System Administrator (Worm) (AltPower!Taylor)

Just like control of all the bugs leads to the necessary secondary power of superhuman multitasking, access to all the systems must lead to the necessary secondary power of...Common Sense!!

Taylor OP pls dont nerf evar.
Would she want to, though? It's possible her thinker senses would see the connection between the Travelers and Earth Aleph, Ziz, Coil/Accord, and the fact they're harboring a mini-Endbringer.
i was simply pointing out that Taylor surprisingly isnt the only wheelchair bound parahuman on the east coast, heck the other one we know of is right next door in boston, and potentially about to enter the same city soon!
Maybe Taylor should test out her powers some more. The Dockworkers' Union is an organisation that could do with some optimisation. How much would Danny's ability to find jobs for his people improve if he's got someone on hand who gets some unique insights in the businesses he's dealing with.
And then she discovers that Sophia is a Ward, comes to her senses, and becomes a vigilante. Danny will stop insisting she joins the Wards when she shows him Sophia's records in the PRT's databases. She can clean up the world without leaving the house. If she joined the Wards, they'd lock down like 99% of her abilities and the vast majority of her power would go unused.
Is this a CauldronTaylor fic? Does the PtV count as a system? Since if she's a Ward, Cauldron could attempt to use Taylor's power to its maximum potential.
Maybe Taylor should test out her powers some more. The Dockworkers' Union is an organisation that could do with some optimization. How much would Danny's ability to find jobs for his people improve if he's got someone on hand who gets some unique insights in the businesses he's dealing with.

And then she discovers that Sophia is a Ward, comes to her senses, and becomes a vigilante. Danny will stop insisting she joins the Wards when she shows him Sophia's records in the PRT's databases. She can clean up the world without leaving the house. If she joined the Wards, they'd lock down like 99% of her abilities and the vast majority of her power would go unused.

These are both true. Not to mention just how horribly corrupt the PRT as a system is, with Coil/Tattletale breaking the system locally and Contessa/Numberman/Alexandria pulling the strings globally.

Taylor's going to find this out, she can't NOT find out once she pokes around.
I always liked Uber and Leet, and seeing them be bad people over and over in canon always felt like a waste of character potential to me. I hope here they'll be more interesting. Also, I didn't know about it when I started this, but Working as Intended is a far more OP version of a similar power, so I guess I am not as cool and original as I had thought.
I like them too, there was a story where Taylor copies powers and she joined them with the identity Hax that I enjoyed A TON! Leet can have his tinker specialty described as being a Prototype Tinker. Considering Dragon can replicate Tinkertech I always thought Uber and Leet could mesh really well with Dragon in terms of abilities. Leet would create the initial prototype and Dragon could make more of it. combine that with Taylor's abilities in your story and the 4 of them could make an incredible force for good. I don't think I have read Working As Intended, gonna have to check it out.
Working as Intended is, however, Taylor with shard-administrating powers. She got admin access because she used Dragon to give herself admin access, then cut Dragon's access to Admin. So, while powers might look similar on the first glance, they are very different.
Dang, now I'm sad... not interested in ward fics. I'm out. Hope your story goes well. Really great story up to this point though.
This made me lol. Reminded me of a friend back in the day who thought "deltree C:\windows" would be a good idea...
For a 486 that just got Win95 installed on that, it actually WAS a good idea.
BTW, deltree hasn't been included with Windows since at least XP, might have been Win98SE so a lot of people these days might not know what is is as it's been 20 years (hard to believe).
I like them too, there was a story where Taylor copies powers and she joined them with the identity Hax that I enjoyed A TON! Leet can have his tinker specialty described as being a Prototype Tinker. Considering Dragon can replicate Tinkertech I always thought Uber and Leet could mesh really well with Dragon in terms of abilities. Leet would create the initial prototype and Dragon could make more of it. combine that with Taylor's abilities in your story and the 4 of them could make an incredible force for good. I don't think I have read Working As Intended, gonna have to check it out.
Could you share the link? I can't find it.
It's Trump Card by @Ack , found here on SB as well as FF.NET, SV, and QQ.
Trump Card (Worm AU) [Complete] | Page 60 | Sufficient Velocity
Trump Card (Worm AU) [Complete] | Page 22 | Questionable Questing
This is... So, SO good.

