Superpower Lottery 2020: For The Deeply Bored. [First time posting]

I have no idea how 'Rarity Inducement' is supposed to work or what value it has...

Rarity Inducement
User can induce rarity onto anything, making things rarer and increasing their value. This could make common or abundant things anywhere rare throughout a place, planet and even the universe, decreasing the amount of anything in that area.

But 'Action-Reaction Manipulation' and 'Weapon Summoning', on the other hand...

Action-Reaction Manipulation
The user can create, shape and manipulate action-reaction forces, which are a part of Newton's third law of motion. They can change the direction and magnitude each force is exerting on one another, making the user be able to fly, not to sink in quicksand, or otherwise be able to go a different direction other than the one they are supposed to go.

Weapon Summoning
The user can summon any weapon/weapons to wherever the user is located.

Those probably have pretty good synergy together.

Meanwhile, my arch nemesis...

Relative Appearance Alteration
The ability to have an appearance that differs to those that look at them.
Chaos Physiology
User is made up of or can transform their body completely into chaos/chaotic matter/energy. Users transformed form can be anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of chaos, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.

Is literally a low-level eldritch monster.
I have no idea how 'Rarity Inducement' is supposed to work or what value it has...

But 'Action-Reaction Manipulation' and 'Weapon Summoning', on the other hand...

Those probably have pretty good synergy together.

Meanwhile, my arch nemesis...

Is literally a low-level eldritch monster.

Depending on how you change their rarity, you basically would be able to change the material composition of things, and if rarity means that you can, for example, turn a ruby into a diamond, it's utility is pretty apparent. And if for some reason changing an objects rarity does something like incrust gems into it, you basically can generate free ammo for your second power.

Thank you everyone who has replied to this thread, hope you have been having fun with this dumb thing.

Dragon Combat

The ability to combine draconic forces with physical combat. Technique of Dragon Force Manipulation. Variation of Combat Merging and Mythic Combat. Draconian Combat Draconic Combat Dragon Kung Fu Dragon/Dragonic Martial Arts Dragon Style The user can combine draconic energies, elements, magics...

Spine Rip

The ability to easily rip out the spine. Sub-power of Spine Manipulation. Variation of Body Part Ripping. Backbone Ripping Vertebrae Rip The user can easily rip out the spine from targets body, which can result instant death and at the very least total paralysis. Usually done by brute force or...

Fish Magic

The power to perform fish-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Animal Magic and Ichthyoid Manipulation. Fishcraft Fish Spells/Witchcraft/Wizardry Ichthyoid Magic/Spells/Witchcraft/Wizardry Umami Magic (Another Crab’s Treasure) The user can use magic to control fish, transform themselves or...

I'm a Draconic being with a penchant for ripping spines and the mythical ability to perform fish related magic.

Alpha Undead

The archetype of a character who is an alpha undead, an undead being vastly superior to other members of their group or society who leads through brute strength and force of personality. Variation of Alpha with Undead Physiology. Alpha/King/Lady/Lord/Master/Mistress/Queen of Death Dead King...

Divine Slayer

Fight all you like. These bonds have held a thousand gods before you, some the size of mountains. They all start out so full of confidence and rage. So convinced of their own blessed immortality, until I show them what they really are. What their mothers are. Their lovers. Their infants. You're...

Negation Immunity

I don't understand! Why aren't Anti-Venom's powers draining his--?!" "Because mine aren't radiation-based, if you have to know.Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man 2099, (Spider-Man: Edge of Time) The power to be unaffected by any Negation Power. Variation of Power Immunity. Power...

Well. Here are my rolls.

Might as well roll for my nemesis then.

Evil Aura

The ability to have an evil aura. Sub-power of Evil Manipulation. Variation of Aura Generation. Opposite of Good Aura. Malefic Aura Baleful Aura The user is so evil that their aura is filled with their essence of evil, which may influence evil activities just by coming in contact with their...

Dark Chi Manipulation

The Satsui no Hado has conquered gods and demons. And death...? We shall see...Thanos (Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite) The ability to manipulate the energy of the body that is powered by dark forces. Sub-power of Malefic Force Manipulation. A result of Chi Manipulation when tainted by corruption or...

Fish People Physiology

The power to use the abilities of fish people. Variation of Cryptid Physiology. Combination of Humanoid Physiology and Fish Physiology. Not to be confused with Merfolk Physiology. Fish People Mimicry Fishfolk Physiology Fishguy/Fishgal/Fishgirl Physiology Fishman/Fishwoman Physiology...

So my nemesis is apparently a martial arts expert fish person who is so evil they can actually manipulate their evil to power themselves.
Honestly more curious with what i'd get than anything

Light-Darkness Bomb Generation

The ability to create explosives made of darkness and light. Sub-power of Light-Darkness Attacks. Variation of Explosive Generation. Combination of Volatile Constructs and Light-Darkness Manipulation. The user is able to create bombs made of solidified light/darkness, which can have different...

Penance Stare

Look into my eyes... Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent... Feel their pain.Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics) The power to cause a variety of condemning effects upon those who have sinned with one's stare. Ocular variation of Punishment. Not to be confused with Darkside View or Evil Eye...

Insect Manipulation

The ability to control insects. Variation of Animal Manipulation and Arthropod Manipulation. Volukinesis Entomokinesis Insectikinesis Entomopathy Insect Control Users can control various insects. They control them to do their bidding, for example, helping them during situations, using them...

So....Skitter with the ability to create explosives...
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Honestly more curious with what i'd get than anything

Go ahead, then!
Everyone can roll and reroll if they want.
Same goes for RP.
I'm just happy people are taking the time to post here.

Edit: I'm gonna REEEEEEEEEroll.

Belief Ability Manifestation

The ability to gain powers based on beliefs. Sub-power of Faithifery and Indomitable Belief. Variation of Power Acquirement. Use can obtain any power simply by believing that they have it. For example, if the user believes they can fly, they will develop the Flight. As long as they believe it...
So I believe I can fly: The Power...

