Sudden Active Development... I certainly feel SAD at the moment (Transformers Prime SI)

Hope they are able to talk themselves out of this situation or fight there way out of that doesn't work.
Considering the MC's frame size, they could have scanned an osprey, granted osprey are not known for there weapon systems.
"I don't suppose we can talk?"

Saying that with the distinctly female voice whilst clearly being Nemesis Prime, and having acquired a Hind alt form should throw the Autobots off. Hell they might even actually try talking.
I think the SI should aim for a V-22 Osprey.

The other option is a bit faster and more stealty, the YF-23.

Northrop YF-23 - Wikipedia

Or he could go with a clasic one, the F-14, bonus if it's one from the Jolly Rogers or Wolfpack Squadron.
I do think it would be fun if he could replace the faction symbol with the Assasins Creed symbol, instead.

Two other options, the T1 class and the NR-1.
The T1 USS Marlin SST-2 (T-2), still exist as part of a open to air, museum.
The SI could probably drive up to her, quite easily.

Could he force that death body, true a forced reformat?
Turn it into a trailer, that fits him?
Then it's figuring out how to reverse and modify his drone control gear.
Could let him control that death one as a drone trailer or so.
Unless he could absorb that trailer, in the near future.
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I'm confused, how can an american base have an Hind?
Almost definitely a UN bird;
Either that, or an Aggressor for wargames, but I find that less likely as the US usually just repaints domestic aircraft in OpFor colors nowadays.
"I don't suppose we can talk?"

Saying that with the distinctly female voice whilst clearly being Nemesis Prime, and having acquired a Hind alt form should throw the Autobots off. Hell they might even actually try talking.
"Hey, I got Cortical Psychic Patched into this body, and my original body is very dead."


"And I don't wanna drink Unicron-flavored Kool-Aid to come back to life, so can I keep this one?"
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I find one moment from Transformers Cyberverse, always way too funny.
Megatron has a surprise, a impossible one. lol
Will in this story, Megatron find himself being double teamed by Optimus Prime???
How many will wonder if they are seeing double?


Primus, that thumbnail reminds me; Soundwave has always been snarky, but he's usually too quiet to show that side of himself.

But Cyberverse Soundwave? He ditched the anti-socialness and went full memelord XD
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"I don't suppose we can talk?"

Saying that with the distinctly female voice whilst clearly being Nemesis Prime, and having acquired a Hind alt form should throw the Autobots off. Hell they might even actually try talking.

Go for full confusion front

"Yo, wussup man? Wanna chitchat? Been a while. Oh sweetheart you look slimmer than before, you eating well?"

Should buy enough time to do stuff while the mental gears are turning
Chapter 5: Persistence is Key
Chapter 5: Persistence is Key

The thing about flying low enough that anti-air systems would not be able to target you, it leaves you within shooting distance with certain ground based armaments.

Several of those said armaments being Optimus and his merry band of Autobots attempting to shoot my aft out of the sky with their blasters while I'm trying to pick up flight speed, it's not helping that their shots are forcing me to swerve lest they hit my rotors and knock me out of the air. Which in turn is making me slow down lest I drift out of control.

I'll give it to the Autobots and maybe even the Decepticons, they are certainly persistent- ah hell that was a close shot.

I'm not going to try and talk to them just yet, for one, they are shooting at me, and two, I want to make sure I will be too difficult or tedious to kill or am in a relative position of safety. Being shot at does not fulfill the second criteria, man this is troublesome.

The MI-35M Hind I scanned only had the chin mounted gun turret, and while I can use it to suppress them, it's not something like a warthog's terrifying gun so it's not so destructive that the Autobots will break off and try to find cover amongst the large rock formations dotting the plains in between the airfield and the forest.

Speaking of which the forest was very well within flying distance, and I also remembered where I placed the trailer. Thankfully carrying the cable created a sort of 'pseudo winch tentacle', it's freaky cause I can feel the limb and I wonder if that is how Soundwave got his feeler cyber-tentacles, then again he must have done some modifications with the help of a medic. Me? I probably won't have my own medic for a long time.

Ah, focus! You are being shot, this is not the time to be melancholic. I turned my nose gun turret to Optimus just as he decided to aim at me and fired at him, the leader of the autobots already took notice of my gun's direction and promptly hid behind his rock. This left his subordinates with free reign to shoot at me though.

