Template Wars: At The Edge of the Dream -Still Open as of 9/22/2019

So Just re- reposted the OOC on the recruitment forum. (It for some reason put something up about Kill La Kill there at first. I don't know why.) Any way, aside from the people I just tagged in the last big story post, who else is still present in the game? If yes, just say as so and I'll tag you in the next major post. If not, then I thank you for playing and I'll add the RETIRED tag to your character pages for ease of navigation.
Yep, Still open. I should probably change the prefix.
Tabitha Shale - Indestructible
Name: Tabitha Marcellus Shale.
Theme: An Unsuspecting Hero.
Theme Song:

Sex: Female.
Age: 32
Personality: Tabitha is not a happy person. It might be the long hours she works or it might be her shitty apartment and shitty roommates. She can't tell anymore. She just hates everything that wastes her time. And it might be that she feels unbelievable unfulfilled with her current life but, maybe her outlook will change with the new location.
Background: Tabitha was born to a Waitress at a small roadside diner along route I-5 on the northern side of the Grape Vine. Her father was a random trucker that neither she nor her mother ever met again. Her childhood was a comedy of errors from her first friend finding she lived in a small dirty trailer and telling the entire school to her high school boyfriend trying to pressure her into prom sex and her kicking him the nuts, and the rumors that he started about her to her time in the navy ending with her going from being a radio technician to somehow being in corpsman school.

Four years and enough minor problems and mind-bending minutia to irritate her to hell and back she was out of the navy and into civilian work. With her references, she was able to get a job working at an assisted living home. 6 years later she still works there and she hates it. Life is meaningless.
Starting Template:
Assault. (Worm.)
Armor. (Marvel.)
Citizen Steel. (Marvel.)
Templates Wishlist:

Jotaro Jostar. (JoJos Bizarre Adventure.)
Warpath. (Marvel.)
Captain Atom. (DC)
Keven Eleven. (Ben 10.)
Ant-Man. (Marvel.)
Juggernaut. (Marvel.)
The Siberian. (Worm.)
@Atma Warrior
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Selena DeGray - Freedom Someday
Name: Selena DeGray.
Theme: Innocence lost.
Theme Song: Camila Cabello - Liar.
Sex: Female.
Age: 29.
Personality: Miss DeGray is a very emotional woman. She cries easily and can be dramatic. She follows her heart even when it's wrong. The woman is easily influenced by the emotions of the people around her.

She trusts easy and wants to be a caregiver to her friends. Sometimes she lies to spare your feelings. Other times she feels compelled to speak the truth only.

Being raised by a tough single Mother she takes values of freedom and respect seriously. She is typically friendly and bubbly. Her sad moods come and go. If you asked her what her purpose in life was she would say, "I don't know."
Background: Selena DeGray was raised in a single parent family in the suburbs. As a child and teen she remade her image multiple times to fit in with the cool kids. As Selena grew, she got into a string of unfulfilling relationships.

In her adult years her Mother cut her loose. Homeless and desperate she continued dating up as a means of surviving. She was caught and jailed, went through therapy, and developed a drug habit.

Currently she lives in a building for disabled people where she is given little freedom. She struggles with issues of her attractiveness and displays a friendly demeanor. Miss DeGray has accepted that her innocence is lost.
Appearance: Selena is tall, has big eyes and eyelashes, black hair and is white with freckles. She often wears skirts, strappy tops and loves earrings and accessories. She has the fashion sense of a teenager. Her hair is styled in twin tails with blue gray hair ties.
Starting Template: Flonne - Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
Templates Wishlist:
1. Ruby - Supernatural
2. Millenia - Grandia II
3. Hinata Hyuuga - Naruto
4. Sango - Inuyasha
5. Rikku - Final Fantasy X
6. Ty Lee - Avatar: The Last Airbender
7. Sylvanas Windrunner - World of Warcraft
8. Callisto - Xena: Warrior Princess
9. Sakura Avalon - Cardcaptor Sakura

A warning, my phone goes off in 2 days and won't be back on until the 4th. I had expressed interest in this RP and would love to participate if you can wait until I have a full month of service again.
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Erik - Spectre
...Is bored...

