Sufficient Velocity's Trending Stories (Weekly Stats about User Fiction Subforum)

December 16th
Congratulations to @Harry Leferts, @Vaermina, and @Darkphoenixlady for their respective positions on this week list

Sufficient Velocity User Fiction Statistics (Monday 16 Dec 2024):

Most Active ThreadsMost Popular (Mid-Stage)Most New Watchers
1. Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)
⬆ 4
by @Harry Leferts
Pages of Discussion: +7
1. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
⬆ 1
by @Vaermina
Reactions per Day: +153
1. Queen of Rot and Fungus
New This Week
by @Darkphoenixlady
New Watchers per Day: +39
2. Scaling Up
⬆ 1
by @Kryslin
Pages of Discussion: +4
2. The Voyage Within
⬆ 3
by @Hiver
Reactions per Day: +109
2. American DxD Magical Girl - (DxD Human SI)
New This Week
by @Skelethin
New Watchers per Day: +35
3. The Voyage Within
⬆ 3
by @Hiver
Pages of Discussion: +4
3. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
by @Evoxius
Reactions per Day: +108
3. Dust, Maidens and Oh my (RWBY/Celestial Grimoire SI)
New This Week
by @Magus Explorator
New Watchers per Day: +35
4. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
⬆ 3
by @Vaermina
Pages of Discussion: +4
4. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
by @Nimodes
Reactions per Day: +99
4. Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
New This Week
by @Martin Noctis
New Watchers per Day: +28
5. CmptrWz's Random Snippets
New Entry
by @CmptrWz
Pages of Discussion: +3
5. The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)
⬆ 38
by @Optimal Robotics
Reactions per Day: +80
5. Welcome To Earth Abaddon! (Worm AU)
New This Week
by @Sachertorte
New Watchers per Day: +21
6. Vespa
⬇ -5
by @mp3.1415player
Pages of Discussion: +3
6. Sakura Haruno The Gaming Addict, and Her Gamified Life [Naruto]
by @Sendicard
Reactions per Day: +77
6. A Mew Hope for Brockton Bay (Worm/Pokemon Crossover w/ Mew SI)
New This Week
by @SirBearington
New Watchers per Day: +18
7. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
⬇ -5
by @Nimodes
Pages of Discussion: +3
7. Built To Last
by @We Just Write
Reactions per Day: +74
7. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
⬇ -6
by @CDRW
New Watchers per Day: +12
8. Queen of Rot and Fungus
New This Week
by @Darkphoenixlady
Pages of Discussion: +3
8. Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)
⬆ 1
by @dc2008
Reactions per Day: +72
8. The Revanchists (SWTOR AU)
New This Week
by @Chairtastic
New Watchers per Day: +11
9. Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)
New Entry
by @LordRoustabout
Pages of Discussion: +2
9. CmptrWz's Random Snippets
New Entry
by @CmptrWz
Reactions per Day: +70
9. Chronicles of a Mad Jumper
New This Week
by @dingbat779
New Watchers per Day: +11
10. Hyphen (Pokemon Emerald)
⬇ -6
by @Dermonster
Pages of Discussion: +2
10. Queen of Rot and Fungus
New This Week
by @Darkphoenixlady
Reactions per Day: +57
10. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
⬇ -5
by @Nimodes
New Watchers per Day: +10
Most Active ThreadsMost Popular (Mid-Stage)Most New Watchers
11. Sakura Haruno The Gaming Addict, and Her Gamified Life [Naruto]
⬆ 1
by @Sendicard
Pages of Discussion: +2
11. American DxD Magical Girl - (DxD Human SI)
New This Week
by @Skelethin
Reactions per Day: +54
11. The Ice Monarch [Worm AU]
New This Week
by @avlt
New Watchers per Day: +9
12. Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)
⬆ 1
by @dc2008
Pages of Discussion: +2
12. Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage
⬇ -1
by @MetaBettaOmega
Reactions per Day: +46
12. Isekai Vtuber (Fanfiction Rewrite)
New This Week
by @Levelgap
New Watchers per Day: +8
13. The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)
New Entry
by @Optimal Robotics
Pages of Discussion: +2
13. The Brink and Back - Tinker of Fiction
⬇ -3
by @MetaBettaOmega
Reactions per Day: +36
13. Rashaka Raja of Hogwarts (Harry Potter/Campione)
⬇ -4
by @ThatOnePsycho
New Watchers per Day: +7
14. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
⬆ 2
by @Evoxius
Pages of Discussion: +2
14. When Heroes Die
⬆ 42
by @Sharpedge
Reactions per Day: +32
14. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
⬇ -3
by @Vaermina
New Watchers per Day: +7
15. Baldurian Moonmight (BG3 Gamer SI)
⬆ 57
by @Oshha
Pages of Discussion: +2
15. Baldurian Moonmight (BG3 Gamer SI)
by @Oshha
Reactions per Day: +31
15. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
⬇ -12
by @Evoxius
New Watchers per Day: +6
16. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
⬆ 50
by @CDRW
Pages of Discussion: +2
16. A Crown of Fire, Throne of Blood (ASOIAF/GOT/SW) SI/OC merged with Viserys Targaryen
⬆ 9
by @Illuviar
Reactions per Day: +30
16. Vespa
⬇ -8
by @mp3.1415player
New Watchers per Day: +6
17. American DxD Magical Girl - (DxD Human SI)
New This Week
by @Skelethin
Pages of Discussion: +2
17. Glorious Interdiction
by @Lucifra
Reactions per Day: +30
17. The Evil Maykr! (Evil Genius Issei SI)
New This Week
by @TheLunchKing
New Watchers per Day: +6
18. ben in a grimdark universe
New This Week
by @magmajira
Pages of Discussion: +2
18. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
⬆ 4
by @CDRW
Reactions per Day: +30
18. Ghost of Stanley (God of War/The Stanley Parable)
New This Week
by @Phen0m20
New Watchers per Day: +6
19. Taylor Varga (Worm/Luna Varga)
New Entry
by @mp3.1415player
Pages of Discussion: +1
19. Hyphen (Pokemon Emerald)
⬆ 2
by @Dermonster
Reactions per Day: +28
19. The Wastewright and the Wind-Up Maid (A Tale From The Sixth Age)
New This Week
by @Squidfam
New Watchers per Day: +6
20. Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]
⬇ -10
by @James D. Fawkes
Pages of Discussion: +1
20. Vespa
⬇ -19
by @mp3.1415player
Reactions per Day: +27
20. The Second Morningstar (DXD/Lucifer TV)
⬇ -18
by @Firewillreign
New Watchers per Day: +6
21. The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food
⬇ -10
by @Jackson Fox
Pages of Discussion: +1
21. Titanicus Mercenarius (Battletech x 30k Crossover)
⬆ 17
by @Kadaeux
Reactions per Day: +27
21. Fallen Age: Golden Age (Exalted V. WOD)
New This Week
by @Fabius Maximus
New Watchers per Day: +6
22. Hard Enough - Pokemon SI
New Entry
by @Viva01
Pages of Discussion: +1
22. Fox of the Forge (Overlord)
⬇ -3
by @CenturionsofRome
Reactions per Day: +26
22. Baldurian Moonmight (BG3 Gamer SI)
⬇ -16
by @Oshha
New Watchers per Day: +6
23. Cerulean Stars: An Asari Security Officer in Commander Sisko's Court
New Entry
by @Vaermina
Pages of Discussion: +1
23. Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
New This Week
by @Martin Noctis
Reactions per Day: +24
23. Digitized Hubris (Battletech pseudo-AI SI/OC)
⬇ -16
by @Inquiring Mind
New Watchers per Day: +6
24. A Second Sunrise: Taiwan of 2020 Sent Back to 1911
New Entry
by @ChrisProvidence
Pages of Discussion: +1
24. Shaded Silk (Pokemon Isekai OC)
⬇ -16
by @Fabhar
Reactions per Day: +23
24. Ghost in the Machine (Pokemon Isekai SI)
⬇ -5
by @Fabhar
New Watchers per Day: +5
⬇ -3
by @BrunofanofK
Pages of Discussion: +1
25. The True Confessions of a Nine-Tailed Fox
New Entry
by @arianedartagnan
Reactions per Day: +21
25. Non-Entity Isekai (Original/Slight Gacha Game Multicross)
New This Week
by @Levelgap
New Watchers per Day: +5
26. Typechange Johto
New Entry
by @E.I.G.
Pages of Discussion: +1
26. Avatar: Between Two Doors
⬆ 32
by @veteranMortal
Reactions per Day: +20
26. Valley of the Furbies (Naruto AU)
New This Week
by @IlPogitano
New Watchers per Day: +5
27. Mein Krieg (Youjo Senki/Tanya the Evil OC)
New Entry
by @Trunko
Pages of Discussion: +1
27. A Mew Hope for Brockton Bay (Worm/Pokemon Crossover w/ Mew SI)
New This Week
by @SirBearington
Reactions per Day: +19
27. Built To Last
⬇ -13
by @We Just Write
New Watchers per Day: +4
28. In The Grim Darkness Of The 41st Millennium, Nobody Beats G.I. Joe!
New Entry
by @sun tzu
Pages of Discussion: +1
28. Shoggoth (An SCS fanfic) | Or a science experiment journey to becoming an eldritch abomination.
⬆ 5
by @Ren
Reactions per Day: +18
28. The Real Adventures of Norgrim Grimsson, Exasperated Recluse (Warhammer Fantasy SI)
New Entry
by @soulcake
New Watchers per Day: +4
29. Eevee Therapy for Little Magi (Pokemon x F/SN)
New Entry
by @Tale Swapper
Pages of Discussion: +1
29. Star Wars: The Force Wills (SW SI)
by @Keiran Halcyon
Reactions per Day: +17
29. Everything In Me
New This Week
by @Winter_5025
New Watchers per Day: +4
30. Mobile Escalation Skitter Gundam
New Entry
by @Kryslin
Pages of Discussion: +1
30. In The Grim Darkness Of The 41st Millennium, Nobody Beats G.I. Joe!
New Entry
by @sun tzu
Reactions per Day: +16
30. Shoggoth (An SCS fanfic) | Or a science experiment journey to becoming an eldritch abomination.
⬇ -9
by @Ren
New Watchers per Day: +3
Thank you, Summer, for your efforts.
And thank you, readers, for your attention.
(High fives Kryslin for making #2 on the Most Active.)
Huh, honestly I did not expect to just get into the lower range like this.

