Oh we definitely don't want to buy any noticeable magical powers in fear of the Ecclesiarchy or Inquisition bearing down upon us. We should just buy a lot of physical boosting powers! Also technology mumbo jumbos for added bonus!
Oh we definitely don't want to buy any noticeable magical powers in fear of the Ecclesiarchy or Inquisition bearing down upon us. We should just buy a lot of physical boosting powers! Also technology mumbo jumbos for added bonus!
That would be Scrying, some parts of Sympathetic (the less visible buffs), Mind arts and Blood Arts, potentially Transformation if you're sneaky about it.
Edit: some parts of Blood Arts anyway.
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
[x] no
I am unsure how dangerous the tunnels are but it's best not give away are only weapon
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
[x] no
I am unsure how dangerous the tunnels are but it's best not give away are only weapon
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
So one thing to note on logic:
If the Logic Attribute is higher than the previous skill or Attribute level by 5 or more, the level up cost is reduced to a third
If the Logic Attribute is higher than the previous skill or Attribute level, the cost to level up is reduced to two thirds
Right now Tech is higher (but not the subskills) and Infilitration is equal, and sympathy is higher (but not the sub skills) so asides from those everything is running at reduced XP cost. If possible though raising logic to 10 as quick as possible will make all our other purchases cheaper thanks to dropping it to 1/3 of original cost instead of 2/3
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
So one thing to note on logic:
If the Logic Attribute is higher than the previous skill or Attribute level by 5 or more, the level up cost is reduced to a third
If the Logic Attribute is higher than the previous skill or Attribute level, the cost to level up is reduced to two thirds
Right now Tech is higher (but not the subskills) and Infilitration is equal, and sympathy is higher (but not the sub skills) so asides from those everything is running at reduced XP cost. If possible though raising logic to 10 as quick as possible will make all our other purchases cheaper thanks to dropping it to 1/3 of original cost instead of 2/3
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
I decided int should not be a dump stat and to see if I could have something other than int, wis, and cha. I'm not sure the logic bonus isn't too big but I think it's a good idea so far. Might be worth increasing the stat point cost every 5 points though.
I suppose, but you could just use corroded metal to do that and it would be easier. If you apply water to a sword the probably easiest most straightforward is a liquid sword. Whether that is actually useful is another question.
Does it work on People to Because that would be fun like trying to put a concept of loyalty on a person to make them like a ally But it would only work if you were at the same strength or something.
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
[x] Find something that regenerates. Some of the creatures in the tunnels did, if she could find some parts of one, or trade for one, that would do it. Probably.
[x] no
Okay. Burns. Something that regenerates. That should fix it if this new power worked and it worked just fine before. The other one too. She might as well try.
Which meant going hunting. Going to get a Zlich and hope it didn't poison her too badly, and that her new power could help with that too. She had two big knives now, a big, toothy cleaver and a fat bladed sort of knife big enough to be a sword for her. Probably not a sword for that Cheires but he was dead and couldn't laugh at her for it.
They probably owned the Zlich tunnels now too, the closest ones anyway. Won that war, Gorgons dead or running and probably coming back sometime soon. As long as they didn't fight close to her, not her problem. Just don't wear too much green and pay up if they ask for it and she would probably be fine. If she didn't just get unlucky.
But she wasn't the same weak girl she'd been two years ago now, burns or not. She would get better. With the screens or without the screens. Couldn't go on like she did because she'd die.
Angelika put the two big knives into her belt.
She wrapped her hands up as best as she could, grabbed her best coat. No point hiding it anymore, what was the point if it was never getting any use? It would keep some of the poison off her skin, should do anyway. Small boot, big boot tied around her ankle, knives. Maybe she should take more, but there was no fracking way taking her good dataslate or a broken one made any sense and she didn't exactly have a shield lying around. She did have a bag and a water bottle if she didn't die.
A moment later she made her way outside. Javi was looking at her, concerned, but she turned away before she could say anything. She'd have to explain later, probably, not right now though. Zlich hunting, maybe getting killed in the process because Zlichs are bad, but there's worse things than Zlichs out there. If it wasn't for the burns maybe she would have changed her mind. Probably would have. She wouldn't even get to keep the whole Zlich.
Didn't matter.
She'd get infested if she didn't. Might also get infested out there but at least she had a chance.
For now, she stuck to the shadows, kept the burned part of her face covered just in case and tried to ignore the blisters and raw flesh on her hand. There were small things that were already trying to get to her. Skitters in the shadows, although most creatures knew better. Too many hungry people in this tunnel. If she got a Zlich she would have food for at least a day too. Better than wafers or corpse starch.
The first sign she was close was the smell of roasting flesh. She couldn't help but associate it with fighting as well as food.
