Terminator: Dark Fate

And that, yeah. It would be easier if they'd gotten at least some degree of resolution.

Actually it's I think it's better this way. At least it lets you think about what-might-have-beens, a bad ending that forcedly tyed up things would only ruined things further, it's invariably the result when these things happen.
It's only a case for it until you realize that Hollywood would never make that movie because it would be too grim and too much of a risk. They want punchy action that'll sell, especially if it's rated harder than PG-13. A grim scifi war movie? No fucking way. You'd stand a better chance of getting SyFy to make it. They would, of course, make it suck.

Saving Private Ryan and Fury disagrees with you on that statement.

I mean for crying out loud Halo went from M to T. People can stomach resistance soldiers being vaporized to ash by laser rifles
Saving Private Ryan and Fury disagrees with you on that statement.
Actually, they don't. See they aren't scifi. Look at scifi movies. They are pretty much always spectacle blockbuster movies and pretty much never anything else unless they're being done by someone with a lot of pull or following a trend. Without Spielberg making Saving Private Ryan, which made huge money, Fury would never have been made in the first place.
Cameron could do it because he made Avatar, which pulled huge money. He decided to remake T2 again instead.

You gotta remember, Hollywood is risk-averse. They need a trend to jump onto or a director who is a proven moneymaker. They aren't gonna take risks.
I just saw the movie today and I thought it was good stuff, I've only seen T1 and T2 which luckily are the only relevant ones for the movie. The Rev9's really cool, a great escalation of the T800 and T1000. All the main cast are great, Arnold particularly is hilarious.

There is one twist that falls really flat in how obvious it is but that's not really a big problem.
I just saw the movie today and I thought it was good stuff, I've only seen T1 and T2 which luckily are the only relevant ones for the movie. The Rev9's really cool, a great escalation of the T800 and T1000. All the main cast are great, Arnold particularly is hilarious.

There is one twist that falls really flat in how obvious it is but that's not really a big problem.

Spoilers? Does it ends on another clifhanger that implies Skynet survived?
Spoilers? Does it ends on another clifhanger that implies Skynet survived?
Skynet's not in the movie at all they really did manage to stop it for good at the end of T2, this time the apocalypse happens due to a different AI called Legion that the military creates, hence why we're past the day Skynet's meant to take over and it still hasn't. As of the end of the movie nothing's been done that'll stop Legion but with the message that's what's going to happen next trying to change that future, it's not really a cliffhanger or sequel bait it feels like there doesn't need to be another one but at the same time they could easily make a T2 esque sequel about that. Skynet not being around is why the Rev 9 uses a different naming convention.
Skynet's not in the movie at all they really did manage to stop it for good at the end of T2, this time the apocalypse happens due to a different AI called Legion that the military creates, hence why we're past the day Skynet's meant to take over and it still hasn't. As of the end of the movie nothing's been done that'll stop Legion but with the message that's what's going to happen next trying to change that future, it's not really a cliffhanger or sequel bait it feels like there doesn't need to be another one but at the same time they could easily make a T2 esque sequel about that. Skynet not being around is why the Rev 9 uses a different naming convention.

So, nothing changes and its completly pointless.
Skynet's not in the movie at all they really did manage to stop it for good at the end of T2, this time the apocalypse happens due to a different AI called Legion that the military creates, hence why we're past the day Skynet's meant to take over and it still hasn't. As of the end of the movie nothing's been done that'll stop Legion but with the message that's what's going to happen next trying to change that future, it's not really a cliffhanger or sequel bait it feels like there doesn't need to be another one but at the same time they could easily make a T2 esque sequel about that. Skynet not being around is why the Rev 9 uses a different naming convention.

That's...actually kind've interesting?
It occurs to me that although people tend to write it as REV-9 perhaps the proper way to write down Gabriel Luna's Terminator would be rev. 9.

As in revision 9.

Because instead of Skynet, which was a 100% military project built and designed as a military project by a military contractor, Legion is an AI for 2019, probably some sort of military magnum opus based upon commercial technology and Silicon Valley innovation. So maybe it names its Terminators using computer lingo rather than military lingo.

It's not the Type 800, Model 101. It's Revision 9 of the Terminator platform. There's probably some Google and Amazon legacy code whizzing inside its robot brain somewhere.
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It's not the Type 800, Model 101. It's Revision 9 of the Terminator platform. There's probably some Google and Amazon legacy code whizzing inside its robot brain somewhere.
And this code can probably still be accessed publicly through GitHub since nobody ever bothered to make its repository private.

The main plot point of the next Terminator movie would be about the Resistance finding this code because literally one guy found it on Google.
So reviews for Terminator: Dark Fate are coming out and they're actually pretty positive? It's at 68% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, which is pretty damn solid. I figured it would be a watchable dumb action flick to waste two hours on but it might apparently be pretty decent?
I don't know if I'd call 68% pretty decent but it's certainly better than I thought it was going to do.
It's not bad, although I spent most of the movie feeling sorry for the Mexican civilians and security guards, and airforce people killed by the Rev 9. For Americans, any idea which dam that might be at the end? It's supposed to be somewhere in Texas.
I liked the whole three fates thing they had with the three ladies, a bit on the nose but I'll take it.

also why does david goyer hate planes so much
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Skynet's not in the movie at all they really did manage to stop it for good at the end of T2, this time the apocalypse happens due to a different AI called Legion that the military creates, hence why we're past the day Skynet's meant to take over and it still hasn't. As of the end of the movie nothing's been done that'll stop Legion but with the message that's what's going to happen next trying to change that future, it's not really a cliffhanger or sequel bait it feels like there doesn't need to be another one but at the same time they could easily make a T2 esque sequel about that. Skynet not being around is why the Rev 9 uses a different naming convention.
So Jay Exci's not at all positive
Also he gives out spoilers for the entire thing.


