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It is the aftermath of the Horus Heresy.

And you have just been born.

You don't know what your true 'goals' in life are.

But you know what you want to do.

You want to create.
The begining New
You are -

1: Genetor Jarpun Dark!/2:Exalted Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Contract Forger!/3: High Priest of the Bonecarver Cults!/4: Warpsmith Ogaran of the Undivided/5: Sessenan Pleasurebringer of the Sessetium Species/6: Blightstomach the Pestigor Lord.


... You are 6-1.

A massive gash opens up on your central body, a horrific mass of organs and wires pulled along by two massive mechanical claws. Sprouting out from your body, attached to long snake-like mechanical extensions, are 'heads' representing the personalities of your foolish components. An ancient Dark Age of Technology cloning device, capable of recreating any form of Gene-Seed that you've gotten a sample of while at the same time minimizing future mutation rates, is mounted on your back, tended to by swarms of mechadendrites.
1: Just born and 6-1 already thinks itself better than its components….. Well, that was the point of this experiment, as insultingly arrogant as it may be.

2: I am an entire torso, not a mere 'head', fool.

And you feel the urge to... create.

There is no rhyme or reason to it, no great plan or wider objective.

You simply desire creation, above all else.
4: The desire to create was one of the few traits all of us had in common prior to our project - it is only logical our masterpiece shares our drive.

6: Mayhaps such optimism is unbefitting for a Pestigor Lord, but I think I already like 6-1. It shall be a wondrous servant for the Plaugefather, and all the other Gods...

And this want is all encompassing.

You look at the types of Gene-Seed you have data of.

[ ] World Eaters (Choose whether or not to include Butcher's Nails): Children of Khorne's Red Angel, when implanted with the Butcher's Nails the World Eaters are a Legion unparalleled in melee battle, but so blood crazed that they tend to be, for a lack of a better descriptor, rather idiotic. Without those cybernetic implants, the World Eaters are noticeably weaker, but they remain potent in melee and seem to form strong bonds with each other. It is they who have been claimed as the foremost servants of the Blood God, though Khorne may be willing to allow the genetic basis of His soldiers to be used elsewhere.

[ ] Death Guard: The Sons of Mortarion, the Death Guard is a Legion renowned for its durability and resistance to toxins. Once the hazardous environment specialists of the hated Imperium, they now have been adopted by Grandfather Nurgle, their durability raised to unimaginable extremes by His blessings - but Nurgle is a generous God, and will not hold using them for other purposes against you.

[ ] Iron Warriors: The Sons of Perturabo, the Iron Warriors are greatly intelligent, unimaginably spiteful, and excel at recovering from significant casualties in a short amount of time. They are masters of siege warfare, and though they do not serve any of the Gods in particular, seeing the Ruinous Powers merely as a source of unholy might, they refine the art of combining technology and the dark arts to a level few can hope to rival.

[ ] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.

[ ] Emperors Children: The Sons of Fulgrim's amusingly named Legion is noted for great competence in many fields, with no outstanding mutations. The biggest issue with this Legion is its tendency towards excessive pride and perfectionism, though this is merely natural for Slaanesh's chosen providers of ecstasy. Using the Dark Prince's vassals elsewhere is of no consequence, so long as the Lord of Pleasure can amuse itself with your works.

[ ] Black Legion: The apex of the Chaos Marines, the Sons of Horus the Warmaster, and the de-facto leaders of all traitor forces one those rare occasions the God's will is that they cooperate with one another. Any warband created from the Black Legion Gene-Seed is bound to possess great power… but also to attract a great many eyes. The Black Legion serves all the Ruinous Powers, disdaining devoting themselves to only one of the Dark Pantheon, but you doubt the Despoiler will care what you do either way.

[ ] Alpha Legion: A shockingly stable Gene-Seed, the Alpha Legion, offspring of the twin Primarchs Alpharius and Omegon, are known to be masters in the art of treachery. They do not serve any of the Gods, though the Changer of Ways adores their predilection for schemes and plots.

[ ] Night Lords: The drudges of the traitor Legions, the Gene-Seed of the Night Lords, Sons of Curze, mainly grants those with the 'privilege' to bear it an increased skill in terror tactics. And a noted tendency for psychotic conditions, but why would you care about that? The Night Lords do not devote themselves to any of the Great Four, only serving them in exchange for fresh victims to torture and terrorise, but some among them have founded the cult of the Raptor God, a minor God just as sadistic and murderous as His adherents.

[ ] Word Bearers: The faithful of the Dark Gods the Word Bearers are masters at gathering large amounts of followers to fight for them.

And of course the raw Gene-Seed used isn't the only thing of importance.

You must also choose whether or not to gift this new warband with an affinity for one of the four Great Dark Ones. Of course, you could also instill in them the true faith of Chaos Undivided, or simply ignore their faith and have them serve no master but power itself...

Choose 1
[ ] Nurgle
[ ] Khorne
[ ] Tzeench
[ ] Slannesth
[ ] Undivided (Faithful)
[ ] Undivided (Mercenary)

OOC: Special thanks to me Beta this chapter wouldn't look nearly as cool without them.
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[X ] Night Lords: The drudges of the traitor Legions, the Gene-Seed of the Night Lords, Sons of Curze, mainly grants those with the 'privilege' to bear it an increased skill in terror tactics. And a noted tendency for psychotic conditions, but why would you care about that? The Night Lords do not devote themselves to any of the Great Four, only serving them in exchange for fresh victims to torture and terrorise, but some among them have founded the cult of the Raptor God, a minor God just as sadistic and murderous as His adherents.

