Thank you, that does look like a four-winged person, but I don't think Taylor would dress like that willingly.
I mean, she's currently inhabiting a slave's body. Who's probably wearing rags. So whether willing or not...
And it doesn't have to necessarily be considered as up-to-date clothing, can just use it as a general appearance (I thought it was rather apt for a mini-human-Simurgh). Chances are Taylor's gonna cycle through a variety of equipment anyhow as she acquires better gear.
If you're dead set on using the Lucifer/guy image that's fine, but you did say it only matched what you were imagining "a bit" so I thought you might want people to offer some alternatives without you having to do the searching.
She was in what was essentially a silk body stocking/sock before, even if it was armored, on the other hand you could give her enchanted equipment that looks like that and she would wear it just for the benefits if she didn't have something better.
This too.
Spent the day learning how to use Inkarnate so I could make up a map. It's still a bit rough, tell me what you think?
Only thing is that it looks like you misspelled "Central" as "Centeral"
As far as this recent update goes, it sounds like this new batch of slaves might have potential for recruitment as a makeshift militia, since they likely won't be broken the same way the slaves that have been there for any length of time are.
Unfortunately, this means that our likely best source of recruits is also in the currently most heavily fortified/guarded area. As such we may benefit from tackling other tasks first, so that they lessen the number of guards/Daemonsmiths in the area.
As far as strategy goes, I'm kind of thinking that we scrounge up recruits/resources as they send "hunting parties" after us. That way we can thin their numbers while building ourselves up - Taylor has the unique ability to know where roughly every dwarf in the area is located, and so can actively maneuver herself and her forces into the best position possible and to counter any maneuvers the opposing force might make. The only problem at the moment I can see being that she allowed those dwarves to get away (shouldn't she have been able to just look at Elva's memories and realize they aren't deserving of mercy/letting them get away is a bad idea?) - they were ordered to rally at the plaza, so if we're lucky they won't have sent a runner and we can tackle them to prevent any info from us being spread.
So my thinking is that maybe we leave the slaves to ransack/go through the warehouses (since they're currently pretty much useless in a fight)(maybe break the locks ourselves before leaving - though I'm thinking the slaves ought to be able to manage that with the axe that's there), meanwhile we go and pursue/hunt down the party that ran away before they can get too far. At the same time, we may want to consider just decimating all the goblins in the slums before the dwarves can recruit/protect them, then using their bodies to breed more insects.
As for the mercy/no mercy vote... I mean IC with Elva's memories it makes sense for her to show no mercy, and OOC I can't really think of any reason to show it... not as if the Chaos Dwarves are liable to start worshiping us (not sure that we'd even want them to).