As Swarms bugs attack the Director once more, they are incepted by entire bodies as other corpses throw themselves at the swarm to turn it aside.
(EverSwarm: 1286 Base Damage, +5 Magic Modifier, +125 half a massive army, +176 Light up the Stage = 1592 damage
Intercept (False)!
Bone Spike (x5): 1,200 Base Damage, no dice, +600 Break Through, -1,400 Many Tiny Things = 400 Total Damage
Acidic Spit (x7): 385 Base Damage, no dice, +193 Break Through, +60 Just A Drop, -150 Many Tiny Things = 488 Total Damage Elemental Backup
Rotted Body (x6): 1,020 Base Damage, no dice, +510 Break Through, +510 Body Block, -1,020 Many Tiny Things = 1,020 Total Damage
1,420 United Damage
Everswarm Wins!
EverSwarm: 172 Intercept Damage, +20 Magic Modifier, +20 Decent Size, +176 Light up the Stage = 388 Total Damage
Directing Corpse: 150 Base Resilience, +10 Magic Modifier, +100 Protected, -35 Focused Bug Assault = 225 Total Damage
Form Up (15%): 191
Directing Corpse Health: 1,268-191= 1,077)
Once more the swarm breaks through, and once more the decaying policeman is only minorly inconvenienced. With one final growl, it disappears into a sewer grate, and most of the horde drifts away.
nodes lost; reassessing threat
As Alice lifts up, straining to fly with both armored man and short girl, Swarm flies over to take Huntress. With both carrying a single person, they fly up the roof of the next, taller building. Amalgam follows up, piercing into the building with her claws to pull herself up, Chimera doing the same beside her. Sunshower, from the roof, throws a Respite at a zombie rearing up to throw a bone spike, cleaving through its neck. The rest of the horde mobs the fliers, but unfortunately, they are too quick, as every Respite is still waiting for an unsuspecting victim to assail. With the clacking of umbrellas, the girls rise to the top of the tower, safe for now.
threat MINIMAL=>LOW; deploying relevant corpseforms
After the flight to the roof, the Major looks down at the horde, gun trained on any hunters he can see. The horde thins, until it disappears "The rotters are dispersing, and I doubt we'll like the reason. Once we catch our breath, we'll need to keep moving." The Major leans against the ledge, letting out a great sigh.
directive received; deploying surveillance measures
+58Exp Corpse deaths
+8Exp Hunter kills
+5Exp Met a Horde
+10Exp Survived a Horde
+5Exp Killed a Bloodstarved Corpse
+96 Exp