Well this is a fun romp. I've been reading it on a phone for a while but now I'm finally on a laptop with a decent keyboard and can comment - so this is all the accumulated thoughts in one
long post.
First I'll say that I like the story. It's nice to see a DC/Marvel story where the status quo is breached and Earth actually is advanced by all that super tech in comics. I especially appreciates the added images, which helps me visualise what this new world looks like.
The only concern I have is that when binging the story it seems like everything just goes the main character's way. No setbacks, hiccups or miscalculations. I'm not saying that suddenly everything should go wrong, but considering that this is an amalgamation of DC and Marvel universe (where villains pop up like daisies and weird shit happens every Thursday) there really should be a whole bunch of small fires to put out along the way.
It doesn't need to be a big part of the story, just have it mentioned in passing. Like Mercy giving a report of how Extremis has been widely spread, but that many religious fundamentalists are protesting it or refusing its use (which Alex would likely just shrug at and point out that it is a self correcting problem in time, and that they likely will change their tune after the first couple of alien invasions) or mention how one of Lexcorps' new factory sites turned out to be
actually haunted by some supernatural creature, which meant he had to chase down and employ a magic expert, and what a pain that was.
Nothing much. Just these small problems that always crops up in any bigger undertaking. Like in this chapter he complained about the small-mindedness of the politicians on the UN, which immediately made the story feel more grounded.
Having things like this in a story makes it feel like things actually takes
effort, which emphasizes how great these accomplishments are. It also gives the main character a chance to demonstrate his competence by handling these problems, and show his genre savvyness by having him
anticipate the disruptions before they happened. Basically, it gives the character a chance to show off and
show his abilities instead of just having the reader informed about them.
About Mutants. You wrote that you don't plan to include the X-men because all the trouble with time travel and the Phoenix Force. That's completely understandable, since those whole storylines would be incredibly hard to work with, but if you
want to you can ignore most of those complicated parts and still use the characters in a simplified form.
This is a mixed universe, so it is
expected that the origin of characters would change. Just pick some of your favourites, note down a simplified origin that works for this story, and include them of you like. If in this universe Jean Gray just is a powerful telepath and telekinetic, with a patronage from the Phoenix Force that grants her some extra abilities involving cleansing flames and life without the complications from being an avatar, that works fine, for example.
If you want a
suggestion for how to work mutants into this universe, here's my idea:
In this mixed universe there are several kinds of metahumans. The X, M, N, and, O-metas.
The N-metas are near-human or mixed blood people like Atlanteans, Inhumans, Amazons, and all people with a mix of blood from aliens and/or magical beings/people.
The O-metas are naturalized Outsiders like Superman, Martian Manhunter, and other extraterrestrial or extradimensional aliens who now call Earth home.
The M-metas are DC style metahumans and Marvel's Mutates like Spiderman, Flash, the Fantastic Four, and all the other people who got their powers triggered by some exotic accident or exposure.
Lastly there is the X-metas who have the X-gene like all of Marvel's Mutants.
The difference between M-metas and X-metas are that M-metas have the M-gene and need some type of trigger event involving exotic energies/elements/etc. to manifest their powers, while X-metas have the X-gene and their powers suddenly and
spontaneously manifest at birth or during puberty. It is also common that X-metas manifest their powers during periods of mundane stress - like car accidents, assaults, or other non-exotic stressors, which means that the trigger event still might end up being quite violent.
In this world Xavier would still run his school, but for
all types of young metas who need to learn to control their powers. The majority of the students are X-metas due to how their powers works, but there's a mix of other types as well.
The X-men would work as a rapid response or intervention team that both protect the public from rampaging metas, and metas from attacks by non-metas, but the group specializes in finding and helping metas with newly manifested powers that might be out of control. Basically, self-policing
of metas
by metas for both practical and political reasons - which might discourage things like the meta registration acts.
Since the metas are more diverse in this world mutant supremacy never got off the ground like in Marvel, and Magneto and his followers are more of an antihero and vigilante organization who focuses on making sure metas aren't exploited as living weapons or experimented on. They often raid both secret government bases and installations made by organizations like Hydra to free metas and destroy unethical research on/about them (which has made many governments classify them as terrorists). Magneto obviously
hates Hydra, and might be a good ally for Alex when it comes to rooting them out.
Wow, this got long. I'll stop here and just say you captured my imagination and that I'm looking forwards to next chapter.