Dodging some woman on more drugs than she wanted to think about, she made her way to the Cheires camp. Camp wasn't exactly right, more like something of a makeshift manufactorum, bunker, and fort. They had the orange banner of House Hekatoncheires all over, skull and arms wrapping around each other in a circle and all. A bit of new plassteel and ferrocrete but mostly just whatever they could find made into buildings, division, and shields. And out there cutting off most of the tunnels leading down to where the Zlichs were. The Gangers just wore Orange and maybe some handprints. If you ask and you pay tax or you work for them, you're in. Zlichs and Vheskirr.
Zlichs were slow, can't kill one with a stubber or a shotgun or even a fracking knife, really, and they'll eat you if they can, oh and they'll poison you and make armor plates from whatever's in the sludge that comes down from the rest of the hive. Didn't have to kill one to drag it back up for processing though. Veskirr are all armor and wings, and if you get stung you'll spend the rest of your life guarding the eggs until the Zlich eat you alive. And maybe take on your shape for a bit, at least that's what they say. They eat the souls of whatever they eat too, whatever they can catch. That's why you see them sometimes take the shape of other creatures, not just the fat, slimy, armored maggots they are.
Angelika wasn't really sure she believed it but that was just one more reason not to die here.
The guy next to the gate where they'd fought the Gorgons less than three days ago didn't even say anything when she walked in. The bloodstains were probably still on the floor, although she could hardly tell them apart from everything else.
No one tried to stop her from walking towards the tunnels either. There were some more Cheires there, sat on top of the remains of some ancient contraptions, and a few torn pillows and dented chairs. Weapons on their lap, meat on their plates, and too busy playing Jackknife to even look at her save for one woman with an arm made of armored metal, a built-in flamer, and a sword on her belt.
She stumbled when the hand landed on her should and more pain shot through her.
The woman grinned down at her and hesitated for just a moment. "Hey, still alive in there? Gotta love that spirit. You ever done this before? Don't think I've seen you around. No? They've got these black lines running through them, you'll know 'em when you see 'em. Cut off the ones going to the mouth and it's harmless. Oh and try not to die and all."
Sure… except for the part where she was pretty certain that woman expected her to die anyway, but she still felt better walking into those tunnels now. She didn't even get time to reply before the woman was stealing someone's drink and got shoved off their contraption for it.
Time to go.
Light faded, away from the power supply of the Cheires and into the dark places. The places that linked to the deep Tunnels, into the Sump, the Core, the Old Dark whatever you want to call it. The place where there was hardly any light at all. Mushrooms or lichen if you're lucky, Something really radioactive, or something trying to draw you in for food if you're not.
She tried to focus.
Inside her was that same reservoir. It was familiar in a way it really shouldn't be and she didn't want to think about. Angelika drew on it, focused on the light, tried to calm herself, and pushed that energy into seeing more.
… Just like that, it got easier. Just a little, but enough. She could keep it up now, if she was careful, if she only fed it a trickle, only as much as that energy would refill. Yet it was enough to see by and enough to at least try to hunt. Right this moment, she didn't have it in her to be annoyed at the thing either.
d100 : 19
Something moved in the tunnel, something with shining teeth, faintly reflective eyes, and entirely too many of them. Not what she wanted at all.
STR+Athletics+Climb, disadvantaged
Roll 2(d20-2) : (19-2, 16-2) = 14
Bare success
+5 Stamina
She scrambled up the pipe, nearly slipped on the sludge, up, down, sideways, didn't matter. The burns didn't matter. None of it mattered she couldn't take on that horde of things whatever they were. Skitters. She could take one, two, maybe three. Not five or more and not this burned.
Her heart thundered in her ears and her breathing came in ragged, but she'd gotten away. She still knew where she was. Lucky.
She still hadn't found what she was looking for though and she was much further from the entrance now. Angelika tried to get a bit closer to it, keeping the power flowing and her eyes wide open. She sat down to breathe, to recover for just a bit before she went looking again.
Then she went looking again.
d100 : 96
Critical Success
And she found it.
A Fat thing, slimy, and covered in metal plates just about as big as she would be about to carry. It was feasting on the body of a skitter bleeding out on the ground in front of a nest of shining, slimy eggs the first of which had only just started to hatch. The Emperor Protects. Maybe she would live after all, and she would take this blessing. Angelika drew her knife and slowly bent over the distracted creature in front of her. Then she struck.
Surprise round, Angelika and Opponent are at a disadvantage, no effect.
SPD+Close Quarters Combat+Bladed:
D20+0+0+0 : 4 vs. 10
The Zlich shifted just in time, her blade glanced off. She missed and now it knew she was there and started turning towards her.
d20+0+1 : 15+1 = 16
d20-3+0 : 13-3 = 10
She was faster. Fast enough to try and stab it again, before it could move.