Paranormal Mastery

The ability to be a master of dealing with paranormal/supernatural creatures and situations, either innately or through training. Variation of Intuitive Aptitude and Preternatural Studies Mastery. Paranormal Expertise/Intuition/Investigation/Proficiency Supernatural...
...with enough knowledge to make full use of it...

Energetic Pressure

The power to generate enormous amounts of energy to crush, damage and/or manipulate anything/everything in the surrounding areas. Sub-power of Aura Generation and Energy Aura. Technique of Energy Manipulation/Energy Generation . Aura/Energy Pressure Crushing/Cutting Energy Conqueror/Haoshoku...
...and I can just say "Fuck everybody in a certain range" and back it up.

I'm the Paranormal Expert that the Detective contacts everytime there's a crime with something off about it.
And we're chasing a serial killer who:

Inner Beast

The power to harness the power and abilities of a beast living inside of the user. Variation of Inner Being. Personal Beast The user can harness the power of their inner beast; an innate creature that lies within them that grants them great power, strength and ferocity. This allows them to use...
...shares his body with a terrible beast...


The power to walk with control and precision, speed and balance. Sub-power of Enhanced Mobility. Advanced/Augmented/Heightened/Increased/Inhuman Walking Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Walking The user can walk on any surface, (including air, water, walls/ceilings, etc.) effortlessly and with...
...who let's them move in any way, any direction...

Pyrokinetic Combat

The power to utilize fire in combat. Technique of Fire Manipulation and Fire Generation. Variation of Elemental Combat. Fire/Flame Combat Fire/Flame-Enhanced Combat Fire/Flame Martial Arts/Physical Combat Kasaijutsu Users are able to infuse fire into combat, whether it be unleashing waves of...
...and torch everything in a fight.

Yeah, I can see how dangerous this bastard would be.
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Nothingness Aspect Manifestation
Straight into cosmic level, are we?
Artificial Physiology
Apparently, even the primordial concept of Nothing can become lonely and starved for interaction, since they made me :V.
Letter/Number/Word Projection
... I've got nothing.

Depending on which aspect of Nothing I would land, this would get really weird, really creepy or kinda eldritch-y.
Other than the artificial part it kinda reminds me of Gaster from undertale
We don't really know if the first power applies yet but it's similar in theme to him
I love to roll things, so I'll roll.
Animal Shield Construction

Psychic Time Manipulation

Apocalyptic Weaponry

Ominous set of powers, suited for generic doomsday supervillain. Not too hard for heroes to defeat, but also not too easy.
I imagine it like this. Heroes go to the secret layer in the old Eastern-European castle, trying to stop me from threataning the whole world with my superweapon. I try to protect from their attacks by utilizing my bat shield, but eventually it is overcome by there joint efforts. At the middle of the episode I reveal my trump card and mess with their time perception, causing the appropriate flashback to appear. And then the main character suddenly, but inevitably gains power to tear down the illusion and destroy my Great Sword of Nothingness, or Definitely Not Nuclear Bomb of Antimatter.
The redemption arc is possible, but unlikely.
Well, let's try this again. Rollan

Concussive Force

The ability to deliver concussive force. Concussive Force/Solid Energy Deliverance/Generation/Projection Kinetic Force Solid Energy User can deliver an impact of concussive force, whether directly or remotely, which can knock the target back and cause internal and external damage. They can...
Dunno how to apply this. I can punch really, really good?

Night Vision

One way out means one way in. I want to see them coming."(lights go out)"I guess they're shy.""I can see alright.Buffy, Xander and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I didn’t get Super Strength, but I can see in the dark.Trish Walker (Marvel Cinematic Universe) There are no dark corners for evil...
Straightforward and pretty useful, though a general enhanced vision would de better.

Inertia Negation

The ability to negate inertia, the resistance of matter to change in motion or rest. Sub-power of Inertia Manipulation. Inertial Force Cancellation/Negation/Nullification Inertial Cancellation/Negation/Nullification The user can negate inertia, allowing extraordinary feats of agility, including...
I can move really well. Not ultra fast, just very well. I can be a street level hero or something.

Rollan for my enemy. They can...

Meteor Summoning

The power to summon or create meteors and have them crash down at the targets. Sub-power of Space Rock Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Summoning and Gravity Projectile. Meteorite Shower/Storm Meteor Calling/Shower Users can summon or create meteors causing massive and widespread damage...
Summon meteor?

Slavic Deity

The power to have the traits and abilities of Slavic deities. Variation of Transcendent Physiology and Deity. Rodnovery Deity Russian Deity/God/Goddess The user can have the traits and abilities of the deities of Slavic mythology. Slavic deities were mostly worshipped before the Christianisation...
Is also a Slav god.

Quintessence Force

The power to generate limitless amounts of energy from one's own body. Ultimate form of Energy Generation. Unlimited/Limitless Energy Generation/Secretion Quintessence Emanation/Exudation/Generation The user can generate/create their own energy infinitely and indeterminately, instead of always...
And can generate an Infinite amount of energy. Pretty lopsided aren't we?
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Well, let's try this again. Rollan

Concussive Force

The ability to deliver concussive force. Concussive Force/Solid Energy Deliverance/Generation/Projection Kinetic Force Solid Energy User can deliver an impact of concussive force, whether directly or remotely, which can knock the target back and cause internal and external damage. They can...
Dunno how to apply this. I can punch really, really good?

Night Vision

One way out means one way in. I want to see them coming."(lights go out)"I guess they're shy.""I can see alright.Buffy, Xander and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I didn’t get Super Strength, but I can see in the dark.Trish Walker (Marvel Cinematic Universe) There are no dark corners for evil...
Straightforward and pretty useful, though a general enhanced vision would de better.

Inertia Negation

The ability to negate inertia, the resistance of matter to change in motion or rest. Sub-power of Inertia Manipulation. Inertial Force Cancellation/Negation/Nullification Inertial Cancellation/Negation/Nullification The user can negate inertia, allowing extraordinary feats of agility, including...
I can move really well. Not ultra fast, just very well. I can be a street level hero or something.

Rollan for my enemy. They can...

