Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

@Vesvius You referred to Martin as Allen again throughout this update, mate.
Did not. You've got no proof.

Current Tally:
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 15 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] After so long behind the wheel you need to stretch your legs. Leave the van and go for a walk. There's gotta be something interesting around here to see, right?
No. of Votes: 4

Total No. of Voters: 11
Did not. You've got no proof.


Threadmark 2:

She turns around and yells in the house. "It's Allen!"

Threadmark 9:

"Only Allen's got his head screwed on straight." she says, gesturing in your direction. "The most important thing for a wrestler is safety- both your, and your opponents." Daybreak stops her pacing right in front of Allie and meets her eyes steadily. "It doesn't matter how high you can jump or how many flips you can do. If no one's there to catch you, you're leaving the ring in a wheelchair."
[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
[X] After so long behind the wheel you need to stretch your legs. Leave the van and go for a walk. There's gotta be something interesting around here to see, right?

What can I say, I'm a rebel.
[X] After so long behind the wheel you need to stretch your legs. Leave the van and go for a walk. There's gotta be something interesting around here to see, right?

Seems like more fun than getting food, which we don't even know if the Delilah wants.
We're done here. Update later tonight.

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 15 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
No. of Votes: 10

[X] After so long behind the wheel you need to stretch your legs. Leave the van and go for a walk. There's gotta be something interesting around here to see, right?
No. of Votes: 6

Total No. of Voters: 16
11. A Friendly Place to Eat
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 15 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] From what you remember, kids are always hungry. And if they're not, you are. You'll go find someplace to eat and take Delilah out to a late lunch.
No. of Votes: 10

[X] After so long behind the wheel you need to stretch your legs. Leave the van and go for a walk. There's gotta be something interesting around here to see, right?
No. of Votes: 6

Total No. of Voters: 16
It doesn't take you long to find someplace to eat; there are at least six different places within five blocks. Picking one takes slightly longer but you finally settle on the one you're pretty sure will keep Delilah entertained the most. Fifteen minutes after dropping off Daybreak finds you in the parking lot of a nearby Friendlys.

You're not the only one in town for the convention. Friendlys has been taken over by people and families dressed in outfits that would look right at home in the ring. You count at least six Power Rangers, three men in magical princess costumes, and a couple dressed in fine clothing covered in bloodstains. You've got no idea who they are until you see the sign they've put down next to their table which reads 'My Parents are DEAAAAAAD'.

Delilah studies them all as you're shown to your table with a stern look stolen right from her mother. "Pfaw." she scoffs once you're in a booth. "Store bought. Pathetic."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." you say idly as you place your orders.

The girl looks at you with naked disdain. "Of course it's a bad thing, Martin. If you're going to take the time to get all dressed up for a nerd con, you should put in the effort of making it yourself."

"Most people don't have the skill to make a good outfit." you reply.

Delilah shakes her head as if you're just not understanding. "Then the outfit would look bad." she explains, scorn thickening her voice. "But it'd be a bad they can be proud of, not some store bought perfection. Like me. You've got no idea who I am, right?"

You've got to admit, you still don't. Not for a lack of trying. The blue jumpsuit is familiar but you just can't put your finger on it.

"But put on some extra touches." She continues. "Some bigger shoulder pads, some huge combat boots, a star right here-" she points at her right bicep, "And you'd figure it out."

Ahh. There it is. When she points out what it's missing, it's obvious. "High Society?" you guess. The High Society was a stable of futuristic wrestlers from WPW back in the late eighties, back when everyone was convinced that 'futuristic' meant jumpsuits and shoulder pads. They'd be nothing but a footnote if their leader hadn't been 'Showtime' Ronnie Rush, one of the biggest stars of the mid-to-late nineties. So instead of being lost to obscurity like most gimmicks from that time, the blue jumpsuits were all over ever Hall of Fame video and tribute package that Rush was featured in.

"Kendal Khaos, specifically. Mom won't let me put on that much glitter yet." Delilah says, rolling her eyes. "But anyway. I made this costume last year. It's not the best thing ever, but I did it all myself. I cut the fabric, I stitched it up, I bought it with my allowance. It's mine and it's the coolest thing ever. I'm going to make another one next year and it's going to be even better."

She waves her hand at the crowds of people in the diner. "If they're just going to go out and buy it, they're missing out on the whole fun of dressing up! Sure I can tell what they are, but that's not the point."

Delilah goes on about costume design and the importance of making your own stuff for however long it takes for your food to arrive, speaking much more eloquently than you honestly thought an eight year old would be capable of. It's a contrast to the other kids in Friendly's; you can see them out of the corner of your eye. They're ignoring their parents, running back and forth in the aisle, screaming at the top of their lungs, and generally making themselves into the biggest terror you can imagine. Thank god Delilah's better than that. She's not making one bit of noise as she devours her burger with single minded focus.

