Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

I'mma throw my two cents in. These two can count as one:

Wrestling Country: Based in Nashville, TN.
Hard Rock Wrestling: Based in Memphis, TN.

Originally started out as a club of musicians and their off-time hobby, the group split when the two leaders of the group had a public disagreement between their taste in music. As a result, the two new promotions explodes into popularity. The two groups have maintained a strong feud ever since. Both promotions are popular with music fans in the genre they target, and are known to promote local musicians in their shows.

Edit: and another.
D.R.O.P.: Based in Atlanta, GA.

An independent promotion run by rapper turned wrestler Ice King, this promotion has a strong presence in Atlanta's black communities. D.R.O.P.'s performances often involve rap battles mixed in with wrestling. King also runs an independent label that produces albums from D.R.O.P.'s performers.
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Alaskan Wrestling Federation.

Background: A small federation that goes from place to place in Alaska to bring wrestling to those who may not get to see it all that often. In smaller towns, they are an event to come watch. The owner is a famous actor who's since retired to his home state. But he likes wrestling, and wants Alaska to have something nice, where many others wouldn't bother to go. With a constant stable of 15-20 men and women, they do small time shows in most places. (outside of their big one at Nome, done three times a year.) A Face could be burly Pro-Alaska strongmen, while a Hippie vegan-eating California can be the heel. The pay is pretty good for a wrestling show, and the owner isn't a jackass. He's doing it for the love of Alaska and the Sport.
Guess I'll try my hand at this. Biggest difficulty was figuring out US Geography. Decided on Georgia since it seems decently close to where UWC is.

Might have more of these coming.

Name: Good Clean Wrestling
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Description: Referred to as 'The Farm' by those in the know, GCW is an independent promotion created by a group of former UWC midcards and older stars that split from the company in the wake of the buy-out. Though ostensibly meant to be a 'wrestlers first' alternative to the larger, more corporate promotions, a rocky first couple of years, plagued by internal politics and a lack of direction, saw most of its promising talent and half its founders return to mainstream wrestling.

In recent years, GCW has stabilised (somewhat) as an entirely different beast, marketing itself on nostalgia and appealing to older, entrenched wrestling fans. With a more relaxed schedule and a more tame reputation, GCW has attracted a number of older stars from both big promotions, and its biggest draws are 'dream' matches from 10-20 years ago that never happened due to the division of wrestlers between different companies. Despite consistent viewership over the past two years, the long term sustainability of the promotion, once the big matches are all played out, is suspect.
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Here's another one:

Christ Is King Wrestling

Background: In the Rust Belt states, this operation only cares about one thing: Bringing the word of the Lord through wrestling. Heels and Faces are clearly marked, and the Faces always win in the end. It's owner demands that the wrestler live a clean Christian lifestyle, and only pays based off of donations that people give. But if you're willing to obey the rules and spread the word of the Lord, they'll take a person in regardless of skill, making it a place where some have picked up some good acting and showmanship skills.
The Coffee Club

Founded in Portland, Oregon by a bunch of jaded and cynical Art School students as a parody poking fun at wrestling and all it stood for, this group has seen unprecedented popularity as a satire-based wrestling arena. Held in a local coffee shop and staffed by mostly amateur millennials who have no idea what they're doing, the group eventually found itself subjected to Poe's law as people started to take them seriously. After a long stint of denying that they ever really wanted anything to do with professional wrestling, the group's founders finally agreed that they did in fact enjoy the whole thing unironically after getting invested enough into it. About a year after its founding, it has gathered a group of hipsters, wannabe comedians and house regulars who enjoyed this more than the normal goth poetry night.

For any budding Comedic wrestlers this place is mentioned at least once, either in derision or a strange sort of respect.

There are rumors that they might have started attracting Postmodernist Wrestlers into their stable, but those accusations have been quickly and vehemently denied.
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37. Week Three: Leif Greenwood's Ninth Birthday Party
With Mrs. Greenwood having given her marching orders, you sit down with your partner and your opponents to plan the match. You're halfway through constructing it when an idea hits you. You look from face to face and ask, "Why are we doing a normal match?"

"What do you mean?" Leah asks from her perch on Caleb's lap.

"I mean that they're kids. Little kids. The birthday boy's like nine if I remember right. So we do something a little more kid-friendly? I mean, you guys are already dressed up like a fairy tale." You say, gesturing to your opponents. "Why don't we just build something quick and easy and do some comedy?"

