The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

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Those of you who looked at A City in Turmoil should recognize the setting here. I stopped...
Introduction and Character Creation 1


Those of you who looked at A City in Turmoil should recognize the setting here. I stopped updating that quest for a number of reasons, but mostly because I ended up not liking how I handled the story. I wanted to jump into this big conspiracy plot immediately, but in hindsight that was a poor choice. This new quest should end up giving you, the readers, an introduction to the characters and time to get invested in the setting and perhaps start picking sides before anything happens that will shake up the status quo. Now, on to the quest.


The quiet noise somehow manages to echo and reverberate throughout the auditorium, silencing the small din of conversation that had filled it just a moment before. On the stage, the archmage of Jewels has appeared from thin air- there was no way anyone could have missed him walking in. His robes are so covered in exactingly cut gems that looking directly at him dazzles the eyes. You can only glance at him from the corner of your eye unless you want to go blind- from that angle at least he seems an imposing and vaguely menacing figure, but you're sure that's the intended effect. He begins his speech.

"In this college, there is only one thing that matters and that is your ability. I'm not saying this because I want to give anyone any particular hope of overcoming whatever pathetic background they've come from. You probably won't- the wealthier students have a thousand advantages over you, and I'll admit that I've occasionally been paid enough to look the other way when some brat throws a temper tantrum and begs mommy and daddy to have another student killed. Of course," and here you can hear pure amusement enter his voice, "I would caution you against throwing a tantrum that leads to you biting off more than you can chew."

From the corner of your eye you see one of his hands make a vague motion, before a wall of light appears in the air above him.

"But I digress. Ability is the only thing that will let you graduate from this college. I don't care if the Dragon of Wealth herself offers to open up the city's vaults for me. I don't care if the Chairman makes a motion to sanction me. Not a single one of the whole pathetic lot of you will ever graduate unless you can beat this."

The wall of light resolves into colors and shapes, displaying a huge number of milestones and criteria and a frankly dizzying array of small sections and subsections.

"This is the average graduate from Solemn Vale." The archmage's voice darkens for a moment. "You will be better than them. I will not be shown up by that simpleton they call an archmage. If any of you get to the end of your final year here without beating this, you will drop out for personal reasons entirely unrelated to the fact that I will have you tortured to death if you do not. That is all."

With that, he vanishes again, the wall of light remaining behind him.

How do you feel about this ultimatum?
[] Unconcerned. There's no question you'll be good enough.
[] Worried. You had heard the rumors about the college, but you hadn't expected it to be quite so... explicit.
[] Angry. It's always the same, corruption where ever you go in this damn city.
[] Write in.

How did you get into the college?
[] As a child of nobility, it would be unthinkable for the College to deny you enrollment- your parents would have been furious had they had the temerity.
[] You were sponsored by a powerful figure in the city of Diadem for your talent. There is the expectation that you will pay them back in services rendered in exchange for their backing.
[] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.

Let Character Creation begin.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet

LAST NAME: Baldeth
AGE: 18

Ruby (): The Dragon of Wealth's 'pet' and probably the person you're the best friends with at the college. She specializes in countermagic.
Henry (): He introduced himself to you, along with the rest of the college, because he's seeking fame and he wants as many people to know his name as possible. You're friendly with him, but not yet friends per se. He is looking for great deeds to do.
Adam (): The student you fought in the Burning Earth's arena. A first year like you, he's studying spirits instead of dimensional science. Wears black robes.
Sammy (): The College's librarian. Also the ghost of perhaps the greatest conqueror to ever live who died attempting to conquer Diadem in the name of the Goddess of Conquest. You're on friendly enough terms that you think you're probably more than her acquaintance, but not yet quite her friend.
Dimensional Science TA (): You impressed her enough to get a scholarship and she's devoting quite a lot of her time to tutoring you. You're not really sure why she's so invested, but she has definitely seemed to take quite the shine to you.
Archmage (): Kind of a gigantic asshole, but one too powerful and casually murderous for you to do anything but carefully avoid him. Doesn't like Ruby at all. You're not sure whether or not he actually knows you exist, but you're okay with staying blissfully ignorant on that front.
Viola (): The Dragon of Wealth's 'assistant.' She is a woman in a black and gold dress uniform with a sheathed sword at her side and blonde hair cropped short. An aura of intense cold surrounds her. She sounds surprisingly nice considering all of this.

