Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

That's enough to get Eira and Helen rushing in. And just in time - because what looks like a damn Ogre, except also undead, is approaching, as you focus…
...yeah, fuck that, Senaz got knocked out by basic bitch CR 1/2 ex-human zombies, either we're way off our game or this place is even more cursed than it seems.
[ ] (Senaz's new Cantrip) Write-In One Cantrip of choice.
Eldritch Blast lmao
Low level dnd combat is also pretty swingy. I have had as GM, an almost party wipe against like... 3 zombies. The zombies just kept rolling high, and the players low.
[X] (Plan After Rest) Soon after you go back out, you'll spot a trail… Follow that and see where it goes!

[X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz's reading helps her figure something out. She and Helen will each gain one attack cantrip, while Eira will gain a psionic trick for her dagger for ranged strikes.

[X] (Senaz's new Cantrip) Write-In One Cantrip of choice.

Eldritch Blast

[X] (Helen's new Cantrip) Write-In one Cleric cantrip of choice.

Sacred Flame
I once had an encounter where a group of PCs nearly lost one of their number to a single extremely lucky skeleton. We named it Face-clawer.
[X] (Plan After Rest) Try to teleport to the road and take a different route - you want to be stronger before returning to this, you think.
[X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz needs to learn caution with her existing tools. No new gains.
[X] (Plan After Rest) Try to teleport to the road and take a different route - you want to be stronger before returning to this, you think.
[X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz needs to learn caution with her existing tools. No new gains.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Jun 3, 2024 at 4:47 PM, finished with 18 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] (Plan After Rest) Try to teleport to the road and take a different route - you want to be stronger before returning to this, you think.
    [X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz needs to learn caution with her existing tools. No new gains.
    [X] (Plan After Rest) Try to teleport to the edge of the Negative Energy-blighted area, so you can try to keep more angles of retreat as you continue toward the pit.
    [X] (Plan After Rest) Soon after you go back out, you'll spot a trail… Follow that and see where it goes!
    [X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz's reading helps her figure something out. She and Helen will each gain one attack cantrip, while Eira will gain a psionic trick for her dagger for ranged strikes.
    [X] (Senaz's new Cantrip) Write-In One Cantrip of choice.
    [X] (Helen's new Cantrip) Write-In one Cleric cantrip of choice.
Chapter 1.2.9: Next Plan!
[X] (Nerdic Inspiration?) Senaz needs to learn caution with her existing tools. No new gains.
[X] (Plan After Rest) Try to teleport to the road and take a different route - you want to be stronger before returning to this, you think.

… Helen was right. Resting helps. It's annoying, but keeping weight off yourself does, in fact, still work even for demons.

Even then… One relatively small squadron of undead nearly killed you. And in a place like that… You need to be quite a bit stronger, you conclude, to get anywhere there. The pit, the cave… You'll need to remember them, and hope you can take them on later. When you and your allies are stronger.

… By now, the others are awake. Eira's ears look drooped. "We've gotta go back there, don't we?", she says.

Helen shakes her head. "... I think so, yes. But not immediately. Not soon, even."

You nod. "... The odds that's connected to everything is, of course, high. But… We don't stand a chance as we stand. Not without some significantly stronger abilities."

Helen is the next to speak. "Higher circles of magic. Possibly some fortifications.Given we know the location…"

She pulls out a small map she's been working on. You glance.

You nod. "Once we're stronger and they're better prepared… If Torgo built some fortifications that could be rapidly assembled using the techniques we've prepared for them…"

Eira pauses. "Then we could set a field at the edge of the pit. We'd have to watch out for the… That was an ogre I spotted, yes?"

"A zombie one," you clarify. "But yes. Wood fortifications might not hold up against that level of power."

Helen nods. "... A good idea. But later. For now… I'm thinking we keep going along the road."

You also nod. "I can get us there quickly enough, so… We going?"

"We're going."

Door open. Step out. And… Back to the road, about where you went north.

At this time, it's around dusk. Not the greatest time to travel in theory… But between your Darkvision, Eira's ears, and Helen simply pulling a torch out, you think you can handle this.

(2d100: [61, 11] rolled by BeigePaladin)

… The teleport has you west of where you wanted to be. But… Thinking better of it, you call in the door - allowing Helen and Eira to come out.

"... Further east?", you offer.

Eira considers protesting, but instead nods. "Yeah. Let's move."


It's not too long, at your pace, before you've crossed where you split off the road to go north. Looking at the scale of the pit… If you want to avoid it, you need to keep on the road further - oh, it's curving north. Bit easterly, though. You… Feel like it can't be getting too close to the pit, right? This road isn't that major, this far out from any capitals, but someone would've noticed a big pit of undead this close.

