Innovation is a maybe, iirc all you need for that is GN Particle exposure. Might be wrong though.

Quantum teleportation? Hell no, That was definitely a 00 and QAN[T] thing, not base Exia.

That being said, the GN series of Gundams is what I like to call 'Super Reals': Technically real robots, but have a tendency to pull of Super nonsense and hype. At the very least, We have a link to Setsuna, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's still alive as an ELS/Human Hybrid.
Innovation is a maybe, iirc all you need for that is GN Particle exposure. Might be wrong though.
All I'm saying is that Setsuna piloted Exia for literal years and didn't show any signs of being an X-man until a week or two in the 00, so I think that's an 00 thing as well based on available evidence. Getting literally shot full of dirty Tau particles might have figured in, too. No one else had any indication of forced evolution even by the movie, if memory serves, other than all the super soldiers and Innovades who were built that way.

You are right that Gundam-kun himself might still be alive, though. That'll be an interesting plot point if it comes up.
All I'm saying is that Setsuna piloted Exia for literal years and didn't show any signs of being an X-man until a week or two in the 00, so I think that's an 00 thing as well based on available evidence. Getting literally shot full of dirty Tau particles might have figured in, too. No one else had any indication of forced evolution even by the movie, if memory serves, other than all the super soldiers and Innovades who were built that way.

You are right that Gundam-kun himself might still be alive, though. That'll be an interesting plot point if it comes up.
Yeah, couldn't remember if it was outright stated to be a 00 thing or just an aspect of GN particles in general.

Now, Ideas for Exia Upgrades - We should totally make a miniaturised version of the QAN[T] beam Gun/Sword. Partly as a heavy duty weapon, mostly so we can Obari pose with a Beam Buster Sword once we unlock trans-am and can overclock it.

"But it's not like we're going to be given control over upgra-" Let me have this.
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Yeah, couldn't remember if it was outright stated to be a 00 thing or just an aspect of GN particles in general.

Now, Ideas for Exia Upgrades - We should totally make a miniaturised version of the QAN[T] beam Gun/Sword. Partly as a heavy duty weapon, mostly so we can Obari pose with a Beam Buster Sword once we unlock trans-am and can overclock it.

"But it's not like we're going to be given control over upgra-" Let me have this.

Hear me out, what happens if we combine a mobile suit with a GN Engine with an Alayna-Vijnana System?
Hear me out, what happens if we combine a mobile suit with a GN Engine with an Alayna-Vijnana System?
You'd get an over-engineered redundancy tbh. The AV system's great for the specific kind of high short-term physical performance Ahab reactors offer, but for a GN Engine the spinal implant's redundant when you could use a much less invasive Image Feedback System nanomachine injection or a Mobile Trace System.

TLDR; there's more than one way to Cyber Newtype it up and no method is a one size fits all approach.
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You'd get an over-engineered redundancy tbh. The AV system's great for the specific kind of high short-term physical performance Ahab reactors offer, but for a GN Engine the spinal implant's redundant when you could use a much less invasive Image Feedback System nanomachine injection or a Mobile Trace System.

TLDR; there's more than one way to Cyber Newtype it up and no method is a one size fits all approach.

Nanomachines do sound like a better option than a surgery that has a good chance of permanently crippling its applicant.
Isn't Alaya-Vinyana also nanomachines, just specialised ones? I thought that's why the whole 'Iron Blooded Orphans' title came from

Yeah I know it gives the freaky back growths, but like I said, I thought they were specialised.

Edit: Also, can someone fill me in on how Ahab reactors differ from other power sources in the setting? I'm quickly realising my knowledge of IBO doesn't include as much of the tech as I'd like to remember.
On the Alaya-Vinyana
Isn't Alaya-Vinyana also nanomachines, just specialised ones? I thought that's why the whole 'Iron Blooded Orphans' title came from

Yeah I know it gives the freaky back growths, but like I said, I thought they were specialised.

Edit: Also, can someone fill me in on how Ahab reactors differ from other power sources in the setting? I'm quickly realising my knowledge of IBO doesn't include as much of the tech as I'd like to remember.
The AV system is a nanomachine implant directly into your central nervous system that converts your spinal column into an artificial brain lobe so that the information input from a compatible machine is translated directly into information equivalent to the human body's existing range of sensations, and data existing on the FCS and related computer systems are uploaded directly into the pilot's mind. This runs the obvious risk of crippling you from a botched implant surgery or your body's natural processes rejecting the implant attempt, in addition to certain machines like the Gundam Frames being capable of putting in data at a speed and density that the human mind isn't made to handle, resulting in brain aneurysms.

