SV Runs A Shadowrun Cartel! OOC And Recruitment Thread [DEAD]

Considering he's put it up on SB as well, it's possibly Primarch Quest. Hmm... I think Gideon was the one running two separate Primarch Quests on SV and SB? He also didn't say what game type he had cancelled.

Also, Are the two quests in the same world? And if so, once you put up the IC thread, is there any problems with someone on either waiting list looking into the other IC quest?
There was a PM. It's Posleen.
Oh well, that was looking very interesting. But then, so does this! I suppose that's Gideon for you... :p
Anyone who deliberately engages in actions that could only be justified by reading the SB thread will be kicked from game.
SB has chosen their drug, Slo-Mo.

SV will begin the game in...

*checks table*


SV begins in Lagos, Africa

Timeline is before the Technomancers manifest.
Would first have to test the potency and/or window of effect. Could be marketed as a specialized toxin (think Kaminoan Saberdart).
Just from reading what you guys have gotten from the most basic successful research of the Black Lotus, makes me think there's several avenues you guys can pursue from here...

1. Sell as what's pretty much a power booster to mages. Might need more research to make it effective in combat, but outside of combat? It's pretty much already ready.
2. The effects on Awakened Animals is definitely interesting. If it 'tames' any animal like that? Not sure about Shadowrun, but there's usually a lot of income possibilities in magical creature taming in other fantasy settings... and Shadowrun does have some of those themes. Even more so if it works on otherwise untameable creatures, or creatures only tameable through harder methods.
3. If it successfully alleviates the problems Ghouls have? Or at the very least, reduces them? Not only do you have an abundant population you can get to work for you for something easily provided, but they would also be very protective of keeping the supply of Black Lotus leaves available. So whilst I'd suggest not having Ghouls actually work the farms themselves, where they can steal seedlings and such, the rest of your operation has got very loyal workers and soldiers. Provided there are not side effects that cause problems.

Oh, and as a side note on point 3? Starting in Lagos might actually be a very good thing for you guys then. Because Asamando should be very nearby, and that country's pretty much created by ghouls and the other infected from what the wiki says. Which means you might have a very big opportunity there.

Just, you know... make sure your product doesn't get stolen by government funded, or corporate funded, thieves? Because if it gives such big opportunity, you aren't the only ones who can see it. And the government of Asamando would either want to secure a supply to keep themselves in power, or a corporation would want to secure the supply to allow them to gain power over Asamando.
Just an idea that you guys might want to use, but @Gideon020 Is it possible to train the Awakened Hyenas to smell Black Lotus seeds/seedlings/saplings/etc? Because if they can... well, you guys pretty much just solved the problem of keeping anyone from walking off with a sample of your crop to start their own farm...
Okay, so it's possible... How difficult would it be to train the Black-Lotus tamed Hyenas to act as 'customs agents' for the Black Lotus farms?

Also, you guys will want to keep that Lotus Toxin on a lock down. On one hand, modifying bullets so they contain a capsule of the toxin that ruptures on impact means you don't need to worry about only wounding what you hit. On the other hand, you'll have to be careful no one else can use those munitions on you... and you might want to figure out how long the toxin sticks around for in the environment if used as a part of a bullet or the like. At least, if you don't like the idea of random mud puddles of death, indistinguishable from the rest of the ground killing stuff in your territory, such as enemies, wild animals, civilians, your people, you...
Okay, so it's possible... How difficult would it be to train the Black-Lotus tamed Hyenas to act as 'customs agents' for the Black Lotus farms?

Imagine training a dog to detect drugs.

Now imagine training a wild scavenger that is only semi-tame to do the same job and you'll have the difficulty.
Any chance I could be added to the waiting list? This looks like a lot of fun.

Then again, I don't know all that much about Shadowrun, or Lagos, so can I get a link to a wiki or guide to help me catch up on everything fast?
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-Username: Chimeraguard
-Sixth World Alias: Jels
-Description: Male with short black hair, brown eyes, average height, and clean-shaved. Mixed Asian/Caucasian ethnicity.

This good, or should I add more detail?
I should do that to.

Username: Estro
-Sixth World Alias: 56th Setting Orange