Not helping the ensuing sense of unease is the woods closing in on you on both sides, and the road being in a valley now - severely limiting your line of sight. If something wished to ambush travelers at this time of -

That is a squeal. Like the squeal of a pig. But lower and -

You leap as the boar charges out of the brush toward you.

Helen has her sword out immediately. "Territorial. NOT a word Nature takes lightly."

(Perception: [ ], rolled by Twinwolf)

You pause. "Territorial and it's eyes are glowing red."

Helen pauses. "Fiendish summon."

Eira says, "Any chance we can banish it?!"

You shake your head. "But we can take it down," you respond… Drawing your rapier.

Helen continues, "It also means there's likely a summoner not too far away. Keep that in mind."

(Initiatives: Senaz: 8+3 = 11. Helen: 18+0 = 18, both based on rolls by Qoheleth. Eira: 7+3=10. Boar: 10. ORDER: Helen, Senaz, Eira, Boar.)

"Don't let it charge!", Helen declares - dashing in with her sword for that exact reason - though her first swing is wide as the beast steps back. (Longsword: 5 + 5 = 10; miss.) If charging is riskier than facing this head-on… You leap in, going for a rapier stab with a quick shout - nicking its skin so little it barely notices. (Rapier: 3 + 5 = 8; miss.)

It's Eira who gets the first hit with her shortsword cutting into its side - followed by the second from a dagger nicking along its face! (Shortsword: 12 + 5 = 17; hit for 1+3 + 5 Sneak = 8 damage.) (Dagger: 19+ 5 = 24; hit for 4 damage.)

The boar whines at Eira's strike, but spins to strike at Helen instead - striking into her enough to cause her to cry out! (Tusk: 14 + 5 = 19; hit for 8 damage.)

Not great - but not nearly enough to bring Helen low, as she strikes again, this time getting purchase in a strike to the creature's leg!! (Longsword: 10 + 5 = 15; hit for 5 damage.)

Your second strike narrowly hits it… And makes you realize how tough this thing might be. (Rapier: 7 + 5 = 12; hit for 5 damage.)

Eira's own swings both land their hits... (15 on sword, 22 on dagger for a total of 15 damage after Sneak.)

… Causing the boar to turn toward her and scream. You can detect the dark magic within - but Eira's eyes shoot up in unnatural fear.

Helen's swing is panicked at this, even with her not the target (Natural 1!). You realize that if you don't get this thing down now, Eira's fleeing will provoke it further and give it the chance to-

That's it. Deny it the chance.

"Sleep," you declare firmly, weaving magic in to try and just… Bring it to a standstill, as the injuries it has suffered are enough to drag it down.

Which is good, as that makes its attempt to punish Eira for fleeing a lazy swing that she easily avoids. Now just gotta get her to calm enough to finish the boar!

Jumping away, she steps back… Before shaking her head, getting her wits back.

"On three," you declare, raising your dagger.

Helen raises her sword. Eira… Hastily dashes in as you say "One."

Helen says "Two."

"Um four wait three-" Eira may have regained control, but she's still panicking, even as her shortsword slices into the boar's neck, followed by a dagger to the back of the skull. You hastily stab direct for the heart, and Helen cuts to bisect.

"Bad news," Helen responds, as the creature first gurgles… Then collapses into a putrid puddle of, for lack of a better word, itself. "... No bacon today."

That gets you laughing, and Eira laughing less easily.

(150 XP each, bringing you all to 894. Another win will get you a level.)

"I think I'd be the only one able to eat such bacon without retching," you observe. "So, probably not suitable for the fridge. Or any fridge."

Eira nods a bit. "... What kind of power would need to go into a summoning like this, though?"

Helen pauses. "... I'd say not much with unhallowed ground, but it'd depend on the type of unhallowing. Echidna's cult is more associated with demons than undead, though."

You pause. "... Let's keep moving, for now. If there was THAT this close…"

Helen nods. "The probability is, Chaos Mountain's close."

Eira glances around. "... There's quite a few ridges around us, but… Logically, they'd be using caves or something. Structures would probably cause some less than desirable clearings in the forest that'd be easier to spot."

"Unless they were structures that have been here a long time already," Helen responds. "But yeah. We'd be looking for caves near the road… No. Not near the road."

You nod. "They'd have long since been located if they were too close."

After Helen quickly uses her Lay on Hands to recover, you proceed north along the road for another while, until…

(Senaz's Perception: 9+2 = 11)
(Helen's Perception: 2+4 = 6)
(Eira's Perception: Nat 20!!!)

Eira's ears perk up visibly, as she looks to one side.. "Good news, bad news."

Your immediate response: "Path into the woods, and something guarding it?"

Eira nods, weapons already drawn, as a gruff, angered voice shouts, "For the Strong!" - probably another shorthand for She Who Must Be Abjured.

