The City Of The Dead (CWMGQ Spin-Off)

The Shattering Moon
On March 9th, 2019, the Counter Force received word of a zombie outbreak in Bremen, Germany. Though, tragically, most civilians appear dead, the Counter Force has deemed the city a perfect training ground for new Magical Girls- out of the way, tactically unimportant, and most of all, low risk.

You are a team of six MGs sent on a training exercise to the doomed city. While you are accompanied by an expert, you are indeed on your own.

Don't fall to the dead, and always fear the dark.





@Cmd. Frost

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How To Join
How to Join!

I'll be choosing players Via character sheet application. The quality of the sheet will determine if you are chosen over someone else. I will not be giving suggestions on how to improve sheets so you can be chosen, so don't bother asking. Pre-existing sheets found in the Main Quest thread cannot be used for the application process.

What a Character Requires:
  • Magical Girl Name
  • Character Name
  • Three Affinities (Must be theme relevant. All growth Affinities below Epic are allowed.)
  • One weapon (No more than one Ability, level 1)
  • One Spell (No more than two Abilities, level 1)
    • You may add one more Ability if one of them is a hindrance, such as Channel or X-Turn Cooldown
    • Brutal Catridge can only be bought additionally
  • One personal Ability
  • An alignment (to be noted in front of the MG name)
    • Unified Light for Magical Girls that have affiliated themselves with Humanity or another power within the Unified Light
  • Go here for Lostdeviljho's Bible of Canon Abilities! It's a Bible because everything is confirmed Word of God. Non-Canon Abilities will be subject to Veto power by your's truly.
  • Go here for Lostdeviljho's Bible of Generic Abilities! For more generalized needs.
  • Go here for average starting stats for Magical Girls, sorted by Growth Affinity. Do not try to artificially inflate their stats, you'll be disregarded out of hand.
  • Here is an example of sheet building to help you along.
Growth Points
  • In addition to the above, each submission receives a number of Growth Points
  • One Growth Point can be exchanged for:
    • An additional Ability on a weapon or Spell
    • An additional weapon or Spell (do not go too wild on this)
    • An additional personal Ability
    • Combining the stat-controlling Abilities (Only for Story and below)
    • Adding another effect to a stat-controlling Ability
    • 100 EXP at game start (Max twice)
    • Other interesting things currently not thought about; just ask if you want to do something specific
  • Growth Points are allotted by growth
    • All Makers: 4 BP
    • Story: 3 BP
    • Myth: 2 BP
Limitations on Abilities:
  • Two free abilities must be used to control Base Resilience and Health respectively. Otherwise your character is going to be trapped at low health for the entire Game.
  • An ability, or set of abilities, cannot in some way lead to any kind of immortality for your character. Be this through unrealistic requirements to bypass, or simple cheesing of soft mechanics. (Ex. "All damage aimed at 'Cheater McCheaterson' is reflected at all enemies within five feet." can be cheesed by "Oh, she can just view the ground as her enemy, and drain all incoming damage down into it!") It's not funny.
  • Abilities must fit the theme of the character. This is a Magical Girl setting. What did you expect?
Soft Mechanics:
Every sheet has hard mechanics- numbers, values, and set interactions. Every sheet also interacts with reality. Some parts of a sheet may interact with other parts of the world in ways not defined by the sheet. Here and here is a better explanation (There are spoilers in the first one, so be careful).
In order to streamline things for both myself and for you, I ask you make a list of soft mechanic interactions you sheet may have. If you don't know what they might be, feel free to ask. Crys is in the thread, and so will other people.
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Posting Rules
  • You cannot control another character through one of your posts. If an action is taken that effects another character, you must let them give how their character responds. Breaking this rule will end in a Master Action, such as a stray attack blowing off a limb.
    • This rule can be waived if the character being controlled by another player is arranged in OOC.
  • If your character has damage after the fight, you cannot "shrug it off" as a flesh wound. This isn't an anime. Breaking this rule will end in a Master Action, such as a stray attack blowing off a limb.
  • Be polite to your fellow players. Insults and bashing will not be accepted. Breaking this rule will lead to a vote suggestion from the other players on how to deal with it. Creativity in punishment will be encouraged.
  • Ignoring a QM post of any kind will lead to QM pressing the Summon Overlords button. We don't want that.
  • Out Of Character posting will be restricted to the Discord Channel. Keep all other posts IC. Breaking this rule will end in a Anti-4th Wall Action.

Combat Rules
Combat will be initiated by your's truly every few dozen posts (or pages) or so. Enemy selection will be chosen by dice from a premade list of prearranged enemy groups. Combat will end when all fighters are either dead, or have fled the battle zone. If one side becomes collectively incapacitated to the point they can no longer fight, they lose automatically and are freely killed by the other side.

I will handle the combat turnout, applying extra modifiers depending on how Attacks are described. Poorly described attacks will miss depending on how much of an ass I feel like being at the time.

All abilities are applicable.
  • Ground Combat/Basic Rules
    • When combat is initiated, all players will roll a 1d10 using the forum roller to determine initiative during the fighting. 1 goes first, while 10 goes last. If two characters roll the same number, their actions will be taken simultaneously. If a character has more than one attack per turn, they will take each action in a successive line: for example, if they roll a 6 but have 3 ATP, they will attack on 6, 7, and 8 in that order.
    • After a turn ends, initiative will automatically change based on the ATP and Character Speed. Each ATP above 1 a character has, they will move up the attack order by that amount. Each Level a character has in the Flight and High Speed Combat abilities will also move a character farther up the order by that amount as well. Priority Boost is the same.
    • Before the Turnout is written, all players will be asked to describe how they want to use their actions. For example: Iron Age could forgo using any of her attacks to instead jump in front of everyone and block like mad. She won't attack, but I will add bonus Resilience to her defense. More creative the attack description the better the modifiers.
    • If you attack a flying opponent, you will have to roll a 1d10 with a -1 for every two levels of Flight your target is using. If you gain High Speed Combat and their flight speed is lower, this malus won't be applied. If it's over, the malus will only begin to be applied once they hit a speed over it. The roll must come out as a 8 or higher to hit. Attacks with Anti-Air, Homing, and Unerring are exempt. Attacks with Detonate or Full-Auto derived abilities gain a bonus to their roll.
    • Flying enemies cannot be targeted by melee attacks. Breaking this rule will be punished by a free attack for the flyer.

  • Aerial Combat
    • When fighting another flying opponent, you will only get one attack. Make it count.
    • When launching attacks at each other, both parties will roll a 1d10 as an accuracy check, 9 or higher is required to hit.
    • For each level of Flight a character has, add a +1 to their accuracy roll. For each level of Flight their opponent has, add a -1. High Speed Combat removes the negative modifier to the roll. If the opponent's Flight exceeds the character's High Speed Combat, begin to add the malus for each level over the level of the character's High Speed Combat.
    • If attacking a land-bound target, ignore the accuracy roll.

  • Grappling
    • When two character enter a grapple, they automatically attack each other at the start of each round. All other action are locked until the grapple is broken.
    • Grappling characters cannot use spells or Magic Modifiers. Base damage is reduced by 75%, and Base Resilience is reduced by 90%.
    • If a weapon has the Grapple ability, ignore the previous rule. Weapons that are a body part do not suffer the damage reduction.
    • Each turn if a player decides to continue the grapple, roll a 1d9. If 8 or 9 are rolled, the enemy breaks the grapple and causes extra damage to the player. If the player willingly breaks the grapple, they cause extra damage instead when the grapple breaks.
    • All attacks aimed at either character in the grapple will hit both.

  • Intercept Rules
    • If a character has the Intercept ability, or one of it's derivatives, they will roll a 1d6 on each enemy attack. If an even number is rolled, they will initiate an Intercept conflict.
    • Melee combatants with Intercept will only roll intercept for attacks aimed at them.
    • Winners of an Intercept conflict will have their damage applied directly to their enemy. This damage cannot be interrupted by Skill, defensive barriers, or other Intercepts.

  • Spell Synchronization
    • In order to trigger a spell synchronization the two players attempting to synchronize their spells can only do so when one of their actions line up on the same initiative. (Ex: Both players roll a 6, or one player rolled a 4 and the other a 3 but the latter has a second action.)
    • In order for a Spell Synchronization to trigger, the two spells involved must either A) share a theme, B) share an affinity, or C) have a similar enough result. (Ex: Two spells share "Sea", Two spells are wave-like in result, Two spells are extreme expressions of the Magical Girl's powers.)
    • If two spells can synch, they will synch automatically without any extra effort required on the participating Magical Girl's parts. Spells that cannot synch will operate as normal.

EXP Rules
It will be up to you to keep an eye on how much experience your characters have, and how to spend it. I will be tracking how much exp everyone has, and has used. Keep this in mind.
  • EXP will be allocated at the end of each fight.
  • This is subject to change if I feel it is needed.
  • EXP expenditure will follow the base rules as outlined in the Main Quest.
  • You cannot spend more EXP than you have. Breaking this rule will be punished by a Orbital Mod Kill.
  • Shop Items will be generated and listed in a post on the first page.
  • If you spend your EXP on something, you may not get that EXP back. Even if it kills you. Too bad.
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Enemies and Allies
(Unified Light/Counter Force) Major Jordan Aviesto


Health: 500
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: N/A

Anti-Demon Rifle
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Full-Auto

Ol' Sally
Attacks per Turn: 2
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Backup

Bane Of Walking Dead
-Jordan deals 200% additional damage to anything considered undead.