So basically it completely shits on the themes of Terminator 2 regarding changing fate, undoes the actual victory that was achieved in the previous movies ending at the very start of this film (which takes places right after the end of Terminator 2 to rub it in even more) by having a blatant Diabolos Ex Machina kill off John by surprise T-800 Assassin and makes Sarah Connor both OOC and sexist purely to subvert things in the most blatantly obvious manner possible? Oh and just replaces Skynet with a new TOTALLY NOT JUST SKYNET WITH A DIFFERENT NAME HONEST!

Yeah I'm giving this a miss. Normally I'd be up for fun action stuff like this but ugh.

So basically it completely shits on the themes of Terminator 2 regarding changing fate, undoes the actual victory that was achieved in the previous movies ending at the very start of this film (which takes places right after the end of Terminator 2 to rub it in even more) by having a blatant Diabolos Ex Machina kill off John by surprise T-800 Assassin and makes Sarah Connor both OOC and sexist purely to subvert things in the most blatantly obvious manner possible? Oh and just replaces Skynet with a new TOTALLY NOT JUST SKYNET WITH A DIFFERENT NAME HONEST!

Yeah I'm giving this a miss. Normally I'd be up for fun action stuff like this but ugh.

An autonomous defense system that promises superhuman military effectiveness being a holy grail for military dominance, and said defensive system being inherently dangerous to humanity, is hardly 'shitting on the themes of Terminator 2.' In fact, even in the deleted ending where Terminator 2 was ended happily ever after, Sarah Connor noted that Senator John Connor had to fight every single day to keep Skynet from becoming a reality. Because even if Skynet's destroyed, the actual reasons it was developed still exist. And the machine war being delayed for literally an entire generation is hardly 'undoing the actual victory that was achieved in the previous movies.' Do you say that someone successfully recovering from cancer is meaningless because old age exists and they're going to die anyways?

The entire point of Legion is that you can defeat Skynet and change the future, but Skynet wasn't some one off unicorn, it came about because of very human processes and very human concerns, and the Connors didn't exactly go and radically reform all of human society in the Terminator films.

It's sounding like Dark Fate acknowledges both core points of Terminator 2-that the future isn't set in stone and also that Skynet, in the end, wasn't some magical evil demon that appeared out of nothingness to torment humanity but a machine created by very human minds and very human desires and which nearly destroyed the world because of very human thoughtlessness.
Look, any post-T2 sequel is necessarily going to negate at least some aspect of the film - T2 was pretty definitive with it's ending. I'll give the filmmakers credit for finding a new way to disregard the previous films instead of having Arnold go "Lol nah Judgement Day is inevitable" and moving on.

*EDIT* Also the series has never been internally consistent - T1 ends on a fatalistic note and clearly lays out that it's all a closed time loop, while T2 literally and figuratively blows all of that up in favor of a happy ending.
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Look, any post-T2 sequel is necessarily going to negate at least some aspect of the film - T2 was pretty definitive with it's ending. I'll give the filmmakers credit for finding a new way to disregard the previous films instead of having Arnold go "Lol nah Judgement Day is inevitable" and moving on.

*EDIT* Also the series has never been internally consistent - T1 ends on a fatalistic note and clearly lays out that it's all a closed time loop, while T2 literally and figuratively blows all of that up in favor of a happy ending.

I think the deleted ending scene for Terminator 2 is actually useful for understanding why the T2 happy ending really shouldn't be taken as given. The ending wasn't happy because Skynet was defeated, job done, war over. The ending was happy because it was possible to prevent Judgment Day, but even so Senator John Connor had to spend day after day fighting in Washington to keep people from making another Skynet. But it was clear that the war still needed to be fought, because the idea of Skynet was just too damn tempting.

And to emphasize this point, here's the Dark Fate director and several members of its cast talking about "but what does Dark Fate even mean?"

Linda Hamilton herself, as the person who has the closest relationship with Terminator 1 & 2, says:

Linda Hamilton said:
Our fate as humankind is pretty dark. The movie is dark, although it's got its moments of humor as well, but really the dark fate of mankind because they just keep building AIs that become self-aware and you know, humankind is the architect of its own demise. That's sort of a repetitive theme in all of the movies. That's our jumping-off point for this one.

The repetitive theme in the Terminator films is that Skynet might have actually kicked off Judgment Day and started the extermination of humanity but Skynet was also fundamentally very much the result of human sin. Sarah Connor makes it explicit when she rants at Miles Dyson about how people like him never considered what their inventions might. So in Terminator 2, they beat the symptom, but the disease was still there, and even the happy ending acknowledged it.

But John and Sarah Connor won over 20 more years for humanity. An entire generation lived and died and loved in a peaceful world rather than facing the specter of genocidal machines and post-nuclear wastelands. And even if it's not a permanent victory, it's a significant victory.
Saw the movie and I'd agree that it's fairly solid - better than what they've produced since the 2nd movie.

I don't think it's as iconic, but there's clearly effort put in. Arnold's presence isn't overbearing and there's a bit more purpose to his presence than the obligatory appearance.

I think there might be some tie in with the Sara Connor Chronicles- but I only ever saw a few episodes ages ago so I could be wrong on that front.