Minor trigger warning: mention of rape.
All the lovely helpful people talking about programming on internet forums
love to tell you why everyone should learn to code. "Coding is like learning a new language!" they proclaim. "Coding helps you think in new ways!" they expound. "If you learn to program, you not only get a valuable skill in the modern economy, but also improve your ability to formulate plans and solve problems." I've heard that one at least three times on StackOverflow alone.
But none of them ever mention the
Did you know that if you spend four hours after dinner (a delicious bean-based sloppy joe, which is maybe partly at fault?) doing nothing other than solving Project Euler problems in C++, you start seeing semicolons behind your eyelids when you finally close them? I woke up
twice in the night in a cold sweat, with memories of a glowing screen and inscrutable type errors glowering in my amygdala. I wish I could have just programmed it in Wyrm, with its intuitive syntax and multitudinous packages, but
nooooo, I had to decide it was time to face the reality of memory allocation.
Honestly, though, it's worth learning. Not because any regular programming I do won't be possible in Wyrm – far from it. Dragon's programming language is a beautiful thing, and she's my new favorite tinker. (Sorry Armsmaster – you'll always have a place in my heart. And underwear drawer, I guess. What was that marketing agency thinking‽) Wyrm is a high-level programming language, though: it can play with files all you like, but it can't directly reach out and touch the bytes. Why would you need to, unless you want to pull root-level shenanigans that aren't supposed to be allowed, or read and analyze supposedly deleted data?
But me and my power, we
do need to play in the jungle gym of ones and zeros. It's where we thrive. And yes: nothing is stopping me from just writing Wyrm code to do simple file searches and posting and editing, and I'll do plenty of that. But for those unique situations where people hide or delete evidence, or where I need to change a security system or twist a backdoor to my benefit?
Nothing will do but C++.
And Assembly, I guess, but I'm not
So I spent last night doing my level best to learn it and make a few useful snippets of code. It's part of the plan. See, I've had a couple of days to think about it, not to mention the sleepless clarity of 5 A.M. this morning. The trouble is, I can join the PRT and protect people, and I'd be a hero, but not a
Mom taught me that. Not on purpose, I don't think, although for all her warmth I wouldn't put a little sneakiness past her. She showed me what a
hero was when she let me read
To Kill a Mockingbird. She showed me what a
hero was when she accidentally left
1984 out on the coffee table and I snuck it to my room and read it cover to cover.
She showed me what it meant to be a
hero when she stood up for her student, whose allegations of rape against a wealthy donor's kid were ignored by the university.
It just took me this long to learn what she'd taught me. Would she be proud, or disappointed?
The university didn't appreciate what she'd done, of course. They didn't dare to retaliate visibly, but Mom never quite got tenure, and I heard her crying in the kitchen with Dad a few times. But the student? She was still a student, and that rapist's name got plastered all over the media. The Stansfields had never quite made up for that black mark on their reputation.
So, what is the difference? What separates a hero from a
hero? After all, the PRT fights back the encroachment of crime, and Brocton Bay University fights the even more dangerous encroachment of ignorance. What is that quality they imitate, though it floats beyond their reach? Mom knew, and now I know. Martin Luther King knew it, too, as he sat in Birmingham Jail: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." A hero may compromise with crime and may parley with practicality. A hero makes alliances with other heroes, and keeps them even when dishonesty and minor evil is required, for they work towards the common good. Society runs on heroes, functions only because those many practical good men do something, and evil does not triumph.
But sometimes compromise is too damning, too dirty to be permitted. Sometimes hiding the truth to maintain the trust of the public is like building a dam with no outlet. So we also need
heroes, like my mother or MLK or Atticus Finch. People who fight not for the greater good, but for the greatest. Those who champion honesty, transparency, and freedom. And nobody is safe from such people. Not villains, not heroes, not the PRT or the United States government or anyone at all. As a small child, and even now, I am a fan of the Protectorate. But I am also a citizen of the Bay, and I can see the crumbling walls and the gang tags. MLK's imprisoned words again put it best:
"So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent—and often even vocal—sanction of things as they are."
And as I consider his words, a poem I'd read years ago becomes the forefront of my consciousness, and I am certain about what I will do.
We see dimly in the Present what is small and what is great,
Slow of faith how weak an arm may turn the iron helm of fate,
But the soul is still oracular; amid the market's din,
List the ominous stern whisper from the Delphic cave within,—
"They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin."
I won't just be a Ward, a hero working to fix the systems from within. I'll be a
hero. And if they call me a villain, it will only betray their own myopia.
My alarm rings, jarring me out of contemplation – it's time for morning physical therapy. I'm almost strong enough to stand if assisted, I think. The doctor says it should only be a few more days. But it's still so tiring.
Alright. It's time. I've done physical therapy, moved, stretched, almost got out of the chair. Lacey came over and helped me "shower", which I appreciate. She's proof that the Protectorate doesn't have a monopoly on heroes. And when I got done, Dad had breakfast made for us both. Honestly, you wouldn't think the barest bit of physical activity that the doctor orders should count as a workout, but I'm always sore after it, and these days I'm far more hungry than I used to be. I've put on maybe ten pounds in the last week, and somehow I didn't even notice. Just thinking about that makes me feel fat, but I touch my stomach and I still feel like paper layered over organs, though now it feels like there's a bit of muscle in the way, actually.
Anyway, it's time. Not to go visit the PRT, or to take Armsmaster's phone call. I guess Watchdog isn't done chewing. They must have a pretty long queue. Queue's a funny word – so many vowels, and they're all useless. I'm stalling.
Nothing for it. Just got to log into my computer, log into PHO, access the central server, and introduce myself. Untraceably, of course, but that's easy when you have the kind of access I do. Here goes.