Elite Soldiers
-Jordan will automatically seek to synchronize his attacks against opposing targets of sufficient strength.

Finest Hour
-Jordan is immune to Fear effects, and has his Base Damage tripled against an enemy that is under a mental hindrance, such as Fear or Confusion.

Rotting Corpse

The Restless Dead

Health: 500
Base Damage: 170
Base Resilience: 35
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Rotted Body
Level 2
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Poison

Like A Plague
-Beings killed by Rotting Corpses rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.

Feral Corpse

The Bestial Dead

Health: 700
Base Damage: 225
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Decrepit Claws
Level 3
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Bleed

Feral Cunning

Like A Plague
-Beings killed by Feral Corpses rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.

Hunting Corpse

The Screeching Dead

Health: 550
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Level 2
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Pin

Carrion Screech
-Deal 100% more damage to unaware targets.

Urban Hunter
-Able to leap 150 ft. in any direction.

Like A Plague
-Beings killed by Hunting Corpses rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.



Health: ???
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Rotted Teeth
Level 2
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: ???


Like A Plague
-Beings killed by ??? rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.



Health: ???
Base Damage: 240
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Bone Spike
Level 3
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Armor Pierce

Like A Plague
-Beings killed by ??? rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.

Drooling Corpse

The Slobbering Dead


Health: 450
Base Damage: 220
Base Resilience: 30
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Acidic Spit
Level 2
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: ???

Lingering Death


Like A Plague
-Beings killed by ??? rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.



Health: ???
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay

Level 2
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Bind


Like A Plague
-Beings killed by ??? rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Evil
-???. Add one third Base Resilience to defensive string. ???.



Health: ???
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: Decay

Level ?
ApT: ?
Affinity: Decay
Ability: ???

Form Up

Break Through



Like A Plague
-Beings killed by ??? rise as a Rotting Corpse thirty minutes after dying.

The Walking Dead
-Immune to Poison and body modifiers.

Fueled By Cruelty
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Magical Girl Bloody Huntress

(Unified Light) Magical Girl Bloody Huntress

Liliana Tunber

Health: 50
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 40
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Blood | Slaughter | Story Maker

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Slaughter
Ability: Full Auto

Purifier Brand
-Generates a powerful mechanical battle suit around Bloody huntress before unleashing a wall of lead on everything in front of her. Battle suit fades after the attack finishes.
Level 5
Base Damage: 350
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Blood
Ability: Hit by Modifier | Ordinance

Blood Brand
Level 1
-Taste of blood. Controls health. Unknown nature?

Flesh Brand
Level 1
-It's all the same meat. Controls Resilience. Unknown nature?

Bathed in Blood
-Magical Girl Bloody Huntress does triple damage against all Blood or Flesh related affinities. Magical Girl Bloody Huntress takes triple damage from all Blood and Flesh related affinities. Should an opponent carry either a Blood or Flesh related affinity, they cannot directly perceive Bloody Huntress if she has any other allies on the field.

A Hunter Must Hunt
-Gain a 500% damage boost against enemies of a weaker Existence than Bloody Huntress.

Hasta la Vista
-If more than two enemies would be hit by Purifier Brand, than the Battle suit generated by the spell gains the Ray ability, and Bloody Huntress is granted ATP equal to her entire party's total ATP times three that she can only spend on Purifier Brand's Ray attack.

Level 2
-Bloody Huntress has a footspeed of 20 mph.

  • 1 GP for 100 EXP to increase Purifier Brand to Level 5.
  • 1 GP to Increase APT by 1.
  • 1 GP, A Hunter Must Hunt
  • 1 GP, Hasta La Vista

Soft Mechanics:
A pair of high caliber pistols with seemingly bottomless magazines.
  • The bullets are high impact and explosive. Later upgrades will add abilities such as Armor Pierce, and Critical Strike to her weapon as this nature is enhanced.
  • While she doesn't actually need to reload her weapon, she can still unlatch their magazines and remove them from her guns, and even pull fresh magazines from thin air/her pockets at will. This allows her to use said magazines for other stuff such as giving them to allies who have guns that can utilize her weapon's bullet type, or even use them to set up (relatively) weak magical land mines.
  • They're sturdy enough that she can use them to block in a pinch.

  • This is the Battlesuit.
  • She cannot move from her spot while it's out, but she can turn in place.
  • It only exists during the length of her spell's attack, and doesn't stick around. Though it is a lot sturdier than she is, so if something attack her while she's stuck in place firing her spell she's not totally helpless. (Her Base Resilience is doubled while it's around.)
  • While it's active, she's actually hovering slightly off the ground, so footing isn't much of an issue in using it while it's active, but she needs her feet to be planted firmly to summon it.
  • As a mechanical entity, it is treated as one for the purpose of effects that require such designation, but it's Blood Affinity allows it to fake being an organic creature as well.

A pair of magical effects on her person that are only active when she's transformed into Bloody Huntress. The fudge things in relation to her and normal reality. Instead of being super swole or xianxia tough, Flesh Brand just makes it to where things aren't hitting her as hard as they should, and Blood Brand is more a well of unnatural vitality.

Without those, she's otherwise very low tier when compared to what she should be as a Magical Girl. This fudgie-ness is also what powers her Sprint ability: Flesh and Blood give her a well of stamina that even other more powerful Magical Girls have trouble matching.

Sprint that she now has to buy from the shop.

Another manifestation of her wonky connection with reality. It turns her Spell's assault into something more than it should be: manifested as a tangible increase int he amount of ammunition it fires at a target. Functionally it should have Full Auto or a derivative, but doesn't due to the same weird fudgy physics she's stuck with.

If she gets some practice she could probably fake Full Auto, but that'll take a lot of doing that she simply doesn't have the experience for yet. Until then it come out more like a dozen or so machineguns are all firing at the same time out of the same barrel.

On the other hand it all comes out of the same barrel so anything standing in front of said barrel is taking everything it vomits point blank.

A Hunter's Curse
You will always seek your prey's blood.
-Lock behind a story element preferably
-Make mutually exclusive with Blessing
  • Add an effect to Blood and Flesh Brand, was thinking some kind of Health steal to those around her, wide spread and indiscriminate.
  • Maybe have the unlock requirement be doing something detrimental for the party?
  • Side effect of gaining some detrimental Insight, if you know what I mean.

A Hunter's Blessing
You will never fail to find your way.
-Lock behind a story element preferably
-Make mutually exclusive with Curse
  • Add an effect to Blood and Flesh Brand, some king of healing aura for the group, and self regeneration.
  • Would like the unlock to be doing something to help the group.
  • Side effect of gaining some benevolent Insight, if you know what I mean.

Literally just the Sprint ability.
-EXP recommended.
  • Literally the last item I had for her sheet, can you just let me buy it? Feel free to customize it at will if you want.
  • Generic Abilities are Generic, but that doesn't stop you from using them as a basis for more customized abilities. Like someone's character would be a good fit for Flight, but it'd be too boring to just give them basic Flight? Then nail some extra effects to it to change it up. Like giving them more attacks while in aerial combat, or allow them variable speeds depending on their combat state.
  • For Sprint and Bloody, you could literally just make her Sprint give a group buff that lets everyone in the party act as if they have Sprint themselves.

Some Kind of in-theme Hunter Analysis ability
Insert funny flavor text here
-Maybe a mixed unlock requirement? Say get Hunter Must Hunt to a specific level, and then spend EXP to buy?
  • A fun potential idea; a great way to artificially make fights harder without actually making them some kind of stat sponge or something equally ridiculous is to hide parts of a given enemy's sheet. Like a boss, but you replace their Health with question marks, or their base Resilience. So the players don't actually know what they're going up against until the fight actually starts.

    Abilities like what I'm suggesting here are a soft way to regulate that: using my character as a way to source just the information you want to share for the amusement value, or to influence players indirectly. Like show off an enemy has a very low attack power, but hide their insane Resilience. Or show one Ability that looks scary but isn't while hiding the actually dangerous one. Or even show the dangerous ability to scare the players while hiding everything else.
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(Unaligned/Unified Light) Magical Girl Soul Sword

Nanami Tsurugi​

"私 が/魔法少女 や/斬魄刀"


Base Health: 100
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinities: Sword | Self | Legend Maker


Sword-Splitting Palm
Level: 1
Actions per turn: 1 (+1 per 4 levels)
Affinities: Sword
Abilities: Multi Slash


Level: N/A
Base Damage: Self Base Damage
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinities: Sword | Self
Abilities: Vorpal | Cleave


One with the Sword (Level 1)
Wear your being on your sleeve.
-Governs Health. Soul Sword's base resilience, base damage, and health are always equal (Leveling her weapon does not increase its base damage). When one stat changes, the others change with it. Soul Sword is immune to status effects and mind-altering magic.

Domain of Self
-If an attack, spell, or enemy comes into contact with Soul Sword, autocast Divide.

The Iron Truth
-Soul Sword heals for 25% of the damage she deals. This can overheal. Overheal is lost at the end of combat.