"Hmm," Caleb muses, stroking his chin. "Sounds like it could be fun."

Leah quirks an eyebrow. "Are you sure? We haven't really done any comedy matches yet."

Caleb snorts. "No better time than now. That's why we work these small shows instead of camping out in front of the big places, right? To practice and try out new things. Plus," he goes on, gently stroking his girlfriend's back, "Comedy matches are supposed to be easier on the body. You've got work tomorrow, right?"

The petite girl crosses her arms and pouts, but you can see her cheeks glow with pleasure. "That's true. You're always looking out for me babe."

Beside you, Allie's as stiff as a board. You can't even hear her breathing. An elbow to her gut breaks her out of whatever trance she's in, and she claps once to draw everyone's attention. "So, a comedy match? I've got a few ideas for that."

With the direction set the actual planning process is simple and easy. The theme of the match is set and the signature spots are planned out. The only thing you're not sure of is the finish. You've decided to work heel, and so Caleb's going to wind up pinning you. The thing is, he wants to use his finish. And his finish…

"Ok, I'm the Woodsman, right? So my finish is a series of double axe handles." he explains, miming clasping his hands together and swinging at your knees. "First I chop you down to size. Once you're down on one knee I nail you in the head and that's the match. Simple, right?"

His finish kinda sucks. But you can't really expect him to come up with a new one on ten minute's notice. You'll just have to sell the everloving hell out of it.

You finish planning the match with time to spare. Allie retreats into her pre-match music, and Leah takes out a hand mirror to tweak her makeup. Jack's still over with Frank going over their match, leaving you to chat with Caleb for the little while it takes for the kids to be gathered around the ring. Apparently his career's been going alright; this is his seventh match after Horizon, and Leah's third.

"The trick is to go to a show a few hours before," he explains, "And wait. Meet some people, shake some hands. If you get lucky, someone no-shows and they put you on the card. If not, you've put the idea in their head for next time."

"Sounds nice. Can't really work that into my schedule though." You answer. "The day job takes up a lot of time."

Caleb shrugs. "Yeah, sounds it."

You shoot him a questioning look. He's not working? You know he's not making any money at the wrestling game yet, so how's he paying the bills? Before you can ask him, the tent flap opens up and Mrs. Greenwood steps back into the enclosure.

"Alright, everyone ready?" She asks. At the answering chorus, she beams at you all. "We're having the tag team match first! Here we go!"

She leaves and you peek out the flap. Over thirty kids are sitting in the seats, some bouncing up and down with anticipation and a few looking around, bored as hell. One little girl has a microphone and an index card and is running a finger along one line, mouthing the words. In the center of the ring stands a heavyset man with thinning hair in a white shirt, black lines drawn on it in what looks like sharpie.

You never thought you'd be wrestling somewhere like this. But hell, it's something new. And now you'll have a road story of your own next time you talk with a vet.

The girl thumbs on the microphone. "Introducing first," she begins. You wait, but no music plays. It's only then that you realize that you don't see any speakers or a computer or anything. Looks like you're going without today. "From the pages of Grimm and Disney! Weighing in at Three Hundred and Eighteen Pounds! Leah Red Riding Hood and the Woodsman, The Fractured Fairy Tale!"

Caleb offers his arm and Leah takes it without missing a beat, throwing up her hood. The two of them literally skip to the ring, waving and slapping hands with the kids. Caleb springs to the ring apron and holds open the ropes, allowing Leah to step through with a delicate twirl of her cape. The two of them stand in the middle of the ring, shake hands with the referee, and bow and curtsy once more.

When they're all done, the girl clears her throat right into the microphone and you can't help but wince. That did not sound pleasant! But she goes one. "And their opponents! Weighing in at Three Hundred and Thirty Seven Pounds! Allie Sky and Tommy 'Wildcard' Martin! Joker's Wild!"

You and Allie don't do any of the playing to the crowd that Leah and Caleb do. You blow out of the tent with determined looks on your face, stopping only to scowl at a particularly bored looking kid. You get what you want: boos. At least, you do.

After the two of you jump over the top rope to minor ooh's, you discretely elbow Allie in the side. "Stop. Smiling." you hiss.

