[x] Plan Simple, Straightforward, Sane
-[x] Yamato
- [X] Uchiha Sasuke
- - [X] "From what I've seen, what Sasuke most desperately needs is therapy. As has been pointed out, I actually go to mine. I bet I can get him started there."
- [X] Uzumaki Naruto
- - [X] "Have you seen his form? Kid's not a genius that can intuit everything by seeing it once. He needs training."
- [X] Hyuuga Hinata
- - [X] "Someone needs to ground this team, and I think Hinata can pull it off."
[X] Team Orphan
-[x] Yamato
-[X] Naruto Uzumaki
-[X] Sasuke Uchiha
--[X] "In addition to failing every team we've sent his way for years, Kakashi has never had the experience of being a normal genin. Sasuke will benefit more from jonin who's approach to his training is less dependent on the boy developing the sharingan. In addition, given the boys temper, a jonin as deliberately antagonistic as Kakashi will likely make the boy in a more uncooperative mood. It would be a shame for the boy to be held back entirely because we stacked the odds against him. Yamato will bring a professionalism sasuke can respect, and has the benefit of having to master Mokuton from scratch to help him guide his pupils along the path of self growth, as well as actual teaching experience, which is more important than a transplanted sharingan when it comes to sasuke's development. "
-[X] Yakumo Kurama.
[X] These kids will be the death of me
-[X]Shiro Hyuuga- the outcast
--[X]Hinata Hyuuga- the shy
--[X]Shikamaru Nara- the lazy
--[X]Yakumo Kurama- the ridiculed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Aug 12, 2022 at 10:58 AM, finished with 28 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Plan I Couldn't Think Of A Name
-[X]Investigate your Future Team: You do not know anything about them, besides the basics, and even you don't have access to their dossiers until tomorrow… So you are going to need to do things the old-fashioned way.
-[X]Go to Therapy: Dr. Kujo wishes to have a brief talk before everything gets started. Even though he might not like the fact you are still working. But he does appreciate that you are now finally out of the black ops, and taking it easy.
[X]Investigate your Future Team: You do not know anything about them, besides the basics, and even you don't have access to their dossiers until tomorrow… So you are going to need to do things the old-fashioned way.
[X] Plan: Fun
-[X]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: It seems that Ayako has invited everyone from the meeting to her house to have some quality get-together time. It's been a while since that happened, and everyone appreciates her cooking. At least its ingredients are prepared for her.
-[X]Read about Yourself: Yeah, you need to see how Konoha looks at you. Really it would be nice to know.
[x] Plan: I live under a bridge and blame Danzo for it
- [x] Troll the Minders: Danzo just does not learn… He just has to send people out to watch you and recruit you or your new team into the ROOT Fold. Time to troll them a little.
- [x] Troll Danzo: Time to relish in the fact that Danzo cannot touch you at all, and you want to make sure that ROOT remembers that you are not a fucking member anymore. Freedom feels so sweet, doesn't it Danzo?
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Aug 13, 2022 at 11:34 AM, finished with 22 posts and 17 votes.
[X] Plan: Genin wrangling always makes you hungry and somehow this is Danzos fault
-[X]Kidnap them: You are going to cut out the middle man, and maybe see if they can get themselves out of a situation where they are in danger.
-[X]To a Restaurant: You are hungry, they will be too, so might as well kill two birds with one stone
[X] Plan Punctual Privacy
-[X]Pick them up at Class: You are going to be nice and pick them up. Maybe you can see more of their personalities that way.
-[X]To a Street Ally: You want to have more… well you want to be hidden from your minders.
[X] Plan Good First Impressions
-[X]Pick them up at Class: You are going to be nice and pick them up. Maybe you can see more of their personalities that way.
-[X]To a Restaurant: You are hungry, they will be too, so might as well kill two birds with one stone
[X] Plan: Teamwork
-[X]Kidnap them: You are going to cut out the middle man, and maybe see if they can get themselves out of a situation where they are in danger.
-[X]To your Home: Well a man's home is his castle. Time to make things interesting.
[X]Write in - Plan Rapid-Fire (In order)
-[X]Feel free to eat, no sense letting it go to waste.
-[X]Anyway, my name's Yamato - you may refer to me as Yamato-sensei, because assuming you don't completely screw up, I'm your Jonin and you are my team.