-After Soul Sword takes an action, she may instantly move into melee range of a target as a free action.

This submission has absolutely, 100% never been seen before.
BP Expenditure (Legend Maker, 4 BP):
Free: Domain of Self
1: One with the Sword
2: The Iron Truth
3: Flickerwisp
One unspent
Soft mechanics:

One with the Sword: Soul Sword embodies the concept of [Sword]. She is cool to the touch, and is in a superposition between a human and 1.5 meter long sword.


Schrodinger's Sword: Effects which target 'weapons' may see her as a person, and effects which target 'people' may see her as a weapon, whichever is more beneficial to her.

Multihits: Multi-hits and Riposte, which normally operate based on a speed boost to the weapon, affect Soul Sword's entire body instead.

Sword Splitting Palm: A fighting style, not a weapon. She can wield a sword at a master level, and can employ her fighting style while wielding any sword with no loss in effectiveness. Soul Sword often looks like she's flickering, perfectly still in between bursts of motion faster than the eye can track.

Divide: The sacred action, unleashing the concept of [Sword] to Cut. It can never AoE. It attempts to cut completely through the axis Soul Sword hits along against its target (i.e. she pokes a demon in the chest, it has a finger-sized hole through its chest. She chops it on the arm, its arm falls off).


Instantaneous: Divide has no cast time nor projectile.

Domain of Self: At the intersection of the world and [Sword], anything can be Cut. Soul Sword has perfect control of her body. Any attack against her will be automatically intercepted by a Divide cast at the moment she'd be hit.

Preternatural Stillness: Soul Sword can be perfectly still, and has less tells in combat than most.

Overlap: Soul Sword gets a Divide cast each time she hits an enemy (assuming she makes contact with them), and can unify a normal attack to a Divide intercept if she attacks an incoming attack/spell.

The Iron Truth: Iron sharpens iron. The Concept of [Sword] feeds off of cutting, refining itself to sharper and sharper levels.
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(Unfiied Light) Magical Girl Bloody Huntress

Liliana Tunber

Health: 50
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 40
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Blood | Slaughter | Story Maker

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Slaughter
Ability: Full Auto

Purifier Brand
-Generates a powerful mechanical battle suit around Bloody huntress before unleashing a wall of lead on everything in front of her. Battle suit fades after the attack finishes.
Level 1
Base Damage: 70
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Blood
Ability: Hit by Modifier

Blood Brand
Level 1
-Taste of blood. Controls health. Unknown nature?

Flesh Brand
Level 1
-It's all the same meat. Controls Resilience. Unknown nature?

Bathed in Blood
-Magical Girl Bloody Huntress does triple damage against all Blood or Flesh related affinities. Magical Girl Bloody Huntress takes triple damage from all Blood and Flesh related affinities. Should an opponent carry either a Blood or Flesh related affinity, they cannot directly perceive Bloody Huntress if she has any other allies on the field.

A Hunter Must Hunt
Level 1
-This ability cannot be leveled normally. Every time Bloody Huntress kills an enemy of the same type she has already killed once, the level of this ability increases by one. Bloody Huntresses' Total Damage is multiplied by every level in this ability.

Hasta la Vista
-If more than two enemies would be hit by Purifier Brand, than the Battle suit generated by the spell gains the Ray ability, and Bloody Huntress is granted ATP equal to her entire party's total ATP times three that she can only spend on Purifier Brand's Ray attack.
Approved, and typo in allegiance
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(Unaligned/Unified Light) Magical Girl Soul Sword

Nanami Tsurugi​

"私 が/魔法少女 や/斬魄刀"


Base Health: 100
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinities: Sword | Self | Legend Maker


Sword-Splitting Palm
Level: 1
Actions per turn: 1 (+1 per 4 levels)
Affinities: Sword
Abilities: Multi Slash


Level: N/A
Base Damage: Self Base Damage
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinities: Sword | Self
Abilities: Vorpal | Cleave


One with the Sword (Level 1)
Wear your being on your sleeve.
-Governs Health. Soul Sword's base resilience, base damage, and health are always equal (Leveling her weapon does not increase its base damage). When one stat changes, the others change with it. Soul Sword is immune to status effects and mind-altering magic.

Domain of Self
-If an attack, spell, or enemy comes into contact with Soul Sword, autocast Divide.

The Iron Truth
-Soul Sword heals for 25% of the damage she deals. This can overheal. Overheal is lost at the end of combat.

-After Soul Sword takes an action, she may instantly move into melee range of a target as a free action.

This submission has absolutely, 100% never been seen before.
BP Expenditure (Legend Maker, 4 BP):
Free: Domain of Self
1: One with the Sword
2: The Iron Truth
3: Flickerwisp
One unspent
Soft mechanics:

One with the Sword: Soul Sword embodies the concept of [Sword]. She is cool to the touch, and is in a superposition between a human and 1.5 meter long sword.


Schrodinger's Sword: Effects which target 'weapons' may see her as a person, and effects which target 'people' may see her as a weapon, whichever is more beneficial to her.

Multihits: Multi-hits and Riposte, which normally operate based on a speed boost to the weapon, affect Soul Sword's entire body instead.

Sword Splitting Palm: A fighting style, not a weapon. She can wield a sword at a master level, and can employ her fighting style while wielding any sword with no loss in effectiveness. Soul Sword often looks like she's flickering, perfectly still in between bursts of motion faster than the eye can track.

Divide: The sacred action, unleashing the concept of [Sword] to Cut. It can never AoE. It attempts to cut completely through the axis Soul Sword hits along against its target (i.e. she pokes a demon in the chest, it has a finger-sized hole through its chest. She chops it on the arm, its arm falls off).


Instantaneous: Divide has no cast time nor projectile.

Domain of Self: At the intersection of the world and [Sword], anything can be Cut. Soul Sword has perfect control of her body. Any attack against her will be automatically intercepted by a Divide cast at the moment she'd be hit.

Preternatural Stillness: Soul Sword can be perfectly still, and has less tells in combat than most.

Overlap: Soul Sword gets a Divide cast each time she hits an enemy (assuming she makes contact with them), and can unify a normal attack to a Divide intercept if she attacks an incoming attack/spell.

The Iron Truth: Iron sharpens iron. The Concept of [Sword] feeds off of cutting, refining itself to sharper and sharper levels.
Veto'd, I'm afraid
Magical Girl Bloody Huntress (as @Crystalwatcher)

A Hunter's Curse
You will always seek your prey's blood.
-Kill Anubis
-75 xp.
Blood Brand steals health from all living beings nearby. All of them.
What looks down...?

A Hunter's Blessing
You will never fail to find your way.
-Save Anubis
-75 xp.
Blood Brand heals all nearby allies.
...Something lovely.

Literally just the Sprint ability.
-15 xp.
Bloody Huntress gains Sprint level 1.

Your blood is mine.
Take 250 damage.
-25 xp.
Jaeger gains the Drain Ability.

Your life is mine.
Take 1,000 damage.
-65 xp.
Jaeger gains the Vampire Ability.

What is that smell...?
-Flesh Brand Level 5
-35 xp.
Bloody Huntress gains the Bloodhound ability.

Reinforced Frame
May none strike me down.
Beat the Ogre.
-125 xp.
Purifier Brand triples Base Resilience instead of doubling.

Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger (as @catDreaming )

Life Over Limb.
-55 xp.
Battlefield Scavenger gains access to the Tourniquet spell.

Extended Arsenal I
-40 xp.
Scavenged Arms may hold up to 4 weapons.

Extended Arsenal II
-Extended Arsenal I
-60 xp.
Scavenged Arms may hold up to 5 weapons.

Final Strike
Sometimes the best thing you can do is break.
-Beat the Bull
-60 xp.
Battlefield Scavenger may attack with a weapon with no Magazine remaining, destroying it in its entirety. Such attacks multiply their base damage by weapon level. Not usable with Indestructible.

Large Mag I
Add an inch to paint a mile.
-65 xp.
One Scavenged Arms gain an extra attack.

Magical Girl Endless Swarm (as @darkoda )

The Fifth Plague
Livestock is a relative term.
Everswarm Level 5
-30 xp.
Everswarm gains the Poison ability.

The Seventh Plague
It's not chunks of ice, but they feel like it.
Everswarm Level 15
-75 xp.
Everswarm gains the Batter ability.

Stinging Storm
Feel as you are torn apart.
Devouring Maw Level 5
-40 xp.
Devouring Maw gains the Abrade ability.

Shed the past, renew the Swarm.
Autophagy Level 5
Endless Swarm gains the Metamorphosis ability.

Chitinous Mass
Always a gap.
Beat the Bull
-75 xp.
Adds Punch-Through to Ravenous Defense.

Endless Hunger
It will never be enough.
Beat the Ogre
-100 xp.
Replace The Eternal Feast with Endless Hunger.

Magical Girl Celestial Champion (as @Tarro )

The Beat Never Ends
As long you keep singing, the light still shines.
☆Hikari☆ Level 5
-55 xp.
☆Hikari☆ gains Omni-Caster (Level 1).

☆Max Volume!☆
Champion's mic gets a redesign for LOUD.
-☆Hikari☆ Level 10
-100 xp.
☆Hikari☆ gains Song-Boost.

