Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[X] Probably a bartender. You've always liked listening to people's problems and you like working nights. It's a perfect fit.(+1 Charisma Roll)
I want to start getting ready for the next update, so I'm going to call the vote. But I don't have access to my tally program. Can someone give me a tally?

Whatever the winning roll is, it gets @Hangwind 's reward added onto it. Speaking of; can't promise I'll use your wrestler, but I do like the idea. I'll give you another minor reward there. Remember everyone, you can get rewards just for fanwork, insightful posting, or basically anything that makes me enjoy this quest more.
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 10 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[X] Probably a Writer. You like to make up stories, write about characters doing shit you've never done and seeing what happens. You always aced your English classes without trying too. How hard could being a writer be? (+1 Psychology Roll)
No. of Votes: 15
Corvo Montés
Corvus Black
Fabled Ranger
Mr.Dragon Fish
Pawn Lelouch
The Laurent
Zeitgeist Blue
[X] Probably a bartender. You've always liked listening to people's problems and you like working nights. It's a perfect fit.(+1 Charisma Roll)
No. of Votes: 13
Novus Ordo Mundi
[X] Probably a Gym Teacher. You may not have been much of an athlete, but fuck it, neither were most of your gym teachers. You can blow a whistle, you like being outside, you like making people jump through oops. Why not?! (+1 Safety Roll)
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 30
8. Gauntlet
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 10 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Probably a Writer. You like to make up stories, write about characters doing shit you've never done and seeing what happens. You always aced your English classes without trying too. How hard could being a writer be? (+1 Psychology Roll)
No. of Votes: 15

[X] Probably a bartender. You've always liked listening to people's problems and you like working nights. It's a perfect fit.(+1 Charisma Roll)
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Probably a Gym Teacher. You may not have been much of an athlete, but fuck it, neither were most of your gym teachers. You can blow a whistle, you like being outside, you like making people jump through oops. Why not?! (+1 Safety Roll)
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 30
Thanks to pouring literal gallons of water down your throat, going for a quick jog in the evening, and some kind of disgusting mixture made from god knows what that Allie swears by, you manage to get to Monday training at your usual time with nothing more than a slight hitch in your step and a dull pressure at your temples. A damn good thing as it turns out- Daybreak has a new exercise she wants to put you through.

Three hours in, you're longing for the sweet familiarity of running the ropes. At least there you can run at your own pace. Instead you find yourself outside the ring, running at the slow, plodding jog that Daybreak demands. If you speed up to your natural pace, you'll crash into Angelina who's running in front of you. Slow to a walk and you'll be hit by Caleb, who's right behind you.

If that was all there was to the exercise, slowly running around the ring while maintaining a healthy distance from your classmates, you doubt it would've been too hard. Annoying, but not too hard. But you can't leave your focus on that alone. You've also got to keep one eye on the ring, where even now you can see Allie trading holds with Chloe. The hard-faced redhead is cranking on a basic arm wringer and your friend looks like she's in utter agony instead of the mild discomfort you know she's actually feeling.

By your own internal countdown, they've in there for about five minutes. That means…

Daybreak's whistle breaks through your eardrums and drills into your brain. "Grey!" She bellows. "Out! Leaver! In!"

Chloe releases the hold and Allie sprints to the side of the ring. She slides out right as Nick is sliding in and seamlessly tucks herself into his old spot, hitting the necessary stride in seconds.

"Leaver! Get the heat!" Daybreak demands. Nick rushes to oblige. The older man slaps on a side-headlock and cranks it for all he's worth. Chloe groans in supposed pain, and Nick drags her down the mat, pressing her belly to the hard canvas as he transitions into a chinlock.

You've been through an entire morning of Daybreak's 'HA-larious Gauntlet' as she proudly called it this morning. It's supposed to teach rapid changes in focus and momentum all the while working on your cardio and your awareness of your fellow workers. "It also'll teach you to work with someone you're not best buddies with." She threw in with a sneer. "Just on the off chance you ever work someone who isn' your BFF. It'll never happen, I know. But just in case."

She might be more sarcastic than usual, but Daybreak's not wrong. You hadn't even noticed it until she pointed it out but the class has definitely divided into it's own little group. Sheldon quit on Sunday, which leaves just nine. Caleb and Leah are always together, something that makes you worry for the younger girl. Naomi, Angelina, Nick, and Chloe usually work together in some combination. And before today, you can't remember the last time you were in the ring with someone that wasn't Jack or Allie.

Once you noticed the cliques, you weren't surprised Daybreak came up with something like this. Familiarity can bring about amazing things between two wrestlers, but no one can afford to just be familiar with one or two workers. Already you've noticed some habits you've had to correct. The first time you were in the ring with Angelina, you kept looking for tells that weren't there and missing the cues that were.

