Superpower Lottery 2020: For The Deeply Bored. [First time posting]

Artisan Mastery

Absolute Supernatural The power to craft anything with with peak human or better results. Sub-power of Art Manipulation. Not to be confused with Craftsmanship Mastery. Enhanced Artisanship The users can flawlessly and rapidly craft items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including...

"Craft anything with flawless results."

Vague power is vague. Gonna go build some sci fi concepts real quick, make humanity a type 2 civilization.

Phantasm Dwelling Manipulation

The power to manipulate immaterial/otherworldly structures/environments. Variation of Architecture Manipulation and Environment Manipulation. Immaterial/Otherworldly Dwelling/Structure Control/Manipulation Phantom/Ghost/Demonic/Haunted/Overshadowed Edifice/Construct Control/Manipulation User can...

"Manipulate immaterial/otherworldly structures."

If immaterial things exist, neat. If not, kinda useless.

Victory Manipulation

The ability to manipulate victory of events. Variation of Obstacle Manipulation. Opposite to Defeat Manipulation. Success Manipulation/Control Victory Control The user can manipulate victory in events orchestrated and unimaginable by themselves or others. This ability allows the user to turn the...

"Manipulate victory."

Uh. Well then. Never losing any contest again.

Do I have to reroll that?

Kangaroo Physiology

The power to use the abilities of kangaroos. Variation of Mammalian Physiology and Marsupial Physiology. Kangaroo Body/Form/Manifestation/Mimicry User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into a kangaroo. Enhanced Agility Enhanced Leap Enhanced Durability Enhanced Endurance...
I can kick people

Ergokinetic Blade Construction

The power to create bladed weapons from pure energy. Variation of Energy Weaponry, Blade Construction and Elemental Blade Construction. Beam Blade Creation/Construction/Generation/Projection/Protrusion/Retraction Energy Blade Creation/Construction/Generation/Projection/Protrusion/Retraction...
and create an energy blade from my tail

Selective Elimination

The ability to selectively erase an entity so it cannot be perceived by certain entities. Sub-power of Perspective Manipulation. Selective Erasure The user is able to erase the existence of certain objects or concept for a certain target of interest, making the target inaccessible to said...
I am going to reroll this

Shield Construction

The power to create shields and shield-like objects. Sub-power of Defense Manipulation, Construct Creation and Shield Manipulation. Shield Generation/Projection The user can construct shields and shield-like objects to defend themselves, which can be composed of anything/everything, including...
and now I have a shield


Hyper Experience

Maybe God isn't omnipotent. Maybe he's just been around so long, he knows everything.Phil Connors (Groundhog Day) Alright, hear me out on this. You're immortal, right, which means your life is infinite. Well in that case there's 100% chance that you'll eventually do everything, including turning...
a know it all

Bio-Gravimetric Manipulation

The power to manipulate all bio-gravitonic fields. Sub-power of Gravity Manipulation. Bio-Gravity Control Bio-Gravitonics Bio-Gravitational Control/Manipulation Bio-Gravity Field Control/Manipulation Bio-Gyrokinesis The user can create, shape and manipulate bio-gravimetric particles, controlling...
who can change and alternate his own bio-gravity field for a variety of effects.

Ascended Demon

The archetype of an ascended demon. Variation of Demon Physiology and Ascended. Opposite to Fallen Angel. Not to be confused with Transcendent Demon Physiology. Daemonium Ascendit Tenakuma/Tenmajin/Tenmazoku Ascended demons are essentially the opposites of fallen angels: demons that have either...
I don't know if it's an enemy now
The user either is or has the power to transform into an ascended demon, demons that have committed virtuous actions which caused them to ascend from disgrace through exhilaration, or alternatively, purified by unnatural causes or rebelled against Hell. It should be noted however that Ascended Demons aren't necessarily good, but most of them can be neutral or evil depending on their personality traits and actions.

Artisan Mastery

Absolute Supernatural The power to craft anything with with peak human or better results. Sub-power of Art Manipulation. Not to be confused with Craftsmanship Mastery. Enhanced Artisanship The users can flawlessly and rapidly craft items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including...

"Craft anything with flawless results."

Vague power is vague. Gonna go build some sci fi concepts real quick, make humanity a type 2 civilization.

