[x] Alfred Pennyworth
Batman is just as much as apart of Gotham and the DC universe as super man and Metropilous.
He will appear.
and he will exist. I'm sorry but I have plans for Batman to play a part in the stories to come.
When he finally arrives and dawns the cowl.
This one wont work we have freaking Wild Card Persona and unless we decide to never use that were pretty much a superhero by default.I am okay if we work with him to be another element in his crusade but we I kinda want as to be a avergae joe that is doing our own part to make Gotham a little better.
This one wont work we have freaking Wild Card Persona and unless we decide to never use that were pretty much a superhero by default.
The man's a saint. Wonder what Arcana is he? Strength? Chariot?
[X] Victor and Nora Fries
The Lovers Arcana get
...though would be interesting with the detective but curious on how this goes...
It would be Hierophant.The man's a saint. Wonder what Arcana is he? Strength? Chariot?
If it's both then Lovers could fit.I think Victor for me would be the Hermit Arcana and when he become Mr. Freeze it becomed inverse to symbolize that he become lost and forever wandeting the darkness with no light or path to guide his way.
With the ledgers secured, you turned to leave, her parting words hanging in the air like smoke. "If you're smart," you said over your shoulder, "you'll disappear. Because when this goes public, Maroni won't be the only one looking for you."
More importantly, how the hell did he know about her ledger? About everything she had done to keep Maroni's empire running like a well-oiled machine? She had buried her secrets deep, under layers of deniable operations and coded language. The kind of secrets that only someone on the inside, or something worse, could uncover.
How much of a timeskip are we looking at after this?
Bruce leaves Gotham so about 5 to six years before the next major story arc.
Uh, okay. When I heard we were going to secure evidence I thought we would just swipe them all sneaky-like and the Matron would notice afterwards, not right in front of her.Across the room, the Matron was pacing like a caged animal, her hands wringing a stained handkerchief that had clearly seen better days. Her face, once cold and composed, was now flushed with the feverish panic of someone who knew the walls were closing in.
Not that we need to! We actually pulled it off! Got the whole organization and everything. Whew, that's a load off my mind.Reward: The Maroni Crime Family is crumbling under the weight of justice.
John staph that's P4 territory. Tis silly there.John leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, still fixated on the screen. "I'm just wondering… what if there's a world behind the TV set?"
Alfred would give us a choice to potentially be his apprentice if we so desired. But otherwise we would be his adopted son and ward.Actually, would this make Alfred our official parent? Adam Pennyworth instead of Adam Wayne.
...Would we be a butler?
I'm just going to say this... Bruce Wayne and Batman are one in the same.
And while I love GRant Morrisons' take on the character, i do think that pepole who think that they are two separate entities are incorrect.
Without Bruce's humanity, Batman would never be effective.
There is freedom and restrictions wherever you go.[X] Victor and Nora Fries
They're all good, I think Bullock is everyone's second Pic. I love the Idea of him going from mentor to father figure but the possibility to save Nora. Also if I remember correctly there was some corruption in Wayne enterprise that got Victor fired. So we get 2 quests here. Also If we where at the manor I feel like we would have a lot less freedom or it would be a very jarring change.