"I can't help it!" she hurriedly replies. "Kids are adorable! Did you see that one in the third row? She-"

"Yes. The one who's cheering you. Make her hate you!"

You and Caleb square off in the center of the ring, leaving the girls in the corners. Behind you, you hear Allie turning to the crowd. "Ummm… I don't like your…" she says, pausing in the middle of what would no doubt be a cutting insult. "Hey, can someone tell me what sport's going on right now?"

One of the dads takes pity on her. "Football."

"Thanks!" She says, and you can hear the smile in her voice. You have to fight palming your face, and from Caleb's snort of laughter, it's obvious. "I don't like your local football team! Who names a team the Ravens, anyway? Could you get one of the good birds?" A ripple of laughter is her response. Wow. She is terrible at this whole heel thing.

You have to draw the attention. With a nod at Caleb, the two of you launch into a really basic sequence, the shoulder-tackle drop down spot that everyone learns on their first day of wrestling class. It's not much, but it gets eyes off of Allie, who you're pretty sure is banging her head against the turnbuckle. She really, really hates failure.

After a few more basic moves, you call a spot and stand back. Time to set up the comedy. Caleb gives you a basic arm drag, and then another, and you wind up with your back in a neutral corner. Caleb draws his arm back for a chop-

And you hold up your hands in protest. "WAIT!" you scream at the top of your lungs. Caleb freezes, and you wave your hands again. "No chops!"

Caleb backs off, and you step forward. "Come on, man!" you whine. "Chops really hurt! And they leave marks! Can we just not?"

Already, you can hear a small chant coming from the kids- "Chop him! Chop him! Chop him!" But Caleb nods amiably and backs away.

"No problem." he says. "We'll have a good, fun, chop-free match!" Caleb sticks out his hand, which you shake with a broad smile.

And then you chop him, right in the flannel.

The crowd boos as you press forward, laying knife-edge chop after knife-edge chop into him. His thick shirt protects him though. You lay it in as hard as you can, over and over and over again. But without feeling the full impact, his selling is lacking. Still he basically runs from you and tags in Leah.

You almost go after her before remembering that no, this isn't an actual intergender tag. You hop out of the ring yourself and let Allie go to work. Whatever issues she has with Leah are left in the back, and the two exchange basic holds to minor applause. Except for a wince when Leah cranks an arm-wringer a little too much, you can't even tell that Allie's arm is bothering her.

The match goes on until Allie winds up back in the corner- and the two of them repeat the spot you just did. Allie pleads for no chops, Leah makes like she's going to accept it, but then blocks Allie's chop and counters with a few of her own to a big pop. Sensing a good spot, you hop into the ring and charge, backing Leah up into the ropes before she pulls the top rope down, sending you head over heels to the outside.

You wind up in the birthday boy's lap, laying on top of him, his parents, and a couple other kids. "Hey," you say to the kid in the hat. "What kind of cake do you have?"

"Um…" he replies nervously. "Vanilla, Mr. Card."

You snort. "Vanilla is boring!" A roll takes you back to the floor and you pop to your feet, rushing back to your corner. Behind you, you can hear the mom trying to start a "Vanilla rocks!" chant. You don't think it's going to catch on, but the crowd seems to be booing you more, so you consider it a success.

You're back on the ring apron just in time for Allie to tag you back in. Caleb comes in like a house of fire, aiming to chop you right in the chest, but you roll out of the way and sweep his leg out. The two of you play a spirited game of keep away before you tag back out.

Leah goes after Allie, victory writ large on her face. Time to cut them off for the heat. From the apron, you point over Leah's shoulder and shout "Look! Discount Picnic Baskets!" She had thought that line was stupid backstage, but you weren't changing it. To her credit she spins instantly.


Allie chop blocks her leg, and the heat is on.

You watch the match with interest. Maybe you were wrong to think they were leaving all of their emotions in the locker tent. Allie's definitely showing a vicious side she's lacked in her last few matches. But still, she's pulling her stomps and the only thing you can say is that her holds are a little tight. You're not going to complain though. The sight of Allie working over a girl even smaller than she is is finally getting her some boos.

At least it is until she goes up top. "You're done!" She shrieks, and launches off the top rope in the highest moonsault you've ever seen. Allie crashes down to earth on her front, meeting the too-hard ring with her chest and face as Leah rolls out of the way and desperately makes a tag.

