[x] Development/Stasis
That was what was born from the spark. The shifting of reality as the processes that started it continued on shaped the Spark with this new process. Development, growth, continuance; the part between the Beginning and the End, the process between Life and Death, the great paths that are dictated by Fate and Freedom. And with the defining of Development, its opposite, Stasis, formed as well. The preservation of things created and to be destroyed, the concrete numbers between the infinite and zero, the eternal point that gives definition to Reality as they transitions from Dreams.
It was the 7th, the youngest of the Most High and the others gathered around it, sheltering its budding spark from the chaotic realm. It was new, something unexpected, and thus something precious and exciting. Already they could feel the shifting of the laws that defined them all as something new was added to it.
When Beginning/Endings manifested itself it brought about being as things began to change and shift, new things appearing and old vanishing. When it created Infinity/Nothingness as a companion, the primordial chaos was born, manifesting everything and nothing in its bundled proto-material. When the two joined and birthed Creation/Destruction, things changed as the Proto-Material was made to take shape, processing properties of all sorts as the vastness was cut down and the nothingness added on to.
When Dream/Reality was born from the frustration of its brother, new ideas blossomed forth, all of them ready to be made into reality by any force. For the first time, he Primordials could think and dream and define themselves. Existence was born then to provide definition, even as it prevented the great mother from entering its constraining form.
Life/Death was born then as concepts such as thought, awareness, will, and souls, came about. Creatures of many states, things not dependent on the will on their makers scattered across the myriad lands born from the initial creation. Fate/Freedom would come later on, split off from Life/Death when the first life forms learned to think for themselves and as they had originally done with the old concepts removed themselves from their mother, focused on making their own way.
Now with Development/Stasis things began to change. New possibilities came forth as change was finally defined as something more than the path between two points. The journey became just as important as the goal. And yet its opposite served to rich things much further. And yet it was enriched further when the halting of the journey could now be contemplated. Things did not need to end, indeed they did not need to move at all. Destruction was no longer inevitable anything created, and death no longer always following life.
And with its first breath it reached out and enacted its first action, working with one of its neighbors to enact a vast wonder and claim its domain.
What did it do?
[] Resonating with Beginnings/Endings the 7th linked development to the first beginning and the final end. Linearity was imposed on all that is and will be and Time was defined.
[] The duality of Creation/Destruction brought out something new in the 7th, manifesting it the two became 3 as Preservation became its own force.
[] The eternal duality of Life/Death was disturbed, the 7th altering its foundation as eternal life, caught in stasis, spun forth to tether the primordials together. Immortality, life without Death, Beginning without End, was made.
[] Write In: Select one of the 6, give an action resulting from its interaction. Make it suitably epic.