And then there's an entire chorus of them. Sounds like… Five. Small orcish raiding party.

Followed by the sound of them drawing steel.

Thing is, they're in the trees and other things that are harder territory than the road you're on, and you spotted them earlier than they'd planned for. So, you've got options… So long as you decide quickly.

[ ] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.
[ ] (Orcish Raiding Party) Shout "Parley" and feign loyalty to She Who Must Not Be Named to avoid fighting at all.
[ ] (Orcish Raiding Party) Run, flat out; you can't see what they have, but you don't want to face five of whatever it is at once!
[ ] (Orcish Raiding Party) Run, using the door and teleport trick to escape more thoroughly.
[ ] (Orcish Raiding Party) Write-in another plan!

If the party runs or otherwise retreats:
[ ] (Where to?) Back to the keep, resupply maybe.
[ ] (Where to?) Back to Torgo's camp, time for a new idea.
[ ] (Where to?) Maybe try the pit anew after all?
[ ] (Where to?) You spotted that path in the woods, maybe it leads somewhere? You're... Fairly certain it's not the path here. Can't be absolutely, though.
[ ] (Where to?) Try exploring south of the Lizardfolk mound, east of Torgo's clan camp.
[ ] (Where to?) Try exploring east of the Lizardfolk mound.
Last edited:
Hmm, five orcs. Whether or not we can take them depends a lot on how high level they are. If they're plain old level 1 warriors, probably can. If they're higher level, probably not.

Still, this is actually fairly likely to be a reasonably fair fight. If we can use some tricks to make it distinctly unfair, I'd say we give it a go.
[X] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.
For the record, I've added a fair chunk to the bios of all three characters back in the character sheets and other data post, specifically including the base artwork for all three and a few notes on Solaria under Helen's entry.

Also, as usual, goofposts or other materials may enhance rolls once the fight proper ensues - Helen's going to be putting her Lucky feat to work tonight...
[X] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.

Nobody got tagged by the boar for actual damage, so outside of the one Sleep spell we cast earlier we're in the clear. Five orcs feels like exactly the sort of thing you CC ASAP and is a great use of those spell slots.
[X] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.

I'm willing to gamble a little bit, as long as we are full on spell slots and healing?

Edit: down one spell slot, I think we're still good.
[X] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.

I think we can handle this with some smart tactics.
[x] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.
Chapter 1.2.10: Bandbreaking
[x] (Orcish Raiding Party) Immediately drop a Sleep and some Entangling Ectoplasm to reduce their active numbers, then hope your superior equipment keeps you up long enough to win.

Helen's drawing her sword. "You stand with She Who Must Be Abjured, then?", she declares, firmly and with that certain Holy Confidence.

"Aye. And if ye consider her a threat and not an ally, then who are we to dissatisfy ye?!", one of the orcs shouts, as they charge out in a hasty formation - all with greataxes drawn.

Greaaaat, that's just greaaaaat. Take the wrong hit with that, and your rapier could legitimately snap in half. You think. Maybe. You don't want to find out.

But with them moving cautiously, you've just enough time for-


And you can't help but notice something forming in Eira's hand, even as two of the Orcs stumble and fall unconscious under the power of your magic command. A third is surprised by a glob of… Uh, something? (Arcana check failed) - from Eira's hand, which globs and sticks around him.

The remaining two look confused - until they raise their axes to defend as Helen jumps in for her opening swing - the orc barely managing to block (5+5 = 10), before both of them attempt to counter, Helen quickly backstepping the first, then stepping in to deflect he second with her shield.

The entangled one isn't in position to swing, thankfully - freeing you to step in fast with your rapier against one of the two fully active ones(19+5 = 24, hit for 5 damage). Hopefully, your wider swing will keep their attention off Eira long enough for her to get some hits in - though the Orc's step against you causes her first swings to cut wide (6 + 5 = 11, miss, and a nat 1 automisses).

The good news is, this means they're focused on you and not on trying to get their teammates loose. That's also the bad news, as one swings at Helen (who manages to shield block again) - and the other slices into your side (4 damage). The entangled one isn't close enough to hit, and struggles near uselessly for the moment - whatever Eira threw seems strong. Probably one of her psionic powers.

While the one who cut into you is unharmed, you decide to slice at the one you've already hit - landing a decent hit (15+5 = 20, 4 damage). Helen's swing is practically more meant to command attention… YOu hope (Natural 1)...

… Which pays off when Eira slips in behind him, getting a perfect stab to lay him low (19+5 =24 for 3+3 plus 1 sneak attack = exactly his remaining HP) - then spinning her dagger into the other (16+5 = 21 for 5 damage).