-[X]Yes, I did enjoy kidnapping you and watching what happens when I dump food in front of you. It's funny, and by the time you get to where I am you learn to take your kicks where you can. Remember, confuse - don't abuse.
-[X]Give them a shorthand critique of what they did right and wrong
-[X]That being said, I only knew you were going to be my team for about a day or so. Introduce yourselves so I know what I'm working with.
-[X]After that, let the conversation move into small talk and use basic non-invasive verbal interrogation to feel them out.
-[X]The entire time, eat at a proper and polite ninja speed that doesn't hinder your ability to talk (I'm retconning this as one of Yamato's Sensei Quirks since he never gets much characterization in the manga/anime)
[X] Challenge them to a eating contest, if you finish before them, they will help you troll 3 people, if they win you will help them troll one person each
[X] Sorry for making an ass of myself. The comedy gods demanded it. Pork?
-[X] Ask them their likes, dislikes, what kind of Ninja they want to be, what skills they are interested in aquiring, what kind of Ninja they want to be, and where they honestly hope for in 10 years from now.
-[X] Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
[X] Plan Teamwork - Give the team a goal, but each person is restricted, like lack of sight, sound and speech. So Naruto can't talk, Yakumo can't hear, and Sasuke can't see. They need to work together to do the job, and to be honest it will really help them with weaknesses or strengths. (Plus Sasuke getting blinded will be good for when people realize his special eyes dont work if they cant see, and Naruto being quiet will a challenge all on it's own.)
[X]Closely: You will watch them with your usual vigor. So if they cheat… you will know. (Genin suffer a +20 to their rolls, and you will take away only a few items)
-[X]Very Closely: Eh, trying to make them ready for the Chunin Exams won't hurt too much. You're going to punish even the slightest breach. (Genin suffer a +40 to their rolls, but they will lose all but one of their items)
-[X] if they don't have an answer on who the killer is and or if someone found out of the crime have them pick the scape goat amongs them. If they choose not to pass them or they are successful pass them and report the hokage of the scary fact they could erased someone
-[X]Relaxed: Eh, you have better things to do. Like trying to talk to that ROOT Agent watching you. (Genin have no roll bonus, but they will gain their items)
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 5, 2023 at 12:36 PM, finished with 24 posts and 14 votes.
-[X]Helping the Hokage with Paperwork: Wait, he wouldn't use shadow Clones, but would bring in unsuspecting Genin to the Paperwork piles! Hiruzen you Bastard!
-[X]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: It seems that Ayako has invited everyone from the meeting to her house to have some quality get-together time. It's been a while since that happened, and everyone appreciates her cooking. At least its ingredients are prepared for her.
-[X] How do you want to Train Naruto: Through Ramen! Review Naruto's booksmart capabilities and what he is supposed to know from the Academy, stuff like basic maths, the physical forms, the hand seal signs. Then go over the questions with Naruto, with everytime after you have thoroughly explained the logic behind the information and Naruto still gets a answer wrong, you throw away good ramen in front of Naruto.
-[X] How do you want to Train Sasuke: Chakra Control, get Sasuke started on water walking. Sauske is pretty fine all around, so we can get him specialized as a ninjutsu focus. And for that it will need chakra control. Also add in some medical textbook quizes for Sauske as if we can get Sauske's chakra control high enough we can turn him into the team medic and get healings for cheaper than at the hospital!
-[X] How do you want to Train Yakumo: Physical exercise makes the dream work! Get her working on some taijutsu to cover up the great weakness of being a squishy super powerful caster. Also DODGE the stick Lassie is great Training! Because if she can't doge your stick, she cannot dodge a ninjutsu elemental bolt of fire or water or whatever targeting herself in a obvious telegraph move.
-[X]The First Part (Sasuke's Everything): Sasuke was sitting, looking at the compound where he was… cleaning it. Much of the Uchiha compound was ruined, and he was trying to rebuild it.
-[X] Naruto will be drilled in remedial academy lessons and beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. One is needed to at least mitigate his flaws, the other exploits his strengths and is comparatively easy for a hyperactive kid to learn. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering taijutsu and ninjutsu as a reward for completing his course work, as well as offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work.
-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in basic chakra control and whatever level of nin-taijutsu is appropriate for his skill level. Nin-taijutsu will consist of training him to seamlessly interweave taijutsu with ninjutsu techniques. Careful sparring with Naruto will be conducted to help establish a potentially friendly rivalry.