SPD+Close Quarters Combat+Bladed, disadvantage vs. Armor-SPD+10:
2(d20+0+0+0) : (15, 6) vs. 12
Not that it helped any. Her blade glanced off its metallic plates again. This was bad. So bad. She had absolutely no experience. She thought she might hit it there, once, but the pain kicked in and her broad knife only met carapace. The thing was translucent, its organs on display, mottled a sickly red, violet, and brown, with fine black threads running through its body. She scrambled back behind a pipe.
The Zlich moved forward, faster than it should have been able to. The thing grew legs for just a moment, surged at her, and sprayed its poisonous chemicals her way.
PER+Ranged Combat+Spray vs. Poison Resistance+SPD+3/4 Cover+10
d20+0+5+5 : 14 vs. 15+4+10 = 29
She ducked more than well enough to avoid the spray. The creature seemed to move slower now. She was so lucky it was a relatively small one, just the right size for her. And that she was faster than it. Angelika gripped her broad knife, her machete, tightly enough for the one knuckle that wasn't red flesh to turn white. She could do this.
SPD+Close Quarters Combat+Bladed, disadvantage vs. Armor-SPD+10:
2(d20+0+0+0) : (18, 13) vs. 12
Bare Success.
+2 Stamina: +10
23 vs. 12
Critical Success
Pushing every bit of energy she could muster into that strike, she plunged the knife into its body, right where it should be. Right into those black lines to make the many, many rasping teeth stop moving and the mouth stop spitting. It still tried to move forwards. It still tried to get to her and wiggle away from her blade but it wasn't enough.
She had it. She pulled the thing forwards, only a bit lighter than her, and took the opportunity to hack the cleaver into its body too. Then she pulled again.
Close Quarters Combat skill level increased by 1
A moment at the nest with the few naked, squirming, Zlichs, and she had an egg. She wouldn't even have to hide some cut-off part of this thing. Just the egg and she had her perfect tiny, harmless enough Zlich to work with. Now all she had to do was get back.
Good to know those screens only helped just after she needed them. And just after she'd decided that could have gone wrong in far too many ways and she really needed to find another way, any other way, to fight. It wasn't as if she was likely to suddenly get lots better all at once, although not being burned would definitely help.
Angelika put the egg into a pocked and hugged the Zlich to her torso from behind, slime, or no slime. At least it felt cool against her skin, the plates might sting but its slime was definitely good for one thing. Whether it could heal her or not… just that momentary relief made it worth it. Not if she'd died but since she hadn't…
She would sort her thoughts out later.
Moving was more important.
d100 : 15
Bare Failure
She spent she had no idea how long wrestling her Zlich and hiding in a crevice from things she couldn't fully see before they went away. She'd had to let the Zlich use its poison spray twice, but it was enough. Her arms were about to fall off, but she was alive, had her Squirming, disgusting Maggot of a fracking parasite and she was stumbling back into the light of the Cheires camp. Seeing double, bone-deep exhaustion making it hard to put one step in front of the other, but she was back.
Much to the shock of the woman with the flamer arm.
One of the others leaned over their table to catch a look at her too. "Oi, look, it's your pet!"
Angelika grinned at the woman, at all of them.
"Ha!" She slapped her hand onto Angelika's shoulder again and this time she didn't wince. "If she makes it a few more times maybe. And doesn't die from all that good fire. Gotta make sure they don't keel over dead in a week. So girly? Boy? I'm gonna call you girly anyway with that hair you've got. Gimme that, don't worry about the cute knife you've got there, give me a sec and we'll have your take for ya. Keep going and maybe you'll be good for more 'n scavenging and slaves."
The woman grabbed the Zlich off of her with no effort at all "Charis with a pet? That face would fit your flamer wouldn't it?"
Charis then, she slapped the thing down on top of a scale that wasn't just made of scrap but she was pretty sure had one scale heavier than the other and piled on the weights while Angelika caught her breath. The egg in her jacket pocket squirmed ever so slightly, but no one seemed to have noticed and she really wasn't sure she should talk to them. Should she?
"So, you got any water bottles? Give it here."
[x] No reason not to. Maybe she could find out more about them. (Attitude towards Hekatoncheires Gangs changed to: curious)
[x] Not interested (stay away from them)
[x] write in (write in new attitude)
For now, she didn't say anything until Charis came back with the full bottle and a browned, sizzling, fatty piece of Zlich that had to be less than a fifth the weight of what she had just handed to her but still made her mouth water. Food for a day. Food for two days, right there. And all she had to do was come back and do it again.