Phantasm Dwelling Manipulation

The power to manipulate immaterial/otherworldly structures/environments. Variation of Architecture Manipulation and Environment Manipulation. Immaterial/Otherworldly Dwelling/Structure Control/Manipulation Phantom/Ghost/Demonic/Haunted/Overshadowed Edifice/Construct Control/Manipulation User can...

"Manipulate immaterial/otherworldly structures."

If immaterial things exist, neat. If not, kinda useless.

Victory Manipulation

The ability to manipulate victory of events. Variation of Obstacle Manipulation. Opposite to Defeat Manipulation. Success Manipulation/Control Victory Control The user can manipulate victory in events orchestrated and unimaginable by themselves or others. This ability allows the user to turn the...

"Manipulate victory."

Uh. Well then. Never losing any contest again.

Do I have to reroll that?

Not necessary, while winning a fight against you would be an absolute bitch to do, is possible as these powers don't take nicely to sudden changes.
Chaotic enough enemies, those separated of reality, or people without a destiny are basically your Kriptonite. As for the other "ordinary" people, well, you can only do so much before all paths lead to a phirryc victory, or a stalemate.
Gonna roll a enemy for the fuck of it.

Selective Unity

The ability to become one with anything. Variation of Unity and Self Transcendence. Not to be confused with Concept Embodiment or Selective Connection. Personal Unity Unification Users can become one with anything, unifying their existence to various degrees: superficially to gain insight and...

"Become one with anything."

Wow ok. Seeing as he hates me n all, assuming he won't fuse with me. Fusing with other stuff is fair game.

Cosmic Projection

The ability to project images of oneself across space and time. Sub-power of Astral Projection and Cosmic Manipulation. Stellar Projection The user can project images of themselves or others across space and time to communicate with other beings or relay important messages. Audible Inundation...

"project image across space and time"

Seems useful for info gathering and relay systems.

Elemental Manipulation

The crack of lightning, the roar of flame,The rumble of earth, the grip of ice,The rush of water, the howl of wind.At their center I stand.Alone and omnipotent.Adrammelech (Final Fantasy XIV) BURN AND DROWN AND CRUSH AND SUFFOCATE!!Cho'gall (World of Warcraft: Cataclysm) I'm the Avatar, master...

"Manipulate the elements."


Overall, seems macguyvering it up, and victory manip gives me a easy win. Though he could hypothetically do something with unity to turn it pyrhhic.

Smoke Teleportation

The power to teleport via smoke. Technique of Smoke Manipulation. Variation of Air Teleportation. Smoke Dash Smoking Typhoportation The user can teleport via smoke, merging into smoke and appearing anywhere else from the same element. Smoke Generation Teleportation Air Teleportation Elemental...
Okay pretty cool, I'll probably pick up smoking or carry around a lighter of some sort

Self-Power Augmentation

The power to augment one's own powers. Sub-power of Power Augmentation. Technique of Personal Mastery. Statistics Amplification Self-Ability/Self-Power Amplification/Increase Users can empower their existing abilities to higher levels, certain users can even augment their powers to their...
I guess I can overclock my powers and physical/mental capabilities

Spiritual Energy Mimicry

The power to transform physically into spiritual energy. Combination of Energy Physiology and Spirit Physiology. Technique of Soul Manipulation. Not to be confused with Life-Force Mimicry. Ectoplasmic Energy Mimicry Ghost Energy Mimicry/Physiology Phantom Energy Mimicry/Physiology Soul Energy...
I'm a ghosty

So I can get in and out of anywhere and have a method of quick escape and can boost myself. I have the capability to be an actual phantom thief.

For boosted smoke I could possibly teleport through other collections of gas or generate/control smoke or perhaps my teleportation radius increases if it's limited in range.
A boosted ghost body might make me able to interact with the material plane if I'm unable to normally or simply make me SToNk at punching other spiritual entities.

Boosted is probably the most interesting out of the bunch because I become peak human in probably every way that matters. The downside would be that it's temporary, there may be a cool down period before I can utilize it again, and that there might be some backlash for overclocking anything beyond it's normal capabilities.
Going to give this a go!

Immunity Removal

The ability to remove any immunities the target has. Sub-power of Immunity Manipulation. Immunity Erasure The user can completely and permanently remove any immunity the target has. Permanently remove any Immunity. Boundary Manipulation Resistance Removal - Lesser version. Superpower Negation...
That's a great pull for the first power. That'll help making sure my enemy can be harmed.