I'mma make a second sheet in case Titan Child ends up biting the dust and not literally as he would usually.
Name: Erik
Theme: A Natural Killer

Sex: Male
Age: 16
Personality: A tad on the cold side, Erik usually has a smirk plastered on his face while simultaneously looking dead bored with his eyes. Is a bit sadistic, and has more often than not struck nerves of others if it would be beneficial for him. Including if it would be funny or not, which is more often the reason he even did the things he does.

Background: Not quite normal, Erik has lived in a...less than spotless neighborhood. To him, it was pleasant at least. To others, they might find it a tad scary people die near or in it every other day. But doesn't hundreds die every day on this world? You just have to try your best to delay the time when you are added to that count.

Of course, kicking others to reach that count first is fine so long as nobody talks about it.

Starting Templates:


Tier: Low 7-C, likely 7-C | Low 2-C Key: Base | Dark Star Name: Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver Origin: League of Legends Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Voidborn, Predator | Dark Star Powers and Abilities: Attack Potency: Small Town level+, likely Town level (Stalemated Rengar, Can fight...

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Rimuru Tempest, formerly known as Mikami Satoru, is the main protagonist of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. He is an Otherworlder reincarnated as a slime, and the sworn friend of the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest. He is the founder and King of the Monster Country, also known as the "Jura Tempest...


Dehaka is a Primal Zerg pack leader who allied with the Swarm after Kerrigan's defeat of Zurvan on Zerus in hopes of finding more essence to further his own evolution. Tier: At least High 6-C, possibly High 6-A Name: Dehaka Origin: StarCraft Gender: Male Age: Likely at least thousands of years...

The Hunter (Monster Hunter)

Hunters are the playable avatar of the Monster Hunter series. They have a wide knowledge and higher exercise capacity compared to a normal person, so this is a field of work not to many people can take part in. Hunters are estimated to be 175cm tall. Most people become hunters so they can gain...

The Hunter (Bloodborne)

The Hunter is the player character and main protagonist of Bloodborne and its expansion, The Old Hunters. The origins of the Hunter are determined by the players themselves, ranging from a middle-class upbringing, a troublesome childhood, a military background, a member of a noble family, or a...

True Archer

True Archer is the "True" Archer-class of Bazdilot Cordelion in the False and True Holy Grail War. True Archer's True Name is Alcides, the human side of Heracles whose divinity has been lost through interference from his Master's Command Spells awakening past memories from his life and the...


SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature with immense potent regenerative and adaptive abilities. One of the most infamous SCPs known to the Foundation, SCP-682 is impossible to kill. SCP-682 has a hatred of all life due to viewing them as humans view cockroaches and suffering their...

Iron Man (Marvel Comics)

Iron Man, or Tony Stark, is the main hero of a comic by the same name. Stark: an inventive genius, industrialist, and multi-billionaire, went to Vietnam to oversee a field test for one of his transistorized weapons, that his company Stark Industries made. While there he accidentally stepped on a...


Necrozma is a Pokémon that has only been found in the Alola region. It has characteristics similar to that of the Ultra Beasts and is said to have come from another world in ancient times. It normally lies inert underground, but it awakens violently and painfully in the presence of light, which...


Sinbad (シンドバッド, Shindobaddo) is the former King of Sindria, the World Innovator, Head of International Alliance and the President of the world's most powerful Company known as Sindria Trading Company. He is a Dungeon Capturer, having captured seven Dungeons, and a King Vessel. He was also the...
Neo Apollo Geist - Travellig Without Moving
Name: Neo Apollo Geist
Theme: Speed/Fire
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 80
Personality: He is nothing but a broken shell, still searching for a world that will accept him. Apollo Geist wants to find a way to return into his original world and might do anything for this objective. His personality is that of a cold and calculative man, with momentary lapses of insane laughter when things start to amuse him. Also, because of his past life, he went to be a firm believer of karma.
Background: Neo Apollo Geist was once human, a soldier of the Bundeswehr with high prospects. However, thanks to his connection with a terrorist leader, he was ousted and killed, not before acquiring the power to transverse into other worlds; which somehow resulted into his body transforming into a cybernetic one. Many eons have passed, and then he realized the reason for such karmic death; the deities grew bored of him. He, broken and desolated, went to become Neo Apollo Geist, a wandering dimensional hopper.
Starting Template:
Apollo Geist (Kamen Rider DCD)
Templates Wishlist:
Shimamura Joe (Cyborg 009)
Hellfire Phoenix (Dengeki Stryker)
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@See my smile @kittygirl @Alexis Kerib