You'll feel that in the morning.
Light Up The Stage Level 5
-60 xp.
Light Up The Stage gains Juggernaut.

Angel's Voice
The best of Heaven's singers.
-Light Up The Stage Level 10
-40 xp.
Light Up The Stage gains Judgement.

Step Up
Be not afraid.
-35 xp.
-Karaoke Level 5
Celestial Champion gains the Step Up ability.

Pass The Amp
Who's ready to rock?
-50 xp.
-Karaoke Level 10
Celestial Champion gains the Pass The Amp ability.

Lightly Now
Hecklers don't get an encore.
-75 xp.
-Beat the Bull
Celestial Champion gains the Lightly Now ability.

Magical Girl Amalgam (as @Cmd. Frost)

Embrace the Beast
Humanity is overrated.
-Steal essence twice.
-40 xp.
Amalgam gains the Embrace The Beast spell.

Recombined Contagion
Icky, putrid goodness.
-40 xp.
Amalgam gains the Recombined Contagion spell.

Well of Essence I
There's more of me to rip out.
-25 xp.
Amalgam gains another essence slot.

Well of Essence II
There's even more of me to rip out.
-60 xp.
Amalgam gains another essence slot.

Expanded Resource Pool I
There's more of you to rip out.
-35 xp.
Amalgam may salvage more components of enemy sheets.
-10% of Target's Base Damage
-10% of Target's Magic Modifier

Expanded Resource Pool II
There's even more of you to rip out.
-Expanded Resource Pool 1

-55 xp.
Amalgam may salvage more components of enemy sheets.
-Generic Abilities

Extraction Expertise I
Keep the hands steady.
-45 xp.
Amalgam may salvage 2 sheet components per fight

Friendly Fire
I'm just like you.
-Essence Theft Level 10

-50 xp.
If Amalgam is holding essence from an enemy, all enemies of that type must spend an additional ApT to attack her.

Hellish Adaptation
Once you get used to it, the fire doesn't hurt so bad.
-Essence Theft Level 10

-Kill ???
-75 xp.
Magical Girl Amalgam gains the Demon affinity, and can now use Essence Theft and To The Survivor Go The Spoils on Demonic entities. Temporarily locks out all other Adaptation upgrades.

Fused Flesh
Chimera Level 10
-Beat the Bull
-75 xp.
Magical Girl Amalgam and Chimera may temporarily fuse, combining all stats, ApT, abilities, and rolling initiative twice, taking the higher result.

Magical Girl Sunshower (as @Fpkfor)

Flick The Switch
Its an umbrella, Olivia.
Respite Level 5
-35 xp.
Respite gains the Modeshift ability (Auto-Counter/Open, Unerring/Closed).

Too Much Clutter
Where's the maid?
Respite Level 15
-Shelter Level 10
-50 xp.
Respites created by Shelter gain the Intangible ability.

Iridescent Shower
What color shines next?
A Pensive Disposition Level 5
-30 xp.
Sunshower ability gains a new ability.

Ever-Pouring Storm
Every drop a flood.
Beat the Bull
-75 xp.
Sunshower gains the Drownyard ability.
Last edited:
Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger
Zombie Apocalypse imminent, you say? Well, good game master, do I happen to have one incredibly thematic Magical Girl for your perusal! Presenting my finest creation:

(Independent) Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger

Tourne Eqata

"Dead or alive, I'll be picking up your pieces! I am Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger!"

Health: 210
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 60
Affinities: Scavenge | Survival | Myth-Maker

Scavenger's Lockpick
It's a halligan bar, Jim.
Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 1 (+1 per 5)
Affinities: Survival
Ability: Indestructible
( Gained Armor Removal at Level 10 and Crush through leveling. )

Scavenged Arms
Level N/A
Base Damage: (variable)
ApT: (variable)
Storage Capacity: 4
Affinities: Scavenge | (variable)
Abilities: (variable)
Anti-Demon Rifle
Carried physically on her person.
Base Damage: 250
ApT: 1
Affinities: Scavenge | Holy
Abilities: Limitless | Full-Auto | Magazine 1

Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Scavenge | Swarm
Ability: Limitless | Magazine 1

Damage Cut applies within a meter radius of the umbrella.
Level 2
Base Damage: 100
Attacks per Turn: 1 (+1 per 5)
Affinities: Scavenge | Meaning | Kindness
Abilities: Damage Cut | Invoke: Shelter | Magazine 1

Level: 1
Base Damage: 50
Actions per Turn: 1
Affinities: Scavenge | Song
Abilities: Spell Boost | Magazine 1


First Aid
Staunch the bleeding, and keep moving. Body modifiers are suppressed until health is reduced to the point they were suppressed at.
Level 2
Base Damage: 80
Magic Modifier: 80
Affinity: Survival
Ability: Heal | Rapid Recovery
( Heal becomes Regenerate through further leveling. )

Cannot be cast normally, must be Invoked. Respite Sprouts.
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 5 (+2 per level)
Affinities: Kindness
Abilities: Clone-Weapon | Cast by Modifier

Will To Survive
Level 1
-Grit your teeth and bear it. Controls Health.

Forager's Find
Level 4
-Without the essentials, no one survives. Battlefield Scavenger can spend time and attempt to scavenge or forage for survival necessities. She will always be able to provide for 4 person(s) when doing this, regardless of her current environment. Controls Base Resilience.

Survivor's Arsenal
-Each affected by Scavenged Arms has Magazine X, where X is the weapon's base ApT, minimum 1. Battlefield Scavenger has additional actions equal to the ApT of all weapons affected by Scavenged Arms, but may not spend ApT from one weapon to attack with a different one. Battlefield Scavenger may destroy a weapon affected by Scavenged Arms to either:
--add one of it's non-Magazine abilities to another weapon affected by Scavenged Arms, combining any identical abilities if able. Weapons with three abilities can have non-identical abilities added to them at the cost of removing another ability on the weapon.
–-replenish the Magazine of another weapon affected by Scavenged Arms by the destroyed weapon's remaining Magazine. This cannot cause a weapon to exceed it's Magazine capacity.

Flesh Wounds
-Whenever Battlefield Scavenger would take damage, she may suffer a Body Modifier to reduce it by 99% and prevent any secondary effects from the attack.

BP Tracking:
- 1 BP: Scavenged Arms additional weapon.
- 1 BP: Survivor's Arsenal additional personal ability.
- 1 BP: Non-Controller effect added to Forager's Find.
- 1 BP: Beginning with Anti-Demon Rifle in Scavenged Arms.

Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger has a Type 1 Transformation, and is 5' 1".

Scavenger's Lockpick is, well, an indestructible halligan bar. It's principally meant to function as a survival tool, though it can be used as a weapon.
-Indestructible: Excellent design and physical construction make the halligan bar nigh indestructible by mundane means. Even in a magic surpressed area, the weapon retains Indestructible (False).
--Immovable Rod: If wedged into a location, Scavenger's Lockpick will remain where it is so long as the supporting objects remain where they are, and potentially beyond. It will not move, it cannot be moved, and it cannot be damaged.
-Crush (eventual): Halligan bars are typically sized for two handed use. Scavenger's Lockpick exemplifies this design in addition to being usable one-handed, allowing the user to exert up to their entire body strength and weight through the halligan bar at amplified effect.
--Perfect Lever: Provided a fulcrum of some kind, Scavenger's Lockpick is an incredibly effective lever. With Indestructible removing the need to worry about the bar breaking or bending, it offers even greater effectiveness as a lever than it's design would normally allow.
-Armor Removal (eventual): Halligan bars are used to pry nails and other things that are stuck together apart by force. Scavenger's Lockpick is even more capable of this than normal, and can remove armor without inflicting damage, so long as it can get a bit of leverage.
--Combatant Removal: Scavenger's Lockpick cannot ignore Indestructible, but it can fake Knockback by turning the force that would remove armor into extra leverage behind an attack.
--Perfect Prybar: Scavenger's Lockpick can be used to remove physical components wholesale from anything that cannot actively resist it, allowing Battlefield Scavenger to repurpose them to her own needs later on.

First Aid is magically done first aid to heal wounds and suppress body modifiers.
-Heal: Wounds are disinfected, healed from the inside out, and closed up to the best of the spell's ability. It looks like natural healing done by the body, and scarring can occur from it. Any damage not healed this way can be further healed naturally given appropriate time and care. Unfortunately, the spell does not come with anesthetic built in, though Rapid Recovery does help a bit with the pain afterwards.
-Rapid Recovery: Body modifiers are essentially duct taped over magically. While they can be reopened, until that happens, the spell allows the victim to continue operating as if the body modifiers are not present.
-Regenerate (eventual) : The natural healing process of the body is supplemented by the magic to not merely heal immediately, but to continue the process for a short period of time. This allows for body modifiers to be completely healed, and with enough application, can even allow for the regeneration of missing limbs and/or organs or the fixing of other seriously gruesome and incapacitating injuries.

Will To Survive is the magical enhancement of Battlefield Scavenger's civilian body to increase her ability to take damage.

Forager's Find is the outfit of her transformation, and any armor she has created. It's also her 'armor against the elements', and enhances her foraging ability to find survival essentials given the time to actually try. If her environment lacks those essentials, her magic will outright create them. It won't be tasty or pleasant, but it will ensure that they exist.

