[X] Unleash the GN Fangs and give Crunch covering fire. It will give Crunch time to free himself and help.

You can never go wrong with funnels.

It's not a surprise that the shitty, beaten up MS that you memed into existence as a god that can trump the Super Robot that literally uses a big-ass superscience sword with extreme power in close combat doesn't actually have the insane, endgame powers you attributed to it as part of it in order to justify winning the literal joke option on the table?
Joke option my fucking ass; I personally went with the Exia because I wanted to kitbash a Real into a Super over time and lookie-lookie the Bushido Exia has a fucking sidekick ELS as part of the package. It's even begun to cyber us and I know for a fact that that has canonically led to Innovation. So superpowers here we come.

...well, the ELS showing up and causing things to get even more chaotic since nobody has a way to communicate with them might actually be interesting...
With the update up, all indications are that the events of Trailblazer did happen; which raises a lot of questions in regards to the current state of affairs.

And the reason for that can range from the simple (a shitton of time has passed) to the complex (Bosen Jump time shenanigans have led to branching multiple choice history).
well, who else here overlook the fact that Graham was part ELS and that it may or may not come with the Exia R5
I do not expect it BUT WE HAVE A ELS ON OUR SIDE give us the time we will be post movie Setsuna in no time and considering the ELS Ability to assilimated machine is ougt to be Wonderfull
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[X] Unleash the GN Fangs and give Crunch covering fire. It will give Crunch time to free himself and help.

...well, well, well. Looks like we picked a heck of an interesting option by partial accident, all things considered lol.

Edit: Though now, naturally, i'm curious whether the other options had anything similar packaged in...
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Edit: Though now, naturally, i'm curious whether the other options had anything similar packaged in...
All options had something similar in the form of psychoreactive hardware allowing intelligence to be accumulated by the machines over time and other methods, but the ELS was locked in to act as your training wheels when y'all voted for the civilian option since it doesn't have to be constrained to any one machine for a body.
Joke option my fucking ass; I personally went with the Exia because I wanted to kitbash a Real into a Super over time and lookie-lookie the Bushido Exia has a fucking sidekick ELS as part of the package. It's even begun to cyber us and I know for a fact that that has canonically led to Innovation. So superpowers here we come.
And at least for the time being, we've got an improvised man-machine interface in our hand to help direct a machine customized for a lunatic.
All options had something similar in the form of psychoreactive hardware allowing intelligence to be accumulated by the machines over time and other methods, but the ELS was locked in to act as your training wheels when y'all voted for the civilian option since it doesn't have to be constrained to any one machine for a body.
Well at least we have a ELS other may can make singularity but once we become a Innovator we can control machine anyway
[X] Unleash the GN Fangs and give Crunch covering fire. It will give Crunch time to free himself and help.
[X] Unleash the GN Fangs and give Crunch covering fire. It will give Crunch time to free himself and help.


Oh right, I liked this show.
[X] Activate Trans-AM and quickdraw. It might keep the Aestevalis still long enough for the wires connecting it to the ceiling to be severed.
[X] Unleash the GN Fangs and give Crunch covering fire. It will give Crunch time to free himself and help.

Man, I seriously feel like a lot of history is suppressed or lost to time, and I feel like it's more of the former.
"You really did cock up, didn't you? Just stay there for a moment. We'll be right down."

"Who's there?" You let out a groan as you spun around. Nothing moved in the chamber. Nothing was here. Just you, and the mechanical messiahs.

"Humans were always forgetful. You were never really made to last, were you? A cost of your empathy."
Oh my god, I love this sassy lost child already.

Alien Friend is Best Friend!
You got guts. We're gonna need that and some hard work right about now.

Look, if we're going to start aiming for the top, the time to do so isn't when you've busted your gun.

"Huh, condenser is refilling. Wait, they're empty! No wonder. Stupid GN Repose!"
In the interests of trying to follow OOW's advice about reading comprehension, based on this and doing some digging, I don't think we have to worry about having a Tau drive, unless they were improved to be incredibly close to a standard GN drive.

Tau Drive GN machines had to have their GN condensers charged before battle. This is because they can only produce so many particles before running out of electricity reserves due to their limited operational time. But True GN drives are able to charge the condenser mid sortie due to being a pseudo perpetual motion machine.

I might be reading too much into this, but it's at least something to put in the evidence pile until we get in or out of universe confirmation.

More seriously, sounds like the Mobile Armours were very successful, if nothing else. Given the situation with Celestial Being as of post-series, they only had two pilots left.
To their credit, thats out of 4, and one of them didn't even die he just left.

And even the one who died managed to get a little better.
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Joke option my fucking ass; I personally went with the Exia because I wanted to kitbash a Real into a Super over time

It occurs to me that if we want to go that route, we could do far worse than emulating Vergil.

Summon swords? We already have Fangs. Trans-am is a good equivalent to Devil trigger, and we can probably make some upgrades for beam slashes to emulate Judgement Cut. Frankly all we need IMO is something to sub in for Beowulf and we can be the storm that is approaching.

Some random bits of info I discovered when rereading that I wasn't sure had been brought up. Because its been a long day for me and I've been bored.

Ancient. Sleeping. Hungry.
Reminder that this was the description of mars in invisitext in update 2. Ominous!

Second of all:
A twisted, demented grasshopper. That was what you settled on calling these things, as yet another scrambled over the truck after the others in lockstep, pausing to loom over you like the last. Soon it would join the others in crawling toward the camp to reap everything in the desert like a plague of locusts. A giant monstrosity of steel and iron, joints screeching as four glowing eyes of red peered down at you. You were bathed in the glow of blood. You were going to die. It would only take an instant for it to-

The steel grasshopper looked away. Apparently you were simply beneath notice. Your ass found the floor as you collapsed backwards, heart wrenching and squealing within its cage within your chest. Breathing was so very hard, ragged breaths of air barely making their way through your tightening throat.
You let out a scream, clutching at your ears at the sound of a beam firing. It was close. Way too close. Looking up slowly, you realised exactly how close, the grasshopper skidding across the dirt and muck of the canyon. Its eyes glowed as it searched, seeking new prey. It definitely saw you, but it seemed to judge you completely inconsequential, the red orbs continuing to move on.

The grasshoppers actively seemed to be unable to detect our presence. Even in situations where Rain should have been noticed, they didn't seem to care, making me assume Rain isn't entirely human, or at least Normal, given she seems to be unintentionally pulling a Deathscythe.

Alternatively, it might be due to the fact that the 'Jovian Lizards' are incredibly sexist on top of having no Literary analysis ability whatsoever.

Thirdly, I think Crunch and the Heavygun pilot who saved us in update 3 are the other protagonist options. Crunch mentions that 'The rest of us knew what we were getting ourselves into', which reads as him being potentially the Mercenary guy, whilst the other seems to be made bit too important to just be an unimportant grunt, especially since the Batta in that case didn't consider us important enough to target, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the UESA member.

As a further aside, I keep confusing Heavygun and Heavyarms in my head.
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