Right you all are accepted, just note that you won't come in until after the Sloth battle and you get your first three templates at this point. Number four will come after the next major boss fight. As for the little titles next to your names, they're musical tracks I use to help remember who the individual players are.

Indestructible - Disturbed
Freedom Someday - Level 42
Traveling without Moving - Jamiroquai
@See my smile @kittygirl @Alexis Kerib

Right you all are accepted, just note that you won't come in until after the Sloth battle and you get your first three templates at this point. Number four will come after the next major boss fight. As for the little titles next to your names, they're musical tracks I use to help remember who the individual players are.

Indestructible - Disturbed
Freedom Someday - Level 42
Traveling without Moving - Jamiroquai

@See my smile @kittygirl @Alexis Kerib

Right you all are accepted, just note that you won't come in until after the Sloth battle and you get your first three templates at this point. Number four will come after the next major boss fight. As for the little titles next to your names, they're musical tracks I use to help remember who the individual players are.

Indestructible - Disturbed
Freedom Someday - Level 42
Traveling without Moving - Jamiroquai
Cool! Nice to get in!
@See my smile @kittygirl @Alexis Kerib

Right you all are accepted, just note that you won't come in until after the Sloth battle and you get your first three templates at this point. Number four will come after the next major boss fight. As for the little titles next to your names, they're musical tracks I use to help remember who the individual players are.

Indestructible - Disturbed
Freedom Someday - Level 42
Traveling without Moving - Jamiroquai
Thank you for accepting me. I hope my phone lasts past today but if not I'll be back on the 4th. So do we watch the thread for the end of the Sloth battle or are you gonna tell us?
Thank you for accepting me. I hope my phone lasts past today but if not I'll be back on the 4th. So do we watch the thread for the end of the Sloth battle or are you gonna tell us?
You can keep watching the thread, but I'll still tag you all in when it comes time.
George Garland - The Hermit
Background information on the Party's benefactor

Name: George Garland
Theme: The Hermit

Sex: Male
Age: Unknown - Physically appears to be in his forties.

A seemingly quiet man on first meetings. He can very quickly descend into long winded discussions on his projects and views on life with great passion and excitement. However, there something wrong with him. He's seen things and there's a feeling of emptiness surrounding him. He is a shell of the man the he used to be.

Originally a mechanic from the Mid west, George was taken as a member of the 2nd Generation of Template Warriors dubbed the Hunting 9. His group fought and won over the demon Lord Mundus and took Mallet Island and it's castle as their own. However, several years after their victory, they faced a greater foe. The dark god Tac had begun to stir in the remains of his universe and he began to accrue followers and the desires to consume everything in sight. George and the remaining members of the Hunting 9 were forced to recruit more potentials warriors into their army, this time figuring out a way to give the next generation even greater power. This group did go on to destroy Tac, but they're psychological health, already partially frayed, collapsed in on itself and they began to wage personal vendettas against everything that they believe slighted them. And so the Anten 7 were born and a civil war broke out between the two generations. George is the last surviving member of the Hunting 9 and he is currently working on something to surpass Mallet Island's uses, a ship he has dubbed the ORTA.

Appearance: https://medias.spotern.com/spots/w640/71/71670-1532336916.jpg

His main familiar, Griffin is capable of emitting massive amounts of electricity in both short and long range attacks. Griffin is the most expressive of the three familiars and often bickers with George over various things.
The Stealth familiar, Ouroboros can mask hers and her summoners appearance into whatever they and interact with both the material and immaterial plane. This allows her to steal and pilfer whatever is asked by her summoners. Ouroboros is incapable of speaking, however she seems to act in an over protective manner, often coiling around George in both times of rest and battle.
Atolm: George's most powerful familiar. Atolm is a large draconian entity that appears to be completely loyal to George. It is primarily capable of flight and can breath high powered lasers that seem to track their targets. Atolm has no personality, rather it is a pure extension of George's will.