Battlefield Adaptation

The power to adapt to the conditions of a battleground and grow stronger with each battle. Sub-power of Battlefield Manipulation. Variation of Reactive Adaptation and Evolution. Battleground Adaption The user automatically adapts in/to any field of battle, allowing them to fight on equal or...

This could be really useful. It'll take a while before I can reach one man army, but what doesn't kill me is sure to make me stronger.

Function Scramble

The power to scramble functions of others. Sub-power of Body Manipulation, Functionality Manipulation and Mind Manipulation. The user can scramble the functions of anyone, making it that they do something else other than what they want to do. For example, if they wish to run, their brain tells...

Another power to help me survive the fights I'm bound to get into.

So far I'm thinking that the character is some form of hitman or contracted muscle for hire. Someone you can call on when a job needs to be done.
Onto my enemy who I will now designate as a rival.

Puppet Mastery

The ability to control humanoid forms. Variation of Complete Mastery. Manipulative Puppetry Puppet Control/Manipulation Puppetry Marrionetakinesis The user takes control over motor functions of humanoid forms, whether living, dead or objects as if they were a marionette. Puppeteering Mastery...

A pretty scary power, and a bit similar to my own. Perhaps me and my rival are siblings? Maybe from a clan of super powered assassins? Who knows.

Poison Transferal

The power to transfer poison from one object into another. Sup-power of Poison Manipulation. Toxin/Venom Transferal The user can transfer poisons from one organism into another, either the user or a whole other being. Death Inducement Infection transferal Poison Absorption Poison Healing Saves...

Definitely the power of an assassin. I assume to make the ability fair they'd have a radius for the effect.

I imagine everything they eat and drink is laced with poison. Purely so at the drop of a hat they can kill.

Cloth Removal

The power to remove the clothing of others. Technique of Cloth Manipulation. Clothing Abolition/Annihilation/Deletion/Erasure/Ruination Nudity/Nude/Nakedness Inducement Dress Break (HIGH SCHOOL DXD) The user can remove the clothing/armor/protection of their targets, nullifying all attributes...

My sibling/rival is also a bit of a pervert. I imagine that it's mainly used to strip targets of defensive clothing, but we all know they love using it for perverted stuff in their free time.

So yeah, the abilities here are so similar I can't help but assume we're related.

Going to go with, we're the two oldest children to a clan of powered assassins, who'll fight one day to determine who leads the clan.

On that note let's generate our spouses who we've been arranged to marry.

Since I was first let's start with my fiance.

Error Reparation

The ability to undo any error one has committed. Technique of Error Manipulation. Mistake Swipe The user can undo any error one has committed and wipe away any mistake a user feels they have made. This ability allows the user to undo mistakes in movements or actions such as destroying something...

She's as close to perfect a human can reach. I fear that perhaps this will give her an ego. I mean if she does something to upset me or says something that causes us to have an argument, it can be undone.

Musical Combat

The power to infuse music in one's physical combat. Technique of Music Manipulation. Variation of Sonokinetic Combat. Combative Music Musical Defense Song Combat Tatakau Music (One Piece) Vocal Combat Users are able to infuse music with physical attacks, using musical sound waves to influence...

With her previous power she's bound to have a beautiful voice, and she makes sure it's the last thing her enemies will hear.

Nothingness Manipulation

The power to manipulate nothingness. Sub-power of Null Element and Universal Force Manipulation. Source of all Destructive Abilities. Opposite to Completeness Manipulation. Deletion Emptiness Emptikinesis Nihilikinesis Nonexistence Manipulation Nullification Oblivion Power/Manipulation Śūnyatā...

A pretty useful ability. I imagine her making items over and over in her youth until what she made was better than the real thing. She probably wears clothes made of nothingness.


Rolled for the gender of my sibling, and landed on female. So, let's see what her husband to be brings to the table.

Knowledge Recovery

The power to recover knowledge. Sub-power of Knowledge Manipulation. Variation of Restoration. Opposite to Knowledge Erasure Information Recovery Knowledge Restoration User can recover any/all kinds of knowledge, recovering traces of an idea, subject, etc. in existence. Knowledge may be...

They say knowledge is power. I guess they were right.