Meteor Summoning

The power to summon or create meteors and have them crash down at the targets. Sub-power of Space Rock Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Summoning and Gravity Projectile. Meteorite Shower/Storm Meteor Calling/Shower Users can summon or create meteors causing massive and widespread damage...
Summon meteor?

Slavic Deity

The power to have the traits and abilities of Slavic deities. Variation of Transcendent Physiology and Deity. Rodnovery Deity Russian Deity/God/Goddess The user can have the traits and abilities of the deities of Slavic mythology. Slavic deities were mostly worshipped before the Christianisation...
Is also a Slav god.

Quintessence Force

The power to generate limitless amounts of energy from one's own body. Ultimate form of Energy Generation. Unlimited/Limitless Energy Generation/Secretion Quintessence Emanation/Exudation/Generation The user can generate/create their own energy infinitely and indeterminately, instead of always...
And can generate an Infinite amount of energy. Pretty lopsided aren't we?

Actually, if it wasn't for the Slav God stuff, it would be a surprisingly fair fight. I mean, inertia doesn't afect you, which also tells a lot of other laws of physics to bend over the barrel, and your concusive force can probably scaled up to the point of being equal or more powerfull than a meteor.
With the god stuff, you'll have to figh a lot more consevative, but it still would be posible for you to win.

Alright, I'm gonna roll for a sentai team!


Psionic Combat

The ability to utilize psionic powers in combination with physical combat. Technique of Omni/Cosmic Psionics, Psionics. Variation of Combat Merging. Not to be confused with Psychological Combat. Psychic Combat The user can infuse their psionic powers with physical combat. Psionic Bio-Tech...
A very powerful base to begin with.

RED 1:

Esoteric Force Manipulation

The ability to manipulate the esoteric. Sub-power of Supernatural Force Manipulation. Combination of Dimensional, Universal and Force Manipulation. Exotic Control/Manipulation Extra-Mundanity Control/Manipulation Extraordinary World Control/Manipulation Foreignness Control/Manipulation Grand...

Entertainment Materialization

The ability to bring films, television, video games, animations, etc, to life. Variation of Materialization. User can bring to life and wield the worlds created by various forms of entertainment (films, television, video games, animations, etc.) into reality and may only be restricted by the...
Considering the sheer level of power and versatility this guy has, it makes sense for him to be the leader


Absorption Combat

The ability to combine absorption with physical fighting. Variation of Combat Merging and Absorption. The user can combine absorption with physical fighting, allowing them to drain and steal the energy/power of others and convert it into their own through physical combat, which not only...

Multiple Faces

The ability to have more than one functioning face on one's body. Variation of Face Manifestation. The semi-opposite to Faceless Perception. The user possesses more than one functioning face on one's body without having an extra head. These extra faces can be used to observe an opponent during...
Definetely one of the bad guys that decided to turn a page, and redemp itself


Magneto-Graviton Manipulation

The power to manipulate magnetic forces in conjunction with gravitational forces in unison. Variation of Elemental Mixture. Combination of Magnetism Manipulation and Gravity Manipulation. Gravitoelectromagetism Gravitational-Magnetic Manipulation Gravitational-Magnetism Manipulation...

Steel Manipulation

The power to manipulate steel. Variation of Alloy Manipulation. Combination of Carbon and Iron Manipulation. Ferrukinesis Steel Control The user can create, shape and manipulate steel, an alloy of iron, carbon, and other elements, that is widely used in construction and other applications...
A metallic Alien that decided to use it's powers to defend it's new home.


Timeline Manipulation

The ability to manipulate timelines. Variation of Universal and Time Manipulation. Sub-power of Temporal Warping. Chronólogiokinesis Timeline Control The user can manipulate timelines, meaning they can manipulate every single event at once throughout the whole universe. They can separate parts...

Rarity Manipulation

The ability to manipulate the rareness and value of anything. Variation of Quantity Manipulation. Opposite to Abundance Manipulation. Rarity Control/Alteration Value/Worth Manipulation The user can manipulate the rareness and value of anything, decreasing the amount of something to make it fewer...
Coil, but he works on a jewelry and he decided that the best way to stay alive it's to be on the good guys side.


Heat Beam Emission

The power to generate and project beams of heat energy. Sub-power of Heat Attacks. Variation of Energy Beam Emission. Calokinetic Beam Emission Heat Beam/Blast/Ray Emission/Projection/Generation Heat Laser The user can generate and discharge concentrated beams of heat from their bodies...

Imaginative Armor

The power to create armor out of one's imagination. Sub-power of Imaginary Constructs. Variation of Armor Creation, Exoskeleton and Imaginative Defense. Not to be confused with Reality Armor. Creative/Imaginary Armor/Exoskeleton Imaginative Exoskeleton The user can create armor out of one's...
The most simple one, I can only imagine them as the youngest in the group.


Sensory Overload

The power to overload a target's senses. Sub-power of Sense Manipulation. Opposite to Sensory Deprivation. Variation of Psionic Inundation and Power Overload. Sensory Inundation/Meltdown Sensory Inundation/Overload/Meltdown Inducement Users can overload a target's senses (sight, smell, etc.)...

Leviathan Physiology

The power to use the abilities of the Leviathan. Variation of Divine Beast Physiology, Demon Physiology, Mythical Bestiary, Primordial Beast and Giant Monster Physiology. Lagiacrus Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology Leviathan Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry The user with this ability either is...
A white leviathan that appears sometimes to help with some villains, before making everyone in the area faint, so he can disappear.


Quantum Manipulation

The power to manipulate quantum mechanics and phenomenon. Sub-power and one of the two branches of Physics Manipulation. Mensiokinesis/Quantakinesis The Power of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Field/Mechanics/Physics Manipulation The user can manipulate quantum physics, a branch of physics that...

Smoke Transmutation

Power to transform matter into smoke. Technique of Smoke Manipulation. Variation of Air Transmutation and Gas Transmutation. Smoke Transmogrification/ Conversion/Morphokinesis/Polymorphing/Alteration/Altering/Transmutation/Transmutagene/Transformation Inducement/Transubstantiation...
This member is definetly the most callous in the group, killing the criminals by turning them into smoke, and he also is a Skipper.