Prodigy: Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however. You impressed the Dimensional Science TA enough that you gained a scholarship.
Blessing of the Lady of War: Thanks to a good word put in on your behalf by Sammy, you won't kill in battle unless you choose to.
Methodology-Ver1.7: "The theory is sound. My adjustments have allowed me to bypass the Archmage's wards on the outer walls, though not without cost. I am unsure what can be improved however. Indeed, I do not think my spell work is at fault. Rather, the spell work of the Archmage is simply so exceptional that even though I am operating on what should be an entirely different paradigm, his spells still function. It felt as if magic itself turned against me for a moment, loathe as I am to personify the feeling." -The TA

You have grasped and incorporated the TA's theories on Dimensional Science fully into your spellwork. Conventional wards, countermagic, and dimensional intrusion will fail entirely against your Dimensional magic, though it seems that at least the Archmage's magic can work around this to some degree.

Banked Skill Points:
Elemental: 0
Dimensional: 0
Countermagic: 0
Enchanting: 0
Spiritual: 0

General Magic (Rank 17) :
Speed Casting 1 (3): Spells no longer require a ritual and have a casting time equal to the numbers of points they cost in seconds.
-Superior Speed Casting (20): Additional components such as stabilization and previous ranks of spells no longer count towards casting time for spells.

Stabilization (5) Unstable spells lose that trait, and effects that would make a spell unstable are stepped down 1 level (I.E. Disruption -> Minor Disruption and Minor Disruption -> Nothing)

Multicasting 2 (6): Can maintain 2 extra spells at the same time.

Response 1 (3) You may wait for your opponent to make the first move and match their pace so that your spells complete at the same time. Requires Speed Casting 1.

Maximization 1 (15): You may push at the limits of your abilities. At the cost of making a spell unstable, you may greatly enhance one aspect of it.

Elemental Magic (Rank 1):
Novice Elemental Control (1): Can create painful but chaotic and small elemental effects.

Dimensional Magic (Rank 25):
Planar Portal (1): Opens a small portal to nowhere somewhere you can see. Not yet usefully large.
- Planar Portal Size 1 (3): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a person, requires Planar Portal.
- Planar Portal Size 2 (5): Opens a portal to nowhere about the size of a double doorway, requires Planar Portal Size 1.
- Planar Creation 1 (3): You can now open a portal to Somewhere, and reopen that portal at a later date. The inside of the portal is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Portal.
--Planar Creation 2 (3): You can now open portals to as many Somewheres as you can remember, and reopen those portals at a later date. The inside of these portals is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Creation 1.
- Planar Control 1 (3): You can exert influence on places you have opened a portal to, decreasing or increasing temperature slightly, adding light, air, and featureless floors and walls, requires Planar Creation.
--Planar Control 2 (15): You can now use planar control to create small rudimentary structures or furniture, create light sources of varying though not extreme intensity, and noticeably effect temperature. Requires Planar Control 1, Planar Creation 2.
- Planar Teleport 1 (5): Inanimate objects not created or controlled by magic no larger than yourself can be moved directly into and out of Somewhere without a portal within a ten foot radius.
--Planar Teleport 2 (15) The range of Planar Teleport increases to sight range. Requires Planar Teleport 1.

Elemental Planar Portal 1 (5): You may create a tiny portal to an elemental plane, unleashing effects equal to the adept rank of Elemental Control. When Speed Cast, becomes incredibly unstable and dangerous to yourself.

Countermagic (Rank 3)
Redundancy (3): Double the difficulty of Dismissal on your spells.