Mathematics Manipulation

The power to manipulate and alter the laws and foundations of mathematics. Sub-power of Science Manipulation. Math Manipulation Math/Mathematics Master Mathekinesis Mathematikinesis Number Control/Manipulation Superhuman Math/Mathematics The user can change the study of quantity, structure...

Pretty powerful I think. So far her husband seems like a real egg head. He probably wears glasses so he can adjust them.

Crystal Shield Construction

The ability to create shields out of crystal. Sub-power of Crystallokinetic Constructs. Variation of Earth Shield Construction. Crystal Shield Generation Crystallokinetic Shield Construction The user can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of crystal. Crystal Manipulation...

He's a smart one, I'm sure he'll munchkin this to be very deadly.
Gonna give this a shot, lets see what I get, surely nothing bad right?

Transformation Ascendancy

Nope, nope, nope. Already got to reroll, phenomenal.

Teleportation Immunity

Aight, nothing crazy… yet.

Elemental Teleportation

Huh, some minor synergy here.

Seismic Sense

There it is. Wondering when my luck runs out..

Now, for the 'villain' of the story

Poison Gas Generation

Yeah, that's a villain power alright.

Intangible Beam Emission

Odd, but could snipe anyone where they know their exact location.

Telepathic Combat

And that wraps it up with a bow making a guy who can predict your plans, snipe you from literally anywhere, and can generate gas on command, lovely.

Just for fun lets get another character up in here.

Transcendent Bogeyman Physiology

Woah, that is good, but not an "I win button"

Pyrotechnic Attacks

Frickin' sleep paralysis demon with a penchant for flames.


Well, I rest my case. This seems like a much better villain for the hero in particular, maybe a shadow demon that hired a hitman to deal with him in real life since he would be his arch enemy.
Let's give it another spin, shall we?

Heat Slash

A decent offensive move, nothing too powerful while still being useful in most conditions.

Courage Inducement

A team player then, interesting.

Pure Solar Manipulation

Definitely a more support oriented, team player. And all the abilities are quite connected together, thematically.

Let's see a villain.

Vein Manipulation

Okay, controlling arteries is a strong start.

Death Transferal

... It's always about cheating death, isn't it?

Gravity Projectile

Kinda unconnected to the other two, honestly.

So the classing villain who wants to keep on not dying against a team of heroes with someone embodying positivity amongst them.
Ok let's give this a go!

Inner World Creation

The ability to create an inner world within oneself or others. Sub-power of Inner World Manipulation. Technique of Inner World. Variation of Alternate Reality Creation, Dimension Creation and World Creation. Image (Pet) Inner World Conceptualization/Fabrication/Realization Inner...

Ok weird one to start off on, but it seems pretty powerful.

Electro-Weak Force Manipulation

Power to manipulate electromagnetic fields and radioactive elements. Combination of the Weak Force Manipulation and Electromagnetism Manipulation. The user can create, shape and manipulate both the Weak Force and electromagnetism at the same time.

ok ok that's pretty cool, i think it can have it uses? Let's see what my next one is-

Space Monster Physiology

The power to use the abilities of a cosmic monster. Variation of Monster Physiology and Cosmic Entity Physiology. Cosmic Monster Physiology Outer Space Monster Physiology Galactic Monster Physiology Galaxy Monster Physiology User with this ability either is or can transform into a cosmic...

well this just took a turn for the awesome.

Ok so i'm a (giant?? maybe??) space monster who can manipulate electromagnetic fields and radioactive elements, and also create an inner world in one's mind and soul. Am i getting this right?
The thread is just as random as the things it generates.
That's the idea~

Going to reroll, I'm gonna be the villain with the power of:

Bone Manipulation

The power to manipulate bones. Technique of Calcium Manipulation. Variation of Organ Manipulation. Bone Arts Bone Control Controlled Bone Growth Osteokinesis Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate bones, a rigid tissue that constitutes part of the vertebrate skeleton in...
...the page is slightly aware, it seems. So, incredibly macabre and effective at close range...(slickCRACK)

Vapor Blast

The ability to release vapor on a specific target area. Sub-power of Vapor Attacks. Variation of Air Blast, Gas Blast and Water Blast. Fog/Mist/Nephokinetic Steam Blast/Emission/Projection The user can release vapor over a specific target area, causing great damage and/or delivering great shock...
...with a very effective mid range attack that also gives me utility/murder fog (boilingfleshbonesuselesstastelessbland-)...