I can already see Taylor becoming something akin to Finch from Person of Interest, as this power makes her a brilliant programmer by default; Predictive Analysis is one thing she can't do, but she absolutely can make a System that can. This version of Taylor is also similarly responsible and self-aware enough to know how horrifically dangerous anything she makes will be in greedy or irresponsible hands.

I feel Dragon might be a foil to her plans– a well-meaning situational antagonist roughly equivalent to Samaritan if it wasn't tyrannical.

Taylor's plan to fix the PRT is sadly doomed to fail, though... It's too corrupt and hamstrung by design to be repaired, as currently it's working exactly as it was intended to. She'll figure this out almost immediately (along with plenty of RCB's dirty laundry), so I imagine she'll start formulating a plan to replace it with something that isn't corrupt to the literal highest level.
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I think it should occur to Taylor that she could use her hacking powers to data mine all of the trio's social media, their phones, and all their emails. and then pull an anon thing by doing the same thing to the whole school so that it doesn't look like Emma and others were specifically targeted.

I remember another fic doing that, just posted on PHO the extensive list of crimes everyone, and do I mean *everyone* was doing in school, and then posted zips of evidence next to all the names and IDs. and hosted them on different dozen servers that couldn't be too easily hacked into to take it all down.

That way nobody would even be able to say it was Taylor or anything like that.
Console 1: Interludes
Interlude: Sophia

This is great, I was thinking. She was getting what she deserved. She was weak, we put her in that locker and she was so weak crying for help, and now she's weak in a little wheelchair and pointlessly asking for help. Emma's coming through as the predator she is. She fights, but Hebert's weak. -
and there was a skip in my brain, a jump in my thoughts
-ting. Wait. What was that? Everyone just moved, did I miss something? And nobody else seems bothered, but I'm sure I just skipped a step, I feel disoriented. What's different about me? I'm the only really strong one in the room, the only cape, but what does that have to do with – wait.
I remember this. There was some briefing that idiot Assault was giving, about how to react if someone triggers in front of you. But – how could anyone have triggered? Nobody was in any danger...

I looked around. And saw Taylor, slumped in her pathetic little chair, dead to the world. No. Hebert can't trigger, she can't be strong. She's a weakling, a little wimp who won't fight back. But she wasn't in danger, either? She must have triggered just from Principal Blackwell talking at her, hah! She is a weakling, such prey. In such pain from just words, what an idiot.

But this is dangerous, now. She's weak, but a dangerous sort of weak. Like a yellow belt on the sparring mat. She doesn't know what she can do, what to do with the little power she probably just got. Liable to hurt me by sheer unpredictability, now. I gotta deal with her before that happens. From ambush, instantly. Can't let her fight back, not that she ever will. Weakling.

I stood in front of Miss Piggy's desk.

"Shadow Stalker, what's this text about a new cape? Why isn't it a proper report? You know there's a form for these things, you're supposed to use it."

Always trying to force me to toe the line. Well, no point in fighting now – I want her believing my every word. Doesn't mean I gotta be groveling, though. "Sorry not sorry, I had to send a text 'cause I was in my civvies and didn't want to be obvious about it. Came right here after, though, so I can report now."

"...Very well then, let's hear it." Hah, see that? That's trust. I got past her verify.

"Right, so, classmate of mine, Taylor Hebert. Seen her around the Empire kids in the past, always hanging around them, but weak, a sycophant. She was gone a week, now she's back in with them, in a wheelchair, but they all respect her for some reason. Seems to me she's jumped in the ranks. Bettin' you, she's a new one of theirs."
"Thank you for letting me know. Good job on this intel, Shadow Stalker."

No problem, Miss Piggy. No problem at all.

Director Emily Piggot, PRT ENE

That was… interesting. Something was off about the way she told me that. Too… polite? She could just be learning respect for authority. Hah. No, she wanted me to believe that, more than usual. Time to find out why. I picked up my phone and dialed.