Minor Disruption (1): Your opponent's spells become slightly unpredictable, or very much so if they would be already. Precise aim becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility.
-Disruption (5): Your opponent's spells become unpredictable. Aim beyond 'somewhere within 180 degrees of where I'm pointing' becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility, or almost guaranteed in the event of already unstable spells.

Enchanting (Rank 3)
Minor Enchantment (3): You may enchantment an object well suited to enchantment (such as a gem) to cast a spell you know once at a lower rank. (I.E. Apprentice Elemental Control -> Novice Elemental Control.) You may not enchant objects with spells you only have the first rank of.
-Persistent Enchantment (10) An enchantment will be able to activate a number of times or continue persistently for a certain amount of time based on the quality of it's vessel, the caster's total enchanting rank, and the time spent to make it. Requires Minor Enchantment.

Rechargeable Enchantments (5) Any mage with this skill can recharge enchantments made by other mages with this skill after they have been used.

Stored Items:
  • Some medium sized boulders
  • A large pile of ash
  • A large amount of sand
  • A very large amount of water
  • Several books on dimensional science
  • Random knick-knacks of little value
  • A reasonable amount of money

Divine Fiats:
Once per week:
Warrior's Eye: A true warrior is never entirely outmatched. Reach for it, and victory will be yours. (When used, I'll tell the thread the single most important thing they could know about a given situation. Must be related to battle or conquest.)
Once per day:
Purity of intent: A true warrior needs no gestures or mumbled words to work her will. Let the world be changed in fierce moments. (Ignore the casting time on one spell and cast instantaneously.)
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Currently Available Skills
Currently Available Skills:

Special: (All of these cost 100 points, but are considered to have a rank of N/A)

[] That Which Dwells: "My research has hit an irritating stumbling block. In the space between planes I have found a creature (many creatures?) that exists as a living warp in space. The implications of it's existence are fascinating, but studying it requires an irritatingly time consuming number of precautions. Will need to notify TA I am further increasing her hours. I can't be bothered dealing with idiot children while working on this." -Research notes of Dishevel Vino

Your deep insights into dimensional science have lead you to discover a living warp in space that exists between worlds. Though you as of yet have no control over it, opening a portal to it and allowing it to protrude into this reality is potentially a terrifying weapon as it will fracture and twist any space it enters into.

[] The Firmament: "Are all of you truly so blind? This world is rotting. I will be idle no longer. I will change the world myself if I must." -Glory

You can hear them. The echos of the words that shaped the world. In the spaces between everything they resound still, as perfect as they ever were. Too perfect to grasp in truth. Still, the echos of creation call to you, and even if you are unable to understand the simplest syllable they understand you. Gain a once a week Divine Fiat, allowing you to create any mundane items you wish so long as they do not exceed 1 meter cubed in volume and do not exceed the density of a cube of lead that size. This fiat ignores the normal limitations of Planar creation, allowing you to create perfect replications of mundane items.

[] Etherealness: "A mage who can be killed by a knife to the ribs is not worthy of the name." -The Archmage

If dimensional magic is all about stepping from one world to another, than why not stand in between? At will you can choose to stand between where you are and Nowhere, becoming intangible and immune to any attacks that do not pass dimensional boundaries. Any non-dimensional magic you cast will have no effect on the real world and though you will be able to use dimensional magic as normal, it will create vulnerabilities that could be used to attack you.

[] The Twisted Path: "I have walked a thousand roads. Unlike you, I never lost my way." -Colm of the Solemn Vale

With a bare handful of steps Somewhere or Nowhere you can cross vast distances in the real world, bypassing any physical obstruction. It is possible to guide others along your path and take them with you. Though physical barriers are no obstacle and your exit can be determined either though visualization or measures of distance, powerful magical barriers will prevent you from exiting into spaces protected by them. You cannot appear inside objects.

[] Multicasting (2X): Can maintain X extra spells at the same time.

Superior Speed Casting (20): Additional components such as stabilization and previous ranks of spells no longer count towards casting time for spells.