-[X] Yakumo will be drilled in whatever chakra control level is appropriate for her skill level and beginner gen-taijutsu. Take care to help her interact with her second personality when it pops up, and see if basic meditation techniques helps deal with it.
-[X]Walk the Dogs of the Izunuka: The Izunuka clan needs some extra dog walkers as the kennel master is sick. That's going to be easy, as those dogs are smart.
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 10, 2023 at 7:50 PM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Plan Rolling Stones
-[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes one or both, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
-[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
-[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X] The First Part (Naruto's Trust Issues): You are looking at Naruto in his home. "May I come in?"
-[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
[X] Plan Mental Health
-[X] Naruto will be drilled in beginner taijutsu/bukijutsu (weapons work) with experimentation to see what kind of jutsu he can use with his poor chakra control - chakra control comes later. Focus on experimenting with different weapons to see what works best for him, and demonstrate chakra flow as a goal to strive for. Further motivation will be done with offering to teach him the finer points of pranking for especially good work. We'll have him trolling Danzo in no time!
-[X] Sasuke will be drilled in water walking and continuing his medical training. If he completes that, move on to nin-taijutsu, with a focus on the fine art of shanking bitches with medical techniques.
-[X] Yakumo will begin with a round of DODGE THE STICK. Then she'll move on to mixing genjutsu and taijutsu. Do some basic experimenting to see how she handles trap work, and rope in Naruto to provide suggestions. Traps and genjutsu is a bitchin combo.
-[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
-[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
[X] Plan: I blame Danzo for almost failing the Paperwork mission
-[X] Naruto: We have discovered his talent for forgery and should nurture it
-[X] Sasuke: He just needs motivation.Waterwalking again.But this time invite his fanclub to the show.
-[X] Yakumo:More Dodge stick, but this time it is a hydrastick.Every time Hanzo just disintegrates the stick or clone. You make two new ones.
--[X] Hanzo: Test how much he learned at the academy as distraction
-[X] Rebuilding the Uchiha Compound: A mission from Sasuke, who is putting up quite a bit of money for it. He wants the Team to help him rebuild the Compound. He… says it will help him get Closure.
-[X]Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
-[X] The First Part (Yakumo's Beast): You looked at Yakumo. "Can I speak to Hanzo?"
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 17, 2023 at 11:38 PM, finished with 32 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Plan: Fuinjutsu Check and How to Dispell Genjutsu 101
-[X] How do you want to Train Naruto: A Fuinjutsu lesson taught to the whole team with the goal to be making a storage scroll (this is to see if anyone among the team would be exceptional at fuinjutsu and knowing how to make a storage scroll is useful for a professional theif like all ninjas. Special note to self: Inform the genin about the potential to profit from the ability to make storage scrolls at the start of the lesson for motivation purposes). Include the tree walking lesson, some taijutsu along with practise at dispelling genjutsu.
-[X] How do you want to Train Sasuke: Continue the medical lessons, throw in some taijutsu practise, and the tree walking exercise, but have Sasuke train with Yakumo where the objective for Sasuke is not to beat Yakumo, but to have Sasuke supply information on possible ways Yakumo could improve in taijutsu, such as diet, or in her form. Throw in some practise at dispelling genjutsu for Sasuke as well as the fuinjutsu lesson on making storage scrolls (useful for carrying medical supplies. Special note to self: Inform the genin about the potential to profit from the ability to make storage scrolls at the start of the lesson for motivation purposes).
-[X] How do you want to Train Yakumo: Taijutsu focus primary, the fuinjutsu lesson on making storage scrolls (Special note to self: Inform the genin about the potential to profit from the ability to make storage scrolls at the start of the lesson for motivation purposes), make sure she and Hanzo can perform Genjutsu dispelling. Throw in the tree walking exercise. Then have her at the end of the lesson put Sasuke and Naruto in a basic baby's first genjutsu for them to dispell, while also forwarning Yakumo that you will throw your own attempt in genjutsu at Yakumo for her to dispell, but make it as subtle as you can by targeting smell and hearing (loss of smell, and the additional cacophany of bird song every five minutes on the dot).
-[X]Gate Duty: The Second Easiest Job in Konoha that may put you in actual Danger. Most of the time the Gate duty is not the same as guard duty at the gate. This means that the kids will be treated to the joys and wonders of Paperwork. Are you cruel? Are you mad? No, but you think that things are going to be alright.
