Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
You have until 9:00 EST before the vote closes. That's about 150 Minutes.

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 62 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
No. of Votes: 12

Total No. of Voters: 26
*Shrugs* I think we can make it up to Caleb and Leah another time when there are more people around that Allie can distract herself with. If we just go out with dysfunctional!couple now where she can't easily avoid them, she'll make a scene and cause our relationship with them to tank irregardless of our good intentions.

They just trigger her too frequently.
I honestly can't decide which option. On one hand, we should probably avoid burning bridges, and it feels like we've been a little frosty for no 'obvious' reason towards them. On the other hand, it feels like Tommy should probably go home.
[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
Worried about Leah but priority must be to ourselves and our friends, another time.
And we're done here:

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 62 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
No. of Votes: 13

Total No. of Voters: 27
And one last note: the call for promotions is currently closed. Thank you for everyone who made suggestions. Feel free to continue to do so, or to come up with other wrestlers, or just to talk about pretty much everything. Remember: I love writing this quest, but good discussion is the oil that keeps me from whining while I do it.

The following three promotions have been accepted since my last post: D.R.O.P by @liujuin , the AWF by @Novus Ordo Mundi , and The Coffee Club (TCC) by @Iandude0 . That gives the first two of you a minor reward, and upgrades Iandude to a medium one. Congrats to you all!
Man, I kinda wanted that Christ is King one. Doubled the fun if it's housed in a megachurch. Especially if the pastor runs the whole joint. Triple the fun if the matches are set after church each weekend, and the shows are somehow re-enactments of Bible stories.
And one last note: the call for promotions is currently closed. Thank you for everyone who made suggestions. Feel free to continue to do so, or to come up with other wrestlers, or just to talk about pretty much everything. Remember: I love writing this quest, but good discussion is the oil that keeps me from whining while I do it.
It's an awesome quest! I came in expecting silliness, and was shown the cold, hard life of an amateur wrestler.
38. Week Three: Talking Shop
After a second's consideration, you shake your head. "Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'm just gonna crash after the show's done. Can't stay out too late; work, you know?"

Leah nods agreeably. "Of course. Let us know if you change your mind."

Meanwhile Caleb's swung over to Allie. "Howabouts you, bro? You down for a night out?"

"Nah," Allie replies, not looking up from her struggle to get her boots off. "I'm good."

Caleb shrugs. "Your loss. You're missing out though! Last time, we got drunk for free when I won the beer bucket challenge!"

You're almost scared to ask. Before you have to though, Leah draws your attention again, rubbing her forehead like a doting mother who's just seen her child do something adorable yet annoying. "They're not all like that." she says confidentially. "But yeah. Hit us up when you get some free time. We'll be happy to see you."

With that, the pair walk to the other side of the tent and start getting their gear off, leaving you with a pair of new numbers programmed in your phone. You take a second to towel the worst of the sweat off of you and make your way to the front flap, drawing it aside to let you watch the match going on in the ring.

Jack and Frank are just getting the preliminaries out of the way. They're trading arm drags in a quick sequence, only to stop and stare at each other dramatically to the applause of the crowd. Not bad, but very basic. Jack's wanted to work on his 'Symptom of Decay' gimmick for the longest time, and you're interested in how it's going to pan out.

Your friend is just spreading his arms wide, soaking in the boos of the crowd, when there's a rusting to your left and Allie creeps up to join you. The two of you watch for a moment in silence as Jack suckers in Frank- the Chiropractor if you remember correctly- and kicks his knee out from under him, smashing his face against the turnbuckle. You let out a low whistle of appreciation.

"Not bad." Allie says. You just nod. You get the sense that she doesn't really want to talk about the in-ring action right now. Sure enough, her next words have absolutely nothing to do with what's in front of you.

"He is going to destroy her." she murmurs softly, so quietly you don't think you'd have been able to hear it if you weren't expecting it. "And she's going to let him do it with a smile."

What can you really say to that? You reach over and clap your friend on the shoulder. She doesn't say another word, and the two of you turn your full attention on watching your friend bring a plague cultist to life in the squared circle.
"Do you think I should have stalled a little more before I hit the Plunge?" Jack asks you the next day. "I think I could've held him up for at least another couple seconds."

"No, Jack." You say yet again. "I think you held it for just as long as you needed to." You've started varying up your answers whenever he circles around again and asks the same question again. The last time he asked about his timing, you'd given him a yes. The time before that, a no. And so on. It's all that's keeping you entertained right now.

You never mind talking wrestling, and you hope to god you never start. And you've got no problems helping Jack go over his match line-by-line, helping him improve. But for hours now, ever since you woke up, you've been having the same conversation dozens of times. It started with you trying to dissect Jack's match with him, but he had taken over the conversation and been driving in circles ever since.

Still. It's kind of hilarious watching him waver back and forth on different spots in his match. And you can't say you blame him. You hadn't really thought about it before, but besides his match with Daybreak, yesterday was his very first singles match. He's over the moon about it. Frank was a complete professional and the two had a completely decent match. And after Frank had won, he'd sat back down with Jack and he'd given him some pointers. Frank might be nothing more than a Journeyman, but he's still better then you are, so every scrap of knowledge helps.

