The City Of The Dead (CWMGQ Spin-Off)

"Chimera, fetch." Morgan orders as she runs up to the roof access. She soon emerges into the rain with Chimera close behind, with a pair of rotting arms torn off at the shoulder held his maw.
Second Combat: The Horde, Part 3
Scavenger loosed another volley of lead into the horde as it scrambled through the breach. Two corpses fell, the fell magics animating them no longer capable of supporting the tattered form. Four umbrellas formed striking into the knees of the foremost dead, dropping them to the ground as those behind them tumble over their prone bodies. Scavenger took advantage of the chaos to bolt up the stairs to the roof, as Swarm grabs Huntress and ascends.

The swarm descended at the will of its mistress, devouring jaws and buzzing wings blotting out what little light emerges from the cloud cover. The police zombie growls out at its fellow dead, and the swarm is beset upon all side by spikes of bone and globs of acid.

(EverSwarm: 1054 Base Damage, +5 Magic Modifier, +125 half a massive army, +176 Light up the Stage = 1360 Total Damage
Intercept (False)!
Bone Spike (x8): 240 Resilience, no dice, +120 Break Through, -350 Many Tiny Things = 10 Total Damage
Acidic Spit (x4): 220 Resilience, no dice, +110 Break Through, +60 Just A Drop, -110 Many Tiny Things = 280 Total Damage
1,200 United Damage
Everswarm Wins!

EverSwarm: 160 Intercept Damage, +17 Magic Modifier, +40 Decent Size, +176 Light up the Stage = 393 Total Damage
Directing Corpse: 150 Base Resilience, +20 Magic Modifier, -50 Focused Bug Assault = 120 Total Damage
Form Up (15%): 232

Directing Corpse Health: 1,500-232= 1,268)

The bone rips through any insect in its path, but it is nothing before the sheer number present within the swarm. Then the acid eats away at chitin and the flesh beneath, spreading outwards across its trajectory, culling the numbers to a bare fraction of what they were before. The pitiful, by comparison, chunk of insects that besets the officer is barely enough to make it swat them away as it covers as many holes as it can. The director slips into the horde, disappearing from the sight of any who do not have bugs eating away at its being.

Then the dark, withered corpse bellows its anger and hunger, and erupts from its low stance, barreling towards the building. It tears through the lesser dead wrestling to enter, tramples the umbrellas that try to halt it, and growls as it just misses Celestial Champion take the Major up. It chases Amalgam up the stairs like a feral beast, slowed by the structure too small to properly fit it. Sunshower appears on the roof and executes one of the hunters, and soon every else follows into the open air. The Major removes the healthiest looking hunter from the equation, while Huntress turns around to the stairwell ad waits for the monster to emerge.

It flies out the door, rotting maw wide open, bloody claws reaching out to rip Huntress into tiny pieces, when Huntress unloads, and the monster, the door, the stairs, and the side of the building cease to exist in a single whole. The deafening sound stops, and Huntress wobbles and falls again, as cracks spread across the roof and the building groans.
"I... don't know how many of those I have left in me before I make a mess." Huntress manages to gurgle coherently as she hugs herself. "I think coming was a bad idea... poor word choice."
It flies out the door, rotting maw wide open, bloody claws reaching out to rip Huntress into tiny pieces,
That is a really big zombie, nopenopenope-
when Huntress unloads, and the monster, the door, the stairs, and the side of the building cease to exist in a single whole. The deafening sound stops, and Huntress wobbles and falls again, as cracks spread across the roof and the building groans.
"I... don't know how many of those I have left in me before I make a mess." Huntress manages to gurgle coherently as she hugs herself. "I think coming was a bad idea... poor word choice."
-and it's gone. Okay, cool. Strike a reinforced floor section or within reach Hunter with Respite, spells forms the umbrella from out of rain drop directly above the closest Hunter's head-
Shelter: 1 Cast By Modifier
Respite: 100 Base Damage, 30 dice, ??? Watch Your Head = 130 + ??? Total Damage, two hits of this if the closest hunter was within reach.