An Ahab Reactor is essentially a fusion plant made out of a vacuum tube built around the cockpit, resulting in Gjallarhorn's mobile suit core structures being a skeletal frame assembled around the joint cockpit-and-reactor that allows for the chassis to be assembled around it on a modular basis with little space wasted during construction.

Gundam Frames in particular use a special compact dual reactor system that allows for extremely high energy output and thus physical performance on the battlefield, with the drawback being that they operate so quickly that they tended to kill and cripple their pilots regularly during the Calamity War from data overflow and g-force related injuries inside the cockpit. As such, Gundam Frames like Barbatos have a limiter capping their effective ceiling of physical capability unless removed in case of emergencies.

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All I'm saying is that Setsuna piloted Exia for literal years and didn't show any signs of being an X-man until a week or two in the 00, so I think that's an 00 thing as well based on available evidence. Getting literally shot full of dirty Tau particles might have figured in, too. No one else had any indication of forced evolution even by the movie, if memory serves, other than all the super soldiers and Innovades who were built that way.

You are right that Gundam-kun himself might still be alive, though. That'll be an interesting plot point if it comes up.
Yeah, couldn't remember if it was outright stated to be a 00 thing or just an aspect of GN particles in general.

Now, Ideas for Exia Upgrades - We should totally make a miniaturised version of the QAN[T] beam Gun/Sword. Partly as a heavy duty weapon, mostly so we can Obari pose with a Beam Buster Sword once we unlock trans-am and can overclock it.

"But it's not like we're going to be given control over upgra-" Let me have this.
'Becoming an Innovator' has only ever been stated to be a GN particle thing. That said, it's also stated to be a quantity thing, with the 00's synchronized twin engines with their 'it's a quadratic improvement instead of a linear one!' thing producing enough under TRANS-AM to cause Setsuna to go innovator, and the utterly absurd amount of GN particles he was spreading around when he did the psychic field thng with the QAN[T] that caused a significant chunk of Humanity to become Innovators despite having never touched a GN particle in their life.

So yeah, the chances are small, unless we can get a second GN drive sync'd up, but it's a possibility nonetheless.
[X] Select the giant gold and purple mech in the back. It was huge, almost organic looking in an odd way, membrane surrounding little nicks in the armour. You were sure that the top and bottom halves could come apart. Its mouth had something that almost looked like teeth within it. On the side, you could see a name, 'Experimental G–g–t- Gargant
[X] Select the giant gold and purple mech in the back. It was huge, almost organic looking in an odd way, membrane surrounding little nicks in the armour. You were sure that the top and bottom halves could come apart. Its mouth had something that almost looked like teeth within it. On the side, you could see a name, 'Experimental G–g–t- Gargant
The vote already over my friend
'Becoming an Innovator' has only ever been stated to be a GN particle thing. That said, it's also stated to be a quantity thing, with the 00's synchronized twin engines with their 'it's a quadratic improvement instead of a linear one!' thing producing enough under TRANS-AM to cause Setsuna to go innovator, and the utterly absurd amount of GN particles he was spreading around when he did the psychic field thng with the QAN[T] that caused a significant chunk of Humanity to become Innovators despite having never touched a GN particle in their life.

So yeah, the chances are small, unless we can get a second GN drive sync'd up, but it's a possibility nonetheless.

Quick question, what about the people in the Gundam 00 movie who weren't pilots and eventually became Innovators? Did Innovators only start coming out when GN particles became more and more common place or is it possible for them to occur naturally?
Quick question, what about the people in the Gundam 00 movie who weren't pilots and eventually became Innovators? Did Innovators only start coming out when GN particles became more and more common place or is it possible for them to occur naturally?
Innovation became a known occurrence under Federation study between the collapse of A-LAWS and the arrival of the ELS, Setsuna being the first by virtue of being at ground zero for every massive burst from the 00's twin drives. At least one research facility experimenting on Innovators was hit by Celestial Being in the intervening years.

In a broader context though? It's worth noting that Innovator is written with the same kanji as Newtype.
...Wait a minute

I'm so wrong. OOW specified this is the 'Sakura Flag'.

The Flag series of Mobile Suits was typically piloted by Graham Acker, and someone here mentioned that Graham piloted an Exia once

I think this thing wasn't piloted by Setsuna, but by Mister Bushido himself.