"Lucas! Out! Martin! In!"

You're rolling into the ring before the last word is fully out of Daybreak's mouth. Chloe hops over you and takes up your old spot. You rise to your feet and wait for Daybreak's command. It's not long in coming.

"Lock up!"

You and Nick charge ahead and meet in the center of the ring in a basic collar and elbow tie up. But not good enough. You can hear the groan of disgust coming from the director's chair Daybreak set up for herself. "I said lock up, not hug! Do it again!" Your next attempt doesn't go any better, and your third is even worse. Finally she just orders you to keep locking up until it stops sucking.

You lose count of how many times you try to lock up to Daybreak's satisfaction in five minutes, but her whistle goes off before you manage it. "Leaver! Out! Wolfe! In!" The older man pats you on the shoulder and takes off, his place being filled by Leah. The dark-haired girl has a look of determination on her pointed features as she stares you down.

"Trade armdrags!" Daybreak bellows.

You sprint towards Leah. She's taken aback but still moves just in time, ducking and pivoting, her arm shooting between your and your body. You flip forward, bumping flat on your back. You get to your feet just in time to catch her for your own armdrag. Over and over again you go, swapping back and forth.

Just when you think you can't go one more time, Daybreak's whistle sounds off. "Break!"

You lie panting on the mat for a little while longer, Leah right beside you. She nods at you as Caleb helps her to her feet. You nod back but don't move any further. You want nothing more than to lie a in a puddle of your own sweat for a little while longer. But someone grabs your leg and pulls, hauling you outside.

You land on your feet on the mats outside, glaring at Jack. "I was comfortable." you grumble.

"You were also missing lunch." he responds.

The two of you head over to the side, where Allie's already grabbed your sandwiches. You dig into them with a vengeance. None of you speak as you devour the meal in front of you. Jack's done first. He wipes his hands on his shirt and leans back in the chair. "Damn Lucas." he mutters as if to himself.

You cuff him in the shoulder. "Chloe's real nice, dude. And it was an accident. Could've happened to any of us." Jack's first spin through the HA-larious gauntlet had been against the park ranger, and the order had been bodyslams and elbow drops. He'd posted perfectly for the slam and bumped great. But Chloe had nailed him right in the face with her follow up elbow. Even now you can see the skin under his eye beginning to purple.

But an accident's an accident. Chloe had been beside herself after that. Even now, two hours later, you see her shooting worried looks at your friend and flinching. It was a minor thing and she's already upset enough. No reason to hold it against her.

You guys talk about the gauntlet for the rest of the break, sipping on water and finishing the crumbs of your meals. Daybreak's whistle signals a return to training, but she doesn't split you up between ring crew and monitor duty like she normally does. Instead she calls you all from the ring. "Minions!" she yells. "Get in here and take a knee!"

Once everyone is in the ring, Daybreak begins to speak. "You've all been doing well." she says, pacing back and forth along the ropes. "You're at least competent at the basics. You won't kill yourself in the ring on something routine and you won't embarrass me when you run the ropes. A good start."

"And now that the chaff has been winnowed out we can start getting to the more advanced stuff. Actual matches. Holds besides arm drags and bodyslams. Body control and psychology. But I've got one question for you first."

She looks around and meets the gaze of every student in the ring. "What is the most important thing a wrestler can learn?"

Daybreak pauses and lets the question sink in. "Come on. Tell me. What do you think the most important thing is to a wrestler?

Naomi hesitantly raises her hand. "Um… Cardio?" she asks more than says. Daybreak nods, acknowledging her answer without responding to it. She looks around the ring for more answers.

Allie speaks up from beside you. "Athleticism." She answers. No surprise there; Allie's got freakishly good control of her body and you can already tell she'll be a natural flier.

"A good gimmick." Caleb guesses. "There's no market for John Doe, wrestler in black tights."

"Good basics." is Jack's answer.

The rest of the class slowly begins to chime in, answering Daybreak's question. You're still thinking about it though. It's an important question.