Flesh Wounds is the twisting of the body, gritting of teeth, and denial of death that comes with surviving. Sacrificing the function of a body part in some way, Battlefield Scavenger vastly reduces the effect of any source of damage upon herself. This has no limits on it's use, though it's debatable whether surviving past a certain point is better than dying.

Scavenger's Arsenal has two main functions. One is magically enhanced tinkering and smithing. Without any facilities, Battlefield Scavenger can combine, break down, or even cannibalize weapons to enhance or repair each other. The other is her magic taking in outside weaponry by 'scavenging it', imposing the limits on it's use, and giving her a limited ability to store such weapons on her person in a pocket dimension.
-Knowing How To Use It: Magical Girl instincts do grant Battlefield Scavenger the ability to understand how to use, and a weapon in her possession can do. Wouldn't be much good to pick up a weapon if she didn't know what it's Abilities were, or how many more actions she got from it.
-Base Damage: A given weapon retains it's base damage. If it's base damage was controlled by a Personal Ability, Scavenger's Arsenal tries to recreate it to the best of it's ability, but generally gets the default value.
-Magic Modifier: All such weapons use Battlefield Scavenger's Magic Modifier, and magical effects on them are fueled by her own magic.
-Non-Human, Non-Elf Weapons: If a weapon is taken in that is magically created by it's user upon use, the taken in copy is treated thereafter as separate from the original user and does not restrict their ability to make a new copy of the weapon. She doesn't steal their weapon, just gets the copy of it. These weapons can be leveled, and gain appropriate stat increases (excepting Magic Modifier) and abilities from doing so.
-Elf Weapons: Elf weapons can be leveled for additional ApT and any magical abilities, but otherwise give no additional benefit from leveling.
-Non-Leveled Weapons: These cannot be leveled, but can still be granted additional abilities by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Limitless Weapons: Yes, she can destroy a copy of a Limitless weapon to replenish the Magazine on another weapon, and then just create another copy of the Limitless weapon. This is because Scavenger's Arsenal essentially fakes Limitless to get her a copy of a weapon that doesn't prevent the original owner of a Magical Girl weapon from having a copy if they drop their transformation and reapply it, for example.

Scavenged Arms represents the weapons which Battlefield Scavenger has on hand other than Scavenger's Lockpick. The number of such weapons she is not physical carrying is limited by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Actions Per Turn: Battlefield Scavenger has access to the combined actions all of such weapons at all times, but cannot attack with a weapon more times in a turn than it has ApT (assuming it has the Magazine capacity to do so).

Shelter, originally the Spell of Magical Girl Sunshower, can be Invoked via the Invoke: Shelter ability. It Clones the weapon with which it is Invoked from water which Scavenger is personally aware of, with sufficient force to serve as an attack should the clones be positioned correctly.
- Cast By Modifier: Shelter does not always Clone it's Invoking weapon the same number of times, but Scavenger is aware on Invoke of how many times it will be cloned.
-- Indirect Fire: Due to her awareness of how many times the Invoked weapon will be cloned, she can also choose where the cloned copies will be created. This can be anywhere within the span of her personal awareness, so long as water exists for the clones to come from.
- Spell Boost: Due to a quirk in the Invoke process, magically receptive items boosting the cast of Shelter instead maximize the magic modifier roll of the spell.

Current exp Banked: 2
- Combat 1: Gain 26 exp
- Spend 10 exp on First Aid, 10 exp on Forager's Find.
- Combat 2: Gain 96 exp
- Spend 50 exp on Forager's Find, 10 exp on Scavenger's Lockpick, 40 exp on Extended Arsenal

Life over limb, if necessary. Status Block lasts until the tourniquet is removed or destroyed.
Level 1
Health: 100
Affinities: Survival
Abilities: Status Recovery | Status Block

Extended Arsenal I
-Scavenged Arms may hold up to 4 weapons.

Extended Arsenal II
-Scavenged Arms may hold up to 5 weapons.

Final Strike
-Battlefield Scavenger may attack with a weapon with no Magazine remaining, destroying it in its entirety. Such attacks multiply their base damage by weapon level. Not usable with Indestructible.

The Anti-Demon Rifle, manufactured by the Counter Force. Acquired prior to deployment.
- Magazine 1: Typically, the Bounty System could utilize any foes slain by this weapon as ritual sacrifices to create more ammunition. Survivor's Arsenal has supplanted this connection, and any weapon destroyed to restore the Rifle's Magazine is used to form into new ammo and repair damage done to the gun through use.
-- Scavenge Affinity: Due to the connection being supplanted, any ammunition fired from the weapon also carries the Scavenge Affinity.
--- Critical Strike (False): Cobbled together, jury-rigged, stitched together, it's all scavenged from parts by the darkness. The combination of Holy and Scavenge affinities make the Anti-Demon Rifle's ammo more effective at dismantling constructed foes, and doubly so versus foes that the Holy affinity already reacts to.
- Full-Auto: The Anti-Demon Rifle fires not a single bullet, but a burst when it's trigger is pulled.
-- Exploit: Target Spread, not yet mastered: Hit multiple targets with a single attack. Suffers reduced damage on a per target basis due to splitting the Full-Auto ticks between targets.

EverSwarm, originally Magical Girl Endless Swarm's weapon of choice. A swarm, custom grown from the hive that is her transformed body. Controlled telepathically, at a decent range.
- Sensory Link, proficient: Battlefield Scavenger is able to tap into the senses of the EverSwarm, though she must still direct her attention between her own and that of the EverSwarm.
- Swarm Direction, proficient: Due to their Limitless nature, Battlefield Scavenger can spend actions to deploy additional instances of the EverSwarm, and direct them all separately. General orders can be issued freely, with specific orders or fine control of a given instance requiring her focused attention.
-- Exploit: Target Spread, not yet mastered: Hit multiple targets with a single attack. Stacks of the EverSwarm are split between the different targets.
-- Auto-Counter (False), not yet mastered: By assigning stacks of the Swarm to defend someone or something, this allows for a somewhat automatic defense or even warning system. Just be careful that an ally doesn't set it off.

Respite, originally Magical Girl Sunshower's weapon of choice. An umbrella that when fully extended is a bit larger than Sunshower herself with a large and thin spike on its end tip, is very thin when closed, the shaft may be extended and retracted for ease of use and the canopy never seems to be a bother, currently, there's no major difference in its properties when it's closed or open…
-Damage Cut: A magical field that reduces the force that things are affected by, and improves its own durability making it an actually useful melee weapon.
–Durable Canopy: Every part of it is about as durable as the rest, letting it effectively function as a shield.
—Mary Poppins, not yet mastered: Can delay and change her aerial momentum when fully opened.
-Invoke: Shelter: Enables Battlefield Scavenger to Invoke Shelter, despite not having it's affinities.
–Endless Gifts: With an action worth of time and water, Sunshower can manifest another weapon without needing to detransform and transform back.
–Simplicity: A simple hard hit of the ground is enough to discharge enough magic to cast her spell, perfect when something is too dangerous to approach.

☆Hikari☆, originally Magical Girl Celestial Champion's weapon of choice. A microphone small enough to be held in one hand, and seemingly dainty at that.
-Spell Boost: ☆Hikari☆ is highly receptive to the act of spellcasting, literally amplifying the effects of spells cast through it. In the case of First Aid, singing the spell name through the microphone is enough to get the benefit.
-Song Affinity: When using ☆Hikari☆, Battlefield Scavenger is better at singing as well as projecting her voice. With practice, she could probably learn to throw her voice ( while singing, of course ).
--Deafen (False): Not the performance of an idol, but the echoing screams of the defiant survivor echo in the wake of disaster. With sufficient total damage, combatants at close range can be deafened by the volume of an attack through Hikari.

Edit Log:
- 06/16/2023: Sheet initially posted.
- 06/20/2023: Soft mechanics updates. New Spoiler box added for Scavenged Arms soft mechanics.
Last edited:
Zombie Apocalypse imminent, you say? Well, good game master, do I happen to have one incredibly thematic Magical Girl for your perusal! Presenting my finest creation:

(Independent) Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger

Tourne Eqata

"Dead or alive, I'll be picking up your pieces! I am Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger!"

Health: 210
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinities: Scavenge | Survival | Myth-Maker

Scavenger's Lockpick
It's a halligan bar, Jim.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1 (+1 per 5)
Affinities: Survival
Ability: Indestructible
( Gained Armor Removal at Level 10 and Crush through leveling. )

Scavenged Arms
Level N/A
Base Damage: (variable)
ApT: (variable)
Storage Capacity: 3
Affinities: Scavenge | (variable)
Abilities: (variable)
Anti-Demon Rifle
Base Damage: 250
ApT: 1
Affinities: Scavenge | Holy
Abilities: Full-Auto | Magazine 1


First Aid
Staunch the bleeding, and keep moving. Body modifiers are suppressed until health is reduced to the point they were suppressed at.
Level 1
Base Damage: 40
Magic Modifier: 40
Affinity: Survival
Ability: Heal | Rapid Recovery
( Heal becomes Regenerate through further leveling. )


Will To Survive
Level 1
-Grit your teeth and bear it. Controls Health.