and put away the Umbrella in favor of pulling out another Anti-Demon Rifle and unloading it into Hunters in that general direction!
Scavenged Anti-Demon Rifle: 250 Base Damage, 28 dice, +50 Full-Auto, +50 Full-Auto, +50 Full-Auto, +50 Full-Auto, +50 Full-Auto, ??? Spray And Pray = 528 + ??? Total Damage
"Hey guys, do we actually have a plan? Because I can't jump to between buildings or fly!" The emptied Anti-Demon Rifle drops from her hands as she looks back towards Morgan, she has to have a plan! Right?!
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That police zombie was an absolute menace and getting on the Swarm's last nerve. Their numbers were too low for another attack right this moment but she could still track where it was moving in the crowd while she massed up another strike and -

"I... don't know how many of those I have left in me before I make a mess." Huntress manages to gurgle coherently as she hugs herself. "I think coming was a bad idea... poor word choice."

-and Thema near collapses laughing.

"The best word choice! Oh I-I needed that." Thema gasps out between near manic laughter, more of her insects spreading out and replenishing numbers around her. "Two of us can fly and carry, one can teleport but there are seven people. There's also the whole bone spike artillery issue; those thing have some range on em. My bugs can run interference and obscure but...the police zombie is pretty on the ball and very good at stopping me from eating his face."

Autophagy: 232 to base damage
50+404+600+232=+1286 Base Damage, 5 Magic Modifier, +125 half a massive army, +176 Light up the Stage = 1592 damage
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Alice gasps as the claws of their hunter narrowly miss the major in her arms. Finding a relatively stable piece of footing for Major Aviesto to post up on, she is beset by the growing dread that there's nowhere to go, that everything is falling apart alongside the perilous perch they've found themselves on.

"I... don't know how many of those I have left in me before I make a mess." Huntress manages to gurgle coherently as she hugs herself. "I think coming was a bad idea... poor word choice."

With a thought, Alice lets her gravity reassert itself, swooping into a dive to grab Bloody Huntress.

"Have Faith," She says, with confidence she doesn't feel, focusing her magic to energize the fallen huntress. "We'll make it out of here."

Light Up the Stage: Base Boost: 50, +22 MM = 72 Total Boost
Perfect Pitch: Bloody Huntress set to Initiative 1.
Potential End of Turn Effects:
Karaoke acquired by all at initiative 1.
All allies gain 8 Health, all enemies take 8 damage.
Tarro threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Magic Modifier Total: 22
22 22
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Morgan grabs the legs from Chimera, bolts across the roof and pulls Scavenger onto her back.

"Hold these and hang on tight kid, rest of you up to the next building!" Chimera moves next to Morgan, keeping watch for any enemies that would try to jump her.
Huntress unloads, and the monster, the door, the stairs, and the side of the building cease to exist in a single whole. The deafening sound stops, and Huntress wobbles and falls again, as cracks spread across the roof and the building groans.


There's also the whole bone spike artillery issue; those thing have some range on em.

Saw some acid too, and since it doesn't seem to be helping at all anymore...
Sunshower: Switched to Elemental Backup.
Rain World: Switched to Elemental Backup.

Should counter that, at the very least.

Glancing, she decides to target....something in the horde as she decides maybe it's time to leave the crumbling building.
"I'm leaving first, and will support you all at range, Shelter!"
Shelter: Cast by Modifier: 1
Respite: 100 Base Damage, +97 Magic Modifier, +60 Light up the Stage, +?? Elemental Backup, +?? Hi-Speed Collision, +-??
Total: 257 +-??

Without bothering to look at it, her heels clack on the tiles of an unmolested roof and she watches...
As Swarms bugs attack the Director once more, they are incepted by entire bodies as other corpses throw themselves at the swarm to turn it aside.