Turns out flying while being shot at is hard as hell, I'm not going to give the helicopter pilots out there and even in-game heat for not being able to smoothly dodge these. Then again I could just be shit at flying, I mean this is the first time I'm flying of my own volition.

I wish I had more weapons on this form, but the hinds I saw on the airfield only had the single gun on them. I can't really blame them, the hind could hold different kinds of munitions so why put rocket pods on the helicopters and later on need aspect seeking missiles instead? It was simply preferred by them to keep the helicopter free of munitions and then later load it with the desired ones when it is time to sortie.

If only I could just create weapons somehow, then this would be so much easier. But alas, I'll either have to steal some or see if the Harbinger has got some weapons onboard that survived their crash. I know that energon is the weird stuff that somehow regenerates ammo, at least as long as you have energon in the tank, if we go by how in the Armada episode Starscream's clones came in with pre-installed missiles SOMEHOW.

Another blaster bolt whizzed by me and I had to mentally shake my head aggressively. Damn my thought straying tendencies, focus damn it! You are being shot at right now. Think of everything else later.

The forest was rapidly approaching and if by some luck I can reach it without getting shot down, I know I am still within the range of the airfield's anti air emplacements, so I can't just fly high to dodge the autobots.

My chin mounted camera made sure to keep the autobots within my sight while my other camera within the cockpit looked ahead to make sure I don't fly into something like a dumbass. Kinda weird seeing through two sets of cameras but I got used to it somehow.

Also don't these autobots have anything better to do other than chase me? Their stupid herding with their blasters is pissing me off, and they are getting uncomfortably close to the forest. I don't want them shooting the trailer as it has a bunch of energon in it, one wrong blast and it goes sky high in a ball of blue fire.

So I have to lead them on a merry go round, it should confuse them. It did as I suddenly veered off course from the forest, I saw Arcee and Bumblebee screech to a halt in their alt-forms as they tried to reorient themselves to face in my direction.

Optimus and Bulkhead were still firing at me but they had to change where they were aiming at, I took the chance to fly towards the cliffs skimming along the edge while the autobots chased my swerving form while they annoyingly shot at me, persistent buggers.

Just as we rounded the 'corner' of the cliff wall, I began to ascend higher so that I can lose them at the top of the cliff, my chin mounted camera was looking at Optimus aiming at me before I saw his head look... below me? "Arcee hold yourself!"

Wait what? Turning the camera just in time, I saw a bike flying at my chin camera and transform into the small blue femme. Shit.

I felt her grab onto my tail just as we cleared the cliff edge, I spun to try and get her to loosen her grip. I watch as she held on tightly with one servo while her hanging one turned into her energon blaster pistol. Right, no I like you Arcee but you aren't clipping my temporary wings after I just got them.

So I began my transformation, and Arcee feeling it had no choice but to let go or else be crushed by my frame shifting.

The blue femme landed gracefully on the ground while I landed with thundering crash, my frame finishing it's shift as my helm popped up in battle mask form staring at Arcee as I approach her slowly.

My frame more or less looked like TFP Optimus still but one can see the differences clearly, first of all my... 'chest' now had the bubble cockpits there and it kind of reminds me of Last Knight Optimus with the uhh 'interesting' chest design almost. My shoulders were rounder and while my turbines were on my upper back, my rotors were folded into several places, the two small rotors are attached to the back of my arms and the folded main rotor blades were positioned behind my shoulders. My legs were thicker, and there were no more wheels, I had three in my alt form but they were hidden away in my robot form.

I flexed my servos but I did not arm my weapons just yet, Arcee may have survived several pounds with vehicons and heavier mechs and femmes, but Optimus is one of the heaviest there is and I don't want to accidentally offline her.

Then again, she survived getting run over by Nemesis in truck mode and did survive getting smacked to unconsciousness by Nemesis when they went into the abandoned power plant.

She warily circled me, or at least tried to. You know how it looks in video games when you see an enemy locked onto you? Where you are moving your character along the edge yet the enemy is perfectly turning towards you in their stride? Yeah I was attempting to replicate that with some small success.

I need to render her inactive so that I can escape, the other three autobots cannot take Arcee's way since they were all too heavy to do so. That meant they had to take the longer route, which should buy me some time to deal with her.

Arcee unfolded her blasters and she began running while blasting, the blasts hit my form but surprisingly they were doing negligible damage.

Responding to her aggression, I unfolded my left servo into my pathblaster and started running as fast as I could towards her while firing all the while. My targeting computer aided me here as I led my shots, in response she began jumping around which is rather annoying as there was a few rock formations just large enough for Arcee to use as cover and jumping platforms.

