Part 16: Just Keep Swimming!
Bloop With your legs pulled together like a knife, your slender body effortlessly slips though the water with barely more than a sound. Your air tank's slung around onto your back before you've even reached the surface again, and you roll onto your back to take a quick headcount.
Everyone else landed fine. Sophie's got her rifle slung next to her air tank, and you can barely make out the glint of grenades hanging off her hip as she swam over. Annabelle and Sarah are rolling over one another in a pile of taller, shapiler, and almost identical girl as they check each other's gear to make sure nothing tore off during the jump.
"Sophie," you whisper, letting the frigid water lap at your bare legs. You know you should be cold right now, but you can't really feel it. It's more a curious tickling sensation than anything.
"Mmm?" She rolls onto her back next to you and loops her arm through yours. Her chest is flat as a board, with only a few grenade pouches to give her some figure, which makes her almost undetectable while floating on her back.
"You make the jump okay?"
She shrugged. "My ass is kinda sore, but I'm good."
You blushed, hopeful the gloom was dark enough to hide it from anyone else. To tell the truth, your butt felt a little chafed too, the parachute harness had really dug into you. But you weren't going to
say that. Not when your commander might overhear. He didn't need to know anything but
good things about your butt, after all.
"'belle," you hissed at your machinegun section, "'Sarah."
"Mmm?" Annabelle flopped off Sarah's belly and paddled over to you with a few kicks of her long legs. Like the rest of your team, she was an exceptionally fit girl, with more tone and less extraneous softness than anyone on Riley's team. But with all the drag of her gear and a chest that was rather fuller than yours, she and Sarah were still the two slowest swimmers.
"Anything out of place?" you asked.
The two girls shook their heads.
You smiled, and pivoted towards the distant light of the listening post. "Abigail," you put a finger to your ear, activating the commset in your active-protection ear-pro. "You copy?"
"A-yep," came her half-interested voice.
"What can I do for ya?"
"What're we looking at?" you said as you took off towards the coast at a lazy paddle.
"Three guys patrolling the coast," said the sniper.
"Fourth guy sitting by the boat dock smoking. Looks like AKs."
"Armor?" you asked.
"Not that I can see."
You smiled. Your pistol should work well enough on them, assuming you could keep the element of surprise. As you swam, you compared Abigail's running commentary with the layout you'd memorized.
You could try and sneak into the boat-shed right under the smoking man's nose, and take him out once your girls got on the surface, but that'd mean swimming a few hundred feet without air. You couldn't afford the bubbles from your SCUBA gear giving you away.
You could also let Abigail take him out with her rifle, but unless you wanted the splash to give everything away, you'd have to ditch your tank and get close enough to catch him before he hit the water.
And of course, you could always go loud from just off the coast. With water up to your neck, you should have reasonably good cover, and you're a decent enough shot that hitting man-sized targets while treading water shouldn't be
that hard.
"Shelb?" Annabelle bumped into your side. Your gunner was a big, strong girl, but all the ammo and armor she was strapped with limited her mobility—not to mention her gun's belt was never totally silent. You could take her with you, but leaving her behind to tread water with her gun at the ready might be good insurance should something go bad fast.
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[ ] Assault via the boat shed. Sneak inside and deal with the hostiles once you're out of the water.
[ ] Assault via the boat shed. Have Abigail take out the smoking man while you catch his body.
[ ] Go loud, hit them from the shore and charge in.
(Second vote)
[ ] Take Annabelle with you, or leave her behind to cover you with her machine gun.