She finishes her food long before you do and stares at you impatiently. Your raise an eyebrow as you eat. You're not speeding up just because she can inhale food. Eventually she decides she doesn't need you to have an empty mouth to talk.

"So, talking about costumes. You given any idea what you're gonna have your ring gear be?"

You pause as you chew, thinking. You've had some ideas, but nothing definitive. After you swallow, you ask "Any ideas? Oh, and before you suggest it, there's no way I'm making it myself."

Delilah rolls her eyes again. "Of course not, dunce. You make costumes yourself for stuff like this. When you're in the ring you've gotta look your best or no one'll hire you. If you can do both, that's great, but you should definitely pay for it."

She doesn't pause to let you reply. She continues, "I don't think a single is really your thing. You don't have the body or the training to pull off an amateur gimmick. Maybe short tights? Nah, you'd have to work on your calves. Maybe after some hardcore leg work." Delilah continues on like this for a ways, dissecting your body in ways that make you feel a touch uncomfortable.

You've always known that wrestling was a cosmetic business. Hard work and skill is great, but you've got look the part if you want to make it big. But you never thought you'd get appraised by a kid like this. Not that it's really a surprise; Delilah's grown up eating and sleeping and sweating Wrestling. She's probably been thinking of finishers and ring psychology since the crib.

"Long tights." She finally concludes. "At first at least. Not black though, everyone does black. Only do black if you can think of something cool to put on it. But make sure it's cool, not cheesy. Unless cheesy's what you're going for. You thinking of doing-" The rest of her sentence is lost in the general tumult of the misbehaving children.

"What?" you ask.

"Comedy!" she repeats, raising her voice slightly. You thinking of doing comedy?"

You mutter something noncommittal, but Delilah nods as if you've made perfect sense. "Yeah, you're not much of a comedy guy. You'll do some, definitely, but it's not really your thing. Comedy's more Silvia's roll. Make him study some old Legionnaire stuff, or maybe the stuff Mom did in POWW. She hates when I watch those but she was hilarious!"

"Hm?" You say, attention fully drawn from your chicken. "You think Jack would be better for comedy?"

"Well duh."

"I don't really think that's what he's going for."

She shrugs. "He'd be good at it. You know what his issue is? He's too focused on in-ring stuff. It might make him good at the wrestling, but it's only part of it. If you can slap on a headlock but can't mock the crowd, what's the point?"

You see her point. But she's not done. "Seriously. Work on that with him. If you guys want to make it anywhere you've got to be able to do a bit of everything. And he can make it if he wants to. He's already better than like three quarters of the people Mom trains."

You're curious now. You've known Delilah has her insights here, but you've never really asked her for anything but a promo audience. Granted she's eight, so you'd better take this with a grain of salt, but still. "What about the rest of the class?" you ask, raising your voice slightly to be heard over the other kids. "What do you think of them?"

She chews her cheek thoughtfully. "I'm not sure about most of you scrubs." she says absently, clearly thinking hard. "I've only really watched you, Gray, and Silvia for a while. I've barely seen the rest of em. But from what I can see…"

What follows is a fifteen minute dissection of your entire class, their talents, and how much each of them sucks in their own specific way. No one is left out, from Chloe- who "Can't push herself without someone holding her hand."- to Nick, who "Could have something if he had started this ten years ago.".

By the time she wraps up Allie- "She can go as far as she wants if she just figures out how to talk."- you're finishing up your ice cream, and there's only one person left she hasn't gone over.

"What about me?" You ask as you lick your spoon, tuning out one kid's particularly piercing shriek.

She stares at you closely. You wait, entirely too nervous about this evaluation coming from a girl that barely comes up to your waist. Delilah finishes licking the syrup up, wipes her face off with a napkin, and puts it down with a very final sounding clink. "You… you need to learn how to be someone else."


Delilah goes on. "Part of wrestling is the wrestling. You're picking up on that fine. Part of it's the talking, and you're not bad at that either. But part of it is playing a character." She breathes out a heavy sigh. "Look, Martin, basically, you suck at playing a gimmick."

Ah. That makes a lot more sense. You do need to work on that. Maybe start thinking about costumes and watching more movies? You remember reading that a lot of big names started by just ripping off someone in fiction and moving on.

As your mind starts breaking down the problem, you pay for your meal and check your phone. You've got forty minutes to go before the doors open for the con. Still have some time to kill. You sit back in the booth and think.

Delilah doesn't seem to share your laid back attitude. She seems to be getting more and more agitated as you sit there in silence. Soon she can't take the silence any longer. "Why isn't anyone doing anything about that?" she asks.

"About what?" you reply, confused. In answer, Delilah waves her hand at the back booth, which is still overwhelmed by kids in the middle of a tantrum. One of them- a young boy- has progressed to throwing himself stomach down on the floor, beating his fists against the tile. Another girl is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the aisle, singing some theme song you don't know at the top of her lungs. The parents are sitting idly in their seats, barely paying them any attention.