You hadn't gotten to listen in; you'd been too busy fulfilling the rest of your booking. While Jack had been learning more about his craft, you, Allie, Leah, and Caleb had gone back out there to make nice with the kids. You had had to apologize for your vanilla crack again, but in exchange you got a nice, large slice of the delicacy, along with a fresh hot dog.

So worth it.

You had spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with the kids, telling them about how great it was to be a wrestler, and how yes, you'll be better than everyone someday. That had led to a spirited seven-year-old naming wrestlers and asking if you thought you could beat them. Of course, you could beat all of them.

It's almost like Jack feels bad for you. You were so busy making nice with your adoring public that you couldn't talk wrestling. He wants to make up for lost time. You can't get mad at him for that.

You can try and change the subject though.

The two of you are on the bus and on the way to Jack's gym, and on Jack's seventh variation of a question about his finish, when you break his stride. "So, what'd you think of our match?"

Jack pauses and considers the question carefully. "It was good," he says haltingly. "Allie really doesn't get the whole heel thing, but she found her stride mid match. The chop idea was nice but it really wasn't executed all that well."

You nod in agreement. You'd kind of rushed through it after all. "Maybe tease it a little more before I start swinging next time?"

"Yeah. And you guys didn't really do any double-teams. It's the best part of a tag match, I think, and you left it out entirely."

"That one was out of our control," you reply. "We were told no man-on-woman, so we weren't risking it in there."

Jack snorts. "Why? What did you have to lose? Your twenty bucks? The hot dog?"

You jab a finger at him. "Hey. The hot dog was great. It was the first thing not instant noodles, asparagus, or chicken I've had in weeks. No dissing the hot dog."

The two of you go back and forth on food for the rest of the bus ride, stopping only when you walk into the gym. Jack gets you in with his plus one; good thing Allie had to work today, otherwise you'd have had to figure something out something else for your post-match workout- and you don't have the money for the yoga yet.

You change in an actual locker room- which is starting to feel like a luxury at this point- into your workout gear. You've thrown on one of your half-dozen 'Property of Horizon Academy' shirts. Jack, however' has chosen to go back to his own collection of wrestling tee's and has pulled on an older shirt for 'Shooter' Steven DuPont. You approve- DuPont might not be the biggest name, but you can still appreciate the man's technical skill.

Actually, that jogs your memory. As you and Jack hop onto the treadmills to warm up, you think back. Jack wears a lot of wrestling T-Shirts. They're pretty much his entire wardrobe and the suitcase he's been living out of is bursting at the seams with them. And now that you think about, each and every one of them is for some great mat technician. 'Memphis Stretch' Drake Croft. 'Canyon' Evans. Even a vintage genuine Donny Brooke shirt that has to have cost him a mint, considering Brooke retired a good two decades before you were born.

"So," you ask as you find your stride. "Technical guys, huh?"

Jack shrugs as he starts his own course. "Yeah. Always loved to watch a great technical match. One of them was the first match that really hooked me, you know?"


"Yeah." Jack's hitting his pace now, but he's not looking at his treadmill. He's staring off into the distance, either fascinated by what one guy is benching or stuck in a memory. "It was on the old UWC Saturday Morning show. I remember it came on right after an old Scooby-Doo I was hooked on. The whole show was full of squash matches, so it bored the shit out of me. Dad had the remote though, so we kept it on."

You nod in agreement. That had been one of the big complaints for UWC Showdown on Saturday; it was full of nothing but one-sided beatdowns of a star destroying some small local talent. Squash matches were and still are an important part of wrestling- you can't really get a guy over as a dominate force with him just going back and forth with everyone under the sun- but when an entire show is nothing but squashes it's going to get old.

Jack goes on. "They kept talking about how they were going to show clips from their last Charlotte show, from the semi-main, because of course no one was going to see the Main Event without paying. I'm so glad they did. Drake Croft versus the Master of Pain. We only got to see about ten minutes of it, but by the end I was hooked."

Your friend shakes his head as he glances down to check his heart rate. He ups his speed as he says, "I've never been able to find that match again. No one's posted a copy up, and it's not in Daybreak's records. I've seen the same clips over and over again, but no one's ever been able to find the full thing. A shame. From the reviews I read later, the whole thing blew the clips out of the water."

You can sympathize with that. Your equivalent to that match was Cal Pennant versus 'Cali Dragon' Niko Miles accompanied by Arya London. You've seen better matches than that since, matches that blew that twelve minute spotfest out of the water, but it's true: you never forget your first.

You finish up your run, but Jack's still going strong. You jerk your head over at the free weights. "I'm gonna go do some curls." He nods once as he ups his speed again. You make your way over to the dumbbells and start sizing them up.

Five pounds is too light for your right now, but twenty-five is too much for your light workout. You move to grab a pair of fifteens-

And freeze. Dumbbells forgotten, you stop and stare at the guy working with the medicine ball.

You have never met this man, but you know him.