(EverSwarm: 1286 Base Damage, +5 Magic Modifier, +125 half a massive army, +176 Light up the Stage = 1592 damage
Intercept (False)!
Bone Spike (x5): 1,200 Base Damage, no dice, +600 Break Through, -1,400 Many Tiny Things = 400 Total Damage
Acidic Spit (x7): 385 Base Damage, no dice, +193 Break Through, +60 Just A Drop, -150 Many Tiny Things = 488 Total Damage Elemental Backup
Rotted Body (x6): 1,020 Base Damage, no dice, +510 Break Through, +510 Body Block, -1,020 Many Tiny Things = 1,020 Total Damage
1,420 United Damage
Everswarm Wins!
: 172 Intercept Damage, +20 Magic Modifier, +20 Decent Size, +176 Light up the Stage = 388 Total Damage
Directing Corpse: 150 Base Resilience, +10 Magic Modifier, +100 Protected, -35 Focused Bug Assault = 225 Total Damage
Form Up (15%): 191

Directing Corpse Health: 1,268-191= 1,077)

Once more the swarm breaks through, and once more the decaying policeman is only minorly inconvenienced. With one final growl, it disappears into a sewer grate, and most of the horde drifts away.
nodes lost; reassessing threat
As Alice lifts up, straining to fly with both armored man and short girl, Swarm flies over to take Huntress. With both carrying a single person, they fly up the roof of the next, taller building. Amalgam follows up, piercing into the building with her claws to pull herself up, Chimera doing the same beside her. Sunshower, from the roof, throws a Respite at a zombie rearing up to throw a bone spike, cleaving through its neck. The rest of the horde mobs the fliers, but unfortunately, they are too quick, as every Respite is still waiting for an unsuspecting victim to assail. With the clacking of umbrellas, the girls rise to the top of the tower, safe for now.
threat MINIMAL=>LOW; deploying relevant corpseforms
After the flight to the roof, the Major looks down at the horde, gun trained on any hunters he can see. The horde thins, until it disappears "The rotters are dispersing, and I doubt we'll like the reason. Once we catch our breath, we'll need to keep moving." The Major leans against the ledge, letting out a great sigh.
directive received; deploying surveillance measures

+58Exp Corpse deaths
+8Exp Hunter kills
+5Exp Met a Horde
+10Exp Survived a Horde
+5Exp Killed a Bloodstarved Corpse
+96 Exp
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Amalgam lifts Scavenger and sets her down.

"You heard the Major, go relax kid. Chimera, guard."

6 + 96 = 112 EXP

Embrace the Beast -40 xp.

Well of Essence I -25 xp.

112 - 65 = 47 EXP

Hybridized Existence: lvl 2 --> lvl 3
-20 EXP

To The Survivor Go The Spoils: lvl 2 --> lvl 3
-20 EXP

42 - 40 = 7 EXP

Amalgam salvages Slam and adds it to herself!

Morgan sits down on the roof holding the severed zombie legs. She looks between the new limbs and her own, thinking long and hard on what she's about to do.

"This is gonna su-."

She starts wadding up her dress, but stops when the limbs begin to liquify and turn into a dark sludge pool that pools on the ground beside her.

"What the hell is it...?"

The sludge begins to flow toward and then into Morgan. She hikes her skirt and takes off her boots to view the transformation, revealing legs that bulge and darken as the fluid pours in, taking a nearly identical appearance to the stolen legs below the knee. Morgan looks herself over as the process completes, assisted by a close by pool of water on the roof.

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With the clacking of umbrellas, the girls rise to the top of the tower, safe for now.
threat MINIMAL=>LOW; deploying relevant corpseforms
After the flight to the roof, the Major looks down at the horde, gun trained on any hunters he can see. The horde thins, until it disappears "The rotters are dispersing, and I doubt we'll like the reason. Once we catch our breath, we'll need to keep moving." The Major leans against the ledge, letting out a great sigh.
directive received; deploying surveillance measures
Amalgam lifts Scavenger and sets her down.

"You heard the Major, go relax kid. Chimera, guard."
Right! Not in immediate danger anymore. Switch the Anti-Demon Rifle for the umbrella and unfold it overhead. Deep breath in, produce some EverSwarm, deep breath out, have it cautiously begin exploring the building below in small rivulets. 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 hours without shelter. Maybe more, it's not that chilly out, but no one got to eat what she found in the last building. Deep breath in, let the information wash by, deep breath out, find literally anything else to think about. Like... Amalgam's injuries! She's been patched up twice now, might need bandages changed.
Cmd. Frost continued said:
Morgan sits down on the roof holding the severed zombie legs. She looks between the new limbs and her own, thinking long and hard on what she's about to do.

