Sul Sul! (Worm/Sims/Sim City)

Yeah, Sims learn stupidly fast. One can go from a novice to concrete chopping martial art savant in around a month without needing any teacher. And Taylor can design them as peak-human.

You need to try really hard to keep them alive, but sims are badass at what they do.
Yeah, Sims learn stupidly fast. One can go from a novice to concrete chopping martial art savant in around a month without needing any teacher. And Taylor can design them as peak-human.

You need to try really hard to keep them alive, but sims are badass at what they do.
And because she has sim-city level powers over them, they might not be as hard to keep alive as one might fear.

She's...gonna make people cry.

It's going to be glorious.
And because she has sim-city level powers over them, they might not be as hard to keep alive as one might fear.

She's...gonna make people cry.

It's going to be glorious.
It's amazing how broken Taylor is. I didn't know what to expect from a Sim-SimCity cross, maybe a grabbag Taylor...

I certainly didn't expect Old Testament! Taylor
Okay. So when Taylor second triggers, can we add Sid Meier's Civilization into the mix?

dont you fucking joke about that!

Archimedes lever anyone?

That (Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth) actually sounds like a somewhat interesting Tinker crossover power, especially if the person isn't constrained to the stereotypes or maybe there's something like seven tinkers, one which is the core tech tinker and six others who can put their own spin on the core tech.
Taylor's very confident; and, so far, she's selling the vehicles of two 'obvious' tails... as well as all of Coil's plants.

Powerful Shaker so far... and she hasn't even started creating city services from the SimCity side yet - police stations, firehouses, and power plants. Hopefully she reads the warning on the nuclear plant before buying it.
you know, the thing about 'creating armies'... yeah, but they're armies of SIMS. They're at their most dangerous when told to make sandwiches for their foes. Every sim is a suicide bomber waiting to happen. Usually by accident.
True but at the same time you still have endless amounts of them.
Can I just say that I love the fact that E88 tried to have the Mayor followed by a kid in a bicycle and noted that the kid ate pavement when they tried.
My Sims experience tells me that you can't sell vehicles that are in use unless you use the cheat codes. If you do, the drivers and passengers find themselves at home (that is, on the home lot of whatever household they are part of), with all moodlets gone and all Needs close to maxed.

E88 thug: She teleported me straight home! She knows where I live! cold is gone, I skipped lunch and I feel great!
Kaiser: Wut.
Thug: And I was thinking how lonely it was on stakeout but it doesn't bother me at all now!
Kaiser: Wut.
My Sims experience tells me that you can't sell vehicles that are in use unless you use the cheat codes. If you do, the drivers and passengers find themselves at home (that is, on the home lot of whatever household they are part of), with all moodlets gone and all Needs close to maxed.

E88 thug: She teleported me straight home! She knows where I live! cold is gone, I skipped lunch and I feel great!
Kaiser: Wut.
Thug: And I was thinking how lonely it was on stakeout but it doesn't bother me at all now!
Kaiser: Wut.
Piggot: *Sigh* "What has Mayor done this time?
Armsmaster: "She build a swimming pool."
Piggot: "And? I don't see any problem wi-"
Armsmaster: "After Hookwolf went in, the ladder disappeared."
Piggot: "That monster!"
1.7 Dreaming About the Things We Could Be
(Writing Alec is like an exercise in trying to avoid being banned by SV mods. Goddamnit Alec.)

I giggled. I still couldn't believe it. I had told the Protectorate no!

"Did you meet a nice boy at the park because you're giggling an awful lot," Dad commented, from his makeshift desk where he was answering phone calls from the public with Kurt and Lacey. They were dying down a lot now and Lacey had let me off of phone duty as a lot of phone calls were just curious members of the public, not genuine customers.

"No!" I protested, before rolling my eyes at his laugh. "Kurt can I use your laptop? I wanna browse PHO."

He nodded distractedly as he wrote down the details of whatever the person was saying.

I logged into my account of Vote_For_Me and found a lot of speculation on PHO about 'The Mayor'. They apparently had theories ranging from the expected Shaker, to all the way to secret lizard ladies with Stranger/Master powers. It was all pretty funny, if I didn't think of it as me. I saved a few nice pictures people took of me before glancing over at Jake. He was reading one of Lacey's childhood children's books intensely.

"Can you even read that?" I asked, curiously. He looked up at me and looked upwards in thought.

"I ... am Jake." He said slowly. He smiled at the shocked look at my face.

"Dad, Jake's speaking English!!" I yelled excitedly.

Dad came in with Kurt and Lacey, looking expectant at Jake. He grinned.

"I am Jake."

"That's pretty good for a guy who says negeesh for no." Kurt said. We gave him a look.

"You picked up his language?" Lacey asked.

"It's pretty easy when he says it when he shakes his head no. Apparently he's not a fan of bananas." Kurt replied.

"Well good job kiddo." Dad considered something for a moment with his hand before offering a handshake to Jake.

"Thank ... you." He said slowly as he took it.
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