He's a little taller than you are, with curly black hair and a moustache so thick that things might get stuck in there. He's wearing a shirt much like Jacks, only this one is advertising Tim 'Tack' Sharp in all his bloody glory. Sweat is pouring down his face from his workout but you can still make out the little nicks in his skin right as his hairline, the sign of bladeing to bleed.

Holy fuck. That's Xerxes Attar. How is everyone not staring at him?!

Wait. Everyone else isn't a drooling wrestling fanboy with an encyclopedic memory towards pro grappling. That's probably why.

But still. The 'Persian Punisher' Xerxes Attar is not exactly an unknown name. He had a run in the of WPW for a good couple years before jumping to UWC for a few more. Xerxes never really got above the midcard, but he was still on TV each and every week for at least half a decade. You remember his feud with 'Stargazer' Lenny Church over the UWC Television Title like it was yesterday. Xerxes lost, but he put on a good showing. From what you remember, it looked like he almost literally ripped Church's arm off in one of those matches.

You've got no idea why he never rose any higher. He wasn't great on the mic, but he was alright. And he had a unique, submission-based style that really made him stand out.

Xerxes twists slightly, and you snap out of your daze. You're a wrestler now. You shouldn't be starstruck by other wrestlers! You should march right up to him, introduce yourself, and ask for tips! Maybe challenge him to something!

...if it's not going to bother him too much of course. And maybe he could sign something of yours. Just a card to prove that you met him. And-

No! Snap out of it Tommy!

How are you going to introduce yourself to 'The Persian Punisher' Xerxes Attar?
[] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
[] You'll do some exercise where he can see you, meet his eyes, and nod once. You're both wrestlers, both working out before or after a show. It's no big deal.
[] You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself, and talk shop. Here's a wrestler who's travelled at least the country. You would pick his brain dry if you could.
[] You'll make like you want the medicine ball and then pretend to recognize him. Strike up a conversation. Maybe work in that you're a wrestler too. Ask him a few things.
[] You know what? You don't need to meet him. He's hard at work. You don't want to be a bother.
[] Write-In
Oh wow, some interesting stuff in here. I...can kinda get where Ally's coming from, but at the same time, I have no idea what to do about Leah's situation


[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.

Because I feel like it might be weird for people to go up to someone and then take up their time too much? Though that might be my own private preferences talking....
[X] You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself, and talk shop. Here's a wrestler who's travelled at least the country. You would pick his brain dry if you could.

I feel like the wrestling shirt is a give away that he's a huge fan as well. Maybe he'll be as into wrestling as Jack and Tommy are once we start talking about it.
[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
"He is going to destroy her." she murmurs softly, so quietly you don't think you'd have been able to hear it if you weren't expecting it. "And she's going to let him do it with a smile."


You jab a finger at him. "Hey. The hot dog was great. It was the first thing not instant noodles, asparagus, or chicken I've had in weeks. No dissing the hot dog."

Man, Tommy needs to learn to cook rice, beans, and potatoes.

[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
[X] Write-in: You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself as a big fan and a beginning professional wrestler. Ask if he'd be willing to talk a little bit about his experience with you after he's done with his sets.
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I want to leave him mostly alone, because you don't interrupt a man on his workout. However, this is a random encounter, and we must do what protagonists do.
[] I wrote a write-in here but I'm on mobile, see two posts down.

If Vesvius is down with the write-in I'll change my vote to it. in the meantime I'll stick to harassment tactics:

[X] You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself, and talk shop. Here's a wrestler who's travelled at least the country. You would pick his brain dry if you could.

Given our not-insignificant experience harassing Daybreak, maybe we have a chance here.
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[X] You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself, and talk shop. Here's a wrestler who's travelled at least the country. You would pick his brain dry if you could.

We can't just say hello and leave. That just seems like so much of a waste. Worst comes to worst, he doesn't want to talk shop and we back off, but at least we can try and see what he's willing to share. Heck, maybe he knows a decent promoter he can point us towards.
I really like Serguzzle's write-in, but I'd like to get it approved from @Vesvius. For the time being, though, it definitely has my vote:

[X] Write-in: You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself as a big fan and a beginning professional wrestler. Ask if he'd be willing to talk a little bit about his experience with you after he's done with his sets.

This is someone we absolutely want to talk shop with. Introducing ourselves and then leaving (1) doesn't do anything to benefit us, and (2) sets us up as 'a big fan' who might just be a random stalker, without even the context of us being beginners at pro wrestling who want to talk shop...!

If the write-in doesn't work out, my clear second-favorite option would be

[ ] You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself, and talk shop. Here's a wrestler who's travelled at least the country. You would pick his brain dry if you could.
[X] Write-in: You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself as a big fan and a beginning professional wrestler. Ask if he'd be willing to talk a little bit about his experience with you after he's done with his sets.
[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
[X] You're just going to walk up to him, introduce yourself, and say you're a big fan. Then you'll leave him to his workout. You want to meet him, but you don't really want to get in his way.
[X] Write-in: You're going to go up to him, introduce yourself as a big fan and a beginning professional wrestler. Ask if he'd be willing to talk a little bit about his experience with you after he's done with his sets.