"This is gonna su-."

She starts wadding up her dress, but stops when the limbs begin to liquify and turn into a dark sludge pool that pools on the ground beside her.

"What the hell is it...?"

The sludge begins to flow toward and then into Morgan. She hikes her skirt and takes off her boots to view the transformation, revealing legs that bulge and darken as the fluid pours in, taking a nearly identical appearance to the stolen legs below the knee. Morgan looks herself over as the process completes, assisted by a close by pool of water on the roof.

Okay, now might be later enough for Amalgam to try and explain how her magic works, but now is not later enough to really try and process whatever that was! Oh hey, the rain. The rain is there, she an umbrella, Sunshower has an umbrella. Sunshower might even know her umbrellas nonsense better than Scavenger does! Let's ask her. "So uh... aside from doing a barrier thing and casting your spell to copy itself when it's hits something, anything else I should know about your umbrella?" She looks up at it, directing some EverSwarm to patch up the slight damage in it.

6 exp banked
+96 exp from The Horde, 102 exp total
Forager's Find: 2 -> 4
Base Resilience: 100 -> 200
-50 exp
Scavenger's Lockpick: 1 -> 2
Base Damage: 50 -> 100
Magic Modifier: 30 -> 60
-10 exp
Purchase Extended Arsenal I: Scavenged Arms may now contain up to 4 Weapons.
-40 exp
2 exp banked.
"Ahahaha, oh I really don't like that police zombie."

Zombies weren't supposed to be smart, when they got smart everyone got problems. Which was why a chunk of her swarm was still buzzing around in case of any further sneak attacks, even if it meant seeing someone become partially a zombie! Ah, Thema was just going to go ahead and not think about that one for now.

"Coincidentally, we should probably not go into the sewers if we can help it? Fighting an undying army in narrow spaces seems like a bad idea."

Exp spending said:
96 exp gain, 102 exp current
EverSwarm: 1 -> 4
-60 exp
The Devouring Maw: 1 -> 3
-30 exp
Flight 1 -> 2
-10 exp

2 exp banked
"Ahahaha, oh I really don't like that police zombie."

Zombies weren't supposed to be smart, when they got smart everyone got problems. Which was why a chunk of her swarm was still buzzing around in case of any further sneak attacks, even if it meant seeing someone become partially a zombie! Ah, Thema was just going to go ahead and not think about that one for now.

"Coincidentally, we should probably not go into the sewers if we can help it? Fighting an undying army in narrow spaces seems like a bad idea."
"We did just sort of see what that does... Oh right, Huntress did mention that she can't fire off her spell too many times in quick succession. Narrow spaces would mostly just let us try and use them a chokepoint, and we need our mobility. Fair."
Amalgam lifts Scavenger and sets her down.

"You heard the Major, go relax kid. Chimera, guard."

Morgan sits down on the roof holding the severed zombie legs. She looks between the new limbs and her own, thinking long and hard on what she's about to do.

"This is gonna su-."

She starts wadding up her dress, but stops when the limbs begin to liquify and turn into a dark sludge pool that pools on the ground beside her.

"What the hell is it...?"

The sludge begins to flow toward and then into Morgan. She hikes her skirt and takes off her boots to view the transformation, revealing legs that bulge and darken as the fluid pours in, taking a nearly identical appearance to the stolen legs below the knee. Morgan looks herself over as the process completes, assisted by a close by pool of water on the roof.

Well, no one else is talking... Endless Swarm is, but at this point, thinking about something is better than nothing. Scavenger's own EverSwarm is still trying to scope out the building internals anyway, she'll think about that later. "So uh... Amalgam. How exactly does," Scavenger gestures to Morgan's legs freshly morphed below the knee, "that work exactly? Should I be worried about you suddenly coming down with gangrene or organ rejection symptoms from attaching dead body parts?"
The horde thins, until it disappears...
Wait, hold on, just like that, in such an anticlimactic manner?
I mean...
90 EXP: Respite Lv 2->5
10 EXP: Shelter Lv 1->2

I suppose it's fine, even if they regroup, it won't make a difference.