You're a second late into the ring, still watching Allie as you are, but you still meet Caleb in the center of the rig. The two of you trade blow after blow, neither of you getting the better of each other. You back up to get a head of steam only to miss as he dodges out of the way.

He meets you with a big kick when you hit the ropes. You slump against them, stunned, and he takes advantage. With a few quick motions he has you tied up in the ropes. The crowd starts to buzz, knowing what's coming next. Sure enough, Caleb raises his hand and delivers a hard, stinging chop right to your chest.

You thrash in pain, and it's only the tiniest bit feigned. Chops really hurt! Over and over again he chops you, the crowd cheering more and more with every one.

He stands back and Leah takes his place. The crowd noise ramps up as she starts delivering some stinging chops of her own. You manage to glance at Mrs. Greenwood; you're pretty sure this will pass muster, it's woman-on-man violence not man-on-woman after all, but you might still be getting yelled at later. But she's just clapping and cheering along and-

"Motherfucker!" you very carefully do not scream at the top of your lungs when Leah chops you right in the nipple. You do, however, bite your tongue so hard you think you draw blood. Leah flinches and backs away. Yeah, probably best you move on to the next spot.

The parade of finishers starts up shortly after that, with Allie sweeping out Leah's legs and going for her gigantic moonsault again, hitting it this time to raucous applause. She dodges out of the ring to avoid Caleb, which gives you enough time to ascend to the top rope yourself and fly at him with the Missile Drillkick.

You manage two full rotations this time. Not bad at all! Plus, you land on your back in a flat back bump, by far the safest way to land. Caleb stumbles back and you jump up, pumping your fists-

The next minute goes quickly. Leah distracts Allie with some kind of intricate dance before smashing her on the head with the picnic basket while the ref is distracted, and Caleb goes for a top rope leg drop. You take it and stagger to your feet just in time for Caleb to launch into his finish.

Yep. The double axe handles really suck. But you think you manage to save it with your sell.

"One… two… three!"

The kids cheer as Caleb and Leah begin their celebration. You roll out of the ring, throw your arm over Allie's shoulder, and stagger to the back. Seeing the birthday kid still glaring daggers at you, you direct your friend to walk over his way. When you get there, you stick out your hand. "Hey, kid. Sorry about that. He," you say, jerking your head towards the celebrating woodsman, "hit me so hard I didn't know what I was saying. Vanilla's great."

The birthday boy tentatively takes your hand. "Thanks Mr. Card!"

Feathers smoothed, you complete your stagger of shame back to the tent. Jack and Frank greet you, the later with a professional congratulations and the former with a hearty slap on the back. "Not bad!" Jack says. "Who's idea was the chop thing? It was great!"

Your nipple sure disagrees with that. Shit. Ow. Cocksucker.

A few minutes later, Fractured Fairy Tale is all done celebrating and makes their way back to the locker tent. You're toweling off and rubbing some neosporin on your protesting chest. It might not do anything, but it makes you feel better to be doing something. Leah spots you and makes her way over immediately.

To her credit, she doesn't pussyfoot around. "Hey, Tommy. My hand slipped and I went a little far to the right. But that's no excuse. I'm sorry about that."

You grin and offer a fist bump, which she takes. "No worries." you say. "Accidents happen. At least it wasn't anything permanent." You think. You hope you'll still have full sensation there later.

Jack's finishing his prep and the ring announcer girl is starting to call out someone called "The Chiropractor". You move over to the curtain to watch the match, only to be stopped by Leah's hand on your wrist. You look at her questioningly. "Hey," she says. "After the show and the party, me and Cal found a bar in the city. You guys want to come hang? Talk shop?"

A heavy arm over your shoulder announces Caleb's arrival. "Yeah, bro! It'll be great! It'll be like a sleepover! Only no sleeping, and no over. We'll drink and talk about stuff and shit!"

Behind them, you see Allie determinedly undoing her wrist tape. You catch her eyes and shoot her a questioning look. She just shrugs. So she's good either way.