Forager's Find
Level 1
-Without the essentials, no one survives. Battlefield Scavenger can spend time and attempt to scavenge or forage for survival necessities. She will always be able to provide for 1 person(s) when doing this, regardless of her current environment. Controls Base Resilience.

Survivor's Arsenal
-Each affected by Scavenged Arms has Magazine X, where X is the weapon's base ApT, minimum 1. Battlefield Scavenger has additional actions equal to the ApT of all weapons affected by Scavenged Arms, but may not spend ApT from one weapon to attack with a different one. Battlefield Scavenger may destroy a weapon affected by Scavenged Arms to either:
--add one of it's non-Magazine abilities to another weapon affected by Scavenged Arms, combining any identical abilities if able. Weapons with three abilities can have non-identical abilities added to them at the cost of removing another ability on the weapon.
–-replenish the Magazine of another weapon affected by Scavenged Arms by the destroyed weapon's remaining Magazine. This cannot cause a weapon to exceed it's Magazine capacity.

Flesh Wounds
-Whenever Battlefield Scavenger would take damage, she may suffer a Body Modifier to reduce it by 99% and prevent any secondary effects from the attack.

BP Tracking:
- 1 BP: Scavenged Arms additional weapon.
- 1 BP: Survivor's Arsenal additional personal ability.
- 1 BP: Non-Controller effect added to Forager's Find.
- 1 BP: Beginning with Anti-Demon Rifle in Scavenged Arms.

Scavenger's Lockpick is, well, an indestructible halligan bar. It's principally meant to function as a survival tool, though it can be used as a weapon.
-Indestructible: Excellent design and physical construction make the halligan bar nigh indestructible by mundane means. Even in a magic surpressed area, the weapon retains Indestructible (False).
--Immovable Rod: If wedged into a location, Scavenger's Lockpick will remain where it is so long as the supporting objects remain where they are, and potentially beyond. It will not move, it cannot be moved, and it cannot be damaged.
-Crush (eventual): Halligan bars are typically sized for two handed use. Scavenger's Lockpick exemplifies this design in addition to being usable one-handed, allowing the user to exert up to their entire body strength and weight through the halligan bar at amplified effect.
--Perfect Lever: Provided a fulcrum of some kind, Scavenger's Lockpick is an incredibly effective lever. With Indestructible removing the need to worry about the bar breaking or bending, it offers even greater effectiveness as a lever than it's design would normally allow.
-Armor Removal (eventual): Halligan bars are used to pry nails and other things that are stuck together apart by force. Scavenger's Lockpick is even more capable of this than normal, and can remove armor without inflicting damage, so long as it can get a bit of leverage.
--Combatant Removal: Scavenger's Lockpick cannot ignore Indestructible, but it can fake Knockback by turning the force that would remove armor into extra leverage behind an attack.
--Perfect Prybar: Scavenger's Lockpick can be used to remove physical components wholesale from anything that cannot actively resist it, allowing Battlefield Scavenger to repurpose them to her own needs later on.

First Aid is magically done first aid to heal wounds and suppress body modifiers.
-Heal: Wounds are disinfected, healed from the inside out, and closed up to the best of the spell's ability. It looks like natural healing done by the body, and scarring can occur from it. Any damage not healed this way can be further healed naturally given appropriate time and care. Unfortunately, the spell does not come with anesthetic built in, though Rapid Recovery does help a bit with the pain afterwards.
-Rapid Recovery: Body modifiers are essentially duct taped over magically. While they can be reopened, until that happens, the spell allows the victim to continue operating as if the body modifiers are not present.
-Regenerate (eventual) : The natural healing process of the body is supplemented by the magic to not merely heal immediately, but to continue the process for a short period of time. This allows for body modifiers to be completely healed, and with enough application, can even allow for the regeneration of missing limbs and/or organs or the fixing of other seriously gruesome and incapacitating injuries.

Will To Survive is the magical enhancement of Battlefield Scavenger's civilian body to increase her ability to take damage.

Forager's Find is the outfit of her transformation, and any armor she has created. It's also her 'armor against the elements', and enhances her foraging ability to find survival essentials given the time to actually try. If her environment lacks those essentials, her magic will outright create them. It won't be tasty or pleasant, but it will ensure that they exist.

Flesh Wounds is the twisting of the body, gritting of teeth, and denial of death that comes with surviving. Sacrificing the function of a body part in some way, Battlefield Scavenger vastly reduces the effect of any source of damage upon herself. This has no limits on it's use, though it's debatable whether surviving past a certain point is better than dying.

Scavenger's Arsenal has two main functions. One is magically enhanced tinkering and smithing. Without any facilities, Battlefield Scavenger can combine, break down, or even cannibalize weapons to enhance or repair each other. The other is her magic taking in outside weaponry by 'scavenging it', imposing the limits on it's use, and giving her a limited ability to store such weapons on her person in a pocket dimension.
-Knowing How To Use It: Magical Girl instincts do grant Battlefield Scavenger the ability to understand how to use, and a weapon in her possession can do. Wouldn't be much good to pick up a weapon if she didn't know what it's Abilities were, or how many more actions she got from it.
-Base Damage: A given weapon retains it's base damage. If it's base damage was controlled by a Personal Ability, Scavenger's Arsenal tries to recreate it to the best of it's ability, but generally gets the default value.
-Magic Modifier: All such weapons use Battlefield Scavenger's Magic Modifier, and magical effects on them are fueled by her own magic.
-Non-Human, Non-Elf Weapons: If a weapon is taken in that is magically created by it's user upon use, the taken in copy is treated thereafter as separate from the original user and does not restrict their ability to make a new copy of the weapon. She doesn't steal their weapon, just gets the copy of it. These weapons can be leveled, and gain appropriate stat increases (excepting Magic Modifier) and abilities from doing so.
-Elf Weapons: Elf weapons can be leveled for additional ApT and any magical abilities, but otherwise give no additional benefit from leveling.
-Non-Leveled Weapons: These cannot be leveled, but can still be granted additional abilities by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Limitless Weapons: Yes, she can destroy a copy of a Limitless weapon to replenish the Magazine on another weapon, and then just create another copy of the Limitless weapon. This is because Scavenger's Arsenal essentially fakes Limitless to get her a copy of a weapon that doesn't prevent the original owner of a Magical Girl weapon from having a copy if they drop their transformation and reapply it, for example.

Scavenged Arms represents the weapons which Battlefield Scavenger has on hand other than Scavenger's Lockpick. The number of such weapons she is not physical carrying is limited by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Actions Per Turn: Battlefield Scavenger has access to the combined actions all of such weapons at all times, but cannot attack with a weapon more times in a turn than it has ApT (assuming it has the Magazine capacity to do so).

Life over limb, if necessary. Status Block lasts until the tourniquet is removed or destroyed.
Level 1
Health: 100
Affinities: Survival
Abilities: Status Recovery | Status Block

Extended Arsenal I
-Scavenged Arms may hold up to 4 weapons.

Extended Arsenal II
-Scavenged Arms may hold up to 5 weapons.

Final Strike
-Battlefield Scavenger may attack with a weapon with no Magazine remaining, destroying it in its entirety. Such attacks multiply their base damage by weapon level. Not usable with Indestructible.

Edit Log:
- 06/16/2023: Sheet initially posted.
Magical Girl Endless Swarm
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Endless Swarm

Thema Meadows

"All that you are will be my meal! I am Magical Girl Endless Swarm!"

Health: 600 (Base 300)
Base Damage: 200 (Base 50)
Base Resilience: 120 (Base 60)
Magic Modifier: 160 (Base 40)

Affinity: Consume | Swarm | Legend Maker

Level 4
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Swarm
Ability: Limitless

The Devouring Maw
The EverSwarm descends and devours.
Level 3
Base Damage: 300 (Base 100)
Magic Modifier: 300 (Base 100)
Affinity: Consume
Ability: Rend | Full Auto

Level 2
-Feast and Grow eternal. Governs Health and resilience.

The Eternal Feast
Eat! Feast! Grow! Eat!
-Endless Swarm applies the Vampire ability to everything she does. Excess Health is fed into Autophagy.

Level 2
Feast and Famine
-Endless Swarm can spend health to boost her damage or resilience by (Health * Level). Boosts fade away after battle.

Ravenous Defense
-Attacks that would hit Endless Swarm are auto-intercepted by The Devouring Maw

Level 2
-Endless Swarm is able to fly at 10mph.

BP Spending:
1 BP on merging Health and Res
1 BP on Autophagy
1 BP on Ravenous Defense
1 BP on Flight

Experience 26+96=122 Accumulated
10 on Hiveblood 1 -> 2
10 on Autophagy 1 -> 2
6 xp Remaining
96 exp gained
60 on EverSwarm 1 -> 4
30 on The Devouring Maw 1 -> 3
10 on Flight 1 -> 2
2 xp Remaining

EverSwarm - Literally a custom made swarm of bugs that spawn from the main 'hive' aka her body.

She produces a bunch of various horror insects that swarm out and basically try to rip apart and eat everything in the way. The swarm can mimic basically anything an insect is capable up ramped up and Endless Swarm has full control given that the bugs are technically her. Liable to replicate False abilities, like what happens when super insects decide to eat your eyeballs and crawl into your nose.

