Template Wars: At The Edge of the Dream -Still Open as of 9/22/2019


Be Attitude For Gains: Fight For Truth
Somewhere: It'd be Specified, but....

You lived a normal life. School, work, friends, and family were all apart of the everyday routine. However, something happened. You and several other people wake up in an unknown place, a feeling of irritation and stitches behind your right ear, and the sounds of battle rage just outside. Men and women try to take your lives at every turn. There is hope though. A voice tells you that you have been chosen to stop a great evil from overcoming the multiverse. To preserve your world and so many others, you have been given powers from across the realms fiction. They maybe random, antagonsitic or complimentary to each other, but they are yours and you have been chosen as the fourth generation of warriors to battle against the forces that endager the multiverse.

Are you Ready?

Theme Song:
Starting Template:
Templates Wishlist:

Templates and Advancement:
PC's will start with one character template and list another 9 in their character sheets of their choosing. After specific battles, a new template will be unlocked. While chosen by the player, these templates could be new sets of powers, template that cover the weaknesses, or whatever you want. Template power sets are pretty high and players can use choices from various fictional works. Your enemies will be numerous and powerful, especially in the later half of the story.

As this is my first run at being a gamemaster, I'll be laying down basic ground rules.

  1. Be good to fellow players OOC: Pretty basic I know, but let's keep the mood light when discussing story elements.
  2. PVP should be in designated arenas: You want to throw down with your fellow players? Sure! Just be sure to do it in a friendly sparring session.
  3. No mind control: Mind influencing one or two weak willed mooks Ben Kenobi style? Perfectly okay. Getting players or boss characters to do what you want, not gonna happen.
  4. Be ready for anything: I mean this. I have a few secrets I'm keeping from everybody, so be ready in case of anything.

Additional Notes:
I tend to brainstorm and write while listening music so, I'll always to try implement a musical track in various locations the PC's will be in. This extends to important characters as well. In those cases, expect a name picture and song to help set the mood in identifying (Think Metal Gear character name and voice actor subtitle). While I will try to keep the story mostly fun and adventurous, note that I'm a pretty big fan of horror genres, so expect horror themes and genre bleed in from time to time.

The Player Cap for this will stand at 12. Should a player leave for any reason, a spot will be open for others to join in, provided they create a character sheet.

And aside from those facts, have fun everybody. I know I will...

Discord Link and Invite Link:
Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers (Discord Channel Link)
Join the Edge of the Dream Discord Server! (Invite Link)
Jacob Ronald Collins - Money Talks! And it will touch that Three lock box!
Name: Jacob Ron Collins
Theme: Power Corrupts
Theme Song:

: Male
Age: 24 years old
Personality: Studious, inquisitive, kind, and sensitive, charitable and respectful.
Background: Harboring a very dark and tragic past, he seemingly moved past all the pain, and by the time he matured into an adult, Jake was an ordinary college student who wanted to earn his AA as an author. As an aspiring author he hoped to get his stories published. He is fluent in several languages and works as an interperater.
Starting Template: Michael Langdon
Templates Wishlist:
Martin Chatwin
Darth Sidious
Dracula (Lords of Shadow)
Kefka Palazzo
Morgoth - Tolkien Gateway
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Jason Garrick - Fire! It Destroys all you build! - RETIRED
Name: Jason Garrick

Theme: Pyromania

Theme Song: Ace

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Jason is very straightforward. If he has a problem with someone or something, he'll say something. This, however, comes with him not having a brain-to-mouth filter and he will come off very blunt and uncaring. That is not the case as he cares for those around him and will do everything in his power to help them. One of his main flaws is that he is quick to butt heads and fight. He is more of a fight first, asks questions later person. This has caused many misunderstandings in the past. Jason is very passionate about endeavors that he undertakes and is annoyed when he is pulled off of something he enjoys. In the end, Jason is a good person to be around, as long as you can get him to not say anything drastic.

Background: Jason Garrick is an orphan that was left at the doorstep of the "Sunshine" Orphanage. The orphanage was anything but sunshine. Jason, as he grew up, learned quickly that strength is very important. He would learn a few martial arts such as Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, and Judo. Jason would go to a library that was close to the orphanage and learn many things such as survival tips and the like. He would go on graduate high school with a solid A.


Starting Template: Portgas D. Ace

Template Wishlist: Human Torch, Natsu Dragneel, Stiyl Magnus, Chandra Nalaar, Igneel, Toa Tahu, Escanor
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Ken - Eat It!
Name: Ken

Sex: Male
Age: 5

Personality: A peppy child, he is typically upbeat and friendly, but this does take a drastic flip when fights occur. In fights, he becomes something like a battle junkie, wanting to savor the entire experience before eating the defeated.

He's a very hungry boy. Even more so with his first template's endless hunger effect on himself.

Background: A normal child of 5, he lived a somewhat normal life with only small portions of his free spent picking fights to indulge his sadism.