And the Monster/Villain of the Week is:

Psionic Tendril Generation

The power to generate psionic energy tendrils. Sub-power of Psychic Constructs. Variation of Tendril Generation. The user has or can generate tendrils/threadlike structures of psionic energy. Psionic Drain Supernatural Tendrils Telekinetic Cutting Telekinetic Flight Tentacle Combat Tendril...

Craft Improvisation

The power to improvise with any craft, talent or skill. Sub-power of Omnicompetence and Improvisation Mastery. Variation of Intuitive Aptitude and Complete Mastery. Skill Improvisation Talent Improvisation User can improvise in any craft, talent or skill; including cooking, smithing, farming...

Object Attacks

The ability to release/use objects for various attacks. Sub-power of Object Manipulation. Variation of Attack Powers. Opposite to Object Defense. Item Attacks The user can release/use objects for attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks...

...a ex-member of the sentai team that went dark, and is searching for vengeance against the others, because he was attacked and they couldn't save him, so his Psionic Powers, divided themselves in answer to this anger, which alongside the Improvisation power makes him rather dangerous.

So, my hero will have the power to:

Animalistic Combat

The power to utilize an animal-like combat style. Technique of Animal Imitation. Variation of Combat Merging. Not to be confused with Animal Combat. Animalistic Martial Arts/Physical Combat Users can combine using animal imitation with physical fighting, they can fight with the brutality of a...

Buff his stats with the skills/powers of animals,-

Conversion Slash

The power to combine slashing attacks with conversion effects. Combination of Entity Transmuation and Slash Effect. Transmutation Slash The user can confine entity transmutation effects with slashing attacks. Transmutation Slash Effect Entity Transmutation Immunity Entity Transmutation Negation...

Use clawed attacks to debuff his enemies with animal drawbacks (giving them the strength of a mouse or the agility of a sloth, etc.)-


The power to turn creatures and objects into wax. Technique of Wax Manipulation. Variation of Organic Transmutation. Wax Transmutation Waxification The user can transform matter, organic or otherwise into wax. Wax Generation Organic Manipulation Organic Transmutation Wax Manipulation...

-and also straight up turn them into wax if he feels like it. Also a pretty good counter against foes with elemental powers, as he can just turn their chosen element into wax.

Pretty okay for basic superhero. I think I'll try my hand at making a villain.

Our antagonist, who will do thier darnedest to defeat all the other heroes, starting with mine, has the ability to-

Wire Constructs

The ability to create constructs out of wires. Sub-power of Wire Manipulation. Variation of Object Constructs, Thread Constructs and Weapon Constructs. The user can turn wires into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence, ranging from simple shapes and images, to individual...

Create stuff out of wires, plenty of nightmare fuel there. They can also-

Chemical-Based Powers

The trait for a power or set of powers that is gained from chemicals. Variation of Powers Via Object. Powers Via Chemicals The user has gained various powers from exposure and/or consumption of chemicals. consumption may have been in the form of ingestion, inhalation, or injection. The powers...

-Burn, freeze, or melt their enemies by ingesting propane, liquid nitrogen, or acid respectively. And finally-

Air Shield Construction

The ability to create shields out of air. Sub-power of Aerokinetic Constructs. Variation of Elemental Shield Construction. Aero-Flyrogenesis Wind Shield Construction/Generation The user can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the air, deflecting attacks and oncoming opponents...

-can shield themself and suffocate their enemies with air bubbles.

Y'know, I was pretty sure this was going to blow up in my face hilariously, but this ended up being a pretty terrifying enemy to fight. Probably wouldn't stand up to the strongest ones of y'all, but could kill my hero pretty quickly.

I'm picturing a kingpin who wears a business suit laced with steel wires and hidden pockets filled with various nasty chemicals. They run an office supply and chemical manufacturing company called Paperclip Maximizations, and has a hidden base filled with terrified scientists researching even more volatile chemicals he can power up with.

Underground Magic

The power to use underground-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Underground Manipulation and Environmental Magic. Not to be confused with Underworld Magic. Subterranea/Subterranean/Subterrestrial Magic/Witchcraft/Wizardry Underground Witchcraft/Wizardry The user is capable of using a...

Video Manipulation

The ability to manipulate video images. Sub-power of Record Manipulation. Variation of Data Manipulation. Electronic Medium Control/Domination/Manipulation Video Control/Domination Vínteokinesis The user can create, shape and manipulate video images and energy, allowing them to create energy...

Explosive Bullet Projection

The power to fire explosive bullets. Sub-power of Explosive Attacks. Variation of Bullet Projection. Charge Slug Emission User can create/generate and fire explosive bullets. Impale Defense Break Explosion Inducement Repetitive Detonation Absolute Explosion Bullet Generation Bullet Hell Bullet...

I feel like I'm some weird villain that runs a VR/holographic paintball arena and has absolute control over it and its environments.
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my viliain will have the powers of 1. Totality Connection The power to be unbound to any omniverse/reality. Sub-power of Totality Manipulation. Ultimate version of Unbound Soul. 2. Wave Manipulation The power to manipulate waves of different kinds. Sub-power of Atomic Manipulation, Field Manipulation, and Physical Force Manipulation 3.Energy Wave Emission The ability to release waves of pure energy. Sub-power of Energy Attacks and Pulse Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Wave Emission and Wave Emission.
New day, new spin!

Holy Breath
Not bad, not band. A good starter and a decent heroic power.

Oneiric Omnipresence
... Okay, being present in all dreams at once is quite a jump, but surely...

Total Event Collapse
Superpowers wiki said:
The ability to destroy verses/series franchises.

R-reroll, reroll reroll!

Vine Manipulation
Okay! Decent, not-too-broken, power. Good for hero, villain or rogue. We have options.

Multitasking. Great! Awesome! Good utility, not really broken!