She can tap into her bugs senses and they can travel a good distance from herself before the connection frays. Loss of her insects is irritating like getting strands of hair yanked out.

Will probably end up getting Armor Pierce via levelling to feed into the nature of a massive swarm that eats everything

The Devouring Maw:
- This is cast through the EverSwarm, essentially supercharging it to be able to devour things it normally couldn't.
- Full Auto; it's a lot of bugs trying to eat whatever is in the swarm, the limitless ability isn't for show. Should upgrade down the ability line through levelling
- Rend is much the same reasoning, they aren't going to stop eating their target and are probably borrowing into it to do so from the inside out. Should eventually upgrade to the higher levels of this ability too.
- Since its cast through her 'weapon', with practice the spell could yoink weapon abilities to back it up

Hiveblood: The magical representation of Endless Swarm's boy becoming a hive to horrorbugs. Her body is a weird amalgamation between insectile and being a living hive, and behaves oddly. Like how her swarm rips itself from her body or how she has an exoskeleton. She also sounds like there's a constant background buzzing when she talks. Her sense of pain is muted but she gets increasingly hungry the lower her health.

The Eternal Feast: This is where her body being something between hive and part of the swarm becomes relevant; the Swarm devours and the mass enhances the whole. The Rend line from the Devouring Maw counts as well since that's literally the swarm continuing to eat the target.

Autophagy: Burn the hive's resources and sacrifice the weaker members to empower the remainder. She tends to become more and more ravenous as she uses this.

Ravenous Defense: It's not just a swarm buzzing around her, her body will outright spawn jaws and mandibles to tear a chunk out of things if need be. About as creepy as it sounds.

Flight: Her wings aren't actually necessary, she's fully capable of flying through pure magic bullshit.

- Add Collateral Damage
- Add Poison
- Add the ability to apply weapon abilities to spells

Devouring Maw
-Gain abrade ability

Shed the past, renew the Swarm
Gain the ability to trade health for removing status/body modifiers. Also gives something else to pour overheal into.

Endless Hunger
-Upgrade Vampire to Consume

Ravenous Defense
-Add Overwhelm or Punch-Through to the Intercept. Not sure which one fits 'swarm hungry enough to eat your spells too' more.
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Magical Girl Celestial Champion
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Celestial Champion

Alice Chao​


Base Health: 800
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: 60
Song | Harmony | Story


Level: 1
Actions per Turn: 1
Affinities: Song
Abilities: Spell Boost


Light Up the Stage
Sing with me!
Level: 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: 40
Affinities: Song | Harmony
Abilities: Boost-Self | Boost-Other


Everyone's Angel (Level 4)
-Governs Health. Celestial Champion gains health equal to the total health of allies with the Karaoke ability.

Top Form Idol (Level 1)
-Governs Resilience.

Flight (Level 1)
-Celestial Champion can fly at walking speed.

Karaoke (Level 4)
-At the end of each turn, all allies heal for 4% (+1%/level) of Celestial Champion's max health. At the end of each turn, all enemies take damage equal to 4% (+1%/level) of her max health. If an ally takes an action at the same time as Celestial Champion, they gain this ability for the rest of combat.

Perfect Pitch
-After Celestial Champion casts Light up the Stage, the person she boosted and her own initiative roll are set to the lowest roll among them.

GP Expense:

Free: Karaoke
1: Everyone's Angel
2: Perfect Pitch
3: Flight


Karaoke always uses Celestial Champion's health. One person cannot get multiple instances of Karaoke. They get it at the level she had it at when she passed it. The person who gains it cannot level it.

Everyone's Angel does not count Celestial Champion as a holder of Karaoke.
Soft mechanics:
In general:
She's sparkly. She's more visible at night and easy to see no matter what.

-She sings at someone very hard. The microphone isn't necessary, but she suffers a damage penalty without it of 50%.

Light Up the Stage
-Her theme song. Requires singing for the cast, but afterwards the buff lingers for 3 turns.
-She can use a fake cast of it as a form of long-range communication, offering no buffs.
-Does not require line of sight. Doesn't require them to hear the song, just be in range of how far the sound would travel in an ideal case.
-After casting the first one, the buff can be refreshed at any range by another cast.

Everyone's Angel
-Excess health is not ablative health. When above her 'normal' health, she doesn't take injuries easily, and those she takes are mitigated heavily.
-Celestial Champion knows where everyone with Karaoke is.

-It's basically Presence of Light. It's very blatant. Stuff that interacts with Presence of Light interacts with it.

-Wings are decorative, but she can feel them. They feel itchy if she loses them. She can use them to block or attack like a War Angel can, but doesn't have good enough control to actually do that.

Perfect Pitch
-She reacts to the person she boosts more readily. She can sense how their condition is and they can tell hers in turn if they've experienced her magic a lot. The boost feels like caffeine.


Light Up the Stage

Step Up
-Gaining Karaoke gives the ally who gained it Celestial Champion's Flight Level.

Pass the Amp
-Multiply Celestial Champion's final damage by the number of Karaoke holders.

Lightly Now
-Negate all spell damage Celestial Champion would receive. If an ally has Karaoke, reduce the spell damage they would receive by 50%.

Current EXP: 2

Everyone's Angel Lv 1->2
Karaoke Lv 1->2
Everyone's Angel Lv 2->4
Karaoke Lv 2->4
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Magical Girl Amalgam
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Amalgam

Morgan Strau
Health: 300(Base) + 138(Hunting Corpse) + 175(Feral Corpse) = 613
Base Damage: 90(Base) + 50(Hunting Corpse) + 57(Feral Corpse) * 3(Decrepit claws level) = 591
Base Resilience: 45(Base) + 15(Hunting Corpse) + 15(Feral Corpse) = 75
Magic Modifier: 25 *3 (Decrepit Claws Level) = 75
Biology | Augmentation | Legend Maker

Decrepit Claws:
Level 3
ApT: 1
Affinity: Decay
Ability: Bleed

Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Health: 750
Base Damage: 225
Base Resilience: 225
Affinities: Biology | Augmentation
Ability: Autonomous Combat | Auto Assault

Essence Theft
-Steals a portion of an enemy's essence, permanently lowering their max health, base resilience, base damage, and magic modifier by 25% and giving the stolen stats to Magical Girl Amalgam. Essence Theft does not work on enemies with a higher average level than itself.
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Augmentation
Ability: Assimilate | One-shot

Hybridized VExistence
Level 2
-Move beyond your limits and escape your prison. Controls health and resilience.

Essence Of Life
-Magical Girl Amalgam has four essence counters, representing her humanity. Whenever she uses Essence Theft, replace one of the counters with whatever she used it on and give her one of her victim's affinities. If for any reason Magical Girl Amalgam ever has less than two human essence counters, she will instantly cease being a Magical Girl. Counters can be reverted to Human at any time, but Amalgam will lose any benefits gained from them.
1) Hunting Corpse
2) Feral Corpse
3) Human
4) Human

To The Survivor Go The Spoils
Level 2
-Once per fight, Magical Girl Amalgam may salvage part of a dead creature's sheet, taking any one of the following:
-10% of Target's base Health
-10% of target's base Resilience
-1 of Target's ApT
-1 of Target's weapons(If natural)
-1 of Target's weapon abilities (if applicable)
Once selected, the salvaged component may be applied to either Amalgam herself or Chimera. When doing so, mark the salvaged component below, Amalgam's maximum number of salvaged components is equal to To The Survivor Go The Spoils' level. Applied components can be replaced, but are lost forever afterward.
1) Decrepit Claws
2) None

1 BP spent on Auto Assault
1 BP spent combining controllers
2 BP banked for experience.

Chimera is currently the size and shape of a large dog, though it's stitched together out of several different breeds. It's size and appearance will change heavily as it's modified.
Chimera is roughly as intelligent as a dog, that can change if Amalgam modifies it enough.
Chimera smells weird, Amalgam isn't affected by it but everyone else is.
While Amalgam can resurrect Chimera if it's killed, she cannot do this mid fight.

Essence Theft:
As Amalgam uses this spell she will begin to change, not to the degree of gaining height or a third arm, but taking in the essence of say... a zombie, would cause her body and outfit to begin to rot and decay. She is trading her humanity for power after all, some contamination is to be expected.
When Amalgam takes in a creature's essence, others like it may begin interact with her differently.

Hybridized Existence:
None at the moment.

Essence of Life:
None at the moment.

To The Survivor Go The Spoils:
Unlike with stealing essence, ripping off and attaching parts of other creatures can and will significantly change Amalgam and Chimera's appearances.

Embrace the Beast
Will you really let something as simple as humanity hold you back? You're still a person, right?
-Temporarily double the effects of all non-human essence counters.
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Augmentation
Ability: Boost self

Recombined Contagion
Level 1
With this much material, surely it can't be that hard to make something that hurts.
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Biology
Ability: Poison

Well of Essence I
-Amalgam gains another essence slot

Expanded Resource Pool I
-Amalgam may salvage more components of enemy sheets.
-- 10% of Target's Base Damage
-- 10% of Target's Magic Modifier

Expanded Resource Pool II
-Amalgam may salvage more components of enemy sheets.
-- Target's ApT growth.
-- Target's spells

Extraction Expertise I
-After purchase, increases the percentage value of sheet components that Amalgam extracts by 10.