"Stevens, I'd like to know everything you do about one Taylor Hebert, student at Winslow, tomorrow morning. Make it a lot. Oh, and I want to know even more about her by Friday. Don't be intrusive, don't let her know we're curious, and don't use existing in-school assets. I want independent knowledge. The midtown pickpocketing reports can take back burner to this, for now."

This could be big, or nothing. When I read that report on my desk tomorrow, I'll know.

Commander Thomas Calvert, Strike Squad Charlie, PRT ENE

Thomas sat in his office, deep in the safety of (his main base/PRTHQ) as he (read strike squad after action reports/read strike squad after action reports). Thomas liked symmetry, but also safety. On Friday he'd give the go/no-go on an operation to sour the E88's relationship with the ABB right on the eve of Kaiser and Lung's monthly semi-friendly summit at the Rock. Maybe this time he could even get them to call that off, if he pissed them off just right. But for now, he would stay in his holding pattern, just keeping tabs on the city and showing up dutifully (heh) to his civilian job. If you're always careful, you'll never be caught unaware.

Thomas Calvert was a careful man.

Colin Wallis, Armsmaster, Leader of Protectorate ENE

Colin hit enter, starting the program he'd uploaded to his 4-axis CNC router, and sat down at his bench, his eyes checking incoming messages on his HUD even as his hands disassembled the head of his halberd for maintenance. No second went underutilized in his lab. About to get started on the most recent hour's mountain of paperwork, he glanced at PHO and saw it. He had a private message.

That wasn't special, he often recieved private messages.

But he'd never recieved a private message to his private account before. And, on opening it, he almost cut his finger armor on the blade: he'd certainly never expected his private account to recieve a message addressed to "Armster". Which was clearly a statement that whoever this was knew his identity but didn't intend to state it directly in text.

Amazing how suddenly something so innocuous can jump to such high priority.

Two can play at the identity game. He checked the metadata of the message and user, and sent a request to Dragon to find which other accounts were associated with that IP. This rookie would learn. In the meantime, he read the message:

Throwaway129831 ► Tin_Can't:

Hello, sorry to reach you like this, Armster. At least, if this is you, which I am pretty sure it is. Some of the hidden forums on here are pretty clear that a cape isn't supposed to look for the secret identity of another, but if it helps, I don't know your civilian identity, just your PHO handle. I know it's polite to tell you mine if I know yours, but as I'm about to explain, I have good reasons not to yet.

In case it wasn't clear, I'm a cape. I'm a new cape, actually, in the Bay, and I'd like to join the Wards. But I can't, not yet. I'm a thinker with no combat capabilities and severe, albeit temporary, physical disability. My power is very good at finding information I shouldn't find, and just as I am sure you can see the potential, so can any villain who hears I exist. So I want to stay secret, at least for now, until I can be sure that by joining the Wards I won't out myself and open me and mine to attack. Yes, I know you protect the Wards' identities. I am sure, though, that an organization like the PRT is full of moles, and while I trust you (because if you're compromised then there's no chance for anyone) I can't trust the PRT as a whole.

That's also why I looked for your unofficial PHO handle: I figure the official one can be accessed by someone other than you, but your personal one is only yours, and safeguarded by whatever a tinker of your awesomeness can cook up. (I've always been a fan, I hope I'm not coming on too strong.)

I want to help you remove those moles. My power would be very good at finding them, I'm quite sure, but I need to physically meet the Director or be in the Director's office to do so. But I don't want to make it apparent that I was ever there, or that I exist at all. I'll trust the Director, for the same reason I trust you, but I'd like it if nobody else knows.

So here's the big ask: can I meet you and the Director in the most secure room you have, without anyone knowing? I want to join you, to be a hero, but I need you to trust me a little, first. Can you do that?

Thank you,
– Anonymous Future Ward

Well. That is a developement, certainly. He sat back, considering how and whether to do this. Could he trust this person? Certainly not, but the potential benefit was huge. Could he arrange for somewhere secure, and engineer this secret meeting? A challenge, but several ideas came to mind. He leaned forward, and began to type.