-[X]Talk to your Fellow Jounin: It seems that Ayako has invited everyone from the meeting to her house to have some quality get-together time. It's been a while since that happened, and everyone appreciates her cooking. At least its ingredients are prepared for her.
-[X] Celebrate: You now have a team of Genin. They deserve to have some fun.
[X] Plan Highway to Hell
-[X] Naruto will begin tree walking exercises with Yakumo (or alone if she moves on to water walking). He will also continue his pranking training with Yakumo, and will join in monitored and limited nin-taijutsu sparring with Sasuke and Yakumo.
-[X] Sasuke, having completed basic water walking, will continue his training in medical jutsu. He will also begin monitored and limited nin-taijutsu spars with Naruto and Yakumo.
-[X] Yakumo will split her attention between three parts; tree walking (or water walking if she's already completed tree walking), more trap/genjutsu practice with Naruto, and monitored and limited nin(or gen)-taijutsu sparring with Naruto and Sasuke.
-[X] Catching the Demon Cat Tora: The most dangerous D-Rank in the village. That cat is utterly insane
-[X] Troll Danzo: Time to relish in the fact that Danzo cannot touch you at all, and you want to make sure that ROOT remembers that you are not a fucking member anymore. Freedom feels so sweet, doesn't it Danzo?
-[X] Celebrate: You now have a team of Genin. They deserve to have some fun.
[X] The hokage trusts us with his paperwork. What a sucker.
-[X] Naruto: Train him in forgery. He has shown talent for it
-[X] Sasuke: He has shown his interest for construction work. Teach him some construction jutsus. I recommend Bakusai Tenketsu
-[X] Yakumo/Hanzo: Teach them in awareness, by sending them to buy some stuff from the market and then sneak up on them with the dodge stick.
-[X]Helping the Hokage with Paperwork: Wait, he wouldn't use shadow Clones, but would bring in unsuspecting Genin to the Paperwork piles! Hiruzen you Bastard!
--[X] Let Naruto forge a request of a tax audit for Danzo and smuggle it into the paperwork
-[X] Go to Therapy: Dr. Kujo is surprised to see you again so soon.
-[X] Getting the Team into Therapy: Dr. Kujo will be seeing this team, to get them mentally ready.
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 22, 2023 at 8:52 PM, finished with 39 posts and 18 votes.
[X]The Runner Arc: So Kids, we're about to go run all the way to the Land of Iron to deliver confidential scrolls so that the Daimyo there can… well… Do something with it. We get paid that's all we need to know.
[X]The Passenger Arc: Well We've got an Escort mission to the Land of Rice, some merchant who just wants to be protected until he is safely back past the border. Well, you don't know why, but hey, you are going to just have to accept it.
[X]The Runner Arc: So Kids, we're about to go run all the way to the Land of Iron to deliver confidential scrolls so that the Daimyo there can… well… Do something with it. We get paid that's all we need to know."Wait a Second, we're being hunted by every nation from here to Iron? What is in this package?!
[x]The Mercenaries Arc: Well now, it seems that Hiruzen wants us to meet with a spy in the Land of Rain. Something about… Itachi or something? You don't think this is the best idea, given Sasuke, but if he knew about this and you ignored it… well, it could make it worse.Itac
[x]The Bandit Arc: Well it's a nice, simple bandit hunting mission. It's not even that far from the village, it's going to be fine… Wait, you should not have said that.
[X]The Mercenaries Arc: Well now, it seems that Hiruzen wants us to meet with a spy in the Land of Rain. Something about… Itachi or something? You don't think this is the best idea, given Sasuke, but if he knew about this and you ignored it… well, it could make it worse.Itachi... Why are you hear?
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 10, 2023 at 7:51 PM, finished with 39 posts and 15 votes.
[X]The Grass Earth Route: Grass has always been an opportunistic bunch, but they have always been lax on border security, as well as several dozen other stupid shit if the stories you heard from Ayako were true. But in the last war, they were opportunistic against Earth Nin, and they have a heavily guarded border, with a lot of trade and merchant traffic. Maybe you could sneak in.
[X]Charter a Ship: It's expensive, and will get into your mission funds… but it also carries the least risks when it comes to running into hostile ninjas. It's a nice two-week vacation on the sea, where you can get a lot of training done. If it isn't a merchant ship. And the only ship to charter is a merchant ship… Shit.