...Would a Mammoth Mk.2 count for this? Or maybe a kit-bash of the various quadrupedal Mech variants from CnC Tiberium Wars?
Hey, question from a less than knowledgeable person what would be a reasonable height and weight for a Real Mech?
Mecha Name: Jeremiah Gottwald's RPI-13 Sutherland
Mecha Type: Real
Source Material: Code Geass
Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: The Battle of Narita
Background: The Sutherland is a fifth generation Knightmare frame developed to be mass produced anti-Knightmare weapon after its predecessor, the mass produced RPI-11 Glasgow, showed knightmare frames' effectiveness against conventional weapons. The Sutherland was very effective and was the mainline Knightmare for the Britannian army for majority of the show even when later generation Knightmare frames become capable of mass production. The Sutherland has, like many knightmares, an cockpit ejection system that will attempt to get the pilot out of life-threatening situations though attacks on the cockpit can damage this system or kill the pilot before this happens. The Sutherland also possess the Landspinner propulsion system, slash harkens, and a Factsphere sensor as is common for knightmares. Jeremiah's Sutherland was equipped with an assault rifle and two stun tofas during the battle of Narita.
Appearance Description: Jeremiah's Sutherland looks like a typical Purist Sutherland with red shoulders and armor plate on the Factsphere.
Pilot Name: Jeremiah Gottwald
Pilot Backstory: Jeremiah Gottwald was a Margrave of the Britannian Empire who joined its military. His first assignment was to guard the Aries Palace where Empress Marianne resided. Jeremiah loved and respected the Empress and was very loyal towards her which would extend to her children. When Marianne was assassinated Jeremiah took it very hard and considered it his biggest failure. He would later transfer to Area 11 aka Japan because he believed it was the land that took the Empress's children's lives in order to redeem himself. He would later join the Purist faction of the Britannian military and would oppose the practice of Honorary Britannians as shown when he framed Suzaku for Prince Clovis' death. But in the middle of the execution Zero appeared and used geass to make Jeremiah help Suzaku's extraction. Afterwards when the geass wore off Jeremiah was captured, disgraced and had his rank taken from him because the military believed he was connected with Zero. Afterwards the other members of the Purist Faction would attempt to assassinate Gottwald but were prevented from doing so. Finally during the battle of Narita Jeremiah would charge forward the moment he heard Zero was in the area but would defeated and seemingly killed by Kallen in the Gurren.
Pilot Skills and Personality (No Out of Character Nonsense): As a member of the Purist faction Jeremiah was concerned with Britannian purity and wanted to prevent numbers from joining Britannian politics or the military. He sees eleven's as inferior to him making he seem prideful and arrogant causing him to angered by the thought of Kallen's Gurren mk 2 being a superior machine. After being disgraced by the Orange incident Jeremiah harbors a great grudge against Zero and wants to join battle to redeem his reputation which causes him to charge the Black Knights against orders in the Battle of Narita. He also is shown to dislike his nickname Orange seeing it as a symbol of his disgrace and hearing Zero call him that makes him to rush towards Zero in a blind rage. But in season 2 Jeremiah's defining trait of loyalty is shown where he immediately becomes subservient to Lelouch when he is revealed to be Marianne's son and would be okay dying for his sake.

Jeremiah is a skilled knightmare pilot who is shown to easily take out two Black Knight knightmare's during the battle of Narita and could fight against advanced knightmares like the Siegfried while in a basic Sutherland but does not possess the same amount of skill as aces like Kallen and Suzaku. When fighting a rematch against Kallen in the superior Gurren Jeremiah was quickly overwhelmed and tried to retreat correctly sensing that the Gurren's hand was dangerous. Jeremiah is also a skilled fighter out of his knightmare.

A/N: Okay here's my horrible attempt at creating a character so if anyone has some advice for me before I PM it to Chron please tell me. I picked season 1 Jeremiah Gottwald because I wanted a training wheels type of character so when I inevitably fall off this super robot bike (die) I won't have any hard feelings about killing a character I like and I wanted a non-cheat character because I feel it is the only way I have a chance.
MechaWalker Name: Retrofitted Mammoth Mk. II "Black Bess"

Mecha Type: Real

Source Material: Command and Conquer

Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Second to Fourth Tiberium War

Black Bess is a retrofitted Mammoth Mk. II Walker brought out of mothball to supplement in production Mastodon class Walkers. It has been upgraded to fourth Tib War standard and equipped with new technologies found on the Mastodon. She served with Valor alongside her sister walkers and her descendants the Mastodon. Originally Built during the Second Tib War the Mammoth was mired with issues relating to it's use of then new technologies as well as it's sheer size and bulk, leading to severe cost and production time issues. After the Second Tiberium Wars many were scrapped or like Black Bess mothballed.
Appearance Description:
A massive Superheavy Mechanized Assault Walker the Mammoth is GDI Sledgehammer design to smash through enemy lines and to level bases, but it can swamped by enemies do to the limited arc of it's main guns. Painted in GDI Gold and often adorned with art by the crew no two Mammoths are truly alike.