With supreme confidence born from seemingly nothing at all, especially considering the immense terror she was feeling just before, she just puts it out of her mind.

I should probably check on...

She starts wadding up her dress, but stops when the limbs begin to liquify and turn into a dark sludge pool that pools on the ground beside her.

"What the hell is it...?"

The sludge begins to flow toward and then into Morgan. She hikes her skirt and takes off her boots to view the transformation, revealing legs that bulge and darken as the fluid pours in, taking a nearly identical appearance to the stolen legs below the knee. Morgan looks herself over as the process completes, assisted by a close by pool of water on the roof.

One singular thought passes through her tired mind.

"So uh... aside from doing a barrier thing and casting your spell to copy itself when it's hits something, anything else I should know about your umbrella?"
Good, a distraction, It's not much, but I could show her? It's slow and looks incredibly silly, but it could be useful if we ever need to do something similar to what we just did to a lower building?


"So uh... Amalgam. How exactly does," Scavenger gestures to Morgan's legs freshly morphed below the knee, "that work exactly? Should I be worried about you suddenly coming down with gangrene or organ rejection symptoms from attaching dead body parts?"
Alas, she had spent too much time deliberating, for Scavenger had already moved on to the exact thing she didn't want to think about.
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"So uh... Amalgam. How exactly does," Scavenger gestures to Morgan's legs freshly morphed below the knee, "that work exactly? Should I be worried about you suddenly coming down with gangrene or organ rejection symptoms from attaching dead body parts?"

"You don't need to worry about that, everything I take and graft on is mine. Couldn't hurt me any more than Chimera can. As for how it works, I can take parts from corpses after a fight. Doesn't matter if I got the kill or not either. As long as I'm alive, the target's dead, and their corpse is intact I can salvage. I can also steal essence during a fight, but that's a bit different and it only works once."

One singular thought passes through her tired mind.

"Something on your mind Sunshower?"
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Alice groaned, not even really from the weight taken off of her. Just everything else. Briefly, she knelt, making an silent prayer for both her friends and for the restless dead. Then, she found a smile. For a healer, a smile was essential.

Everyone was in good health. Or as good of health as can be hoped for. As long as she didn't look at Amalgam, Alice could believe that.

First, she went to Liliana. The Bloody Huntress held the brunt of the wave of zombies, and she looked the part. She gave the girl a softer hug than in her frantic flight, hoping her magic did its part to invigorate her.

"How are you feeling?" Alice asked.

Everyone's Angel Level 2 -> 4
50 EXP
Karaoke Level 2 -> 4
50 EXP
2 EXP banked.
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"You don't need to worry about that, everything I take and graft on is mine. Couldn't hurt me any more than Chimera can. As for how it works, I can take parts from corpses after a fight. Doesn't matter if I got the kill or not either. As long as I'm alive, the target's dead, and their corpse is intact I can salvage. I can also steal essence during a fight, but that's a bit different and it only works once."
"Good! That helps a lot. Now: Bandages. Let me look at them. Your arm from the first zombie group earlier, your stomach from the beginning of the zombie horde." She pauses to turn halfway towards Celestial Champion, Huntress, and Endless Swarm with "Anyone else need First Aid while I'm checking Amalgam's bandages?" Before returning to trying to take a look at the bandages. Anything too bloody would need replaced with a fresh cast. Definitely better to keep the intestines inside the body instead of spilling out, that was the more recent injury anyway.
"Good! That helps a lot. Now: Bandages. Let me look at them. Your arm from the first zombie group earlier, your stomach from the beginning of the zombie horde." She pauses to turn halfway towards Celestial Champion, Huntress, and Endless Swarm with "Anyone else need First Aid while I'm checking Amalgam's bandages?" Before returning to trying to take a look at the bandages. Anything too bloody would need replaced with a fresh cast. Definitely better to keep the intestines inside the body instead of spilling out, that was the more recent injury anyway.