The ability to cause anything to twist. Sub-power of Deformation Manipulation. Variation of Folding Power. The users can cause anything to twist.
...and something incredibly powerfull and horrible to sinch the package (snaptwistcrackbendshouldnothappenshouldnotbestoppleaseSTOP-)

So, who's the hero that is going to stop the thing...

Sponge Physiology

Power to use the abilities of sponges. Variation of Animal Imitation and Animal Morphing. Not to be confused with Absorbent Mimicry. Poriferan Physiology/Mimicry Sponge Mimicry User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into sponges. Bionic Sponge Mimicry Aquatic Adaptation...

Orgone Radiation Manipulation

The ability to manipulate orgone radiation. Variation of Esoteric Radiation Manipulation. Combination of Cosmic Energy Manipulation & Life-Force Manipulation. Bion Particle/Ray Manipulation The user can create, shape and manipulate orgone radiation, a theoretical anti-entropic radiology...

Fantasy Connecting

The power to connect reality to dreams/fantasies/fantasy worlds. Sub-power of Fantasy Manipulation. Combination of Realm Connection, Subconscious Manifestation and World Merging. Not to be confused with Subjective Reality. Fantasy-Reality Linking User can connect the physical world to the world...


very interesting...
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Alrighty, let's bite this bullet and see what we can get.

Ok, so I have minions that change change shape at will and have and scalable level of autonomy depending on what I need. Pretty good for dealing with large groups or for making a distraction.

...Definitely underwhelming, but this could very well work along with my good boys. Have them attack in close combat while I take pot shots, seems neat. If this ability can be replicated by the goo clones, this can actually be quite strong.

And here is the big one, hoh boy. So, looking at the capabilities, as long as it's a form of matter I can absorb it, gain it's properties, use it as a power source, etc. So, I can possibly cannibalize my goo boys in order to gain their physiology and powers, or, better yet, have my goo goons restrain a target while I get to draining. If this ability can somehow pass onto the goons, this combo is actually quite strong for incapacitating/overwhelming a target.

Overall, a pretty good set of powers, if a little disjointed. With some effort, this can really work out.


Now for the villain I will be facing:

And I'm already regretting my decisions. Okay, so he has UFOs that he can just will into existence, and since this is alien tech, it's definitely going to have lasers, tractor beams, and other nonsense. I will definitely need to mass absorb whatever these things throw out as a I make my way to the guy.

God this sounds simple, yet scary in the right hands. Good thing powers that have the possibility of omnipotence are banned.

Ah, so druid shenanigans. Honestly, if I could keep the history power, I would be able to say that the main villain is the god of time or something, since he has powers associated with both the technological future and the natural past.

God, so this guy is hyper-intelligent too? Very simple, but this means that he can easily find angles around my swarms of goons, and can create barrages of ranged attacks and spells that might as well be unavoidable.


So, going over the list of my character vs the villain...

...this is going to be absolute hell. My best bet to defeating this guy would be to spam matter manipulation and use my goons to block any attacks that are aiming for my blind spots. However, getting to him is going to be nigh impossible between the alien invasion on top of nature deciding to strike back for that one time I didn't recycle. Maybe I can use the glass balls to reflect the lazers, but that's a big if. This guy is going to require quite the team to take down.
Sponge physiology hard counters all ur abilities tho

He has no bones for you to manipulate, twisting him will do nothing, nor will throwing hot water at him.

Sponge physiology hard counters all ur abilities tho

He has no bones for you to manipulate, twisting him will do nothing, nor will throwing hot water at him.

In case I didn't leave it very clear, my guy is a Blood Knight, in every single way, with a barely funtional sense of self-preservation. That makes his rival rather interesting, instead of annoying.
'sides, sponges can be cut to pieces, no one says it has to be my bones or his, and I can still twIST reality around him, which is pretty fucking lethal, no mather what you are.
Anyways, Imma reroll, this time an 2 vs 2.

1st Duo member A:

Sex Vampire Physiology

The power to use the abilities of a sex vampire. Variation of Vampire Physiology. Tantra Vamps Tantric Vampires Physiology User with this ability either is or can transform into a sex vampire; a unique type of sex vampire that not only feeds on blood but also pure sexual energy as an alternative...
...I geniuely have no idea what to say, except calling this the alter-succubi...