Pilot Name: Captain Joshua 'Junior' Mitchell

Pilot Backstory:
The son of Second Tiberium War veteran Joshua Mitchell, general of the experimental warfare division nicknamed "Steel Talons". Raised upon the war stories of his father the young Mitchell believed it was his destiny to command walkers to victory like his father before, but during the Third Tiberium War the Steel Talons suffered humiliating loss after loss falling into obscurity leading to most GDI armies to quietly mothball the Walkers developed during Tib. War Three. But walkers would see a resurgence during the Fourth Tib War, as well as the Interbellum period between Tib War Three and Tib War Four. Seeing his chance the young soldier signed up for the Walker Corp intent on following in his fathers footsteps...Both big and small.

Pilot Skills and Personality:
Junior is an expert at damage control capable of keeping his Walker moving, albeit at a limp, no matter the structural or module damage. He's also adept at command and coordination of various crew and units placed under his...command.

Considered to have a maverick streak for disobeying orders in hopes of completing objections despite orders to retreat or fallback. Junior will do everything he can to 'do what's right' at times charging right into, and subsequently through, ambushes on his warpath. This leaves him being considered a Glory Hound, though one can say there is a truth in this as he believes he has to live up to his fathers expectations.

Is this workable? He's in essence an OC based in the Walkers source material because quite frankly RTS aren't known for their diverse and well developed cast of characters despite C&C affinity with them.

The Mammoth itself is based upon it's depiction in game, as well as various Mods that brings it up to date/back into use.

Oh and sorry if it's a bit rough.
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Mecha Name: H.ARM Suit MK. IV "The Big Stick."
Mecha Type: Real.
Size (height):20 feet
Tonnage (weight): 2 tons
Signature Feature (Must Be A Piece of Standout Equipment which serves as the 'Theme' of the Unit): the Mechs namesake the "Big Stick." so to speak. A 155 mm Railgun that fires Tungsten tipped darts. Within the darts are small amp charges on a six-second timer. These Charges are designed to cause damage to delicate circuitry by causing surges of electricity within the enemy mechs.
Weapon Loadout (I expect you to be descriptive as hell here):
-1X 155mm Rail Gun.
-2X David's sling Anti-Missile point defense systems. (Small laser-guided missiles used with the intent of detonating incoming missiles and rockets before they can hit the Mech.)
-1X Shoulder/Back Mounted 120mm Dragon Fire II Mortar system. (It is a fully automated mortar capable of using rifled or smoothbore 120 mm ammunition. Like all mortars, it is a high-angle-of-fire weapon used for indirect fire support. Dragon Fire is also useful in a counter-battery role.)
1X 105 mm Howitzers. ( Inaccurate at long distances the smoothbore cannon is a versatile weapon capable of firing a variety of munitions. From the standard Heat and the Sabot rounds to the more exotic Beehive anti-personnel rounds (105mm rounds packed with Steel Flechettes.) and even 105mm Guided Rockets.

Appearance Description (Be as detailed as possible):
Nose Art.

Background Story: Originally designed as a cheap alternative to the more specialized Real Mechs "The Big Stick" was sold as a decent all arounder Mech with weapons that could be used in a variety of situations. In the end, there wasn't much want or need with for such a design, and the company went under after selling only two units. One of those groups was The Big Stick. It started life as standard issue suit with a 155mm smoothbore cannon and a small radar system but, was customized by a later owner with a shoulder-mounted Mortar and switched out the standard cannon with a rail gun.
Pilot Name: Micheal "Mickey" O'Connell.
Pilot Appearance: Mickey is a shorter man at around 5'2 and 120 lbs. His hair, like his mothers, is a deep brown hue. his skin is tanned from time spent working on his Mech in the scorching sun. He as a long scar reaching from the edge of his mouth to around his ear where got lucky when a Super mech
Pilot Backstory: Mickey was a troubled child. His entire life he was bullied for his small size and spent his time either working his father's garage or training with his mother as she kept her piloting skills sharp after she finished her tour of duty. As he finished high school, he looked around the world and eventually found work at a small junkyard outside of one of the larger cities it was here that he saw his future. One day as he walked through the back forty of the junkyard he found it. A Mark IV Harm Suit, it was in less than perfect condition but, it was workable. He spent four years repairing and refurbishing the mech. And the first time he took it out was the first time he felt truly alive and free. And the second he landed he was tackled and arrested by the local police. He was given two options. Join the military or Prison for life. He joined.
Pilot Skills and Personality (Pick a theme and stick to it!):

Mickey specializes in long-range support and IDF. He consistently hits targets far outside his expected range.