"Sure, take a look if you want." Morgan stands up and holds out her bandaged arm so Scavenger can get a better look. The bandages are stained black at her wounds, and upon further inspection it can be seen that although Morgan's wounds aren't bleeding anymore, they don't seem to have healed much either. Exposed muscle can be seen where Morgan was scratched and the skin of her stomach still has a hole from where the zombie shoved it's hand into it, though it looks like her organs and ribcage have fully healed despite also looking like they're in the early stages of rot.

"So how do I look Scav? Still hale and hardy?"
"Sure, take a look if you want." Morgan stands up and holds out her bandaged arm so Scavenger can get a better look. The bandages are stained black at her wounds, and upon further inspection it can be seen that although Morgan's wounds aren't bleeding anymore, they don't seem to have healed much either. Exposed muscle can be seen where Morgan was scratched and the skin of her stomach still has a hole from where the zombie shoved it's hand into it, though it looks like her organs and ribcage have fully healed despite also looking like they're in the early stages of rot.

"So how do I look Scav? Still hale and hardy?"
Scavenger carefully looks over the bandaged arm, gently pressing flesh around the bandages and where they are stained black, noting any direct reactions to the stimulation. Exposed muscle tissue is simply going to need time to heal, unfortunately, going to have to keep that covered until her body can handle it. "Those will need replacement just to be safe, black stains noted for next check up." Releasing Morgans arm, Scavenger kneels down and squints at the bandages her spell had made for Morgan's stomach injury, letting her Shelter lay down. The organs look organy, the ribcage looks ribcagey and not broken, discoloration is weird but vaguely reminiscent of Morgan's legs. The Shelter next to her flickers out for ☆Hikari☆, Scavenger grabbing it while gently placing her other hand over the bandages. "First Aid."
First Aid: 80 base heal, 1 mm, 89 Spell Boost = 170 Total Heal
The stained bandages are cleaned, the spell doing it's best to keep the injured sites disinfected, and Scavenger stands back up with a nod to the taller girl. "Want to check when you next drop your transformation. Body just needs time to properly heal, I think. Your magic might be making it weird."
"Good! That helps a lot. Now: Bandages. Let me look at them. Your arm from the first zombie group earlier, your stomach from the beginning of the zombie horde." She pauses to turn halfway towards Celestial Champion, Huntress, and Endless Swarm with "Anyone else need First Aid while I'm checking Amalgam's bandages?" Before returning to trying to take a look at the bandages. Anything too bloody would need replaced with a fresh cast. Definitely better to keep the intestines inside the body instead of spilling out, that was the more recent injury anyway.

"No, bugs are replaceable." She reassured Scavenger. "So is most of me if it comes to it but that's a bit on the messy side." She liked her body parts where they were thanks.

"Sure, take a look if you want." Morgan stands up and holds out her bandaged arm so Scavenger can get a better look. The bandages are stained black at her wounds, and upon further inspection it can be seen that although Morgan's wounds aren't bleeding anymore, they don't seem to have healed much either. Exposed muscle can be seen where Morgan was scratched and the skin of her stomach still has a hole from where the zombie shoved it's hand into it, though it looks like her organs and ribcage have fully healed despite also looking like they're in the early stages of rot.

"So how do I look Scav? Still hale and hardy?"

Aaand she could see all of that and the only reason she was fine was that her bugs weren't smelling the sickness that came with that kind of injuries. She...could trust that Amalgam knew how her magic worked.

"So where to now anyway?"
"No, bugs are replaceable." She reassured Scavenger. "So is most of me if it comes to it but that's a bit on the messy side." She liked her body parts where they were thanks.

Aaand she could see all of that and the only reason she was fine was that her bugs weren't smelling the sickness that came with that kind of injuries. She...could trust that Amalgam knew how her magic worked.

"So where to now anyway?"
Scavenger looks over to Thema, tilting her head as she shifts her attention to her EverSwarm and what it's been finding in the building below them. "Well, my EverSwarm hadn't encountered anything that caught my attention yet, but I was somewhat focusing on up here. I'd prefer us to find some shelter, sleeping out in the rain kinda sucks, and we never did end up getting to eat anything I found in the last building." She tilts her head slightly, staring off into space. "Bug senses are weird. I know it's magic, but bug senses are still kinda weird."