Do you want to hang out with Leah and Caleb after the show?
[] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
[] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
Mechanic Changes
Skill Changes
Heel: Disappointing 55/100 -> Mediocre 103/250
Comedy: Mediocre 118/250 -> Mediocre 160/250
Basics: Mediocre 205/250 -> Mediocre 229/250
Selling: Average 286/500 -> Average 329/500
Aerial: Impressive 594/1500 -> Impressive 603/1500

Move Changes
Missile Drillkick (1/3 -> 2/3):
This variation of a top-rope diving dropkick was created when Tommy was trying to think of something new and different to do. When performing the Missile Drillkick, Tommy leaps from the top-rope like normal, but points his feet more than usual and rotates in the air. Though it's barely more then two rotations now, as Tommy raises his Aerial and Athleticism, it will become much more impressive. It must be used once more in a match before it's established as a signature move.
A/N: Keep your promotion suggestions coming! I'm going to read them all and make rulings on them tomorrow evening!
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[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
I got one:

Hardcore Wrestling Heroes

What started as a guerrilla promotion run out of a warehouse in St. Louis by a couple EPC washouts has in recent years exploded though the Midwest into a major regional promotion, as THE place to watch the extreme hardcore matches pioneered by EPC, featuring an in-your-face attitude and a healthy, growing list of wrestlers. There are even rumors the owner, Max "The Killer" Dexler is looking to buy out The Junkyard to serve as a training ground for his potential wrestlers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't Aerial be going up to 604 due to Natural Aerialist?

BTW, if we stick with the 'Wildcard' gimmick, the Missile Drill Kick should probably end up being called 'High Roller' or something similar :p.
[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.

No thanks, no need for a catfight between Leah and Allie. Or rather a wrestling match without breakfalls. Plus I find Caleb to be something of a creep.
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The Sigma-Lambda-Mu Fraternity

Created in the aftermath of a rager that left Frat leaders Kevin Delani and Grant Hurst owners of a small abandoned warehouse and also flat broke, the group eventually known as the SLM frat originated from their desperate attempts to get back the money they lost in buying the place. It was meant to be a fight club before they almost got busted by the cops after a particularly painful match ended in a shattered femur. Deciding that the fines and jail time weren't worth the quick buck but bound by a growing group of college the two decided to get all the paperwork done to go legitimate. The scene there is more akin to street fighting than wrestling, though all regulations are at least nominally followed by the group. A bunch of frat students, party animals and recently a few sorority girls have joined the forming stable in what is considered one of the roughest low-level rings out there.
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Next; not sure if this would count.

Name: Parts Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, California
Description: Parts Unknown is to a standard Wrestling promotion, as Vantage Press once was to standard book publishers. Rather than selling the usual spectacle and story to the fans, Parts Unknown sell the experience of being the wrestler. Though the host of boffins that man the computers and winches can get the client half way to looking good, they're carried the rest of the way by a team of highly experienced jobbers and mid-cards whose entire role is putting over even the least talented schlub who walks through the door (once they clear the medical, of course). The client leaves with a video of their match, fully edited and 'the experience of a lifetime'.

Really, they're closer to a movie studio than an actual wrestling organisation, but the full time staff members are all legitimate, and their services are well compensated. Additionally, a couple of legitimate wrestlers have used their services to promote (or perhaps exaggerate) their own abilities.
The match was great; loved the cake moment. Not sure about Caleb and Leah; they've always been cool to us and we have no real reason to shut them out other than Allie and Jack not particularly caring for Caleb. And what's up with Allie's hostility with Leah? I'm missing something and I kind of want to go drinking to see just what it is. So long as we don't make any commitments I don't see the harm.

[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.

Fake Edit: Going back, it sounds like Leah might be the only one working and covering both of their rents. And if he has seven matches to her three... It might be that Jack and Allie called it and Caleb is taking advantage of his girlfriend to make it easier in the business. Still, benefit of the doubt and all that. Plus, maybe if Leah describes her situation to someone who she isn't dating she might just realize how messed up it is, assuming it is messed up. I'm apparently really bad at this benefit of the doubt thing.
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[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
[x] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.

Let's not get involved with Creep and his new victim, hmm?

I've a feeling Leah will just spend the entire night making passive aggressive comments at Allie until a cat fight happens. Rather then letting a bomb explode potentially, let's all go home and chill.
Vesvius, my only exposure to wrestling in the past was having a RAW 1999 Nintendo 64 cartridge which I never played, and seeing that Undertaker video that made its rounds around the internet in the last few months. I think this quest is really awesome because it's really interesting even though I have zero overall interest in the premise or understanding of the overarching field. But you've done an amazing job. Seriously, mad props.