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♦ Topic: A Modest Introduction
In: Boards ► Boston ► New Capes ► Cape Verification
Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker)
Posted On Jan 20th 2011:
Hey everyone, I'm Sudo, a new cape in Boston. This thread is by way of introduction and verification. I won't say too much about the nature of my powers, just that I know more than you want me to, and I'm not a tinker. I am a hero, by which I mean that I fight against injustice. I'll be seeking out corruption and abuse of power, then shining a light on it for all to see.
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►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Hey, how'd you get that tag? I only got mine after the mods had a fit over my username. Also, speaking of mods, you know you gotta post some kinda proof, if you're on this board, right? Wait, how'd you get verified already with no proof?
►Tin_Mother (Moderator) (Banned)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Procto is right,
@Sudo. You aren't allowed to make a post here with no proof. I suggest a photo in costume, if you've been seen around, or some kind of demonstration of your powers. I'm giving you a warning, and I'd like to have a stern talk with whichever mod gave you those tags.
►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
No thank you on the warning,
@Tin_Mother, and I unfortunately can't tell you which mod it was.
►Tin_Mother (Moderator) (Banned)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Don't talk back to mods,
@Sudo. We're here to keep the peace and rules. I'm banning you for 24 hours and taking down this thread.
►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
No thank you. I don't like to get banned, and you're being rude. You can have the ban yourself. And this thread is staying up, it's important to me.
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
What just happened.
@Sudo, did you just ban a mod? Did you just ban Mother? What.
►Dragon (Verified Cape) (Guild)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Well, now. This is interesting. I'd like to know how you did that,
►Mr. Mephistopheles (Admin)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
What the hell???
This... shouldn't be possible. Tin_Mother called me in, I was expecting a standard hacker.
Except, the server has no record of Tin_Mother being issued a ban by another user, she just -has- a ban now. With no source. And Sudo is supposed to have user data, like approximate geography, and post count, and IP. And all of that is missing. It's all missing. Except for the IP.
The IP is from our central server.
Nobody is IN our central server, it's cooled by a river and not a pleasant place to hang out and post stuff, but that point's moot, since this isn't an IP of a computer connected to the server, it's the ACTUAL SERVER.
And there's just straight up no option to do admin actions on Sudo, though Tin_Mother swears there were. Or to delete this thread.
It's like Sudo is the server. Calling it now, folks, it's a ghost.
Admin, signing off.
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Well. Ghost in the Machine, huh? I guess that's one way to provide proof for verification. Also, banning Tin_Mother? Whattttt
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►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker) (Ghost in the Machine)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Ooh, ghost in the machine? I like that one. Also, yep! You've figured out my cunning plan to get verified. Next step? Go be a ghost in someone else's machine, and tell everybody about the nasty crimes against justice I find. I wonder which corruption I'll uproot? Best to start small, I think.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Sudo, I like the desire to be a hero, but I have to warn you: going snooping in people's computers is actually a crime, and a serious one if it's government computers. If you come to your local PRT office, we can help you turn that on villains. Be a hero with us. Don't be a vigilante like this.
►Uber (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Hey @Reave, quit being a PRT shill. Sudo's gonna fight the power, and man, you're the power. Just because someone's being anti-this-establishmentarian doesn't make them wrong.
@Sudo, you've got allies in Leet and me. We don't like the tight-laced tyrants much, and you seem like you've got a sense of humor. PM us anytime.
►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker) (Ghost in the Machine)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
@Reave First of all, the PRT probably has its fair share of little corruptions, and I'll be digging them up if I get bored, but it's not like I'm setting out to break the law for the hell of it. I'm looking for people who are getting unjustly screwed over by those in power, and making that kind of thing public. Don't want to experience my attention? Easy, just don't act like slime.
@Uber, I like your material, but I don't think I can work with actual villains. Start doing a better job of keeping your stuff from hurting innocent civilians, and maybe I become interested in helping, or even featuring. But primarily, I'm a hero. I'd work with entertainers, but only if they were good people too.
@Everyone, if you know about a miscarriage of justice that's being kept under wraps, shoot me a PM. I'll delete it without a trace, and nobody will know you told me, but I will do my best to bring it to light.
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
What the hell? Did you just ping everyone to come to this thread?
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Wait how the hell did you ping everyone to come here?? Is that every user on PHO? WTF!
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
Wow, I think that's the worst example of Reply All Syndrome I have ever born witness to.
@Sudo, be more careful please?
►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker) (Ghost in the Machine)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
I promise I won't do that again. Sorry, guys.
►Dragon (Verified Cape) (Guild)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
@Sudo, I'd like for you to contact me, maybe we can work together on some projects.
►Sudo (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Cape) (Not a tinker) (Ghost in the Machine)
Replied On Jan 20th 2011:
@dragon, read the tag. Why do you think I put it there? I'm not a tinker. That said, if you need something hacked for the side of good, let me know.
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Colin looked at the PHO icon and moved his eyes in the pattern that closed the window, then closed his eyes and took a little breath. And sighed.
A/N: I stealth edited it so that she posts in and claims to be from Boston, since several people have pointed out that it would be pants-on-head stupid for Taylor to tell the truth about where she's from for no reason. I am trying not to hand her the idiot ball or the genius ball, but writing is a new skill and also I am not very smart. I will do my best, but I appreciate y'alls input. So, stealth editing. And before you say it's weird that so many brockton bay natives are commenting here, Boston and Brockton are neighbors so the dedicated cape fans are going to be keeping track of at least the new capes section in both boards. This is not to say Armsmaster can't still put 2 and 2 together to get 4, but it shouldn't be that