Flawless Haste (50): A Spell's base casting time has a maximum of 10 seconds before adding on additional components such as stabilization.

Maximization 1 (15): You may push at the limits of your abilities. At the cost of making a spell unstable, you may greatly enhance one aspect of it.

Quickening 1 (25): At the cost of making a spell unstable, you may reduce it's casting time by up to 5 seconds, to a minimum of one second.

Careful Casting (10): When casting unstable spells or spells with wide areas of effect, you are far less likely to injure yourself or your allies.

Dimensional Science:
[] Planar Portal Size 3 (10): Opens a portal to nowhere 10 meters square, requires Planar Portal Size 2.
-[] Planar Portal Size 4 (25): Opens a portal to nowhere as large as a small building, requires Planar Portal Size 3.

[] Planar Creation 2 (3): You can now open portals to as many Somewheres as you can remember, and reopen those portals at a later date. The inside of these portals is still airless and lightless, requires Planar Creation 1.
-[] Planar Creation 3 (25): You can now open portals to a Somewhere that is identical to a location with which you are familiar and spend a great deal of time. Details which you do not know or cannot recall perfectly such as the inside of books cannot be copied. Requires Planar Creation 2.

[] Planar Control 2 (15): You can now use planar control to create small rudimentary structures or furniture, create light sources of varying though not extreme intensity, and noticeably effect temperature. Requires Planar Control 1, Planar Creation 2.

[] Planar Teleport 2 (15) The range of Planar Teleport increases to sight range. Requires Planar Teleport 1.
-[] Planar Teleport 3 (75) Planar Teleport can be used on yourself and willing allies, and now can be used on non-exceptional magical items. Requires Planar Teleport 2.

[] Elemental Planar Portal 2 (25): You may create a portal deeper in an elemental plane, unleashing effects equal to the Expert rank of Elemental Control. When Speed Cast, becomes incredibly unstable and dangerous to yourself. Even when cast normally, the effects are so extreme that without precautions it is likely to be fatal.

[] Apprentice Elemental Control (5): Can create potentially deadly manifestations of elements, and exert minor and slow control over the elements around you, requires Novice Elemental Control.
-[] Adept Elemental Control (10): Small Buildings could be endangered by your attacks, and you could, with a great deal of effort, use you control over the elements to create something on the level of a small building, requires Novice Elemental Control.
--[] Expert Elemental Control (50): Potentially the effects from magic of this level could be dangerous even to a small castle (Or create things on that scale). Without an equivalent rank in Elemental protection, magic of this level is very dangerous even to the wielder, requires Adept Elemental Control.

[] Elemental Protection (X): Can defend yourself against Elemental Spells of Equal or Lesser rank to the number of points spent on Elemental Protection.

[] Elemental Pledge (N/A): Pledge yourself to an element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire). You cannot cast spells of other elements or directly protect yourself from other elements. Up to Apprentice Elemental Control is free. Treat Elemental Protection from your Element and Elemental Control as though they were 3 times the rank they actually are.

[] Minor Disruption (1): Your opponent's spells become slightly unpredictable, or very much so if they would be already. Precise aim becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility.
-[] Disruption (5): Your opponent's spells become unpredictable. Aim beyond 'somewhere within 180 degrees of where I'm pointing' becomes impossible and catastrophic failure a real possibility, or almost guaranteed in the event of already unstable spells.

[] Dismissal (X): Spells up to your rank in Dismissal not hardened against countermagic may be counterspelled completely.

[] Redundancy (3): Double the difficulty of Dismissal on your spells.

[] Dissipation Field (10): Create a 20 meter radius wherein spells are only considered their own rank for the purposes of Dismissal, rather than benefiting from the total point investment in the field of magic.

[] Call Basic Elemental (5) Call up a spirit to act on your behalf. At this rank, the spirit is of one of the four basic elements and is considered to have Apprentice Elemental control and an equivalent rank in Elemental protection in the relevant element as well as an elemental pledge to it's relevant element. Will act according to it's nature. Fine control of it is impossible and it may turn on it's summoner if they get in it's way.