You shrug. They're not your kids, and you've seen enough parents snap at people for interfering with their children that you want no part of it. You say as much to Delilah. The girl watches you with wide eyes. She sits in silence for another minutes, thinking carefully. With a decisive nod, she stands up. "Alright then. I'll get this."

"Delilah, you can't-" But she's already gone, stalking towards the kids with her jaw set and determination on her face. You move to stand, but a waitress with a full tray is coming by and you're forced to dodge. By the time you get up she's already there. You groan. This is going to end well.

You can't hear what she's saying, but Delilah marches up to the parents and tugs on the dad's sleeve. She looks like she's trying her best to be polite, but the man just brushes her off. You move as fast as you can through the crowded diner. Maybe there's still time to head this off.

Nope. You come into earshot just as Delilah's letting the man's sleeve go. "Fine," you hear her say. "If you won't do something, I will." And she walks over to the boy, who at this point is about to be sick.

"You!" She bellows at the top of her lungs. It echoes through Friendlys, cutting off all conversation and noise as everyone turns to look at the unfolding scene. "You're making everyone miserable and giving me a headache! Stop it!"

The kid wipes his nose and you get your first full look at him since you got here. Your respect for his parents shrinks even more- he has to be at least ten. When you were ten, your problem was getting out of a book to talk to anyone, not throwing a temper tantrum. He sniffs at Delilah. "You're not the boss of me! I'm gonna do-"

Delilah's heard enough. She reaches out with a quick hand and grabs the kid's ear and twists. The kid lets out a yelp of pain as Delilah pulls him in close. "You listen to me," she growls, voice carrying. "And you listen good. Your pathetic parents might love you. They might care about you and indulge you. But me? I don't give a rat's-" she freezes as she realizes what she's about to say, "-posterior."

"You've made my life miserable for a long time. You've made these people's lives miserable for a long time. No more. I will not sit and listen to you make a posterior out of yourself any more! And-" The mom reaches over and pulls Delilah off with a panicked noise, breaking the spell.

You're disappointed. You've never seen someone adapt Daybreak's famous 'Protector' promo to be used against small children before, and you're curious how she was going to call him a twisted rat-fucker without cursing.

The mom is yelling at Delilah now, who's looking at her shrieking face with a bored expression. But her grip is tightening around your charge's wrist, and you doubt anything good is about to happen. You should do something. But what?

What are you going to do?

[] Like hell you're going to let anyone manhandle the kid. You're going to go over there and let them know exactly what's going to happen if they don't let her go and let this go. Make it clear there's going to be a scene if this keeps up, and it's going to be because they're awful parents. (+1 Brute Roll, +1 Heel Roll)
[] Get over there now and make your apologies. They were being brats, sure, but Delilah probably shouldn't have grabbed the boy like that. Apologize and make your excuses. (+1 Wholesome Roll, +1 Babyface Roll)
[] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)
[] Food's done, check's paid. Get the kid and get out of there. Now. Grab her and leave. You're probably already going to be in trouble with Daybreak as it is. No need to add on to it. (+1 Cardio Roll, +1 Athleticism Roll)
[] Write-In (Variable Rolls, depending on write-in.)
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[X] Food's done, check's paid. Get the kid and get out of there. Now. Grab her and leave. You're probably already going to be in trouble with Daybreak as it is. No need to add on to it. (+1 Cardio Roll, +1 Athleticism Roll)
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)
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[X] Food's done, check's paid. Get the kid and get out of there. Now. Grab her and leave. You're probably already going to be in trouble with Daybreak as it is. No need to add on to it. (+1 Cardio Roll, +1 Athleticism Roll)
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)

Shitty parenting pisses me off.
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)

She said we need to work on a character.

Might as well start now!
[X] Get over there now and make your apologies. They were being brats, sure, but Delilah probably shouldn't have grabbed the boy like that. Apologize and make your excuses. (+1 Wholesome Roll, +1 Babyface Roll)

On one hand, those of you going for Brawling/Cocky have a point and I know I'd love to slug some of these parents. On the other hand, Not Getting In Trouble is kinda the idea and we've already got some points in Babyface. If I end up alone, I'm flipping to Grab and Go, but hey.
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[X] Like hell you're going to let anyonemanhandle the kid. You're going to go over there and let them know exactly what's going to happen if they don't let her go and let this go. Make it clear there's going to be a scene if this keeps up, and it's going to be because they're awful parents. (+1 Brute Roll, +1 Heel Roll)
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)
[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)
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[X] You've had enough words. Go over there and ask if there's a problem. If there is, take the dad outside. The mom too if she has a problem. You can take em both, and frankly they've gotten on your last nerve. (+1 Brawling Roll, +1 Cocky Roll)