Transcendent Angelic Mage Physiology
... There it is. Fortunately, we can deal with it by turning it into super-mode, with all the limitations it implies :V.
I love rollin random stuff

Social Attraction

The power to make people feel appreciation and love/liking towards the target. Sub-power of Social Magnetism. Opposite to Social Repulsion. Attracting Passive Attraction/Charisma/Seduction Social Love Social Attractor Supernatural Attraction The power is used to make people feel; appreciation...
Underrated by very useful. Everyone loves me

Narrative Teleportation

The power to teleport by writing down the target location's name. A combination of Teleportation and Literary Manipulation. May stem from Narration. Literary Teleportation Writing Teleportation The user can teleport by writing the target location's name, for example, if they wrote "Paris...
I can teleport to anywhere I want to by writing it. Very useful.

Leverage Defiance

The ability to ignore how levers work. Sub-power of Physical Force Defiance. Leverage Ignoring/Rejection The user can ignore how levers in physics work. Levers are a kind of simple machine, and can be used to move things, including parts of or all of the human body. They are normally used for...
A physic wonkery power that might possess wide applications. I guess my character will be some rogue most likely.

Okay my nemesis now.

Aerokinetic Immunity

The power to be completely unharmed by air/wind. Sup-power of Air Manipulation. Variation of Selective Invulnerability and Elemental Immunity. Opposite to Geokinetic Immunity. Aerokinetic Durability/Cancellation/Imperviousness/Invulnerability/Insulation/Nullification/Protection/Tolerance...
Is immune to air power. Good thing that I don't have air based powers.

Pure Metal Manipulation

The ability to manipulate the beneficial aspects of metal. Variation of Pure Earth Manipulation. Combination of Metal Manipulation and Positive Forces Manipulation. Opposite to Dark Metal Manipulation. Not to be confused with Divine Metal Manipulation. Benefic/Gentle/Nurturing Metal Manipulation...
Now this is dangerous.


The power to perform athletic feats beyond the limits of peak humans. Technique of Enhanced Condition. Advanced version of Peak Human Athleticism. Acrobatic Specialist Advanced/Augmented/Heightened/Increased/Inhuman Athleticism Advanced/Enhanced Acrobatics/Calisthenics/Gymnastics Enhanced...
Hah. He doesn't even possess any resistance to my social wizard powers.

BTW rolling for my sidekicks now. I guess 1 power is enough

Personal Physics

The power to manipulate one's personal physics. Sub-power of Physics Manipulation and Omnifarious. Technique of Personal Mastery. Personal Physics Field Personal Physics Manipulation Physical Supremacy Self-Physics Manipulation User can manipulate their personal physics in any way. This can...

Can freely edit the laws of physics around himself? Not bad.
1th Snippet
Go ahead, then!
Everyone can roll and reroll if they want.
Same goes for RP.
I'm just happy people are taking the time to post here.

Edit: I'm gonna REEEEEEEEEroll.

Belief Ability Manifestation

The ability to gain powers based on beliefs. Sub-power of Faithifery and Indomitable Belief. Variation of Power Acquirement. Use can obtain any power simply by believing that they have it. For example, if the user believes they can fly, they will develop the Flight. As long as they believe it...
So I believe I can fly: The Power...

Paranormal Mastery

The ability to be a master of dealing with paranormal/supernatural creatures and situations, either innately or through training. Variation of Intuitive Aptitude and Preternatural Studies Mastery. Paranormal Expertise/Intuition/Investigation/Proficiency Supernatural...
...with enough knowledge to make full use of it...

Energetic Pressure

The power to generate enormous amounts of energy to crush, damage and/or manipulate anything/everything in the surrounding areas. Sub-power of Aura Generation and Energy Aura. Technique of Energy Manipulation/Energy Generation . Aura/Energy Pressure Crushing/Cutting Energy Conqueror/Haoshoku...
...and I can just say "Fuck everybody in a certain range" and back it up.

I'm the Paranormal Expert that the Detective contacts everytime there's a crime with something off about it.
And we're chasing a serial killer who:

Inner Beast

The power to harness the power and abilities of a beast living inside of the user. Variation of Inner Being. Personal Beast The user can harness the power of their inner beast; an innate creature that lies within them that grants them great power, strength and ferocity. This allows them to use...
...shares his body with a terrible beast...


The power to walk with control and precision, speed and balance. Sub-power of Enhanced Mobility. Advanced/Augmented/Heightened/Increased/Inhuman Walking Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Walking The user can walk on any surface, (including air, water, walls/ceilings, etc.) effortlessly and with...
...who let's them move in any way, any direction...

Pyrokinetic Combat

The power to utilize fire in combat. Technique of Fire Manipulation and Fire Generation. Variation of Elemental Combat. Fire/Flame Combat Fire/Flame-Enhanced Combat Fire/Flame Martial Arts/Physical Combat Kasaijutsu Users are able to infuse fire into combat, whether it be unleashing waves of...
...and torch everything in a fight.

Yeah, I can see how dangerous this bastard would be.

Gonna make an snippet with Norman, here.

I pull my car to the front of the mansion, as I take the last drag of my cigarette before getting out of the car. Taking a quick look at my surroundings to get my bearings back, I start walking towards the main entrance in the fence that surrounds the property, sure that there's nothing dangerous in the area. After all, you would inevitably sense it (Your mind opens for a second, as you direct a look at the mansion and it's surroundings, noting the passive aura of something that seems to envelop the building. It's not clinging to anyone present in the area, so it should be safe)

Walking through the circle of bystanders, worried neighbors and reporters that surrounds the area, you finaly reach the door. The police officers set in the perimeter, as always, try to stop you, but a quick show of my papers and a mention of Reeves, and in short they let me in, at the sound of outraged protests from the reporters, which grows dimmer as you reach the epicenter of the crime scene.

A point of organized chaos greets me as I approach the area, with police officers and the few reporters that managed to enter questioning the "accomplice" which looks scared and confused, gathering and searching for clues, and in general too busy with something or other to be of any help. Thankfully, You are absolutely certain of the location of your employer (You feel your mind clear, as the luminicent silouette of a short, broad shouldered man appears in the side of a table a few meters at your right, gesturing and probably discussing the case with some policeman or other).