Due to changes involving Templates, he is now bigger than an elephant, has pitch black skin with bone plates spread around his body, his eyes are blood red with black scleras and his hair is white with red highlight on the tips.

He also has multiple bone spikes over his back, with two mantis-like scythes protruding from over his shoulders

Active Templates: Cho'Gath
Goliath (RWBY)

Templates Wishlist:
Saber (Attila)
Ant-Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The Mountain of Smiling Bodies
Berserker (Paul Bunyan)
Demon King (Toriko)
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Alex King - Prohibited Art - RETIRED
Name: Alex King
Theme: forbidden powers
Theme song: Invisible Touch
Sex:All the time (Male)
Age: not your business (25)
Personality: one who does not shy away from a fight, Alex is a brash sometimes assanine individual, but his coky bravado hides a cold calculating intelligence and a suprisingly high moral code.
Background: His experiences as an "antiques" dealer has shown him just how far people will fall in order to attain ultimate power. So when a client wanted him to steal an antique oil lamp from a monastery he did so.... but not before opening said lamp, absorbing its contents and laying waste to the psychopath who hired him. All in all hes a chill dude unless you piss him off.

Starting form: Super BuuSuper Buu
Wishlist: Birkin stage 3,William Birkin/gallery KizaruBorsalino, MagusMagus, LOKI P5:Loki, the Demi fiend:Demi-fiend, Dark knight cecil: Cecil Harvey, The DreamDemon Bill Cipher:Bill Cipher, majora: Majora
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Ati - A Prince of the Universe -RETIRED
Name: Ati

Theme: Overcoming Limits

Theme Song:

Sex: M

Age: Multiple Millennia

Personality: Ati was a kind and generous man once, and now that he has been cleared of Ruin's influence, he is once again. However, due to the sheer time he spent in that state, he is now somewhat weary, but, more significantly, he has decided to never again be placed under another's influence, whether that be a person, an organization, or even the boundaries of reality itself. He doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Background: Once, Ati was a human from the planet Yolen. He was a kind and generous man, helpful to all. Discontent with the way the world was being run by Adonalsium, God, a being of infinite power, Ati joined a conspiracy of eighteen scientists, mages, and leaders, with the intent of defeating Adonalsium, and putting it's power in the hands of the inhabitants of the world. It was there that Ati met his eventual lover, Leras. Things progressed, and eventually, the conspiracy was able to destroy Adonalsium, Shattering it into 16 pieces. Then this happened. A couple millennia later, and after a whole slew of shenanigans, Leras died, with Ati following a couple months later. Instead of becoming a Cognitive Shadow before transitioning into the Spiritual Realm, Ati was cleared of all of Ruin's influence on his psyche and transported into this new world...
Starting Template: The Lord Ruler
Templates Wishlist: Elsecallers, Tracer, The God King, Arturia Pendragon, Eragon, Niv-Mizzet, The Spiral King
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Decided not to join,
Name: Daniel Matsushista
Theme: Reincarnation
Theme Song:
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Personality: He's someone that tends to be appreciative for the things he has. He remembers the times when he had next to nothing and even if he had all the wealth in the world. A gift from a total stranger would make his day. He has had a bad streak in the past, and he was glad that he was able to make his life turn out better. Though, does have regrets about not making the change sooner. He would happily sacrifice his life for he greater good, and he would kill someone if they threatened him, without any qualms.
Background: Raised In Peru, he was, born of a single mother. He was taught the mantra be grateful for what you have, but always strive for more. This mantra did stick with him, but he didn't take a good to get there at first. No, instead he joined up with peruvian gangs, and worked his way up to a comfortable status, before the news of his mother passing. He blamed himself for it, so he decided to reinvent himself. Trying to graduate to help those in need by working in witness protection.
Starting Template:Dram
Templates Wishlist:
Akeno Himejima
Kouu (Petals of Reincarnation)
ASCLEPIUS (Asklepios) - Greek God of Medicine & Doctors
Void Termina
https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Rimuru_Tempest_(Light_Novel)#Pre-Life in the Royal Capital Arc
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David Patterson - Push it to the Limit!
Name: David Patterson

Theme: Self Improvement/Self Reliance/Crafting
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 26
David is a kind individual if naturally a loner. He simply rarely thinks to reach out to others. The world is big and there is so much to learn and do, it is his great passion to study and learn. This may make him seem rude, or antisocial. This isn't quite true he likes other people just fine, he just rather likes self discover, books and learning new skills a little bit more. He is a natural optimist believing that he can always learn the right skills to succeed.

David is a huge nerd. He loves RPGs such that he has tired to model his life around them. He is studious because he likes to think of self improvement as "Grinding his stats" as such he has gone to school for engineering, making a bit of extra money making chain mail and other armor and weapons for FEMA in which he occasionally participates. How could he not with his great passion for RPGs. He loves to make and test his own gear in battle loving to see his skills with the blade and making said blade grow hand in hand together. He feels at most himself within his workshop making a sword that he will be using in "battle".