What do you think is the most important thing to a wrestler?
[] Athleticism. You've got to be able to move well and stand out from the crowd if you want to make it anywhere in this business. (+1 Athleticism Roll)
[] Cardio. One of those things no one thinks about, you've got to have world-class endurance to be able to have any kind of decent match. (+1 Cardio Roll)
[] The Fundamentals. Often overlooked, it's the little things that are so important. How to bump, how to run the ropes, how to lock up. If there's one thing you've learned so far it's how important those things are to the final match. (+1 Basics Roll)
[] The Gimmick. Everyone needs a character, and if you don't have good one, it doesn't matter how good your wrestling is. (+1 Cool Roll)
[] Power. You've seen enough wrestlers to know that this is a business for the strong. Both the mentally strong, and more obviously the physically strong. You can go a long way if you can bench press a piano, that's all you're saying. (+1 Power Roll)
[] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)
[] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)
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Thanks to pouring literal gallons of water down your throat, going for a quick jog in the evening, and some kind of disgusting mixture made from god knows what that Allie swears by, you manage to get to Monday training at your usual time with nothing more than a slight hitch in your step and a dull pressure at your temples. A damn good thing as it turns out- Daybreak has a new exercise she wants to put you through.

Three hours in, you're longing for the sweet familiarity of running the ropes. At least there you can run at your own pace. Instead you find yourself outside the ring, running at the slow, plodding jog that Daybreak demands. If you speed up to your natural pace, you'll crash into Angelina who's running in front of you. Slow to a walk and you'll be hit by Caleb, who's right behind you.

If that was all there was to the exercise, slowly running around the ring while maintaining a healthy distance from your classmates, you doubt it would've been too hard. Annoying, but not too hard. But you can't leave your focus on that alone. You've also got to keep one eye on the ring, where even now you can see Allie trading holds with Chloe. The hard-faced redhead is cranking on a basic arm wringer and your friend looks like she's in utter agony instead of the mild discomfort you know she's actually feeling.

By your own internal countdown, they've in there for about five minutes. That means…

Daybreak's whistle breaks through your eardrums and drills into your brain. "Grey!" She bellows. "Out! Leaver! In!"

Chloe releases the hold and Allie sprints to the side of the ring. She slides out right as Nick is sliding in and seamlessly tucks herself into his old spot, hitting the necessary stride in seconds.

"Leaver! Get the heat!" Daybreak demands. Nick rushes to oblige. The older man slaps on a side-headlock and cranks it for all he's worth. Chloe groans in supposed pain, and Nick drags her down the mat, pressing her belly to the hard canvas as he transitions into a chinlock.

You've been through an entire morning of Daybreak's 'HA-larious Gauntlet' as she proudly called it this morning. It's supposed to teach rapid changes in focus and momentum all the while working on your cardio and your awareness of your fellow workers. "It also'll teach you to work with someone you're not best buddies with." She threw in with a sneer. "Just on the off chance you ever work someone who isn' your BFF. It'll never happen, I know. But just in case."

She might be more sarcastic than usual, but Daybreak's not wrong. You hadn't even noticed it until she pointed it out but the class has definitely divided into it's own little group. Sheldon quit on Sunday, which leaves just nine. Caleb and Leah are always together, something that makes you worry for the younger girl. Naomi, Angelina, Nick, and Chloe usually work together in some combination. And before today, you can't remember the last time you were in the ring with someone that wasn't Jack or Allie.

Once you noticed the cliques, you weren't surprised Daybreak came up with something like this. Familiarity can bring about amazing things between two wrestlers, but no one can afford to just be familiar with one or two workers. Already you've noticed some habits you've had to correct. The first time you were in the ring with Angelina, you kept looking for tells that weren't there and missing the cues that were.

"Lucas! Out! Martin! In!"

You're rolling into the ring before the last word is fully out of Daybreak's mouth. Chloe hops over you and takes up your old spot. You rise to your feet and wait for Daybreak's command. It's not long in coming.

"Lock up!"

You and Nick charge ahead and meet in the center of the ring in a basic collar and elbow tie up. But not good enough. You can hear the groan of disgust coming from the director's chair Daybreak set up for herself. "I said lock up, not hug! Do it again!" Your next attempt doesn't go any better, and your third is even worse. Finally she just orders you to keep locking up until it stops sucking.

You lose count of how many times you try to lock up to Daybreak's satisfaction in five minutes, but her whistle goes off before you manage it. "Leaver! Out! Wolfe! In!" The older man pats you on the shoulder and takes off, his place being filled by Leah. The dark-haired girl has a look of determination on her pointed features as she stares you down.

"Trade armdrags!" Daybreak bellows.

You sprint towards Leah. She's taken aback but still moves just in time, ducking and pivoting, her arm shooting between your and your body. You flip forward, bumping flat on your back. You get to your feet just in time to catch her for your own armdrag. Over and over again you go, swapping back and forth.

Just when you think you can't go one more time, Daybreak's whistle sounds off. "Break!"

You lie panting on the mat for a little while longer, Leah right beside you. She nods at you as Caleb helps her to her feet. You nod back but don't move any further. You want nothing more than to lie a in a puddle of your own sweat for a little while longer. But someone grabs your leg and pulls, hauling you outside.