Nodding at the woman, even smiling at her a little, she held her bag open. It was so much lighter than the Zlich but so worth it anyway. And she would just keep getting better, wouldn't she?
She made her way home on familiar paths, mind still full of Charis, Zlich and Skitters, thinking about all of the worse things in those tunnels, and the meat in her bag. So much better than wafers. Would they ask questions if she came back healed? Would they ask enough for it to matter?
Angelika closed her hand around the egg. At least Javi wasn't there to watch now. She would more or less have to tell her and hope Javi didn't tell anyone else if she didn't want to move, but it was either this or dying from an infection.
The Zlich's flesh was delicious, juicy, fatty, and sweet, with just a bit of bitterness. By the time she was done her stomach hurt from it all but it would never be as good as this again. She might have had to scrape off a bit of char but it was so worth it, warm and filling and with so much more flavour than all of the wafers put together.
Then it was time.
Feeling for that energy inside of her, knowledge that wasn't hers, and whatever calm she could muster, she grabbed the slightly squirming egg again. Angelika reached for it, its regeneration, and felt its life. That made it harder, just a by a little bit, yet she knew what to do. This would just take a while.
d20+1+5+2 : 16+1+5+2 = 24 vs. 15
She lost track of time. Energy flowed out as soon as she could regenerate it and even faster than that. Burns started to fade. The drain drew on her mind as much as her body. She had no idea when or how long she passed out, cut out more Zlich to try and recover even more, still, when she woke up again the last push was enough. Hungry, tired, and drained, but she was covered in entirely new skin.
Now what?
[x] Talk to Javi, see what's going on and whether she heard any interesting things.
[x] Go Zlich hunting again.
[x] Go exploring, her new nightvision would help a lot.
[x] Write in.
Train skills:
[x] write in
Exp: 15
Spend exp?
[x] Yes.
- [x] on what?
[x] no.
Stamina capacity point: 24 exp
Attribute points:
LOG Point: 12 exp
Other Points: 8 exp
Wow we got some pretty bad CQC rolls right there. It would be good if we can upgrade our melee combat. How much food do we have right now? Do we need to immediately hunt some Zlich for more?
Wow we got some pretty bad CQC rolls right there. It would be good if we can upgrade our melee combat. How much food do we have right now? Do we need to immediately hunt some Zlich for more?
Those CQC rolls are actually not horrible, we are just not very good at it, especially not with the disadvantage. We fixed that now.
We don't have to get more food immediately, we can spend a day doing something else.
I'll include the System boon in the next post because I forgot in this one.
[x] Yes.
-[X] 1 point of Logic (12 XP)
[x] Talk to Javi, see what's going on and whether she heard any interesting things.
Interesting note is that by doing actions we can gain and upgrade skills on crits. As it is gaining a logic point to make it easier to gain other stats and skills
Also we removed the burned status so we no longer have disadvantage. Getting 1 point of logic means upping strength to -1 should go down to 4xp due to being ahead by 5 which is nice, stats seems to be 12 xp for an increase, 8xp if logic is higher than the stat and thus 4xp if logic is 5+ higher than the stat
[x] Yes.
-[X] 1 point of Logic (12 XP)
[x] Talk to Javi, see what's going on and whether she heard any interesting things.
Interesting note is that by doing actions we can gain and upgrade skills on crits. As it is gaining a logic point to make it easier to gain other stats and skills
Also we removed the burned status so we no longer have disadvantage. Getting 1 point of logic means upping strength to -1 should go down to 4xp due to being ahead by 5 which is nice, stats seems to be 12 xp for an increase, 8xp if logic is higher than the stat and thus 4xp if logic is 5+ higher than the stat
Not only on crits although crits contribute more.
Generally the relevant subskill is levelled before the skill is, if the subskill is not at its cap.
Higher levelled skills take longer to level.
You can even train Attributes this way, if the subskill and skill are at their cap.
I changed it to set logic bonus to stat increases to half instead of two thirds but even so it is still quite good.
it will be 6exp to train strength.
Not only on crits although crits contribute more.
Generally the relevant subskill is levelled before the skill is, if the subskill is not at its cap.
Higher levelled skills take longer to level.
You can even train Attributes this way, if the subskill and skill are at their cap.
I changed it to set logic bonus to stat increases to half instead of two thrids but even so it is still quite good.
it will be 6exp to train strength.
Lower level skills being easier to train makes sense, and does make me more inclined to bump up skills and stats we have at a high level. Logic more so because the reduced XP costs will pay for themselves in the long run.
[x] No reason not to. Maybe she could find out more about them. (Attitude towards Hekatoncheires Gangs changed to: curious)
[x] Yes.
-[X] 1 point of Logic (12 XP)
[x] Talk to Javi, see what's going on and whether she heard any interesting things.