The Satisfactory Six
+30 Intelligence
Mechanic Unlock: Rivalry Score
You now have an official rival in Ueno Yui. The more intense your rivalry becomes, the higher your score. When in direct competition with you rival, you get a bonus to all rolls equal to your score. Rivalry score is independent of Friendship rating (below). Your current Rivalry score is 2.
Mechanic Unlock: Friendship Rating
As you meet the new students and faculty at Prime High, you'll begin making friends and enemies. Each NPC you meet will be assigned a friendship score, ranging from -11 (Arch-Nemesis) to 11 (Nakama). Friendship scores are determined by your actions, background, charm, and reputation (below).
Mechanic Unlock: Reputation
The gossip mill at Prime High is unforgiving. Almost all actions you take will influence your Reputation, or how the student body as a whole sees you. A high reputation has its perks, but remember that fame isn't all its cracked up to be. Your current Reputation is "Minor Interest".
So yeah, Yui is here. You're not exactly sure how how you feel about that – on the one hand, Yui's kind of the worst, but on the other, she reminds you of home, and you're always at your best when she's around. This was going to get…interesting.
Now that you have a spare moment, you glance around the dorm you find yourself in. It's nice, with three beds and a bathroom but it's all a bit cramped. You recognize the trunk on one bed as Yui's, a small metal suitcase that probably has hammerspace storage out the wazoo. Your own trunk is similar in design, although slightly nicer, and you toss it onto the only empty bed in the room – besides Yui's trunk, you can see another, much larger one at the foot of the middle bed. Your third female classmate, you suppose. You hope she's less confrontational than Yui.
"Oh, hello."
You turn to see a girl your age standing in the doorway, dressed in the same uniform you're in. Your mysterious third roommate, no doubt.
"You must be Yoshida Reina," the girl says, inclining her head slightly in greeting. "My name is Ban Sakura, I'm in your class."
"It's nice to meet you Sakura!" You say, closing the distance between the two of you and pulling her into an enthusiastic handshake. "I have a feeling this year's gonna be great! Don't you?"
Sakura gets a funny look on her face, like she's trying to figure out if you're making fun of her or just kind of slow. "I really hope so," she says finally. "You should come into the common room. Everyone else is already here, our instructor wants to speak to us."
"Sure thing," you say, and so Sakura leads you into the common room. Each class was composed of six people, three boys and three girls. As you've already seen, there's a girl's bed and bath, and so presumably there's a similar setup for the boys. In between the two bedrooms is the common room, with a small living room and kitchen. The windows overlook the river, but from so high up you're not able to make out many specifics.
True to Sakura's words, the rest of you class is gathered in the common room, seated on the various chairs and couches. Yui stands off the side of their impromptu circle, staring daggers are you as you enter.
You stick your tongue out at her and take a seat next to Sakura. "So where's the teacher?" You ask her, glancing around. There are only six people in the room, none of whom are look old enough to actually be a teacher. Sakura silently points at a black and white mound of fur on the ground.
You frown. "But-"
Before you can protest however, the mound of fur rolls into a sitting position, revealing itself to be a large panda bear, wearing an armband with the Prime High crest emblazoned on it. You stare at the bear for a moment, and it back at you in turn. Finally it breaks into a toothy smile.
"Ah, the young Yoshida Reina!" It says. "So good that you've finally arrived. My name is-" it lets out a string of unintelligible roars and growls that go on for a solid twenty seconds. "But you can call me Panda-sensei, for convenience."
Panda-sensei. You'veheard that there are some weirder Kingdoms out there, but have never really considered that you might ever meet a panda with a teaching degree. Strange.
"You're all part of class 1A," Panda-sensei continues, oblivious to your inner musings. "And so you're going to be basically stuck with each other for the next four years. Or is it three years of high school here?
Japanese Human school is so confusing." He clears his throat. "Anyway, how about we start off with a few quick introductions? Tell everyone your name, where you're from two likes, a dislike, and…let's say your goal here at Prime High. I'll start us off. My name is Panda-sensei. I'm from United Ursopolis. I like bamboo and sleeping, and I dislike things that require thumbs. My goal is to help you six become the best versions of yourselves over the next three or four or whatever years." He grins another toothy grin. "Would anyone like to go next?"
Yui's hand shoots into the air, and she's talking before Panda-sensei can even call on her. "My name is Ueno Yui," she says, eyes never leaving you. "I'm a noble of Technacia,"
Pfft, yeah, a
minor noble.
"I like computers and high yield orbital weaponry, and I
hate spoiled Princesses."
Spoiled? Who is she calling spoiled? You've never once lorded your position over anyone.
"My goal is to create the perfect body," Yui finishes, turning her nose up at you and finally looking away. You roll your inefficient, flesh and blood eyes.
"Well, that's certainly an interesting goal," Panda-sensei says, nodding and rubbing at his chin. "How about you next, Sakura?"