[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.

Potential catfight aside, we don't need to get date-raped into a weird druggie foursome type of thing. You know, to extrapolate as wildly as possible. It doesn't look like we're really feeling constrained by our social circle: Allie is cool, we've got coworkers, and we're building up acquaintances in the local area anyway. In fact, we're not handling everyone we know right now. We should hang out with Jack more. He's been getting very little screen-time.
The theory that Allie and Caleb dated seems to be gaining evidence. But there are still holes. How were the two of them even in the same social circles? Maybe he was a gymnastics coach/trainer? But then why would he trying to break into the wrestling business from the bottom.
[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.

I wrote a whole vote for the other side of this, that it would be useful even if Caleb is a creep so long as Allie is okay with it. It then hit me that Allie probably isn't okay with it. That a part of her character so far has been acting tough,just like with the hurt arm. So I decided it probably wasn't worth putting Allie through the meeting.
[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.
I hate triple posting so much.

So! Two pieces of business. One, the rolz are all done. Expect the update later tonight.

Two: one project I've been working on is a map of the USA with all of the major wrestling promotions on it. @Droman's been a huge help, but as I've been putting all of our ideas on there I can't help but notice it looks kinda barren. The US is a big place; who knew?

You can take a look here: THE MAP

... I'm guessing you didn't check our convo feed again for the hundred or so promotions I sent you? If not, here's the American promotions I wrote up:

Atlanta City Wrestling (Georgia) - Alaska State Wrestling (Anchorage, Alaska) - Carolinas Christian Wrestling (Columbia, The Carolinas) - Championship Wrestling From Missouri (St. Louis, Missouri) - Chicago City Wrestling (Chicago, Illinois) - Cleveland City Wrestling (Cleveland, Ohio) - Connecticut Championship Wrestling (Hartford, Connecticut) - Dakota Reservation Wrestling (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, The Dakotas) - Extreme Violence Wrestling (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) - Georgia State Wrestling (Columbus, Georgia) - GLAMAZONS (Los Angeles, California) - Hollywood Championship Grappling (Los Angeles, California) - Hoosier Pride Wrestling (Indianapolis, Indiana) - Knoxville Daredevil Wrestling (Knoxville, Tennessee) - Mason-Dixon Wrestling Federation (Charleston, West Virginia) - Mid-West States Wrestling (Mid-West states) - Music City Promotions (Nashville, Tennessee) - New England Commonwealth Wrestling - New Orleans Promotions (New Orleans, Louisiana) - Orlando City Wrestling (Orlando, Florida) - Reno Sleaze Wrestling (Reno, Nevada) - REVELATION (Cameron, The Carolinas) - Seattle City Wrestling (Seattle, Washington) - Southern Cross Wrestling (Jackson, Mississippi) - Pro Wrestling VALHALLA (Lansing, Michigan) - Rainbow City Wrestling (Rainbow City, Alabama), Virginian Commonwealth Wrestling (Richmond, The Virginias) - Wisconsin All-Star Wrestling (Madison, Wisconsin).
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[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.

Yes if only to try to save Leah from Caleb.
[X] No. You'll pass for right now. You want to get an early night's rest. Besides, you need to ice your nipple and you want to spend as little time with these two as possible. Something about them just doesn't sit right.
How about this?

Name: Pro Dragon Dojo
Location: Southern California
History: Formed in 2005 by a small group of American wrestlers returning from overseas, PDD has become the first stop for many Japanese and Mexican wrestlers wanting to wrestle in America. Because of this, everyone is putting their best foot forward and trying to impress. As a result PDD has gained a reputation for its fusion of sniff Japanese style of wrestling and high flying Lucha Libre, making for incredibly fast, hard hitting matches.
[X] Yes. Why not. You don't have a huge social circle, and it'd be nice to see some of your old classmates outside of the ring.

All the bad things said about Caleb have been based upon "feelings". Christ even if Allie did date him, and for some reason never mentioned it to Tommy, I don't see why Jack would have been opposed to Caleb as he would have no knowledge base to work from. Honestly though if Caleb is this super social engineer that we should be afraid to simply interact with him, then why the fuck is he getting into wrestling at 26? That just seems like a bad move all around.

We may as well interact with them and see what's up, if only due to us both being in the same wrestling circuit so it's likely we'll frequently meet up.