Atomic Dissociation

The ability to dissociate atomic bonds and tear apart the tethers of molecules that hold together all matter. Sub-power of Atomic Manipulation and Nuclear Manipulation. Variation of Disintegration. Atomization Atomizing Molecular Cancellation Nuclear Disintegration Radioactive Decay Radiolysis...
...who can also go absolutely fucking NUCLEAR if she feels like it...

Lunar Bolt Projection

The power to project bolts of lunar energy/substance. Sub-power of Lunar Attacks. Variation of Bolt Projection. Opposite to Solar Bolt Projection. Lunar Bolt/Blast/Burst/Dart Emission Lunar Energy Bolt Projection Lunar Projectiles Moon Bolt Projection User can create and project bolts of lunar...
...with an esoteric power to use when she's not feeling like going full Demon Core.

1st Duo member B:

Coral Physiology

Power to use the abilities of coral. Technique of Coral Manipulation. Variation of Anthozoa Physiology, Coral Mimicry User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into coral, a colony of polyps that can form large reefs. Aquatic Adaptation Aquatic Breathing Coral Generation Dermal...
...seems to me like Atom Grind up there's pet...

Opposing Forces Empowerment

The power to gain strength from any/all opposing forces. Technique of Opposing Forces Manipulation. Variation of Combined Force Empowerment, Antithetical Power Link and Yin & Yang Empowerment. Opposing Forces Affinity/Augmentation Opposing Powers Affinity/Augmentation/Empowerment Opposites...
...with a power I can't make sense off...

Pure Alchemy

The power to utilize the beneficial aspects of Alchemy. Combination of Alchemy and Positive Forces Manipulation. Opposite to Dark Alchemy. Alkahestry (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Beneficial/Pure Alchemic Magic/Manipulation Beneficial/Pure All-Chemistry Beneficial/Pure Arcane Science...
...and is an alchemist.

Very weird duo, and their nemesis are:

2nd Duo member A:

Feather Projection

The power to project razor-sharp feathers as projectile weapons. Sub-power of Feather Manipulation. Variation of Natural Weaponry Projection. Feather Flechettes/Gun Projectile Feathers The user can project feathers as projectile weapons. Feather Cutting Avian Physiology Feather Manipulation...
...a man with metal wings who's feathers are razor sharp...

Paint Attacks

The power to release/use paint to various attacks. Sub-power of Paint Manipulation. Variation of Art Attacks. Paint Projection The user can release/use paint to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc. Paint Ball Projection: Create and...
...with a penchant for making every combo an art piece...

Femininity Manipulation

The power to manipulate femininity. Sub-power of Gender Manipulation. Opposite to Masculinity Manipulation. Femininity Control Womanhood Control/Manipulation Strītvakinesis The user can manipulate conceptual attributes, traits and behaviors of femininity/womanhood and can manipulate the aspects...
...and there's the reason why Atomicula wants to bag the fucker.

2nd Duo member B:

Self Empowerment

The power to gain strength from yourself. Sub-power of Affinity. Self-Affinity Self-Existing Empowerment Solipsistic Affinity/Empowerment Autotheistic Affinity/Empowerment Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by oneself. The user could be doing everyday things like walking, eating...
The very definition of "growing stronger the longer it is on Earth"...

Halo Generation

The ability to manifest a halo of light or archaic design. Sub-power of Angel Physiology, Halo Manipulation, and Light Generation. Aureole Creation Glory Creation Gloriole Creation Mandorla Creation Nimbus Creation User can create single or more halos, a ring, wheel or glow usually formed of...
...who can also say "nah, fucc dat" and go full nascent deity on someone...

Water Ball Projection

The ability to project spheres of water. Sub-power of Water Attacks. Variation of Elemental Ball Projection. Hydro/Hydrokinetic Ball/Orb/Sphere Projection Water Orb/Sphere Projection The user is able to launch spheres of water at targets with varying degrees of force. From putting out fires to...
...and now the "non-lethal" ability.

What the everliving fuck is up with this site? it seems to give me god-like abilities every 2 button-press.
and being absolutely unable to give me a theme except Mr. The-closest-you-can-get-to-an-eldritch-abomination-while-still-being-human.
Just the way the cookie crumbles but now I want to do a Duos match.
Go ahead then!
No one's gonna stop you...