Extraction Expertise II
-Amalgam may salvage 2 sheet components per fight.

Friendly Fire
-If Amalgam is holding essence from an enemy, all enemies of that type must spend an additional ApT to attack her.

Hellish Adaptation
-Magical Girl Amalgam gains the Demon affinity, and can now use Essence Theft and To The Survivor Go The Spoils on Demonic entities. Temporarily locks out all other Adaptation upgrades.

Fused Flesh
-Magical Girl Amalgam and Chimera may temporarily fuse, combining all stats, ApT, abilities, and rolling initiative twice, taking the higher result.

EXP earned: 26
Banked BP: 200

EXP total: 226

EXP spent:
Hybridized Vitality lvl 1 -> lvl 2: 10 exp
Chimera lvl 1 -> lvl 5: 100 exp
Essence Theft lvl1 -> lvl 5: 100 exp
To The Survivor Go The Spoils lvl 1 -> lvl 2: 10 exp

EXP remaining: 6
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Magical Girl Sunshower
(Unaligned/Unified Light) Magical Girl Sunshower

Olivia Kingsleigh

Health: 550
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 60
Magic Modifier: 300

Affinity: Meaning | Kindness | Story

Level 5
Attacks per Turn: 2 (+1 per 5)
Affinities: Meaning | Kindness
Abilities: Damage Cut | Invoke: Shelter

Respite Sprouts
Level 2
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 7 (+2 per level)
Affinities: Kindness
Abilities: Clone-Weapon | Cast by Modifier

A Pensive Disposition
I wonder if anything could have changed that day.
Level 2
-Governs Health, Respite's Damage Cut applies in a 5-meter radius around them.

That which was not offered
Extend the hand.
Level 1
-Governs Resilience, Sunshower may instantly move to wherever her rain is.

Rain World
-Endless magical rain that follows Magical Girl Sunshower around everywhere even while untransformed, the Rain applies one of the abilities on the list below to everything it affects, the abilities are chosen at the start of each turn, Sunshower and her allies are not negatively affected by the Rain, enemies are not positively affected by the Rain.

-Elemental Backup

1 BP on Invoke: Shelter on weapon
1 BP on extra effect on A Pensive Disposition
1 BP on extra effect on That which was not offered
Respite: An umbrella that when fully extended is a bit larger than Sunshower herself with a large and thin spike on its end tip, is very thin when closed, the shaft may be extended and retracted for ease of use and the canopy never seems to be a bother, currently, there's no major difference in its properties when it's closed or open…

-Damage Cut: A magical field that reduces the force that things are affected by, and improves its own durability making it an actually useful melee weapon.
–Durable Canopy: Every part of it is about as durable as the rest, letting it effectively function as a shield.
—Mary Poppins: Can delay and change her aerial momentum when fully opened.
-Invoke: Shelter: Synchronizes with Sunshower magic when wielded by her to make casting her spell incredibly easy.
–Endless Gifts: With an action worth of time and water, Sunshower can manifest another weapon without needing to detransform and transform back.
–Simplicity: A simple hard hit of the ground is enough to discharge enough magic to cast her spell, perfect when something is too dangerous to approach.

Shelter: From a drop of rainwater sprouts a Respite.

-Clone-Weapon: A supercharged version of her Endless Gifts exploit, her magic almost instantly manifests weapons from a raindrop worth of water somewhere.
–Unwanted: Can appear with enough force so as to damage enemies as if she struck them herself.
-Cast by Modifier: The surge of magic is somewhat inconsistent…
–One Knows: But when the spell is cast Sunshower instinctively understands how many sprout and assigns them a place and force at which they do so in an instant, it might be possible to extend that understanding and expand it to other matters with time.

A Pensive Disposition: The kind but logical will that leads her is accompanied by her magic to enhance her and take others under her guard.

That which was not offered: The same clothing that she was wearing when she first awakened and similar to that night a year prior, never seems to tear or stain or get dirty. To anyone but Sunshower, it feels like water.
-Droplet swap: Takes advantage of the "her ness" nature of the rain to swap place with a drop of water, happens at a thought, and is just as fast.

Rain World: Recreates that day, a heavy but windless and cloudless rain follows her no matter what.
-I'm here…aren't I?: The magical rain has the signature of Sunshower magic on it, effectively making her seem to be everywhere.
–That which is not I: Slowly gains a vague understanding of everything around her as they get soaked in her rain, mostly a subconscious feeling.
—Here, share this with me: Anything that Sunshower subconsciously understands as friendly is spared from the effect of her rain.

Interrupt: Worsens the rain and gives it a sense of oppression, it falls harder and in a larger quantity, the ground is significantly more likely to make you slip, the sheer water volume makes you unable to see as well and has weapons jam, in general making it significantly harder to act effectively

Invisibility: A bit of fog starts to appear, the rain obscuring allies, anyone affected by it can see themselves and others under its effects, while those that can see magical effects have ease seeing her allies unless Sunshower outclasses them, seeing her is another matter.

Elemental Backup: Washes away thunder, ice, and wind the same as water deals with fire, turns the area around hostile to such unwanted effects, even normally unextinguishable normal fires go away in instants with this, at least, this is all that Sunshower knows it does.

09/01: Removed Shop Ideas, EXP spent
26/11: All instances of the Sunshower ability changed to Rain World, at GM's very old request.
22/06: Shelter MM gain per level got changed to 2

Combat 1: Gained 26 XP, spent 10 each on Respite and A Pensive Disposition
Combat 2: Gained 96 XP = 102, Spent 90 on Respite and 10 on Shelter
Remaining EXP: 2
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The whirring of the transport's blades fills your ears. You stretch and wake yourself up, shaking off the flight's fatigue. A thump heralds the gunship's landing. The rear bay door opens, natural sunlight streaming in and stinging your eyes after so long in the artificial lighting of the transport.

The square you walk out of the gunship into is Classical European architecture. Rustic charm, brick and stone, with tight alleys branching off the main space. Thankfully, the pilot chose somewhere not crowded with zombies to park. The rain, however, is still there, like its been the entire trip. It feels like it originates from the girl with an umbrella.

Major Jordan Aviesto, your designated handler, minder, and bodyguard, walks out after you. The gunship takes off once he's clear.

"Listen up!" he barks, "I'll only say this once. All of you are here because you became magical girls within the past month, and haven't seen actual combat yet. This hellhole will fix that right up. Some bastard didn't keep his shit together, and now the people of this city are rotting corpses, perfect fodder to whet yer teeth on."

He narrows his eyes and looks each of you in yours. "You all listen to me, you hear? If I say jump, you don't ask how high, you jump that instant". His gaze lingers on Liliana, before moving on. "Your job is to kill deads, get stronger, and then go somewhere more dangerous to stop the Darkness from killing more of our people. My job is to make sure you live long enough to do it".

The Major checks his weapon. "You got five minutes to shake off the dust and get ready, then we're moving. The dead know we're here, and they'll be coming in numbers I'm not keen to look at".
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Morgan steps off the transport and looks around, the pristine buildings, the rotting corpses in the distance, the damn rain, lets get this over with.

"Adaption by any means, survival at any cost, I am Magical Girl Amalgam."

After a flash of light appears and dissipates, the magical girl walks out into the square, followed closely by a large dog that looks like it was pieced together out of several others.

"Let's get on with it then, I've got shit to do."
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Liliana just sticks her tongue out at the back of the Major's head before lightly skipping past for a better view of the surrounding area.

She also wanted to say the rain felt great, but being the first to arrive means she was also the one with Olivia the longest and thus feeling like she should be soaked to the bone. First thought of the city though is that every zombie movie ever has been a terrible fucking let down: everything looks relatively pristine aside from the odd shambling corpse off in the distance. It doesn't look post-apocalyptic at all.

"It's time to hunt again; I am Magical Girl Bloody Huntress." A flicker, and Bloody pulls the hood of her loose coat up over her head.

"Let's get on with it then, I've got shit to do."
"Really? Unlike me, all of you are volunteer. Why you here if you have something 'better' to do?"
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Bloody raises a hand, finger out stretched, but pauses.

Then Frowns.

Then looks a bit constipated.

Then sighs. "Alright, I got nuttin'."

"Yeah me too, it's why I'm here." Morgan smiles with a weird expression halfway between smugness and self deprecation. Almost immediately her dog is at her side and nuzzling her leg for attention. She bends over and starts scratching it's head.

"Okay fine Chimera, I've got something. But I do need the money, and a get out of jail free card."
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This would have been a nice place to live in, in another time.

Taking a small stretch, she says the now so-familiar phrase.

"If anything could, it would have been the offered hand, I am Magical Girl Sunshower"

With those words said, Olivia takes a step and puts herself a few spaces in front of the Major, ignoring his small startle of surprise, she walks normally the rest of the way to a bit behind Lili and waits until after...Morgan she believes is the name, finishes speaking.

Then sighs. "Alright, I got nuttin'."

"You will certainly find others with the same situation, being forced to and having to choose between a... troublesome choice and a merely annoying one tends to be the same thing in the end"

Truly, few things were as annoying as politics.