[ X] Slannesth

Pure evil but let's go.
Oh boy can't wait to see where this will go

[X] Death Guard: The Sons of Mortarion, the Death Guard is a Legion renowned for its durability and resistance to toxins. Once the hazardous environment specialists of the hated Imperium, they now have been adopted by Grandfather Nurgle, their durability raised to unimaginable extremes by His blessings - but Nurgle is a generous God, and will not hold using them for other purposes against you.
[X] Slannesth
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[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Khorne

Now you may ask why I have chosen the Psyker Legion and Khorne, well I just think is funny.
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle

Nurgle seems the second most Sorcery happy of the gods and would absolutely love to spite Tzeentch by taking a few of his favored children.

I also think the idea of their flesh change being embraced as Papa Nurgle's blessing would be a novel inversion of their Legion forebearers.
[X] World Eaters (not to include Butcher's Nails): Children of Khorne's Red Angel, when implanted with the Butcher's Nails the World Eaters are a Legion unparalleled in melee battle, but so blood crazed that they tend to be, for a lack of a better descriptor, rather idiotic. Without those cybernetic implants, the World Eaters are noticeably weaker, but they remain potent in melee and seem to form strong bonds with each other. It is they who have been claimed as the foremost servants of the Blood God, though Khorne may be willing to allow the genetic basis of His soldiers to be used elsewhere.
[X] Undivided (Mercenary)

I see there is no Word Bearers.
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle
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[X] Plan: they shall be my finest warriors, and greatest thinkers
-[X] Iron Warriors: The Sons of Perturabo, the Iron Warriors are greatly intelligent, unimaginably spiteful, and excel at recovering from significant casualties in a short amount of time. They are masters of siege warfare, and though they do not serve any of the Gods in particular, seeing the Ruinous Powers merely as a source of unholy might, they refine the art of combining technology and the dark arts to a level few can hope to rival.
--[X] you have an urge, one where you must create; if so then create tools, soldiers and the intellgent to aid you in creating more
-[X] Undivided (Mercenary)
[X] Night Lords: The drudges of the traitor Legions, the Gene-Seed of the Night Lords, Sons of Curze, mainly grants those with the 'privilege' to bear it an increased skill in terror tactics. And a noted tendency for psychotic conditions, but why would you care about that? The Night Lords do not devote themselves to any of the Great Four, only serving them in exchange for fresh victims to torture and terrorise, but some among them have founded the cult of the Raptor God, a minor God just as sadistic and murderous as His adherents.
[X] Slannesth
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle

I will see necromancy
[X] Iron Warriors: The Sons of Perturabo, the Iron Warriors are greatly intelligent, unimaginably spiteful, and excel at recovering from significant casualties in a short amount of time. They are masters of siege warfare, and though they do not serve any of the Gods in particular, seeing the Ruinous Powers merely as a source of unholy might, they refine the art of combining technology and the dark arts to a level few can hope to rival.
[X] Slannesth

Imagine these guys executing "creeping barrage"... perfectly
Lets make a Black Legion Warband before the Black Legion even forms it will be funny.

[X] Black Legion: The apex of the Chaos Marines, the Sons of Horus the Warmaster, and the de-facto leaders of all traitor forces one those rare occasions the God's will is that they cooperate with one another. Any warband created from the Black Legion Gene-Seed is bound to possess great power… but also to attract a great many eyes. The Black Legion serves all the Ruinous Powers, disdaining devoting themselves to only one of the Dark Pantheon, but you doubt the Despoiler will care what you do either way.
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Khorne

I agree with humorous irony.
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle
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[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Tzeench
This isn't particularly groundbreaking, but I used dice to decide and this is the result.
Although there's nothing wrong with playing it straight and making a 1K Sons chapter for Tzeentch.

Edit: I prefer Slaanesh to Nurgle so throwing a vote to the former.
[X] Slannesth
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[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle

I am a sucker for Necromancy stuff.
[X] Alpha Legion: A shockingly stable Gene-Seed, the Alpha Legion, offspring of the twin Primarchs Alpharius and Omegon, are known to be masters in the art of treachery. They do not serve any of the Gods, though the Changer of Ways adores their predilection for schemes and plots.
[X] Tzeench
Behold, Tzeentch's most schizophrenic soldiers.
[X] Death Guard: The Sons of Mortarion, the Death Guard is a Legion renowned for its durability and resistance to toxins. Once the hazardous environment specialists of the hated Imperium, they now have been adopted by Grandfather Nurgle, their durability raised to unimaginable extremes by His blessings - but Nurgle is a generous God, and will not hold using them for other purposes against you.
[X] Slannesth
[X] Thousand Sons: A Legion descended from Magnus the Red, and like him, are especially gifted in the ways of sorcery. It is also here that one of your… 'parents', as it were, was spawned from. Sadly, in exchange for their sorcerous gifts this Legion appears to be cursed with mutation rates that even your Dark Age cloning devices can't be guaranteed to stabilize - all the better in the eyes of Tzeentch, their master, though the Architect of Fate's infinite plans and schemes may well be served by allowing you to use his pawns separate from Him.
[X] Nurgle

Skiddale Skidoodle!
[X] Iron Warriors: The Sons of Perturabo, the Iron Warriors are greatly intelligent, unimaginably spiteful, and excel at recovering from significant casualties in a short amount of time. They are masters of siege warfare, and though they do not serve any of the Gods in particular, seeing the Ruinous Powers merely as a source of unholy might, they refine the art of combining technology and the dark arts to a level few can hope to rival.

[X] Nurgle
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