Edit: quick test of something, want some movement related powers

Linearity Defiance

The ability to defy line of motion. Line Defiance/Ignoring/Rejection Linearity Ignoring/Rejection The user can defy their linearity, making it so that they can move in a line or curve with any part of their body, such as their head, instead of through their center of mass. This is much like how...

Pure Soul

The ability to have a soul of extreme purity or light. Variation of Other Soul. Opposite to Dark Soul. Light Soul Soul of Good/Light/Purity User possesses a soul that is completely devoid of evil or darkness. This soul often results in the user being driven to defensive and good-natured uses...

Time Dilation Field

The power to project a field that slows down time within. Sub-power of Time Field Projection. Variation of Effect Field Projection. Time Dilation/Reduction Field Projection The user can project a field that slows time inside of it. To an outside observer, the victims inside will appear to be...
jesus fuck that's a scary combo.

Soulnado Generation

The power to generate a soulnado. Technique of Soul Manipulation. Combination of Soul Manipulation, Tornado Creation, Phantasm Manipulation and Apparition Materialization. Variation of Vortex Creation. Soul Tornado Creation/Generation Soul Vortex Generation/Generation The user can create a...


The ability to be more flexible than normal humans. Sub-power of Peak Human Condition. Real world version of Enhanced Flexibility. Advanced Flexibility Contortionism Exceptional Flexibility Honed Flexibility Increased Flexibility Maximum Human Flexibility Near/Nigh/Semi-Enhanced Flexibility...

Wheel Retraction

The power to generate wheels from one's own body. Variation of Natural Weaponry. Retractable Wheels Wheel/Extension/Generation/Limb/Projection/Protrusion The user can generate and retract wheels from their bodies, which can be composed of energy, bone, or metal, among other things. They can be...
this is scary site why are you aware

Key to the Door

The ability to create or be a gateway or "key" to a certain location, artifact, entity or event. Event/Sacred/Skeleton Key Key Embodiment/Incarnate/Personification The Key User can create or be a gateway or "key" to a location, artifact, entity, or event, whether literal, conceptual, personal...

Part Inducement

The power to add a part into a target. Sub-power of Part Manipulation. Opposite to Part Removal. Part Addition Part Inclusion Part Insertion User can psychically fuse/induce any part from any thing, without manually having to put it into the target. Compound Fusion Culmination Fusionism...

Wool Mimicry

The power to transform into and use the abilities of wool. Technique of Wool Manipulation. Variation of Hair Mimicry. Wool Physiology The user either is or can transform into wool. They can be anatomically identical to their normal form aside from being made of wool, in which case their bodies...

made it one after the other. pretty sure site is alive

Melancholy Manipulation

The power to manipulate melancholy. Variation of Emotion Manipulation. Opposite of Happiness Manipulation. Depression Control/Manipulation Maestokinesis Melancholy Control Sadness Control/Manipulation Sorrow Control/Manipulation Tristokinesis The user can sense and manipulate all aspects of the...
i feel insulted
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Black Dog Physiology
Cool, we start pretty tame with an animal form.

Antibody Manipulation
Never gonna get sick power.

Insomnia Inducement
And robs people of their sleep.

So far, pretty low level. Let's check the partner.

Nosokinetic Constructs
And we start with creating things out of disease. Good thing they are partnered with someone who can cure sickness.

Aviokinetic Combat
Their kung-fu is so good they can fly.

Enhanced Calculation
And they are human calculator.

So this is our Healthcare Duo! Who are they gonna fight?

Esoteric Water Manipulation
Water Magic! Good start.

Double Hit Kill
And is One Punch Man's weaker cousin!

Math Beam Emmision
... A bit silly, but I see the Disease Person has someone to square against in the field of math.

And their partner is...

Never feels bad man.

Psionic Combat
Who is also a psychic.

Endorphin Activation
And can make themselves feel less pain and make themselves happier.

So Team Healthcare vs Team... well, they don't really have a common theme. But still, pretty well balanced all things considered.
Succubus_Physiology :whistle:
OK, not what I was expecting.
Potential_Enhancement :D
So, a really powerful succubus who can enhance others if she desires.
Sex_Deity_Physiology 😍🤑
And I think there's a theme here. Not sure if the 2 physiology powers work together, but they have different enough abilities. The second could actually be an enhancement of the first.
I'm also pretty sure she'd be a bad guy/girl. Really can't see her as being a hero except in REALLY oppressive who have outlawed physical contact and all breeding is to be test tube only (and even then, she's more likely to be the REASON for those laws). So let's go with:
Tlazoltéotl: Goddess of filth, she hopes to expose the darkest secrets within everything (from Scion, by White Wolf games). Think all the stereotypes of cheerleaders, gossip hounds, vixens, black widows, porn stars and prostitutes magnified by 10 and then adding in an unhealthy dose of serial killer to the mix. She delights in any form of physical, mental or sexual abuse, along with whatever blackmail, or reputation destruction she can achieve.