I however was large enough to topple those rocks so that is what I did as I charged at her, one pathblaster out shooting at Arcee while I bowled through the rocks quickly gaining on her.

Surprisingly she then tried to jump over me, she must have thought the human controlling me would not be able to react in time. Well, unluckily for her I may be a human mind, but I am now supported by all the technology and cyberbiology.

So in turn I surprised her by reaching out with my one servo and managed to mess with her landing via swiping at her pede, this sent Arcee off course falling into an uncontrollable roll that had her landing near the edge and just barely falling off. She was hanging by her servos as she got an arm up and looked at me.

This works, I stared at her for a brief moment before I decided to replay something I remember from that episode. ="Primes don't run."= I played her voice saying that before I turned around and ran to the cliff edge on the opposite side, leaping off I transformed back into the MI-35M Hind and flew off to quickly reach for the forest and my loot.

Looking back with my chin mounted ball camera, I watched as Arcee barely got herself up just as the other autobots arrived. Optimus first helped Arcee up as I expected before turning his helm to look at my retreating form in the distance.

Thankfully I led them far enough that they would have a much harder time getting to me at the forest edge hideaway. Once I land I'm going to top myself off on energon before I begin my flying trek to Starscream's last sighted location.

-=-=-=-=-=- Line Break -=-=-=-=-=-

So it has been about two days since I was flying, I had to change and shift into truck mode several times switching colors so that I could dodge the eyes of the autobots and by extension the decepticons.

But here I am now, around the area of where that blurry photo of Starscream was taken. Hopefully with that in mind I can find trace the bloody seeker to wherever the Harbinger is. Hmm, I set my trailer down and landed before I transformed and began inspecting the surroundings of this dark spindly moonlit forest.

It's kind of creepy. The trees are tall, there is this uneasy calm that if I were still a human, my hairs would be standing at how tense I would be feeling. Granted I know there is nothing around here and it is just the nerves speaking, my various scanners, ecm suites, and the upgraded countermeasures I've gotten from my Hind form show that I was not detecting anything.

Not even any strange signatures aside from the ones in my trailer, so unless Airachnid is somewhere around here which I highly doubt. Then I am all alone in this place, which is perfectly fine for me, this makes it so that I won't be interrupted and that I can carefully take scans of the surroundings.

Hopefully Starscream being a seeker who likes flight will be careless on the ground, that stilettoed creep bag as Smokescreen so aptly put it should have left some tracks I can follow. His heels are sharp and they should have made deep footprints. If I can't find any then I will have to remember the possible direction he wandered off in the show but that is rather unlikely.

Before I do anything else however, I checked out my energon reserves and noticed I had drained 30% out of 100% simply travelling here for two days without much rest, actually do I even need rest? Maybe I do? But I'm not really feeling drained, mostly annoyed and bored.

I actually was bored enough to download quite a few offline mobile games from the various malls I slow trekked by. The most interesting part is that angry birds exists here but with the whole tables turned thing, instead being called rage hogs.

Anyway, enough of that. I set out to see if there are any tracks Starscream left behind, because if he did then I can find the Harbinger without spending like a week finding the stupid thing. When I find it, that should give me enough of a tech base to actually be safe.

Hmm? Something caught my attention, turning towards the northeast I narrowed my optics as for some reason that sight of the wooded meadow bothered me.

Fully facing myself towards it I tilted my helm left and right and walked a few paces to my left. You know that feeling you just have to look at it a certain way to get it? Yeah, that is what I was feeling at the moment.

It wasn't until I got a little closer why did that part of the woods looked so off, these trees were disturbed. Not by natural means, it looks as if something heavy pushed it until it leaned too much.

Now, this might be a good lead. Something which made this lead all the better is that I can see claw marks, as if someone scratched the wood. There were a lot of claw marks which kind of meant that Screamer kinda had a temper tantrum and wailed on this thing, and the other trees too.

Must have lamented on the fact he can't fly at all and he feels so useless. Also there is something odd about him, he can regenerate his bloody missiles on his arms and they don't need a T-Cog to do that shit. So that might be a confirmation on my theory that any weapons an alt form has will regenerate as long as there is energon to convert into it.

That will be interesting to check out when I find the Harbinger. Speaking of which, I should check this area, because if Starscream left some quite obvious damages in his temper tantrum, then he would have stomped off leaving more obvious tracks.