Gregory Veder, home of Nina Veder

Hearing the even breathing from his mother's room that implied her nightly slumber, Greg Veder, Internet Sleuth rose swiftly from his bed, powered on his trusty desktop computer, and reopened the mysteries of the world. The browser beckoned, and a window to the parahuman world appeared at his behest. PHO loaded, and he entered his demesne. He peered upon the pinned message in his inbox, and kicked the wall.

Tin_Mother (Moderator) ► XxVoid_CowboyxX: I happened upon a throwaway account originating from your IP. I've never had to tell you this one in particular before, but it's clear in the rules: nobody is allowed more than one account. You're banned for 24 hours, don't do it again.

Aww, hell. There goes the night.

Greg Veder, UNSC Spartan and Defender of the Galaxy, opened up Halo and joined a lobby.
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I CANNOT be the only one genuinely upset that the MC did not, at the beginning or when listing possible uses, think to use her power to right the wrongs in her school, the police, and the blatant corruption that allowed the Trio to get away with attempted murder.

Like, it would be EASY for her to make sure the ball finally got rolling and they all faced Justice.
Maybe just reporting everything to the FBI along with all their evidence. Maybe just the School Board. Maybe just the threat of another DWU Strike, cuz I can never understand WORM fics that try and act like Danny and the Union are nobodies.

Here's hoping her power does not require her to use an interface like the Internet. Maybe she can mentally do all that without actually using a computer and stuff. That way she could examine the PRT/Protectorate, find out Sophia is Shadow Stalker before he outs herself to anyone else, and no longer need to worry about people tracing her access to her house/location.

Wow, this last chapter almost killed the interest I had in the story. That is almost the worst thing that could have happened shy of some nonsense like the S9 just BEING in town and going after the MC for REASONS. Waay too soon to suddenly have the MC outed like that. Hope the MC can turn things around, but with SS blabbing I doubt it.
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Impromptu behavioral analysis of Taylor
I CANNOT be the only one genuinely upset that the MC did not, at the beginning or when listing possible uses, think to use her power to right the wrongs in her school, the police, and the blatant corruption that allowed the Trio to get away with attempted murder.

Like, it would be EASY for her to make sure the ball finally got rolling and they all faced Justice.
Maybe just reporting everything to the FBI along with all their evidence. Maybe just the School Board. Maybe just the threat of another DWU Strike, cuz I can never understand WORM fics that try and act like Danny and the Union are nobodies.

Here's hoping her power does not require her to use an interface like the Internet. Maybe she can mentally do all that without actually using a computer and stuff. That way she could examine the PRT/Protectorate, find out Sophia is Shadow Stalker before he outs herself to anyone else, and no longer need to worry about people tracing her access to her house/location.

It has been like 12 hours since Taylor triggered at this point, and only, like, one since her dad found out. She is in a wheelchair, everything takes effort, and she's spent the majority of those twelve hours dealing with her responsibilities, browsing the internet/finding out about her powers, doing a little planning, and eating meals. I promise you that she is not about to ignore the situation that made her trigger, but she's also a little busy trying to find a safe way to get to the only safe harbor she can see for a parahuman of her utility and lack of self-defense ability. You're right that there are ways for her to grind the trio and the school into the dust. However, she is not thinking about them because:
  • A little busy right now
  • Is avoiding vengeance plans because she wants to be a hero, and leave her past behind
  • Has had her will to fight back systematically psychologically destroyed by the trio and administration for a year and a half, and at this point is highly distrustful that anyone would ever have her back, that anyone would believe her, and that she could ever win. Learned helplessness is a thing.
Yes, I could make this fic into a "Taylor escalates hard, and when that doesn't work, she escalates harder" but that would be dishonest and a bad portrayal of her character, especially at this point. She's smart as a whip, but right now she is not thinking of fighting back, she is trying to find a safe place to hide. This is also what Taylor did in canon, if you recall: used her bugs to avoid the bullies, slowly prepped to be a hero, and spent months before her first night out. The only reason she's not hiding for that long here is because she talked to Danny, which she did because her power is letting her see the damage to their relationship.