- Location
- Someplace Somewhere
[x] Yes female Space Marines
[x] Angelika
[x] Null
[x] 13
[x] Sympath
[x] Angelika
[x] Null
[x] 13
[x] Sympath
Wow Guys we Dont have To be Evil Just Choose Mind Adept And Everything will Be Better. Come on Guys trust Me on This Dont You Guys want To be the Next Slaanesh. If So Vote for Mind Adept. Or We could use The mind Rape Powers for Good But thats Less Fun. 99 percent Of Quests on this Forum are All Good people. Guys dont you want to Be A Villain And just Let Loose. If So Then Choose Mind Adept The COOL Choice
Because that really is not what a Sympath is.Why are You guys Choosing Sympath. Its Pretty much Just a Way weaker Evoker that Can Scry? Im Not saying This to Convice you Of Anything but im seriously curious Why you would Vote for A Mage that can only effect Inanimate objects that Can Scry over A Evoker which is Basically a OP elemantal Caster And A Mind adept Who Can Control People And Do telekineis And Etc.
Subject: Angelika ? Species: Human Age: 13 Attributes: STR -2/10 SPD 0/10 PRE 0/10 PER 0/10 LOG 0/10 CRE 0/10 Points: 5 Stamina: [X] [X] [O] [O] [O] [O] Conditions: Burned - 2 Stamina capacity Disadvantage on melee combat, athletics, crafting, performance, and infiltration Resistances: Poison: 5 Radiation: 2 |
The ordinary human Attribute range within this System is -10 to 10. 0 denotes a person is considered average, -2 accounts for the Subject's age and physical condition. A more accurate estimate of all attributes can be made and applied based upon the subject's previous life and body condition. |
No. |
The system will provide previously unexplained information to its subject to facilitate improved testing. |
The System will provide information relevant to the Subject's optimal utilisation of this System. |
Correct. |
STR: Strength influences melee weapon attack and carrying capacity. SPD: Speed and PER influence combat initiative and actions per turn, Speed influences movement speed. PRE: Precision influences ranged weapon attack, and critical ranges. PER: Perception and SPD influence combat initiative, actions per turn, Perception influences ability to see chances and oddities. LOG: Logic influences the speed of skill and stat increase as well as exp point cost. CRE: Creativity grants extra feats and influences feats granted. |
The maximum of every Attribute is determined by a Subject's species and modifications. Attribute maximums may be changed by modification of the subject's body or mind. |
The Subject's universe, environment, and person have been chosen to achieve near maximised conflict and growth potential and a sufficiently stable Subject for optimised testing. |
Skills: Athletics (STR): 0 Brute Force (STR) Climbing Swimming Close Quarters Combat(STR/SPD): 0 Unarmed Bladed Heft Polearm Shield Crafting(PRE): 0 Chemical Cloth Cooking Gardening Metalworking Micro Woodworking Driving(PER): 0 Riding Sailing Driving Piloting Voidcraft Infiltration(SPD/PRE): 0 Stealth Sleight of hand Acrobatics Burglary Insight(PER): 0 Cultural Persons Animals investigation Performance(CRE): 0 Oratory Physical Drawing Sculpting Ranged Combat(PRE): 0 Bow Pistol Rifle Sniping Thrown Science(LOG): 0 Biology Chemistry Cogitators Mathematics Physics Psychology Technology(LOG): 0 Engineering Manipulation Understanding Points: 10 |
Every skill is governed by an attribute or attribute pair. The level of each skill cannot be raised above the Attribute score +5. In the case of the two governing attributes, the higher Attribute will be utilised to use the skill and the lower Attribute will be used to calculate the maximum skill level achievable. |
Skills Acquired: Sympathetic (CRE): 5 Control 0/5 Physical 0/5 Metaphorical 0/5 Points: 5 Shaping (CRE): 1 Solid: 0/1 Liquid 0/1 Gaseous 0/1 Points: 1 Scrying (PER): 1 Linkage: 0/1 Spectrum: 0/1 Projection: 0/1 Points: 1 |
Some skills may only be utilised or accessed once they are known to the Subject. |
Correct. |
Correct. |
Points should be spent now, I forgot to edit that in.
Looking great![x] plan character build
-[x]PER +1
-[x]LOG +3
-[x]CRE +1
-[x]Technology(LOG) 7
-[x] Infiltration(SPD/PRE) 3
[x] Sympathetic (CRE): 5
-[x]Control 2/5
-[x]Physical 2/5
-[x]Metaphorical 1/5
[x]Shaping (CRE): 1
-[x]Solid: 1/1
[x]Scrying (PER): 1
-[x]Spectrum: 1/1
I hope I did this right?
what do these mean I only chose Spectrum because I liked the word?
Linkage is your ability to link your scrying to something or follow things linked to other things. Like spying on a person once you have their blood sample.what do these mean I only chose Spectrum because I liked the word?
None. Exp will be awarded in the next chapter.[x] plan character build
Yeah no one sane would want to become a Psyker. We could invest more on the physical sides later and chalk it up to the zealots as blessings of the Emperor. I would definitely want our character to have a body that we could literally grind some meat in!
Also, how many points do we have right now?
Quest: Cure the Subject's burned condition. Reward: one small System boon |
Quests are tasks accomplished by the System's user to progress. Quest rewards are scaled to the difficulty of the quest. |