You land on your feet on the mats outside, glaring at Jack. "I was comfortable." you grumble.

"You were also missing lunch." he responds.

The two of you head over to the side, where Allie's already grabbed your sandwiches. You dig into them with a vengeance. None of you speak as you devour the meal in front of you. Jack's done first. He wipes his hands on his shirt and leans back in the chair. "Damn Lucas." he mutters as if to himself.

You cuff him in the shoulder. "Chloe's real nice, dude. And it was an accident. Could've happened to any of us." Jack's first spin through the HA-larious gauntlet had been against the park ranger, and the order had been bodyslams and elbow drops. He'd posted perfectly for the slam and bumped great. But Chloe had nailed him right in the face with her follow up elbow. Even now you can see the skin under his eye beginning to purple.

But an accident's an accident. Chloe had been beside herself after that. Even now, two hours later, you see her shooting worried looks at your friend and flinching. It was a minor thing and she's already upset enough. No reason to hold it against her.

You guys talk about the gauntlet for the rest of the break, sipping on water and finishing the crumbs of your meals. Daybreak's whistle signals a return to training, but she doesn't split you up between ring crew and monitor duty like she normally does. Instead she calls you all from the ring. "Minions!" she yells. "Get in here and take a knee!"

Once everyone is in the ring, Daybreak begins to speak. "You've all been doing well." she says, pacing back and forth along the ropes. "You're at least competent at the basics. You won't kill yourself in the ring on something routine and you won't embarrass me when you run the ropes. A good start."

"And now that the chaff has been winnowed out we can start getting to the more advanced stuff. Actual matches. Holds besides arm drags and bodyslams. Body control and psychology. But I've got one question for you first."

She looks around and meets the gaze of every student in the ring. "What is the most important thing a wrestler can learn?"

Daybreak pauses and lets the question sink in. "Come on. Tell me. What do you think the most important thing is to a wrestler?

Naomi hesitantly raises her hand. "Um… Cardio?" she asks more than says. Daybreak nods, acknowledging her answer without responding to it. She looks around the ring for more answers.

Allie speaks up from beside you. "Athleticism." She answers. No surprise there; Allie's got freakishly good control of her body and you can already tell she'll be a natural flier.

"A good gimmick." Caleb guesses. "There's no market for John Doe, wrestler in black tights."

"Good basics." is Jack's answer.

The rest of the class slowly begins to chime in, answering Daybreak's question. You're still thinking about it though. It's an important question.

What do you think is the most important thing to a wrestler?
[] Athleticism. You've got to be able to move well and stand out from the crowd if you want to make it anywhere in this business. (+1 Athleticism Roll)
[] Cardio. One of those things no one thinks about, you've got to have world-class endurance to be able to have any kind of decent match. (+1 Cardio Roll)
[] The Fundamentals. Often overlooked, it's the little things that are so important. How to bump, how to run the ropes, how to lock up. If there's one thing you've learned so far it's how important those things are to the final match. (+1 Basics Roll)
[] The Gimmick. Everyone needs a character, and if you don't have good one, it doesn't matter how good your wrestling is. (+1 Cool Roll)
[] Power. You've seen enough wrestlers to know that this is a business for the strong. Both the mentally strong, and more obviously the physically strong. You can go a long way if you can bench press a piano, that's all you're saying. (+1 Power Roll)
[] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)
[] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)

[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)

I don't know about the stats, but this is objectively true.
[X] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)

Why did we get into this if not for the show?
[X] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)

Safety first people. We're not in a Hardcore promotion.
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)
[X] Safety. Both your own and your opponents. No one wants to work with a wrestler that hurts who he's in the ring with, and if you can't take care of yourself your career is going to be damn short. (+1 Safety Roll)

mostly for personal safety though, other people can go fuck themselves and die, its a dangerous job after all.....
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[X] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)

You're all coming at this from the wrong angle.

The most important part of a wrestling show is...the fans. You gotta make sure they go home pumped.
[X] Showmanship. It's the showman's aspect that makes wrestling more than just fake fighting. Without it you might as well have picked up boxing. (+1 Showmanship Roll)

You're all coming at this from the wrong angle.

The most important part of a wrestling show is...the fans. You gotta make sure they go home pumped.

I would argue that the most important part is not getting your neck broken, or worse, killing someone, because you didn't know what you were doing.
[X] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)

[X] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)
[X] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)
[X] Selling. The most important thing to a match is making the match look good, and no one will buy it if you just shrug off blows and act like nothing matter. (+1 Selling Roll)