Hermits are one of the "lost" Hunter creeds who follow the virtue of Vision. While other hunters may only hear the voices of the Messengers when they are first imbued, Hermits hear them constantly, causing an ever-present sensory 'static' in their minds - and find it gets worse in the presence...

V (Devil May Cry)

V is one of the tritagonists in the fifth Devil May Cry game. When Vergil split himself in two he brought to life Urizen, his demon side, and V, his human side. When V was born, he attained the physical manifestations of Nelo Angelo's traumas, Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare as his familiars. The...

Edward Kelley | nioh Wiki

Edward Kelley is a Boss in Nioh. Edward Kelley location, drops, tactics and tips and tricks for Nioh.


Azel was a drone created by the Ancients. She is the central character of the conclusion to the trilogy, Panzer Dragoon Saga, which follows her psychological journey in developing an independent will. Azel taking control of her own destiny leads...
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Edwin Phillip Connor - WrathChild
Back Up Character:

Name: Edwin Phillip Connor:
: Affably Evil
Theme Song:

Age: 24 years old
Appearance: He's Jacob's twin
Personality: He's "Affably Evil". He believes in genuinely good virtues and practices them, but doesn't let that stop him from doing and being evil. Think "Magneto". He believes in family values, love, hospitality, charity, and revenge on top of all that.
Background: The twin brother of Jacob Ron Collins, Edwin Phillip Connor was disowned by his father when he murdered two bullies who had severely abused his brother Jacob, and Jacob, due to psychological trauma, had forgotten he had ever had a brother. Changing his name to Connor, he grew up and matured well, earning a fortune and the respect of high society, although he was a psychological ticking time bomb.
1) André Linoge
2) Quentin Coldwater (23rd Timeline)
3) Hades (OUAT) self
4) The Source of All Evil
5) Mr. Wednesday
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@Janus @Noob5674

Your two backups are being placed in the apocrypha section of the OOC. If you ever decide to kill off your characters for these, let me now and I'll move these into the threadmarks section.

Noob5674 - Erik - Spectre by Judas Priest
Janus - Edwin -WrathChild by Iron Maiden
Hey, the Discord invite is dead.

I'm thinking about joining, though I'm not quite sure what I want to bring in...What's acceptable, source-material-wise?
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Name: Johnathan Xavier Grace

Theme: Evolution

Theme Song:

Sex: Male

Age: 63

Personality: Determined, never gives up. Loves a good fight. Hates quitters. There is always a solution. Surprisingly good listener.

Background: Johnathan Grace was born to Middle-class parents and lived a comfortable, content life for his first 18 years. However, he always felt that his life was missing something important. He found what his life was missing when he was mugged and almost killed in a back alley. He was weak, and he needed to get stronger. The second he was cleared from the hospital, he began taking courses in martial arts. He was not particularly talented at the beginning but after years of hard work and bull-headed determination, he became a master in multiple circles of martial arts. Even though he had become extremely skilled, he never felt satisfied with himself. Unfortunately, no amount of determination can allow an old, slowly deteriorating body to continue fighting after so many years of overworking it. Johnathan Grace retired from fighting at age 45 due to medical concerns and ended up wheelchair bound at age 62.

Appearance: 6'3" muscular caucasian with a scarred body from years of fighting. His once brown hair is half-greyed and his face is showing the beginnings of wrinkles. He has a short beard that juts out slightly from his chin. His eyes are hazel.

Starting Template: Simon (Gurren Lagann)

Templates Wishlist:
Ultimate Kars (JJBA)
Incursio/Tyrant (Akame Ga Kill!)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken)
Crawler (Worm)
Super Buu (Dragon Ball Z)
Asura (Asura's Wrath)
Sarah Kerrigan (StarCraft)
Garou (One Punch Man)