You start walking in the direction of the table, looking at the still nacent sun as you review the specifics of the case in your mind.

This monday, at 5:00 AM, one of the neighbors had reported a great amount of noise, sounding suspiciosly like explosions, coming from Mr. Darrman's mansion, as great gouts of flame came pouring from some of the windows, and great holes formed on most walls in the lower levels, which Ms. Daniel reported as sounding "Like a battle was taking place on the inside of his house!"
The Emergency Services had responded accordingly, but they had to wait until the fire had stopped raging to be able to interfere in the disaster.
The firemen, after battling the fire at the best of their abilities, had come inside the house to find multiple members of the Darmann family with 3rd grade burns on most of their limbs and at least 6 charred corpses, 2 of which had been identified as Mr. and Mrs. Darmann, who had their bodies almost copletely calcinated.

You can't contain the grimance forming on your lips as you look at the destroyed home, where the firemen were still doing the best they could to contain the fire and rescue the servants and security corps still trapped inside the mansion.

5th time, in a single week, at 6:00 AM. You need to catch whatever (or whoever) was causing so much caos, otherwise you would collapse out of exhaustion. Although...
Now that you think about it, it's fine, you definetly aren't tired, nor need sleep to function (You grin and straighten a little, as you feel the weariness in your body dissipate like it was never there)

Finally you reach the table were Reeves is explining something to his fellows, who are dismissed with a wave of a hand as he catches sight of you.

"You certainly took your sweet time, Normie. What, had to finish your breakfast and kiss all your familiars goodbye? or maybe a relic got your eye before I called you." He grumbles as he closes the distance between you, raising an expecting hand.

You throw him your best winning smile (to which he answers by pinning you with a flat look) as you give him a firm shake "While Cherrylee certainly wasn't happy I had to go, she didn't stop me from coming. You know I wouldn't be here if she didn't want me to be." Reeves snorts loudly as you say that, and turns around to go back to the table where the clues are ubicated... "And yes, as it so happens, I had an excellent breaskfast, which me, being the excellent friend that I am, brough some of it for you." ...before stopping dead in his tracks.

"What kind of bribery did you bring?" comes the carefully blank voice of the detective, as he turns around and throws you an poorly hidden expectant look. You grin, and reach towards the space beetween your jacket and your shirt, as you feel the texture of paper in your hands, removing the big bag that you saved this morning in your Hammerspace. (the riff is still there, and it didn't even become unstable when you stopped paying attention)

"A thermos full of Cherrylee's Coffee and a few bagels, alongside a little extra that I thought you would appreciate, all of it still warm" you answer as you hand over the bag, getting an appreciative nod from the grim detective (and doesn't that makes you feel nice) as you walk side by side towards the Clue Table.
"Still confused how the hell you fit that much inside your jacket" he comments as sounds of paper being moved around signals your bag being opened. "Magic" you answer with all the certainty of a great philosopher, which again gets you some unsatisfied grunting. "I will find out some day" he says simply and you don't doubt him for a second he will.('re not sure how he will react)

"So, how bad is it?" you ask, and just like that, you can see any levity in his face disappearing like smoke in the wind.

"Anything useful was swallowed by the fire, there's a lot of burn marks that would only appear if the place was torched by a flamethrower, anything that's not burned has been crushed or slashed by something big, you know, the usual bullcrap that keeps everyone awake, coming from some psycho with unnatural abilities." He grunts as he bites one of the bagels by half, quickly chewing and washing it down with a swig of the termos, "The only thing especial about this one is how it feels, weirdly enoug. Even the guys that haven't had contact with the supernatural say that there's something off about the place," he finishes the rest of the bagel as he pulls a strawberry, (he stares at it for a second, before smiling slightly) tossing it to his mouth, and eating it quickly "in my personal opinion, had this been my first case, I wouldn't have been so dumbfounded when you decided to show your face" he says with an air of finality as you both reach the clues.

You hum noncommitaly, paying close atention to the objects marked with numbers in the surface of the table. A tug of fur, (that if it's anything like the one found in the docks, it's going to show a garbled mess of a DNA sample, that shouldn't be possible to exist) A gun with a slash crossing the barrel (a desperate attemp to defend the household, surely from one of the guards) a few teeth (impossibly big) and many other assorted objects, that don't follow any kind of theme, unless one knows about the Otherside.

"The official statement you made the other day still holds, that about this being an cult attack, which seemed to prioritize the act of arson and destruction more that the murder of the people in the area" he says as you check that, yes, none of these objects hold even a trace of magic in their composition ( and if they did, by now it's long gone) "it works to keep people somewhat calm, as they only have to keep watch for anyone covered in fur and armed with any kind of incendiary weapons...".He sighs a he slumps on his arms a little "but I don't need to clarify how much water that holds for the both of us, do I?" Looking up from the table, he asks"...did you find anything on your patrols?"

You shake your head with a grim look in your face "Nothing clear or specific. Buildings where it looks like something big made a den, abandoned a day after being discovered. Animals from the closest farm, dissapearing only to reapear a few days later, torn apart and lacking big pieces of the bodies and most of their entrails. Dissapearing people that no one sees again. And the only vigilante that I've heard had contact with creature..."

"In an hospital bed, lacking legs, an arm, and in a coma" he finishes in such a tired tone of voice you feel your heart clench "...funnily enough, I was thinking of doing my own nightly patrols, but with the way the department has everyone in the station on high alert, it would only cause troubles for me and the investigation" he slumps into his elbows, resting his head in his arms.
"Can't search for him, can't hunt him down, can't make him reveal itself" the downtrodden voice of your friend says, "we only can react to every single hit, and hope this time the bodycount is lower ".

You squeeze his shoulder in silent support, as he straightens "But this time it may be different" the steel behind his voice makes a smile break out on your face, "this time, he left something you can actually follow, right?" he looks for confirmation at your face.
You nod, letting a grin show in your face "Yes, and it is quite strong. It may take some time, but it seems we are looking at the end of the Fox" you nod, as you start walking towards the main doors of the mansion, Reeves following closely behind.

