Magical Girl Battlefield Scavenger has a Type 1 Transformation, and is 5' 1".
Scavenger's Lockpick is, well, an indestructible halligan bar. It's principally meant to function as a survival tool, though it can be used as a weapon.
-Indestructible: Excellent design and physical construction make the halligan bar nigh indestructible by mundane means. Even in a magic surpressed area, the weapon retains Indestructible (False).
--Immovable Rod: If wedged into a location, Scavenger's Lockpick will remain where it is so long as the supporting objects remain where they are, and potentially beyond. It will not move, it cannot be moved, and it cannot be damaged.
-Crush (eventual): Halligan bars are typically sized for two handed use. Scavenger's Lockpick exemplifies this design in addition to being usable one-handed, allowing the user to exert up to their entire body strength and weight through the halligan bar at amplified effect.
--Perfect Lever: Provided a fulcrum of some kind, Scavenger's Lockpick is an incredibly effective lever. With Indestructible removing the need to worry about the bar breaking or bending, it offers even greater effectiveness as a lever than it's design would normally allow.
-Armor Removal (eventual): Halligan bars are used to pry nails and other things that are stuck together apart by force. Scavenger's Lockpick is even more capable of this than normal, and can remove armor without inflicting damage, so long as it can get a bit of leverage.
--Combatant Removal: Scavenger's Lockpick cannot ignore Indestructible, but it can fake Knockback by turning the force that would remove armor into extra leverage behind an attack.
--Perfect Prybar: Scavenger's Lockpick can be used to remove physical components wholesale from anything that cannot actively resist it, allowing Battlefield Scavenger to repurpose them to her own needs later on.
First Aid is magically done first aid to heal wounds and suppress body modifiers.
-Heal: Wounds are disinfected, healed from the inside out, and closed up to the best of the spell's ability. It looks like natural healing done by the body, and scarring can occur from it. Any damage not healed this way can be further healed naturally given appropriate time and care. Unfortunately, the spell does not come with anesthetic built in, though Rapid Recovery does help a bit with the pain afterwards.
-Rapid Recovery: Body modifiers are essentially duct taped over magically. While they can be reopened, until that happens, the spell allows the victim to continue operating as if the body modifiers are not present.
-Regenerate (eventual) : The natural healing process of the body is supplemented by the magic to not merely heal immediately, but to continue the process for a short period of time. This allows for body modifiers to be completely healed, and with enough application, can even allow for the regeneration of missing limbs and/or organs or the fixing of other seriously gruesome and incapacitating injuries.
Will To Survive is the magical enhancement of Battlefield Scavenger's civilian body to increase her ability to take damage.
Forager's Find is the outfit of her transformation, and any armor she has created. It's also her 'armor against the elements', and enhances her foraging ability to find survival essentials given the time to actually try. If her environment lacks those essentials, her magic will outright create them. It won't be tasty or pleasant, but it will ensure that they exist.
Flesh Wounds is the twisting of the body, gritting of teeth, and denial of death that comes with surviving. Sacrificing the function of a body part in some way, Battlefield Scavenger vastly reduces the effect of any source of damage upon herself. This has no limits on it's use, though it's debatable whether surviving past a certain point is better than dying.
Scavenger's Arsenal has two main functions. One is magically enhanced tinkering and smithing. Without any facilities, Battlefield Scavenger can combine, break down, or even cannibalize weapons to enhance or repair each other. The other is her magic taking in outside weaponry by 'scavenging it', imposing the limits on it's use, and giving her a limited ability to store such weapons on her person in a pocket dimension.
-Knowing How To Use It: Magical Girl instincts do grant Battlefield Scavenger the ability to understand how to use, and a weapon in her possession can do. Wouldn't be much good to pick up a weapon if she didn't know what it's Abilities were, or how many more actions she got from it.
-Base Damage: A given weapon retains it's base damage. If it's base damage was controlled by a Personal Ability, Scavenger's Arsenal tries to recreate it to the best of it's ability, but generally gets the default value.
-Magic Modifier: All such weapons use Battlefield Scavenger's Magic Modifier, and magical effects on them are fueled by her own magic.
-Non-Human, Non-Elf Weapons: If a weapon is taken in that is magically created by it's user upon use, the taken in copy is treated thereafter as separate from the original user and does not restrict their ability to make a new copy of the weapon. She doesn't steal their weapon, just gets the copy of it. These weapons can be leveled, and gain appropriate stat increases (excepting Magic Modifier) and abilities from doing so.
-Elf Weapons: Elf weapons can be leveled for additional ApT and any magical abilities, but otherwise give no additional benefit from leveling.
-Non-Leveled Weapons: These cannot be leveled, but can still be granted additional abilities by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Limitless Weapons: Yes, she can destroy a copy of a Limitless weapon to replenish the Magazine on another weapon, and then just create another copy of the Limitless weapon. This is because Scavenger's Arsenal essentially fakes Limitless to get her a copy of a weapon that doesn't prevent the original owner of a Magical Girl weapon from having a copy if they drop their transformation and reapply it, for example.
Scavenged Arms represents the weapons which Battlefield Scavenger has on hand other than Scavenger's Lockpick. The number of such weapons she is not physical carrying is limited by Scavenger's Arsenal.
-Actions Per Turn: Battlefield Scavenger has access to the combined actions all of such weapons at all times, but cannot attack with a weapon more times in a turn than it has ApT (assuming it has the Magazine capacity to do so).
Shelter, originally the Spell of Magical Girl Sunshower, can be Invoked via the Invoke: Shelter ability. It Clones the weapon with which it is Invoked from water which Scavenger is personally aware of, with sufficient force to serve as an attack should the clones be positioned correctly.
- Cast By Modifier: Shelter does not always Clone it's Invoking weapon the same number of times, but Scavenger is aware on Invoke of how many times it will be cloned.
-- Indirect Fire: Due to her awareness of how many times the Invoked weapon will be cloned, she can also choose where the cloned copies will be created. This can be anywhere within the span of her personal awareness, so long as water exists for the clones to come from.
- Spell Boost: Due to a quirk in the Invoke process, magically receptive items boosting the cast of Shelter instead maximize the magic modifier roll of the spell.