... how are different places determined when it is just one page of discussion? I'm almost wondering if I just caught a slow week there.
Woo! All that hard work and gaming talk is paying off!
(I only placed as well as I did because MP-Pi didn't post anything this week...)

And I placed twice! Once at the top of the list, and once at the bottom, too!
... how are different places determined when it is just one page of discussion? I'm almost wondering if I just caught a slow week there.
I've rapidly learned that every week is a slow week on SV.
I'll consistently feel like I hear nothing from my work for the entire week and then place in the top ten in a slot here, and the top 15 on another category.

All you need to do is create something that people want to discuss with some enthusiasm, be regular about it, and maybe engage in the conversation with a smile, and you'll likely make this list.
A little skill probably helps too. I've literally only managed SB's list once though, competition is fierce there.
December 23rd
Happy Holidays!!

Congratulations to @mp3.1415player, @Vaermina, and @Stephenopolos for their respective positions on this week list

Sufficient Velocity User Fiction Statistics (Monday 23 Dec 2024):

Most Active ThreadsMost Popular (Mid-Stage)Most New Watchers
1. Vespa
⬆ 5
by @mp3.1415player
Pages of Discussion: +8
1. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
by @Vaermina
Reactions per Day: +195
1. [Stargate] Just Another Natural Underground Site
New This Week
by @Stephenopolos
New Watchers per Day: +46
2. Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)
⬆ 7
by @LordRoustabout
Pages of Discussion: +7
2. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
⬆ 1
by @Evoxius
Reactions per Day: +118
2. To Bear the Weight of the Throne [Worm, Inspired by an Essence of Silver and Steel]
New This Week
by @Kitsune_Obsessed
New Watchers per Day: +36
3. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
⬆ 1
by @Vaermina
Pages of Discussion: +6
3. The Voyage Within
⬇ -1
by @Hiver
Reactions per Day: +104
3. Of Machines and Worms (Tinker of Fiction semi-SI)
New This Week
by @Xvolts
New Watchers per Day: +24
4. Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse
New Entry
by @Fencer
Pages of Discussion: +4
4. Vespa
⬆ 16
by @mp3.1415player
Reactions per Day: +97
4. I Once Had A Ring - A Different Philippine Revolution [LORE THREAD]
New This Week
by @rajavlitra
New Watchers per Day: +19
5. Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)
⬇ -4
by @Harry Leferts
Pages of Discussion: +3
5. Built To Last
⬆ 2
by @We Just Write
Reactions per Day: +93
5. Dust, Maidens and Oh my (RWBY/Celestial Grimoire SI)
⬇ -2
by @Magus Explorator
New Watchers per Day: +15
6. The Voyage Within
⬇ -3
by @Hiver
Pages of Discussion: +3
6. The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)
⬇ -1
by @Optimal Robotics
Reactions per Day: +78
6. Queen of Rot and Fungus
⬇ -5
by @Darkphoenixlady
New Watchers per Day: +14
7. Digitized Hubris (Battletech pseudo-AI SI/OC)
⬆ 39
by @Inquiring Mind
Pages of Discussion: +3
7. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
⬇ -3
by @Nimodes
Reactions per Day: +67
7. Cleaning Up After The Ancients (Stargate SI)
⬆ 7
by @Vaermina
New Watchers per Day: +7
8. Dungeon Keeper Ami [Sailor Moon / Dungeon Keeper]
New Entry
by @Pusakuronu
Pages of Discussion: +2
8. [Stargate] Just Another Natural Underground Site
New This Week
by @Stephenopolos
