got a slow scene of actually talking to each other.
It's not a good sign that I'm all ready skipping through scenes with the homunculus guy, at least once he splits off from Astolfo. I just find him boring as hell, and wish that time had been better spent on any of the Servants and/or their Masters.
This was a really good ep.

Lots of good stuff with Mordred and Shishigo, a pretty good fight against Jack, and even cooler ones against Chiron and his master. Those mechanical arms she used were cool as shit :cool:
Really taking advantage of that Camelot chapter of FGO, huh ...

There's something inherently trashy to this which arises from the novel but definitely feels exacerbated by the anime adaptation. however it really engaging sometimes. I felt like checking out during the inexplicable suicide scene, but Frankenstein being pleased with herself for unplugging a computer is such a weird thing that I can't help but like it.
Yeah, for the most part, hearing the phrases "A1 Pictures" and "Adaptation" in the same sentence is a major tell that it isn't going to be a very good anime, regardless of the quality (or lack thereof) of the source material.

Kairi and Mordred have definitely proven themselves the most entertaining Master + Servant pair in this trainwreck though.
Really taking advantage of that Camelot chapter of FGO, huh ...

There's something inherently trashy to this which arises from the novel but definitely feels exacerbated by the anime adaptation. however it really engaging sometimes. I felt like checking out during the inexplicable suicide scene, but Frankenstein being pleased with herself for unplugging a computer is such a weird thing that I can't help but like it.
While the pacing and structuring is weird, all the little nods and character tics that otherwise we'd only see on FGO are nice.

Like Fran having Strong Opinions about electricity conservation.
While the pacing and structuring is weird, all the little nods and character tics that otherwise we'd only see on FGO are nice.

Like Fran having Strong Opinions about electricity conservation.

I mean, that particular thing happens in the LN but I agree that seeing it animated does it justice in a way that text doesn't.
Are we allowed to talk about episode 6 to 9 now?
I would hope so. How otherwise will we be able to discuss superiority of AstolfoxSieg pairing that A-1 has been pushing onto us :V?

Jokes aside, I think that as long as we don't spoil episode 10 for people waiting for UTW subs, we are free to talk.

So you know that scene, when rider was rampaging using his chariot, did anyone cringe when they reused that same choreography, where a homunculis ran towards rider swinging a spear and got taken out?

So you know that scene, when rider was rampaging using his chariot, did anyone cringe when they reused that same choreography, where a homunculis ran towards rider swinging a spear and got taken out?
I think part of that is budget constrains. I really doubt A-1 got the same cash Ufotable did for their Fates, so they are using any trick they can to save up cash for animating things they want to have quality.

I mean, Fran's breakdown is enhanced by poor animation because not only it's emotionally different to her norm, but she looks different enough to be unsettling.

And the homunculus trying to solo Rider's chariot can be logic-ed as her trying to bypass his chariot and go straight for him, not that it would work any better, but points for trying. The real cringe of that scene are homunculi just standing still in the path of oncoming chariot, which again, is probably fault of animation cuts.
I think part of that is budget constrains. I really doubt A-1 got the same cash Ufotable did for their Fates, so they are using any trick they can to save up cash for animating things they want to have quality.
Actually, one interesting thing is that ufotable does NOT use a noticably above average budget for their shows.

Instead, the high quality is a result of things like giving their animators above average working conditions and having a large amount of permanent staff instead of using freelancers for everything.

Kyoto Animation does the same thing.