[] Eyes and Ears (15) You may share a spirit's senses and give it general commands at a distance.

[] Rapport 1 (25) Spirits you summon are unlikely to take actions that would directly cause you harm, and will potentially act slightly against their nature if ordered.

[] Minor Enchantment (3) You may enchantment an object well suited to enchantment (such as a gem) to cast a spell you know once at a lower rank. (I.E. Apprentice Elemental Control -> Novice Elemental Control.) You may not enchant objects with spells you only have the first rank of.
-[] Persistent Enchantment (10) An enchantment will be able to activate a number of times or continue persistently for a certain amount of time based on the quality of it's vessel, the caster's total enchanting rank, and the time spent to make it. Requires Minor Enchantment.

[] Rechargeable Enchantments (5) Any mage with this skill can recharge enchantments made by other mages with this skill after they have been used.

[] Mutable Enchantment 1 (20) An enchantment created by you does not have to perfectly mimic the effects of the spell it copies. You can create variations along similar themes such as a wand that opens planar portals not to nowhere, but between two designated places on the same plane. At this rank, the change to the original spell cannot be very large, and will likely have heavy constraints placed upon it.
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The City Council

The Chairman: No one has ever seen him. Or her. Or it. No one even knows for sure that the entity that either is referred to as or refers to itself as the Chairman exists. What can be said is that the Chairman's word is absolute, even to the other members of the city council. No one disobeys the Chairman, and if the Chairman wills that something be done it is done.

The Black Dragon of Wealth, Diana: Treasurer Most High of the City Council. An ancient black dragon, she's been around since long before Diadem was even an idea. It's said that her hoard contains so much wealth she could buy out half the kingdoms in the world, and she's known to have gone to incredible lengths to acquire unique treasures that interest her. Despite her age and the vast hoard of powerful artifacts she possesses, it's always been whispered even among the common people of Diadem that she's a terrible coward. Never seen in public without her bodyguard Viola. She exerts considerable influence on the markets and trade in Diadem and any exchange of goods carries a tax that goes directly to her hoard.

The Archmage of the College of Jewels: To the average citizen of Diadem he's essentially a nonentity. He does not effect public policy, and will rubber stamp any other council member's proposal so long as they leave him to run his college and study magic. To someone like Saphira, who seeks to learn magic, his writings and research are almost unavoidable. It's said in Diadem at least that he's possibly the greatest mage to have ever lived, and outside of Diadem, there's only one other person in the world who could be compared. Of course, the Archmage has banned all of his research from the city, so whether or not Colm of the Solemn Vale is truly his equal is beyond Saphira's knowledge. Though influence from the rest of the city council is impossible to avoid in it's entirety, he spends political capital and his own power like water to keep the college his own personal fiefdom.

Morgan Blackreach: Current head of the Blackreach family, which has been a part of Diadem since it's founding. He is old (decrepit, his detractors would say) now, and it is rumored that he may soon retire and cede his place on the city council to his eldest son Marcus Blackreach. In his younger years he was often absent from the city seeking out rumors of fallen Glory but eventually gave up his quest to find the once goddess, and is considered by the citizens of Diadem to be the ideal city council member. I.E. He really doesn't see the point in oppressing random peasants and mostly just carries on his business of being rich and powerful and staying that way. There was a cloud of rumors about what caused him to give up his quest for Glory seventy years ago when he returned to the city for good, most centered around the timing of his return, being just after the Listener's almost conquest of the city, but that's all ancient history now.

Astrea: She is the one in charge of law and order in Diadem. It's said that she takes the letter of the law extremely seriously, and many common citizens of the city view her as something of a hero; she has been known to often publicly make examples of lawkeepers who break the law themselves or take liberties with the common citizens. It is even rumored that she regularly patrols the city herself in disguise, always with a pen and notebook in her hand, noting down violations and breaches of the law to be dealt with at a later date. Beyond being in charge of the lawkeepers, she is also the leader of the disciplinary committee of the city council, where she deals with the few occasions when nobles and even once every blue moon a council member over steps their bounds. In this role she answers only to the chairman and her verdict can only be countermanded by a direct pardon from him.