Yes, this time, It would be different.
You swear it.

(Just so you know, I will put threadmarks in any story, as long as is longer than 500 words)
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I am pretty bored...

Okay, seems a little much but it's not Omnipotence.

And now for something completely different.

And what kinda SV'r would I be if I didn't have the ability to crash an economy.

So I'm a dude(ette) capable of generating golden beads out of thin air while also having the ability to induce ABSOLUTE ZERO. These two things aren't quite like the other now are they.

Now for da Antagonist...

Already off to a great start!

Uhh. Okay.

Well that escalated quickly.

So to sum up we have a person capable of penetrating a Physic Shield(but completely incapable of making any use out of it because why not), is able to make people really freaking old/ugly, and shoots pillars of DEATH at people.

The Dice hath spoken and they hath given unto me Crack.
I initially panned to roll for a teammate...

Remote Time Travel
The power to send others through time without traveling with them. Sub-power of Time Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation. Variation of Time Travel.

The user can move others through time without going with them, staying in the present time that they are in. The user can also bring others to the present as well.
Absolute Artisan
The power to craft anything at the ultimate level. Advanced version of Supernatural Artisan.

User can craft anything out of anything/everything that may be functional or strictly decorative out of any/all materials or substances with little to no resources with perfect quality. some user can even make anything out of pure thought.
Temporal Presence
The power to be in the past, present and future at the same time. Sub-power of Omnipresence. Opposite to Temporal Lock.

The user is present throughout time, existing in the past, present and future at once, including alternate timelines. This ability allows them to be essentially anywhere and when they want to be as they exist in all points of time. They can gain boundless knowledge and know even the most arcane of secrets reality has to offer.

But it would appear that instead I rolled for the person who's my boss.
It's reroll time.

Chemical Energy Manipulation

The ability to manipulate chemical energy. Variation of Energy Manipulation and Potential Energy Manipulation. Chemical Energy Control Chemical Reaction Energy Manipulation The user can create, shape and manipulate the chemical energy, i.e., the energy stored in chemical bonds. Sources of stored...
Incredibly versatile in both combat and outside of it. Nice.

Bivalvia Physiology

Power to use the abilities of bivalvia. Technique of Bivalve Manipulation. Variation of Mollusca Physiology. Bivalvia Body/Form/Mimicry User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into Bivalvia including clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, etc. Aquatic Adaptation Bloodlessness...
...Am I a Pokemon?

Cell Manipulation

The ability to manipulate cells. Sub-power of Biological Manipulation and Body Manipulation. Variation of Organic Manipulation. Cytokinesis The user can shape and manipulate the cells of any sort of organism, including the functions of the cells in the organism. They can help to circulate oxygen...
...some kinda Pokemon with powers related to cells it seems...

I don't have a single idea of what are my types. Would appreciate all the proffesors out there to help me.

So, seeing that I can't think of nothing except pokemons, let's roll a team of 3 for our trainer/gym master! (This would be, what, 8th generation? 9th?)

1st Member:

Blindness Inducement

Whose going to buy a pill that makes you blind?" "Will let marketing worry about that...Group of scientists (The Simpsons) My eyes! My beautiful eyes!Regis Philbin (The Simpsons) The ability to induce blindness in other beings. Variation of Sensory Inducement, Sense Removal, and Sensory...
So, Light type with some nod towards blindness in it's design...

Transcendent Armor

The ability to utilize the armor of a god, or armor of godly power. Variation of Power Suit. Armor of a God Transcendent Exoskeleton Godly Armor/Exoskeleton The user can utilize a powerful suit of armor that yields transcendent powers. In some cases, it is the armor once worn by a god. In...
...Fight type, probably, with some nod towards knigts or heavy animals ...

Null Energy Defense

The ability to manifest a null energy defense or aura. Sub-power Null Energy Manipulation. Variation of Defense Powers. Null Energy Aura/Shield The user has an aura/defensive abilities that negate anything/everything that comes in contact with it/them. It transcends space, time and concepts to...
...yet again, nod towards the "unseen, unfelt" thing.

2nd Member:

Explosion Vision

The power to project explosions from eyes. Sub-power of Explosive Attacks. Variation of Optic Blasts. Not to be confused with Explosive Glare. Eye Explosions Optic Explosions Explosive Eye Beams/Lasers The user can project explosions from their eyes. Explosive Glare Explosion Inducement...
Fire type? Rock maybe...

Frigokinetic Invisibility

The power to become invisible in snow. Technique of Snow Manipulation. Variation of Cryokinetic Invisibility. Snow Invisibility Frigo Invisibility Snow/Frigo Cloaking Snow/Frigo Disappearance/Disappearing Snow/Frigo Fading Effect/Fading Snow/Frigo Vanishing Effect/Vanishing The user can become...
...Also Ice? interesting...


The ability to switch or shift from one power to another. Sub-power of Power Replication. Variation of Shapeshifting. Not to be confused with Self-Adaptive Power or Mode Switching. Power Shapeshifting/Polymorphing/Inclinkinesis Power Megamorphing/Metamorphing/Metamorphosis The user can switch...
...could be related to the invisibility by replicating other pokemon.

3rd Member:

Night Mode

The power to have a mode usable in the nighttime. Variation of Mode Switching. Opposite to Day Mode. Night Form Nighttime Mode/Form The user is able to enter a mode that is accessible during the nighttime, which grants the user different abilities, usually related to nighttime, but may grant...
Lycanroc already has this, so at least i know what to expect...
Death Manipulation, it's pretty clear what type this guy is...

Psychic Plant Manipulation

The power to manipulate plants made of psychic energy. Variation of Plant Manipulation and Psychic Organic Manipulation. Psycho-Chlorokinesis User can create, shape and manipulate psychic plants, allowing them to plant a thought or memory in a mind and a whole web of thoughts will grow from it...
...psychic/dark, psychic/ghost, or psychic/plant?

So, this is incredibly confusing, but I can somewhat see a theme in each one. I think. I hope.
Let's see what today brings us, shall we?