Reactions per Day: +56
8. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
⬆ 2
by @Nimodes
New Watchers per Day: +7
9. The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food
⬆ 12
by @Jackson Fox
Pages of Discussion: +2
9. Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)
⬇ -1
by @dc2008
Reactions per Day: +54
9. Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
⬇ -5
by @Martin Noctis
New Watchers per Day: +7
10. Hyphen (Pokemon Emerald)
by @Dermonster
Pages of Discussion: +2
10. Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage
⬆ 2
by @MetaBettaOmega
Reactions per Day: +48
10. Vespa
⬆ 6
by @mp3.1415player
New Watchers per Day: +5
Most Active ThreadsMost Popular (Mid-Stage)Most New Watchers
11. Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)
⬆ 1
by @dc2008
Pages of Discussion: +2
11. Queen of Rot and Fungus
⬇ -1
by @Darkphoenixlady
Reactions per Day: +44
11. Digitized Hubris (Battletech pseudo-AI SI/OC)
⬆ 12
by @Inquiring Mind
New Watchers per Day: +5
12. The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)
⬆ 1
by @Optimal Robotics
Pages of Discussion: +2
12. The Brink and Back - Tinker of Fiction
⬆ 1
by @MetaBettaOmega
Reactions per Day: +43
12. Fallow Fields [Naruto SI]
New Entry
by @zarinthel
New Watchers per Day: +5
13. The Adventures Of Doctor Curlyhair, Girl Genius!
⬇ -6
by @Nimodes
Pages of Discussion: +2
13. Baldurian Moonmight (BG3 Gamer SI)
⬆ 2
by @Oshha
Reactions per Day: +40
13. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
⬆ 2
by @Evoxius
New Watchers per Day: +5
14. Built To Last
⬆ 21
by @We Just Write
Pages of Discussion: +2
14. Sakura Haruno The Gaming Addict, and Her Gamified Life [Naruto]
⬇ -8
by @Sendicard
Reactions per Day: +38
14. Told in Blood (ASOIAF/Fire Emblem Three Houses)
New This Week
by @TheStranger
New Watchers per Day: +5
15. Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
⬇ -1
by @Evoxius
Pages of Discussion: +2
15. Digitized Hubris (Battletech pseudo-AI SI/OC)
⬆ 29
by @Inquiring Mind
Reactions per Day: +38
15. Rashaka Raja of Hogwarts (Harry Potter/Campione)
⬇ -2
by @ThatOnePsycho
New Watchers per Day: +4
16. Rashaka Raja of Hogwarts (Harry Potter/Campione)
New Entry
by @ThatOnePsycho
Pages of Discussion: +2
16. Reach Heaven Via Feng Shui Engineering, Drug Trade And Tax Evasion
⬆ 44
by @Winged_One
Reactions per Day: +33
16. The Eldritch One (Celestial Forge)
⬆ 15
by @Optimal Robotics
New Watchers per Day: +4
17. Redemptor (RPG/Fantasy SI Multicross)
New Entry
by @Kadaeux
Pages of Discussion: +2
17. Look What You Made Me Do (MCU)
⬆ 34
by @mythSSK
Reactions per Day: +31
17. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
⬇ -10
by @CDRW
New Watchers per Day: +4
18. Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
New Entry
by @Martin Noctis
Pages of Discussion: +2
18. Empire Rewritten - A Kingdom building/Self insert novel.
⬆ 21
by @sersors
Reactions per Day: +31
18. The Rose and the Revolver (RWBY) (Wild West AU)
New This Week
by @Krieg Schnee
New Watchers per Day: +4
19. Advice and Trust [NGE]
New Entry
by @Strypgia
Pages of Discussion: +1
19. [MHA] Shoto Todoroki : Modern-Day Terrorist
New Entry
by @Nar_cisse
Reactions per Day: +27
19. A Collection of Useless, Impractical, and Strange Powers (Original)
New This Week
by @Levelgap
New Watchers per Day: +3
20. Scaling Up
⬇ -18
by @Kryslin
Pages of Discussion: +1
20. To Bear the Weight of the Throne [Worm, Inspired by an Essence of Silver and Steel]
New This Week