Wrath, fifth lord of the Abyss: An incredibly powerful demon, he is empowered by the Chairman to take total command of the city's forces and lead the city council in the event of a military assault on the city. A brash and confident personality, his willingness to take risks is tempered by an incredible tactical mind. It was his machinations that led to the Listener's defeat at the hands of the Archmage during her invasion, and his careful direction of the city's lawkeepers, hired mercenaries, and the rest of the council that prevented the city from being razed to the ground by her vast army even as she was killed. Permanently missing an arm after his brief engagement with the Listener during the battle.

The Pact: A whispered rumor to the common citizens of Diadem. Like most nasty rumors about the city, it also happens to be true. An otherworldly entity, little is known about it, even among the city council. What is known is that it answers to the Chairman, and devours all thought of rebellion before it can begin.

The Divine
Fallen Glory- The gods may meddle in mortal affairs. They may empower champions. They may scheme across eternity. They may never intervene directly with their own power. Glory broke this rule and sought to change the world herself. It is said that she looked upon the world one morning and could bare the suffering she saw no longer. The stories are unclear and muddled as to what she actually did, but what is known is that for her crime she was cast down. It is said that she wanders the world to this day, though any supposed 'sightings' have all proven to be false. Morgan Blackreach would know- He spent so much time searching.

War/Battle/Conquest/Strife- There used to be many gods of war. Many gods for the infinite variations of mortal conflict. Conquest was never one to share, and her dreams of domination encompass all creation. Indeed, though she is a god, she is often included with the demons and devils among many culture's methods of worship. Eventually stymied in the heavens, she turned her attention to the mortal world. Learning from the lesson of Glory she found a way to intervene in mortal affairs while skirting the edges of the rules. She found a mortal champion. One so compatible with her that she could be invested with enough divine power that she became less a mere blessed mortal and more a living avatar of a goddess. The Listener is what she was called, for she heard her Goddess and spoke in her voice. Before her defeat at Diadem, many feared that her rule would encircle the world.

The Divine- Less a god or goddess and more... An idea left behind after the creation of the world. Much as echoes of the words that shaped the world are left in the space between spaces, fragments (although calling them fragments would be a misnomer. Each is a complete Wonder in and of itself.) of divinity itself still exist, pure and absolute. A single fragment of the Divine holds immense and unquestioned power, but for a mortal, or even most beings that call themselves 'immortal' to wield one is to invite destruction upon themselves. The gift of imperfection is not one that should be given up lightly.​
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[X] Unconcerned. There's no question you'll be good enough.
[X] As a child of nobility, it would be unthinkable for the College to deny you enrollment- your parents would have been furious had they had the temerity.

Super smug mode? Super smug mode.
[X] Worried. You had heard the rumors about the college, but you hadn't expected it to be quite so... explicit.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.
[X] Write-in - Grateful. The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.
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[X] Confident. That sounded like a challenge, and you've never been one to back down. Plus that bedazzled jerk seems like kind of a douche. You wanted to make him eat his words.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beatingthose staggering odds however.
[X] Write-in - Grateful: The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.
[X] Write-in - Grateful. The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.

I do appreciate the warning that we need to worry about not offending noble brats. It's something that might not be obvious to a non-noble if we go this route.
[X] Unconcerned. There's no question you'll be good enough.
[X] As a child of nobility, it would be unthinkable for the College to deny you enrollment- your parents would have been furious had they had the temerity.
[X] Write-in - Grateful. The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.​
[x] Worried. You had heard the rumors about the college, but you hadn't expected it to be quite so... explicit.
[x] You were sponsored by a powerful figure in the city of Diadem for your talent. There is the expectation that you will pay them back in services rendered in exchange for their backing.
[X] Amused. For all their power, archmages are surprisingly petty, even more so than most men. You might be able to exploit that.
[X] You were sponsored by a powerful figure in the city of Diadem for your talent. There is the expectation that you will pay them back in services rendered in exchange for their backing.
[X] Apathetic. Nothing the archmage has said particularly concerns you. It's all boring in the end.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.
[X] Write-in - Grateful. The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.
Character Creation 2
[X] Write-in - Grateful. The archmage, however cynically, has spelled out the obstacles you'll need to overcome in the college - even the less obvious ones.
[X] Shockingly, you actually took and passed the entrance exam. You're not really anyone special beyond beating those staggering odds however.

