[X] Try and take out the two guards and enter the back of the house.
[X] Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only. Be the shadows, let no one know you were ever here.

We brought sneaky team we use sneaky team
So we have party favors and pistols. Motherfucker. This is why I choose War Hetzer team, but noooooo...

Dude, one of our girls has a belt-fed in 7.62 loaded with high-explosive incendiaries, I would say we're sufficiently armed for the occasion. They're probably defaulting to pistols since .45 ACP suppresses better than 5.56.
Annabelle's got a belt-fed 5.56. It's Riley's team that carriers 7.62. You also all have HK33s with HEI/API rounds, but the pistols are sneakier.
Dude, one of our girls has a belt-fed in 7.62 loaded with high-explosive incendiaries, I would say we're sufficiently armed for the occasion. They're probably defaulting to pistols since .45 ACP suppresses better than 5.56.

That falls into the party favors end of the spectrum, my friend. Just because an ounce of sniper is worth a pound of suppression doesn't mean explosives don't have their place. There are three things I always try and plan for us to have for us to use.

One, suppressing fire.
Two, detached fire support.
Three, explosives.

We've got one and two, but a little bit of three would go a long way.

Also, once someone else posts I'm putting up the 70 maxims for your perusal.
So, @theJMPer, from her angle, can Abigail see the gunner? Because he's the guy we really want neutralized if we get seen.

EDIT: Still curious about the answer, but until then

[X] Strypgia

seems to be on the right track: stealth's gotten us this far, let's see how much further we can go.
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[X] Try and take out the two guards and enter the back of the house.
[X] Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only. Be the shadows, let no one know you were ever here.

I'd prefer this, but I can back Plan Dirtnap if not. Sneaky until you can't be is a good idea here. We can go loud after being sneaky, but not the reverse. So let's not wake trouble until we've run out of ninja-fuel.
The 70 Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

1. Pillage, then burn
2. A Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn't know what's going on
3. An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody
4. Close air support covereth a multitude of sins
5. Close air support and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart.
6. If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it .
7. If the food is good enough the grunts will stop complaining about the incoming fire.
8. Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock .
9. Never turn your back on an enemy .
10. Sometimes the only way out is through... through the hull.
11. Everything is air-droppable at least once.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
13. Do unto others.
14. "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
15. Only you can prevent friendly fire.
16. Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.
17. The longer everything goes according to plan, the bigger the impending disaster.
18. If the officers are leading from in front, watch for an attack from the rear.
19. The world is richer when you turn enemies into friends, but that's not the same as you being richer.
20. If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win.
21. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow.
22. If you can see the whites of their eyes, somebody's done something wrong.
23. The company mess and friendly fire should be easier to tell apart.
24. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun.
25. If a manufacturer's warranty covers the damage you do, you didn't do enough damage.
26. "Fire and Forget" is fine, provided you never actually forget.
27. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.
28. If the price of collateral damage is high enough, you might be able to get paid to bring ammunition home with you.
29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less.
30. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.
31. Only cheaters prosper.
32. Anything is amphibious if you can get it back out of the water.
33. If you're leaving tracks, you're being followed.
34. If you're leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun.
35. That which does not kill me has made a tactical error.
36. When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.
37. There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'reload.'
38. What's easy for you can still be hard on your clients.
39. There is a difference between "spare" parts and "extra" parts.
40. Not all good news is enemy action.
41. "Do you have a backup?" means "I can't fix this."
42. "They'll never expect this" means "I want to try something stupid."
43. If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky
44. If it will blow a hole in the ground, it will double as an entrenching tool.
45. The size of the combat bonus is inversely proportional to the likelihood of surviving to collect it.
46. Don't try to save money by conserving ammunition.
47. Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement.
48. If it ain't broke, it hasn't been issued to the infantry.
49. Every client is one missed payment from becoming a target.
50. Every target is one bribe away from becoming a client.
51. Let them see you sharpen the sword before you fall on it.
52. The army you've got is never the army you want.
53. The intel you've got is never the intel you want.
54. It's only too many troops if you can't pay them.
55. It's only too many weapons if they're pointing in the wrong direction.
56. Infantry exists to paint targets for people with real guns.
57. Artillery exists to launch large chunks of budget at an enemy they cannot actually see.
58. The pen is mightiest when it writes orders for swords.
59. Two wrongs is probably not going to be enough.
60. Any weapon's rate of fire is inversely proportional to the number of available targets.
61. Don't bring big grenades into small rooms.
62. Anything labeled "This End Toward Enemy" is dangerous at both ends.
63. The brass knows how to do it by knowing who can do it.
64. An ounce of sniper is worth a pound of suppressing fire.
65. After the toss, be the one with the pin, not the one with the grenade.
66. Necessity is the mother of deception.
67. If you can't carry cash, carry a weapon.
68. Negotiating from a position of strength does not mean you shouldn't also negotiate from a position near the exits.
69. Sometimes rank is a function of firepower.
70. Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