by @Kitsune_Obsessed
Reactions per Day: +27
20. Nothing Beside Remains
New Entry
by @Lucifra
New Watchers per Day: +3
21. Project: Gamer Ver. 2 (Young Justice/Gamer/Multicross OC)
New Entry
by @Mister Ficser
Pages of Discussion: +1
21. An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series)
New Entry
by @AlSmash
Reactions per Day: +26
21. Built To Last
⬆ 6
by @We Just Write
New Watchers per Day: +3
22. Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]
⬇ -2
by @James D. Fawkes
Pages of Discussion: +1
22. Metal Mind [Archie Metal Sonic SI]
⬆ 1
by @Martin Noctis
Reactions per Day: +23
22. A Mew Hope for Brockton Bay (Worm/Pokemon Crossover w/ Mew SI)
⬇ -16
by @SirBearington
New Watchers per Day: +3
23. My Random Fiction Bits and Pieces
⬆ 36
by @mp3.1415player
Pages of Discussion: +1
23. Fallow Fields [Naruto SI]
New Entry
by @zarinthel
Reactions per Day: +23
23. Baldurian Moonmight (BG3 Gamer SI)
⬇ -1
by @Oshha
New Watchers per Day: +3
24. Shin Persona Evangelion [NGE/Persona Fusion]
New Entry
by @Ultra Sonic 007
Pages of Discussion: +1
24. Star Wars: Rise of the Battlemage
⬆ 14
by @MetaBettaOmega
Reactions per Day: +22
24. The Ice Monarch [Worm AU]
⬇ -13
by @avlt
New Watchers per Day: +3
25. Sakura Haruno The Gaming Addict, and Her Gamified Life [Naruto]
⬇ -14
by @Sendicard
Pages of Discussion: +1
25. Everqueen (Warhammer 40,000)
⬆ 36
by @Solarion
Reactions per Day: +18
25. Welcome To Earth Abaddon! (Worm AU)
⬇ -20
by @Sachertorte
New Watchers per Day: +3
26. In The Grim Darkness Of The 41st Millennium, Nobody Beats G.I. Joe!
⬆ 2
by @sun tzu
Pages of Discussion: +1
26. Rashaka Raja of Hogwarts (Harry Potter/Campione)
⬆ 31
by @ThatOnePsycho
Reactions per Day: +18
26. Gym Leader Number 9
⬆ 10
by @Parthenian
New Watchers per Day: +3
27. Eevee Therapy for Little Magi (Pokemon x F/SN)
⬆ 2
by @Tale Swapper
Pages of Discussion: +1
27. Alternated Current: An IDW Sonic SI
⬆ 38
by @Small Nerd
Reactions per Day: +18
27. Solomon's One-Shot Repository
New This Week
by @Solomon1984
New Watchers per Day: +3
28. Obito-Sensei (A Sakura-Centric Naruto AU)
New Entry
by @Ser_Serendipity
Pages of Discussion: +1
28. Dust, Maidens and Oh my (RWBY/Celestial Grimoire SI)
⬆ 28
by @Magus Explorator
Reactions per Day: +18
28. Redemptor (RPG/Fantasy SI Multicross)
⬆ 29
by @Kadaeux
New Watchers per Day: +2
29. Look What You Made Me Do (MCU)
New Entry
by @mythSSK
Pages of Discussion: +1
29. Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha
⬇ -11
by @CDRW
Reactions per Day: +18
29. My Religious Experience Is Complete Nonsense, as I Expected (OreGairu AU)
New This Week
by @IlPogitano
New Watchers per Day: +2
30. Brockton Bay's Marvelous Mage
⬆ 2
by @MetaBettaOmega
Pages of Discussion: +1
30. Orderly (Worm Semi-SI)
⬆ 42
by @Obscura
Reactions per Day: +17
30. Reach Heaven Via Feng Shui Engineering, Drug Trade And Tax Evasion
New Entry
by @Winged_One
New Watchers per Day: +2
Huh… well that's cool. And this is weekly? Be interested to see where I'm at next week after dropping my Christmas presents.
The hell? I'm flattered Told in Blood is on 14th place for Most New Watchers, but it was posted barely two days ago!
"♫ And I'm free, freefalling....! ♫"
Not every week can be a winner, and the holidays are kind of a slow time for me, writing-wise...

Of course, against the absolute juggernauts of the Celestial Forge, Mp3.1415-Player, and the multi-author Harry and the Shipgirls... I think I manage quite well.