My scanners picked up slight indents that look faded but are still quite there, my vision zoomed in on those indents and my battle mask slid back revealing my smile which was predatory.

I wonder what would Starscream's reaction be when he knows 'Optimus Prime' is hunting him down?
Lol I sooooo cannot wait till they get into a proper dialog with the autobots and they got a good clue when she reacted to Arcee jumping properly especially since the way Nemesis is acting is probably somewhat nonsensical for them
You know, without the emotion dampening, pretty sure half the thoughts would be

"Do do do, the f*ck I doin'? Do do do the f*ck should I do? La la la middle of nowhere's kinda boring. Lalala I am so screwed."
Starscream of this continuity isn't that bad, if could get over his paranoia, chronic backstabbing syndrome, and tone down his ambitious nature a little he could be a good ally.

But I know asking a bit more than he can due in a short time frame.
Starscream of this continuity isn't that bad, if could get over his paranoia, chronic backstabbing syndrome, and tone down his ambitious nature a little he could be a good ally.

But I know asking a bit more than he can due in a short time frame.
All of those characteristics are Starscream in a nutshell, regardless of continuity. He's literally the Immortal heel.
Sure you can't form weapons the normal way a Transformer can (aside from the already existing ones in your body) but you can still probably make a handheld weapon of some kind, also speaking of which, make a handheld GAU cannon by ripping one out of an A-30, or picking up a few autocannons to make an assault rifle with.
Sure you can't form weapons the normal way a Transformer can (aside from the already existing ones in your body) but you can still probably make a handheld weapon of some kind, also speaking of which, make a handheld GAU cannon by ripping one out of an A-30, or picking up a few autocannons to make an assault rifle with.
i wonder if forming weapons will happen if enough energon and Cybermatter is ingested?

alternativly, find a cybertronian weapon and assimilate it.
Off Starscream and use him for parts.
That should prevent any blabbing to Megatron, about that location, at least.
There is still that satellite (in the crate in her trailer) with solar panels, a particle beam weapon, and whatever other stuff it has that she might be able to literally cannibalize to give herself its components. Maybe she could make herself like heavy future version of the Redwolf/Scorpion variant of the fictional Airwolf helicopter that had an energy weapon and possibly she could stick on various other weapons and defenses including jet engines given her chimerical nature.
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NemeSIs Prime's Appearances
Our little SI Eien Nemesis Prime or NemeSIs Prime has already a few different appearances as she has acquired at least four different alt-modes. Two being similar as big rigs enough that her frame appearance there hasn't been altered all that much.

I don't have true pics/drawings of NemeSIs Prime sadly, my laziness is making drawing a pain. So you'll have to make do with other pics and me describing the differences as best as I can.

Nemesis Prime - Peterbilt 379/Volvo FH16 750

Her appearance here is pretty much identical with Pre-Upgrade Optimus Prime, the slender lower half and all, not much has changed aside from either full color disguise or coloring herself black where the reds and blue would be with small purple highlights.

There are times where she will intentionally look scrappy or have something with her that she will put a cape that she learns how to keep on her person even when she transforms from bot to truck and vice versa.

Nemesis Prime - M1A2 Abrams MBT
Appearance-wise, she looks like a fusion between Tarn and Optimus Prime. Shoulders replaced with the treads only covered with armor plating, the chest area is slightly expanded and sloped to mimic the abrams turret head, arms. The waist is slightly widened with additional armor plating and the legs are blockier, losing the wheels. On the back is the attached tank barrel that can fold up.

Nemesis Prime - MI-35M Hind E Attack Helicopter (Hind Export)

Appearance-wise, she looks like Optimus Prime if he donned the appearance of Knight Bayformers Prime (Funny enough I found some good pics about it), the shoulders are simply larger with the main rotor blades (the one on top) are split into two groups and each group is placed behind the shoulders.

The two smaller rotor blades are also split into two groups except they are placed on the arms looking like blades pointing out and back. The chest has the bubble cockpits and the turbines are on her upper back. Her legs are slightly rounded, losing the wheels as well but they still look like boots.

Nemesis Prime - SU-47 Berkut Experimental Jet

Appearance-wise, almost like a mix between an Assault Frame and a Seeker Frame. Shoulders have been turned into hardpoints for weapons like the thermo rocket launchers, and servos have become sharper than normal servos. Waist is absurdly thin, the root mode has built-in high heels, and the helm is still identical to Optimus Prime's own helm and faceplate, even if it is slightly altered.