Blood Artillery

Darkness Slash


Can you feel it? This is that good old middle-school edge coming back. This is either the edgy 'cool' anti-hero or a villain, could be either. And since the 'power' of Mortality on wiki gets the blurb of being 'gained' by loosing immortality/invulnerability, I am gonna go with villain who lost portion of their power.

Implosion Manipulation

Smoke Bomb Proficiency

Demon Soul

And opposing him is the local demon person who moonlights as a local ninja for fun.

So yeah, today's theme is 'teen's edgy definition of cool'.
First time I've ever done this let's goooo. Let's do a duo of lesbian supers because why not.

Propulsive Defense
Shields themselves with explosions. Cool, sounds pretty badass.

Minotaur Physiology
Huh. Probably leaning towards a muscle/bruiser type of character at this point.

Instinct Inducement
Huh, that actually worked out pretty cool! She hits things with the strength of a minotaur, makes things mad and then brushes it off and probably hurts them back when they hit her. Throw in a cool battleax and you have yourself a wonderful angry fighter.

And for the other member of the duo:

Body Part Substitution
Okay, cool, a variation regeneration. Bit dark, but not actively villainous. Probably angsts about it a lot.

Art Empowerment
Now we're talking. Maybe she actually gets the other body parts from works of art? That's actually really frickin' cool--and 100% less stealing other people's body parts!

Transcendent Nephalem Physiology
Uhh okay Literal Divinity is a bit much. Let's reroll:

Ground Ripping
Much better. Tying into the art theme again, maybe she tears cracks between the real and fictional worlds?

Might make that second character an actual OC, I love art powers.
Alright so here is the "hero":
Werepire Physiology
So I have the body and powers of a Werepire? Not a bad start.
Warp Generation
So I can make warps in space and time? A bit more powerful but no where near OP yet.
Zinc Mimicry
I also can transform or have a body made of Zinc.

Well the hero is powerful but what about the nemesis?
Omni Identity
Is the combination of a bunch or all identities. Already very strong.
Stellar Whip Generation
Can generate stellar whips...
Evil Aura
And if there was any doubt that he was the bad guy he has evil aura.

What about the final boss?:
Contient Manipluation
They can manipulate continents and everything in them.
Can completely nullify magic...
Planetary Aura
While also being able to surround themselves in planetary energy/substances.

He is final boss material alright...
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The time has come, TO REROLL!

Nephokinetic Combat

The power to utilize vapor in combat. Technique of Vapor Manipulation. Variation of Hydrokinetic Combat. Haze/Mist/Fog Martial Arts/Physical Combat Users can utilize vapor in combat, whether it be releasing waves of mist to disorientate their opponents or conceal themselves in order to land...
Ooooo, interesting...

Antlion Physiology

The power to use the abilities of an antlions. Variation of Neuroptera Physiology. Antlion Mimicry User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into antlion. Enhanced Condition Enhanced Dexterity Enhanced Durability/Dermal Armor Larva Blood Consumption Burrowing Cocoon Generation Silk...
...well, that's curious. I would be an adult antlion, which has an interesting sinergy with the other power...

Plasma Web Creation

The power to create webs that are made out of plasma. Sub-power of Ionikinetic Constructs. Variation of Elemental Web Creation. Ionikinetic Web Creation Users can create sticky threads of webs that generate or are made of plasma. The plasma web can act as a barrier to by the user time, a...
...and that's a wrap! I think in this case I'm gonna be the sidekick.

So, who's gonna be my "partner"?

Symbiotic Absorption

The ability to absorb a being and incorporate their physiology and powers into their own. Technique of Assimilative Evolution. Variation of Biological Absorption. Parasitic Absorption The user can absorb a being - regardless of classification, physiology, or nature - and incorporate their...
Hm, such a benevolent starting power...

Math Beam Emission

The ability to project beams composed of math. Sub-power of Math Attacks. Variation of Beam Emission. Math Beam/Blast/Ray/Arc Emission/Projection/Generation Mathematic Beam Emission Arithmetic Beam Emission The user is able to emit beams composed of math. Concussive Force Mathematics Generation...

Nature Communication

The power to speak with nature. Sub-power of Nature Manipulation. Variation of Omnilingualism. Not to be confused with Ecological Empathy. Natural Clairaudience Nature Speak The user can communicate with nature either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. This can... my partner is 42?

Welp, as it turns out, HE's the sidekick.

and the duo we are fighting is...

Green Fire Generation

The power to generate green fire. Sub-power of Green Fire Manipulation. Variation of Fire Generation. Prásinos-Pyrogensis User can create green fire more intense than blue fire. The flames are this color due to oxygen changes or because of myth. They are harder to control due to increased heat...

Nephalem Physiology

The power to use the abilities of nephalem. Hybrid combination of Angel and Demon Physiology. Not to be confused with Nephilim Physiology. Angel/Demon Hybrid Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology Angelic-Demonic Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology Angelic-Demon...

Jet Propulsion

The power to move via energy expulsion. Not to be confused with Ergokinetic Surfing and Propeller Protrusion. Jet Dash/Flight/Launch/Power Jetting Propulsion Propulsive/Rocket Dash/Flight/Launch/Power Self-Propelled Flight The user can use jet propulsion, which is motion produced by passing a...

Gluttony Magic

The power to use gluttony-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Sin Magic. Glutton Magic Gluttony Commands/Spells The user can utilize form of magic dealing with gluttony in all of its forms. They can induce people to eat inordinate amounts of food, induce nauseating projectile attacks...

Healing Saliva

The power to restore biotic organisms to their optimal health via one's saliva. Sub-Power of Supernatural Saliva and Organic Healing. Variation of Healing and Healing Bodily Fluids. Healing Spit User can seal open wounds and restore biological organisms to their health by utilizing their saliva...

Artistic Inducement

Power to induce artistic talent in other people. Variation of Mental Inducement. Artistic Talent Inducement The user can induce a variety of artistic talents in people (singing, dancing, drawing, etc.) Musical Inducement Party Inducement Art Manipulation Mental Inducement Music Manipulation...

...'m not sure what to do with 'em, really, aside from saying they're demons.