Honestly, you were glad of the Archmage's speech. It was the Diadem way after all- the powerful did whatever they wanted in plain view, and the weak couldn't do anything about it. You were sure the same was true everywhere else in the world, it was just that here in Diadem no one bothered lying and saying otherwise. Still, cynical civic pride was one thing, actually living it was another, and you were a bit worried about what exactly would happen when the fact that you were here on a genuine scholarship got out.

You had always been fascinated by the magical; that was what had compelled you to take the entrance exam in the first place, even when you hadn't ever heard of anyone actually being accepted and having their tuition paid based on merit without a patron. Honestly, you didn't think you were that special, but somehow you had managed to impress the proctor with the things you had found in books and practiced in your spare time.

Who was the Proctor for your exam?

[] Finius. The spirit had no name except that, but he was in charge of spiritual studies at the college and was rumored to be older than half of the city council, which was definitely an impressive feat. Certain cautious whispers had it that the only reason he didn't have a seat was because the Chairman himself had a personal grudge.

[] The Burning Earth. An immensely powerful elemental called up by the Archmage, it was his effort to improve the abilities of the students of Elemental magic. His reasoning had been that no one could teach elemental magic better than the elements themselves, and while the average student's abilities did greatly increase with it's presence, so did the average number of fatalities per semester. You suspect the Archmage considers this a win-win.

[] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.

At the exit of the auditorium is a small booth with a woman in plain back robes and a hood that hid her eyes. On her robes is a small pin saying 'Dimensional Science TA'. She appears to have sealed the exit with some kind of magic going by the hand pressed to the wall next to it and the fact that the exit now appeared to be a perfect mirror of the inside of the auditorium. Some of the people nearest to the exit appear to be talking at her angrily, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. A moment later a quiet voice in your ear and a paper in your hand makes you jump.

"Please fill out this form. It is our waiver that you hereby accept that any death or injury that may happen in the course of your studies is entirely your fault and not our responsibility. Once everyone has signed, you will be allowed to leave."

You glance down at the form.

[] Name
[] Gender
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[X] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.

Woo, dimensions!

[X] Ayako Rin

[X] Female
[X] Finius. The spirit had no name except that, but he was in charge of spiritual studies at the college and was rumored to be older than half of the city council, which was definitely an impressive feat. Certain cautious whispers had it that the only reason he didn't have a seat was because the Chairman himself had a personal grudge.

[X] Saphira
[X] Female
[X] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.

[X] Ayako Rin

[X] Female
I'd be happy with either Finius or dimensions. (I get a bit tired of elemental magic, as that's the easiest to implement in video games and tabletops :p). Less keen on the Japanese name, however.

[X] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.
[X] Saphira
[X] Female
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[X] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.
[X] Saphira
[X] Female
[X] Finius. The spirit had no name except that, but he was in charge of spiritual studies at the college and was rumored to be older than half of the city council, which was definitely an impressive feat. Certain cautious whispers had it that the only reason he didn't have a seat was because the Chairman himself had a personal grudge.

[X] Saphira
[X] Female
[X] The Dimensional Science TA. She hadn't actually given her name, and the signature on the form approving your scholarship had been a stamp that said 'Dishevel Vino' which you knew to be the name of the head of the Dimensional Science Department. You weren't really sure she technically had the authority to authorize a scholarship like that, but no one seemed to have questioned it.

[X] Ayako Rin

[X] Female