Starting Template:
The Gamer
Templates Wishlist:
Mirror knight (Source)
Tony Stark
Dr. Doom
Marka Ragnos
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Barco 'Bar Brawl" Barbrady - You won't see him coming!
Barco "Bar Brawl" Barbrady

Southern Hospitality, Tough Love

Theme Song:



Brotherly, Fatherly, Supportive, Hates Clams, God those clams.... like kill the clams. May or may not be allergic to shellfish. On his stage persona he is a known heel who uses underhanded tactics, brawling style and plenty of powerful slams. He is famous for his extreme type matches where all kinds of hardware are used in the ring.

His stint in a Japanese promotion also taught him proficiency in shoot-wrestling style.

Pro Wrestler, he may be in the big promotions but he supports the indie scene and trains new athletes in his gym. So far he is working to include more new blood in the game, also he wants his sport to be more inclusive. He plays the villain so that others can have their time to shine in beating him down, taking in the pain so that he can give some love.

Before being a wrestler he was a lifeguard.


Starting Template:
*John Cena (Keyfabe)
* Popeye the Sailor Man

Templates Wishlist:

* Jin Mo-Ri
* Phoenix Ikki
* Gladstone Gander
* Lucky Luke
* Android 17
* Cyborg
* Gladiator
* Dark Schneider

DM, nerf or limit as you feel fit.

Edit: Starpunch & Chuck removed per dm request.
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I'm interested, we get their powers only right, not their equipment or anything?
I have an idea for a character based off the Landlord from Kung Fu Hustle. Currently in the works of writing it all up.
P.s. I also clicked on the link to your discord channel, and the link is expired.
James Muir - True Survivor
Name: James Muir
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 30
Personality: Sure of himself and a talker, but underneath he's a good person that stands by those that stand by him
Background: James was a I.T. worker in a law firm for a time before he decided to go backpacking around the world. On his travels he picked up a number of survivalist skills.
1. Maxwell Dillon
2. Albert Simmons
3. J'onn J'onzz (Prime Earth)
Template Wishlist
4. Nathaniel Grey (Earth-295)
5. Void (Dark Sentry) (Earth-616)
6. Norrin Radd (Earth-TRN666)
7. Mundus (Devil May Cry)
8. Hades
9. Vitiate
10. Aku
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Name: James Muir
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 30
Personality: Sure of himself and a talker, but underneath he's a good person that stands by those that stand by him
Background: James was a I.T. worker in a law firm for a time before he decided to go backpacking around the world. On his travels he picked up a number of survivalist skills.
Starting Template: Maxwell Dillon
Templates Wishlist:
1. Albert Simmons
2. Hades
3. Doomsday
4. J'onn J'onzz (Prime Earth)
5. Dracula (animated series)
6. TBD
7. TBD
8. TBD
9. TBD

We both have Dracula! :D
Name: James Muir
Theme Song:

Sex: Male
Age: 30
Personality: Sure of himself and a talker, but underneath he's a good person that stands by those that stand by him
Background: James was a I.T. worker in a law firm for a time before he decided to go backpacking around the world. On his travels he picked up a number of survivalist skills.
Starting Template: Maxwell Dillon
Templates Wishlist:
1. Albert Simmons
2. Hades
3. Doomsday
4. J'onn J'onzz (Prime Earth)
5. Dracula (animated series)
6. Skynet
7. Ultron
8. TBD
9. TBD

You could use The Undertaker
Alexsander MacNeilen - Godhand!
Haha ok so I think I'm done with my character now :D
Name: Aleksander MacNeilen
Theme: 'Minimal effort, maximum effect. Go with the flow.' [Evasion & Countering]
Theme Song:
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Personality: He is very relaxed nowadays yet he seems to remain quite headstrong and abrasive. He doesn't waver in the face of new obstacles because he's already been to the very lowest points of his life, so it can't get much worse. As long as he goes with the flow and stays relaxed, everything should be uphill from here.
Background: He was once a great rising star as an MMA fighter (13 W--1 L), who eventually spent way too much of his money and made a fool of himself during drunken nights out, which ultimately led to him being fired. He loved the high life even when he couldn't afford it. Loans led into debt, then larger debt led into much worse things. A student of Jeet Kun Do, Tai Chi, & Aikido. In the octagon he was very difficult to even hit as just the smallest move would make a blow miss as he uses the momentum to bring you crumbling to the ground.
Starting Template: The Landlord from Kung Fu Hustle

Templates Wishlist:
  • Kassandra (Assassin's Creed Odyssey)
  • Jotaru Kujo (JoJo's B.A.)
  • Johnny Cage (MK: Deadly Alliance)
  • Silvers Rayleigh (One Piece)
  • Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star)
  • Spider-Man (Marvel)
  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • MegaMewtwo X (Pokemon)
  • Hermes (Greek Mythos)
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Seems like there is enough people to do tag team moves like a double suplex and a Camel Clutch/Full nelson