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Chapter 6: Answers?
Chapter 6: Answers?

Going by flight while following tracks on the ground is a lot harder and more time consuming than I thought, one might ask how and that is because the trees can block my sight from the ground at times, and if I am not careful then I will lose sight of the tracks.

At least until I can reorient myself and find them again, but I have done this several times already, it is quite annoying that I have to go far slower than I would have liked in order to not lose the tracks. But then again I think I'm doing far better than I think? I crossed several kilometers if I'm reading the map out right.

I'll give it to Starscream, he has quite the endurance to just limber and lumber his way towards the Harbinger without his wings.

This should mean I will be able to reach him far faster than he initially walked to the Harbinger... provided that this set of tracks is him going to said crashed vessel and instead not the pathway to where he found Airachnid's insecticons, if there are any still there I'd rather not tussle with them for now.

In the Armada episode, Airachnid didn't awaken all of them, there were several stasis pods still containing insecticons. Now this could simply mean that those pods are no longer working and the cybertronian inside is locked in there forever, which I highly doubt. On the other hand it could simply just be active but the guy inside it is brown bread, or is it gunmetal gray?

Regardless, I don't want to test my strength Optimus Copy or not against a swarm of insecticons. Especially if my luck put me in the timeline just before Armada, because if that is the case then I'd rather not go anywhere near that hive.

It would be bad enough to fight Airachnid in an enclosed space where she can jump on top of me wherever and whenever she likes, but fighting a swarm of insecticons on top of that will be a fast way to expedite my demise.

Ah, finally the forest ended and now the surroundings is beginning to bleed from slightly dotted with trees to now being dry and filled with different kinds of rock formations. It's still too early to tell but I think this is a good lead because the place where Airachnid's insecticon hive was located had trees surrounding the cave, so if I'm not seeing any trees then this is better.

I should also switch alt-forms to truck mode as that is far less noisy than my hind and abrams alt modes. But first I need to find a place where its smooth enough that I can drive, at least until I find that archway that Starscream pointed out to the autobots.

Hmm, I must have been tracking the trail for quite a while now. I mean it's turning morning if that sunrise on the horizon is any indicator. Although the dark stormy clouds overhead made it hard to see the sunrise in the first place. I set my trailer down and transform landing with a dull thud. Inputting the command to change alt-mode form into the Peterbilt 379, I also used my Chromatic Engine to change my colors into Optimus' iconic red and blue.

The rotors fell off and I gathered them up to put them back in the trailer with practiced ease, aaaand also to take a sip of energon to top myself off. My stockpile I grabbed from the mine is still enough to last me a while, I only went through half of what I gathered.

Closing it up I got to the front of the trailer and routinely transformed and hooked the trailer to me, now it's time for the rocky trek. This will be bumpy and I may need to stop every now and then to transform and pull the trailer out from any place it gets stuck in, whether it be in a small hole or a rock jutting out from the ground catching the tires in an awkward angle.

If only I can just fly- wait what's that sound? Quickly I drag the trailer to the shadows of a cliff and transformed, using my chromatic engine to mimic my surroundings to camouflage myself as best as I can.

That sounds like... jet engines, I quickly turn my helm up to the sky and see five falcon jets zoom overhead and somewhere in the distance. Welp, that answers my question of what timeframe I am in. The Armada episode, that is quite lucky of me, and quite early in the episode too, since those are five Screaming clones and Starscream will be pacing outside the Harbinger.

My scanners trace their contrails and hopefully by tracing the path they took I will be able to find the Harbinger easily. But the easier way and smarter way to do this is to wait for the one clone to return, as that is the time when the original Starscream returns inside the Harbinger to wait for the clone to report.

That is a much better idea, as that would ensure that I don't out myself somehow when I find the Harbinger. If Starscream sees me first then he will try to escape, and I have seen the bastard somehow escape quite dire circumstances. Hell, his last clone seemed to share that sort of hide saving luck. At least until the original Starscream turned the last clone into gunmetal gray himself.

So I know I won't be able to carry the trailer fast enough, at least unless I use my Volvo truck form but I'd rather keep the Optimus disguise around Starscream if he somehow manages to slip right through my grasp. The guy seems to have a talent for it and I will be extremely miffed if he does so, because as far as I know only two decepticons know of the Harbinger.

That is Starscream and Airachnid, the Autobots know it however they won't be coming here until Season 3 Scattered but I should not hold out on that. It's going to be difficult to hide me using the groundbridge unless I use it sparingly.