Jesus fuck this had horrible source formatting. Ick ick ick.
If they're all dead, they can't report in.
Ah. What I would refer to as (and first experienced as) A touch more extreme than the other variant of "loud" stealth: Mass Effect's "Vanguard Stealth". Aka: Nothing says stealth like a whole base blinded by an explosion in the other direction. And if that doesn't work, use more 'stealth'.
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[X] Strypgia

Because going loud right now means the enemy has time to start trashing the computers before we reach them.
Question, wouldn't taking down any of the guards alert the base? Sure, we can do it without anyone noticing for a moment, but if those guards have routine check-ins and no one replies, that's gonna be a problem for us.
Question, wouldn't taking down any of the guards alert the base? Sure, we can do it without anyone noticing for a moment, but if those guards have routine check-ins and no one replies, that's gonna be a problem for us.
Erm, isn't this a quick in-and-out?

I'm not sure on my tactics, but:
- We may manage to get things done in between the routine check-ins IF we move fast enough...
- We still need to neutralize the enemy in the extraction zone *(said extraction is by the lake, isn't it?)*.
- And we really don't want an enemy behind us... or in front of us when we're extracting, sandwiched in with the base behind us a shaken hornet's nest...

Edit: (after re-reading a few earlier snippets)

- We still need to neutralize the enemy listening post in their totality, right? Do we really want an unknown force reacting to the assault from behind our fireteam?

Edit #2: I just tempted Murphy, didn't I?
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[X] Try and take out the two guards and enter the back of the house.
[X] Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only.Be the shadows, let no one know youwere ever here.
[X] Strypgia

I want computers, documents, and maybe the antenna rig. We can go loud after we secure those though. I want cell phones too. Those should be useful.
Hm... there is a plan forming in my head, but... even when the update mentioned some of the girls being sneakier than others (at least that was how I understood it), they have all the same Stealth-skill on the sheets.

[X]Have Abigail keep an eye on the belt-fed gunner while Sophia and Sarah take out the two guards sneakily; Annabelle covers them. At the same time, Shelby moves onto the balcony and takes down the gunner; Abigail shoots him if he notices the approach. Hide the bodies out of sight and proceed to find out what is happening inside the building.

[X]Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only. Be the shadows, let no one know you were ever here.

It might be too late to propose a custom plan already, but I fancy this idea for some reason. If it is not possible to pull off, @theJMPer, please tell me so I can vote for something different. I do think this group should be able to do it, though.
Now that I look at it again, it is probably just expanding the option where they take down the two guards... but I like it nonetheless.
[X] Try and take out the two guards and enter the back of the house.
[X] Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only. Be the shadows, let no one know you were ever here.
[X] Try and take out the two guards and enter the back of the house.
[X] Full sneaky: suppressed pistols only. Be the shadows, let no one know you were ever here.

Sneaky until you can't be is a good idea here. We can go loud after being sneaky, but not the reverse.

[EDIT] Un-quoted
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[X] Strypgia

Keep stealthy as long as we can, to increase the chance we can grab their comm gear/cell phones/computers for further intel data.