And I'll leave it to someone else to come up with a hero to oppose her.

Sand Infusion

The power to infuse sand into objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers. Sub-power of Sand Attacks. Variation of Earth Infusion. Sand Energizing Psammokinetic Energizing/Infusion The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with sand, empowering and energizing them and...

So far so good.

Copper Mimicry

The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of copper. Technique of Copper Manipulation. Variation of Metal Mimicry. Copper Body/Physiology The user is made up of or can transform their body completely into copper. A user's transformed form is anatomically identical to their...

This is useful.

Time Bolt Projection

The power to project bolts of temporal energy. Sub-power of Time Attacks. Variation of Bolt Projection. Temporal Bolt Projection/Emission Temporal Blast/Burst/Dart Emission Time Bolt/Blast/Burst/Dart Emission Time/Temporal Projectiles User can create and project bolts of temporal energy and...

This is good.

All of these synergize well. It is making me think of Prince of Persia

I could be a copper jar, or whatever form I can think of, that is full of the Sands of Time.
(or what else might be fun.)

Maybe each of these cover the weaknesses of the others? At least a b-tier hero/villain.

Mythical Beast Manipulation

The power to manipulate mythical beasts. Variation of Mythic Manipulation. Ancient Beast Manipulation Legendary Monster Control Mythi Thiríokinesis Mythical Beast Control/Domination User can create, manipulate, and destroy mythical beasts. They control them to do their bidding like, help them...

Copper Constructs

The power to create objects and other constructs out of copper. Sub-power of Copper Manipulation. Variation of Metal Constructs. Cukinetic Constructs The user can turn copper into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence, ranging from simple shapes and images, to individual...

Alpha Merfolk

The ability to possess the traits of an alpha merfolk. Advanced variation of Merfolk Physiology. Variation of Alpha Mythic. Alpha Mer King/Queen of the Mers/Merfolk Ruler of the Mers/Merfolk The user either is or can transform into an alpha merfolk, the most powerful form of merfolk imaginable...
I'm not sure what kind of character this works for.

Partner has:

Computer Manipulation

The ability to manipulate computers. Variation of Object Manipulation and Technology Manipulation. Computer Control CPU Control/Manipulation Ypologistíkinesis The user can create, shape and manipulate all computers and everything related to computers super or otherwise. Unlike Computer...

Undead Conversion

The power to transform living beings into the undead. Sub-power of Reanimation. Variation of Conversion. Undead Form (oneself only) Undead Inducement/Transformation Undeathification/Undeathization User can transform oneself or others into undead or undead hybrids, granting them undead abilities...


The power to increase the kinetic energy in the molecular structure of oneself to cause ignition and process one's combustion process as a result. Sub-Power of Combustion Inducement. Variation of Self-Detonation. Combust Aura Combustion Aura Personal Combustion Self-Ignition/Immolation...
I'll go with villain turned ally with a power set like that.

And the archenemy got:

Stellar Mimicry

The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of stellar energy. Technique of Solar and Stellar Manipulation. Variation of Astronomical, Energy and Universal Force Mimicry. Nova Mimicry/Physiology Plasma Mimicry/Physiology Star Mimicry/Physiology The user is made up of or can...

Blessed Slash

The ability to combine slashing attacks with blessing effects/forces. Sub-power of Blessed Attacks. A combination of Blessing Inducement and Cutting. Variation of Slash Effect. Opposite to Cursed Slash. Benediction Slash Gracing Slash User can combine blessing effects/forces to attacks with...

Personality Absorption

The ability to absorb the personality of others and use them in some way. Sub-power of Mental Manipulation. Variation of Absorption. Personality Collection/Consumption/Draining/Harvesting/Robbery/Stealing/Theft Users can absorb personalities, while removing them from the source, into their mind...
This seems like one hell of an uphill battle.