Personality wise Mickey is...Volatile. He is a small, proud, angry man with a Napoleon complex and a need to prove himself even when he has adequately done so already.

not happy with how this turned out. Any recomendations? Fixes?
I'm tempted to bring in either a Tau Battlesuit, or the Gausszilla from Battletech. Which one stands better odds of not dying horribly?
Mecha Name: ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael
Mecha Type: Super
Source Material: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans
Period in Source Material: The Calamity War, some 300 years prior to the start of the series.

Background: Bael was the first of the seventy-two Gundam Frames produced in the name of human survival. Exact details of this period are scarce, but what is known is that by the time the Gundam Frames had completed their original mission, disabling the rampaging autonomous Mobile Armors roaming the solar system, one quarter of the total human population had been killed.

As the first Gundam Frame, Bael eschewed any and all specialized systems implemented in the construction of its brothers, armed only with a pair of physical swords forged from rare metal and a pair of electromagnetic cannons mounted in its wing binders. Behind this simple armament, however, lies the same threatening technology common to all Gundam Frames: the Ahab Reactors. Aside from the release of an electromagnetic storm which inhibits radio waves and cripples unshielded electronics, the Ahab Reactors also serve to reinforce the Bael's already impressive Nanolaminate Armor, a technological breakthrough granting total immunity to the beam weaponry common to the Mobile Armors it was built to oppose, while simultaneously possessing incredible resilience against kinetic impact.

For general operations of relatively lightweight machines like the Gundams, two Ahab Reactors produce an honestly wasteful amount of power. But the Mobile Armors the Gundam Frames were built to oppose were no normal enemies, capable of destroying without remorse and moving without regard for the wellbeing of a pilot. To match them, the Gundams required not only a power source that would allow them to keep pace with their movements, but a control system that would enable precision movements impossible for contemporary cockpit arrangements. To effectively utilize the Gundam Frame's excessive power, a new man-machine interface involving nanotechnology implants in the pilots spine was produced, the Alaya-Vijnana System. With it, the pilot's own nervous system was integrated directly into the instruments of the Mobile Suit, enabling them to instantaneously recognize the state of the machine as well as control it without any delays caused by needing to manually interact with the controls. However, the influx of information from a Gundam Frame operating at its maximum output is incredibly intense, risking neurological damage to the connected pilot. In fact, after the three hundred years of technological degradation following the Calamity War, the ever less effective Alaya Vijnana Systems would ensure permanent impairment for one piloting a Gundam Frame with its limiters released.

Pilot Name: Agnika Kaieru

Pilot Backstory: The original pilot of the Gundam Bael, a hero of the Calamity War whose consistently superhuman performance is largely attributed with the reputation held by the Gundams in the centuries to follow. Though little information from the war remains, it is known that Agnika was part of Gjallarhorn, an international non-government organization of like-minded individuals who developed the Gundam Frames and Alaya-Vijnana System to save the human race, serving as the group's leader in its transition to a peacekeeping force.

Pilot Skills and Personality (No Out of Character Nonsense): Little is known about the personal life of Agnika Kaieru, nor his personal talents beyond an assumed preference for melee weapons based upon the primary armaments of the Bael. However, as the pilot of a Gundam Frame it should go without saying that he underwent surgery to gain compatibility with the Alaya-Vijnana System, while the nature of the system itself and his high rank in the organization that created it speaks to a man willing to set aside his personal concerns for morality or ethics until after the problem at hand has been dealt with: the survival of humanity.
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Update On Setting
IN case any of you were unaware, this will be taking place in a fusion setting with the Cosmic Era featured in Gundam Seed as the predominant element.

So if that helps any of you guys with coming up with ideas, awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with and whatnot. I'll admit to not having had the time to go over everyone's apps in detail, but if I havent told you its terrible and why you should feel bad, you should generally assume it's good to go.

This isn't first come first serve, and given the general life expectancy don't let being on the wait list discourage you!

You'll get your turn, sooner rather than later :V

Mecha Name: Legendary Giant God Ideon
Mecha Type: Super
Source Material: Space Runaway Ideon
Period In the Source Material It's Drawn From: Mobile Suit Vs. Giant God of Legend: Gigantis' Counterattack

Appearance Description:

Pilot Name: ⌈IDE
Pilot Backstory: ⌈IDE
Pilot Skills and Personality: ⌈IDE
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For those of you concerned about power creep, dont be.

You'll only have to deal with over the top bullshit if you actively choose to bite off more than you can chew
For those of you concerned about power creep, dont be.

You'll only have to deal with over the top bullshit if you actively choose to bite off more than you can chew
I wonder what it says about me that I already feel I've bitten more than I can choose despite picking a character who was basically a glorified Mook?