Edit: It even contains a reference to Grahams rampant japanophilia - If this thing wasn't Grahams I'll be surprised.

In a broader context though? It's worth noting that Innovator is written with the same kanji as Newtype.
Huh. The more you know.

Though at least here it avoids most of my issues with how the UC treats Newtypes.
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Quick question, what about the people in the Gundam 00 movie who weren't pilots and eventually became Innovators? Did Innovators only start coming out when GN particles became more and more common place or is it possible for them to occur naturally?

00's setting seems to imply that GN Particles are the only way for Innovators to become a thing? Though yeah, they're basically that timeline's version of Newtypes. But anyways, the thing you're referring to was the result of Setsuna using a specially designed mech to vastly amplify a GN Particle based telepathy field, to achieve mutual understanding with alien hivemind living metal species. Said field was large enough (and GN Particle dense enough) to envelop the entirety of Earth and a significant chunk of Space around it. That was the GN Particle exposure that allowed a significant chunk of Earth's non-pilot population to spontaneously become Innovators. Though it does also imply that the thresholds needed to become an Innovator appear to be different for everyone, since despite being exposed to such a dense GN Particle field, not everyone became an Innovator.
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So yeah, did some more research and... I'm technically correct and wrong at the same time.

The Exia repair was repaired multiple times, Graham inheriting the Exia repair 4. I initially thought the V in the description just meant Version, but no, it means this is what the Exia Repair is to Gundam Exia - the Exia Repair 5.

Sweet Jesus, Exia now has as many refits as the Baseline Barbatos.

Upside: The Exia repair 4 was fitted with an advanced Trans-Am system in the left arm that allows for it to use it in a burst function on that specific limb. Said limb is fortunately the one that hasn't been destroyed. Naturally I advocate for Shining Finger memes.

Other Upside: Graham likely survived his Movie Sacrifice somehow, given that his signature Japanophilia is in the machines name and he took the time to try to repair it before it wound it's way into this bunker. So this is evidence that the timeline of stuff isn't necessarily 1:1 with canon... unless someone who knew his tastes named it after his death, which is plausible, but I don't think anyone but Graham respects how much of a fucking weeb he is.

Downside: Exia repair 4 Utilises a GN Drive Tau.

You know, the shoddy inferior mass produced knockoff GN drive.

Methinks unless Graham managed to snag himself a better version somehow, I suspect that Twin Drives are not on the table. Heres hoping the Solar furnace burns Green.

For shits and giggles, I would love to fix up the Exia with Arche parts and weapons
As stated earlier, I would NOT be averse to a GN Buster Sword.
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Dangit, no Grungust? We just have literally the only not-OG option on the table?

I am disappoint.
Dangit, no Grungust? We just have literally the only not-OG option on the table?

I am disappoint.
In their defence, it technically is OG, and we have the potential for shining finger memes with our left hand shining red.

Like, that system is literally the upgrade I always felt was needed for Trans-am.
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...A Tau Drive, huh? That's... unfortunate. Not the end of the world, but unfortunate.
Eh, theres the potential for it to be upgraded - It was the calamity war after all, And According to the Wiki, Graham did survive (Could have sworn I saw something crontradicting that, but my knowledge breadth is bigger than its depth frankly) and worked with celestial being after the ELS incident. It's therefore Plausible it got an Engine upgrade there, but I wouldn't bet on it.

At the very least, we have a version of Trans-Am that doesn't mean we end the battle horribly depleted of all Particles, instead activating it just before a hit connects. So at the very least we're working with a sidegrade.
Eh, theres the potential for it to be upgraded - It was the calamity war after all, And According to the Wiki, Graham did survive (Could have sworn I saw something crontradicting that, but my knowledge breadth is bigger than its depth frankly) and worked with celestial being after the ELS incident. It's therefore Plausible it got an Engine upgrade there, but I wouldn't bet on it.

At the very least, we have a version of Trans-Am that doesn't mean we end the battle horribly depleted of all Particles, instead activating it just before a hit connects. So at the very least we're working with a sidegrade.
Well, the Tau's not an endless power source, apparently, so stamina concerns exist, and the variety of GN Particle they produce can be toxic unless fine-tuned to not be; though that at least probably isn't an issue if this is version five. It's also even less likely to mutate us, because lower power output, but at least in terms of output, it's still pretty dang respectable. So, as said, unfortunate but not the end of the world. We just need to hope we can get upgraded to a proper GN Drive or two, yeah.