Sakura looks momentarily surprised, then shrugs. "Alright. My name is Ban Sakura. I was born in East Kyneth. I like music, and old movies, the kind that are black and white. I don't like war." She thinks on that statement for a moment before speaking again. "I mean, I don't mind fighting. Or, I understand why fighting is necessary. But I don't…I don't get war."
Panda-sensei nods encouragingly.
"My goal is to be strong enough to become an Angel, so I can keep the peace," she finishes, somewhat lamely. You give her an enthusiastic thumbs up. Angels are the most powerful of GOD's servants, and directly enforce his will on Prime. It's a tough gig to get, but you're sure if Sakura keeps her eyes on the prize and isn't afraid to get down and dirty, she can make it with flying colors!
"A very noble objective, Sakura," Panda-sensei says. "Michi, would you like to go next?"
"Wh-what? Me?" One of the boys asks. He's about four feet tall, probably a quirk of his kingdom. He bites his lip and looks around the room. You try your best to look encouraging, but he averts his gaze. "Um…well….I guess?"
"My names, uh, Minami Michi," he says, staring at the ground. "I was born in…in Dunkhead."
Dunkhead? It doesn't sound like any Kingdom you've ever heard of. You glance around the room, and everyone else looks just as confused as you feel.
"Oh, it's not…not a real Kingdom," Michi continues, still staring at the ground. He's making weird motions with his hands while he talks, to the point where you kind of just want to reach over and make him stop. "It's a town. In a kinda…neutral zone between New Albion and…and Empire C." He trails off for a few long moments, then picks up again. "I like, well, cooking, and coffee. And I dislike…bullies. And, um, my goal would be, I guess, to make a lot of money? Enough money to…to move my mom into a nice house." He nods rapidly and then pulls his knees up to his chest.
"Very good. Very good. Family is important," Panda-sensei says. "Now, who should go next…hm, Lily?"
A boy perched on top of a chair perks up at the name. Unlike Michi he's a mountain of a man, 7 feet tall and powerfully built. But he moves with a careful, easy grace.
"My pleasure," he says, nodding to Panda-sensei. "I am called Lily, and I hail from the Kingdom of Chai Tai. I enjoy many things, primarily bird watching and skateboarding. I dislike…" he taps at his chin. "I do not know. Obviously, war, and bullies, and spoiled princesses are not good things," he says, glancing at Sakura, Michi, and Yui in turn, "but without bad things such as these, how could we truly enjoy those things that are good? Therefore, I would say that I do not dislike anything, but I find a…different appreciation in certain people or activities. My goal is to achieve total unity between body and spirit, and thus experience enlightenment."
Panda-sensei claps lazily. "Well said, well said. How are you going to top that…Kin?" He asks the final boy of class 1A.
"I don't think I need to top it," Kin says. "Sup guys. I'm Karakura Kin. I was living in Scalia Minor…no need to tell me how sorry you are, I've heard it all," he says before anyone can get a word in. Scalia Minor was completely destroyed by the neighboring Scalia Major a few years back. Normally wars between Kingdoms don't escalate that far, but sometimes shit happens. "Anyway, after all that I lived in Goddard until I got accepted here. I like sports, and…I don't know, video games? I hate spiders, no shame. And my goal…" he chuckles to himself. "That's actually a little embarrassing. I'll pass, if that's okay," he says, glancing over at Panda-sensei.
Your teacher shrugs his bear shoulders at that. "Then I suppose it's down to our most recent addition then," he says, looking right at you. "Go ahead, Reina."
"Great!" You say, leaning forward and giving everyone a quick wave. "I'm Yoshida Reina. I'm from Technacia, where my dad's the King." You notice the surprised looks from everyone except Panda-sensei (who you think might be asleep) and Yui (who looks murderous, as usual), but brush past them. "I like working on my mechs, and fighting with my mechs. Honestly, I just really like mechs. I don't like…well, I don't like people who half ass stuff! I figure, if you're gonna do something,
do it! Go all the way, you know? And my goal?"
You pause. What is your goal? What's driving you here at Prime High?
[] Friends. Being a Princess can get lonely.
[] Power. Crush the world beneath the heel of your robotic legion!
[] Technacia. Become the best queen you can be.
[] Piety. It's your duty to do your best, for GOD.
[] You. You don't want to define yourself by others.
[] Write In
No matter what you say, Panda-sensei nods thoughtfully at your words. "Very good," he says, "very good." Now, you all have a few hours before dinner to do with as you will. I believe clubs are holding trial periods, so you can check those out, but I won't tell you what to do. Meet back here at six for family dinner!"
The rest of class 1A stands and starts shuffling off to new destinations. Yui heads towards the girls' room, while the others head out the door.
Do you want to tag along with anyone?
[] Yui
[] Sakura
[] Michi
[] Lily
[] Kin
[] Explore by yourself
[] Mech research/maintenance
[] Write In