Now with that thought done, let's hide the trailer again like I did at the energon mine. Thankfully there are a lot more different sized rocks and rock formations that will allow the mound I hid the trailer in to blend in with the environment. Saving its location on my radar and built-in map, I turned and transformed into my truck form to try and simply just inch my way closer to wherever the Harbinger is while keeping to the shadows.

I don't need to reach the Harbinger, I just need to find myself a little shadowed cubby I can hide in so that the Starscream clone nor the original will be able to spot me unless they come in really close, combined with my chromatic engine functioning as a camo system then I should be hard to spot unless they have the ability to read life signals.

Which to my knowledge, only Soundwave is the only Decepticon who can do so and he might be connected to the Nemesis ship to do so. Hmm... I wonder if I can do like him? The guy can open his own groundbridge and spacebridges, I wonder if that is simply him being able to be integrated into the warship easily or if it is a part of himself.

I should try to see if I can incorporate groundbridge technology into my frame, that would be incredibly useful. Ah there we go, a small shadowed cut into the cliff wall I can use to hide myself until night time and I hear the clone return.

In the meantime I think I can check out some of the games I downloaded from the malls, I don't really have much to do and while I am slowly repairing. I think I will get very busy once I liberate the Harbinger from Starscream's grubby servos, and Airachnid would be completely borked for the foreseeable future so the Harbinger will be mine to use.

-=-=-=-=-=- Line Break -=-=-=-=-=-

It's night time and I am severely bored, if clonescream doesn't arrive after another hour I am thinking on blitzing Starscream and terminating him immediately before the clone returns. But I know that is a terrible idea, one of them has no flight and has a far less of a chance to escape, while the other has their T-Cog and all they need to do is head out and they will escape.

So I have to suck up and just wait, be patient and I will see clonescream return aaaaany second now. In the episode, the clone returns pretty much at night time and- ah there you are you little shit.

I heard the telltale roar of jet engines and the sound of something slicing through air at incredible speeds. I peeked out and saw what I could only assume is clonescream in his fighting falcon jet form. It's showtime and it's time to roll.

Starting my engines I rolled out of the cubby and my chromatic engine at work changed my colors to that of Optimus Prime. Let's follow the birdie and see how it goes.

For some reason the thought of killing Starscream, at least the Transformers Prime version, doesn't bother me all that much. I mean the idea of killing a sentient being will never cease to bother me, but it might just be my bias but Starscream deserves the fatality for the shit he pulls.

Granted the guy keeps getting smacked by a healthy dose of karma and being smacked around by Megatron, I would have offered a way out for him. But Starscream's rampant backstabbing tendencies do not help him, it would be much better to snuff him out than try to reason with the seeker.

I try to be as quiet as I can as I round the corner seeing Clonescream walk through the opening in the middle of the wreck. Not risking the sound of a running engine alerting the two just yet, I transform into my bipedal form, my yellow optics trained in on the wreck of the Harbinger. It was much bigger than I thought it would be.

Lumbering forward, I walked with a slight quick but quiet stride, walking up the ramp and into the Harbinger I entered just as I heard the first explosion. Good, that means clonescream is incapacitated and the original is just about to kill the other. I slowly enter the ship and prepared to hear for the other explosion.

What I did NOT expect was the sound of blaster fire.

Blinking my optics, I checked my audio sensors a few times to confirm that I was not in fact hearing things. No I am hearing the sounds of combat being performed within this wreck of a ship. This is very different, I thought OriginalScream got the drop on CloneScream?... Unless this timeline is vastly different and there are far more changes to this timeline than I thought.

Another explosion slightly shook the warship and I thought to myself that the time for thinking is not now. Now is the time for action, if one of them dies then that is good that means the other one will be weakened.

It's not sporting of me considering I am copying a warrior but Starscream would not be sporting in return.

So battle mask sliding into place, left servo transforming into my pathblaster, and my dampener turned up a little to allow me to focus about planning Starscream's demise, original or clone.

The sounds of combat continued, echoing throughout the hulk of the Harbinger wreck as my yellow optics shone in the darkness of the hallways. Unknown to the combatants, there is another 'cybertronian' in this wreck, and that said 'cybertronian' is not one they would want to meet alone in the darkness.

After all, Nemesis Prime is not a 'Prime' one can reason with like Optimus.

I have far less restrictions than the original of course.