This has the entangled orc panicking - you're sure his thoughts are in the vein of 'no I can't lose like this', though he says little. The still standing Orc gets another solid hit on you, though (6 damage after halving) - though you hear Helen speaking a divine word, soothing that injury quickly (6 healing). Paladins are very nice to have on your side.

You take a swing, cutting into this orc (16 + 5 = 21 for 7 damage) - followed by Helen striking true with enough force to bring him down (15 + 5 = 20 for 8 damage).

Eira slips behind the entangled orc, and makes her stab with her shortsword hard enough to lay him low immediately, the strange material fading.

Helen isn't slowing down for a moment, though - and you spot why, as the two sleeping orcs are waking up. Crap. That last hit broke your concentration.

Still, a stab in with your rapier (18+5 = 23 for 7 damage), a slice from Helen (16 + 5 = 21 for 4 damage), and a lucky hit with Eira's dagger after her sword catches in his hide armor (4 + 5 = 9, then 7 + 5 = 12 for 4 + 6 sneak attack) gets one of them to stay down.

The last shouts in fury. "FOR THE STRONG!", he declares, as he tries to recklessly jump-swing at you. Reflexively, you let your wings form and send you back enough to avoid him.

"WHAT?!", he shouts in confusion. "A DEMON?! WORKING AGAINST US?! WHY-"

"Because my patron says so," you respond, diving back in and stabbing at his arm (11+5 = 16 for 6 damage).


Aaand he's gurgling at Helen and Eira's near-simultaneous hits. Followed by a shield smack to knock him mercifully unconscious.

… You sigh. "... Five more lost to the darkness, or something."

Helen shakes her head. "They were already on the attack. Not much to do there than defend yourself. Plus, they revealed something."

"Yep. Demons serving our enemy," you respond… Bringing your wings back to concealed almost self-consciously.

Eira nods… Aaaand is quickly kneeling in to check the orcs over. You summon the door to steal their five greataxes and ten javelins total. Rather more valuable than the total of 17 gold and 28 silver Eira finds from their pockets. (You consider taking their hide armors, but Helen shakes her head - best to bury them in it.) Nothing magical, no surprise there.

"... Short break before we decide what's next?", you suggest.

Helen nods, but notably steps into the apartment (you had left the door open). Eira quickly follows, though this time at least she doesn't immediately strip. You go in, and begin to play some relaxing songs on your lute to help soothe the pain of the cuts you just took.

You can almost feel the flow around you… And, after some time, you stop.

"... Anyone else feeling a little stronger?"

Helen pauses. "Maybe."

Eira also nods.


167 XP each brings you to 3rd level and 1051 XP!

During the Short Rest, you spend a hit die and activate Song of Rest, recovering all lost HP. You have one hit die left for today.

This means it's time for a whole lot of votes, some of them particularly major! For this, I've listed options that seem particularly fitting - I can consider others.


Senaz gains a Subclass:
[ ] (Senaz's Bardic College) College of Eloquence - Perfect for oratorical manipulation.
[ ] (Senaz's Bardic College) College of Glamour - Your darkest desires in a whole new form! Might annoy Helen, but there's a great buff attached.
[ ] (Senaz's Bardic College) College of Lore - You read too much before you died, why the hell should that change now?
[ ] (Senaz's Bardic College) College of Valor - Mix swordmanship and spellcasting together!
[ ] (Senaz's Bardic College) Write-in from any WotC source, homebrew source subject to QM approval, or third-party source the QM either has or can access and then approves.

Senaz gains two Expertises: Double the Proficiency Bonus for two skills you are already proficient in. Top two votes are selected, unless unified in a plan vote.
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Arcana
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Deception
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Insight
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Investigation
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Performance
[ ] (Senaz's Expertise) Persuasion
(Note that if people vote for College of Lore, Senaz will gain more skills, which can then be added.)

Senaz gains one Bard spell of up to 2nd level:
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Enthrall - Steal an entire crowd's attention for a minute.
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Gift of Gab - Magically enhance your verbal backspacing!
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Heat Metal - Weaponize the same principle that forces you to crack your car window when it's too hot out!
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Hold Person - Do I need to explain this one?
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Invisibility - Kinda overlaps with your Ethereal Shift, but not entirely - particularly since you can cast it on someone besides you.
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Kinetic Jaunt - For stylishly matching Eira's Skate!
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Knock - Knock! Who's there? You. Youyouyouyouyouyouyou.
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Lesser Restoration - Given some of what you've encountered, some condition clearing could be super useful.
[ ] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Write-in from any WotC source, homebrew source subject to QM approval, or third-party source the QM either has or can access and then approves.


Helen gains a Subclass, choosing Solaria's signature Oath:
(Helen's Divine Oath) Oath of Harmony.

(Details have been added to her spot up in Character Sheets.)

Besides the two automatically gained Oath spells, she can prepare one more 1st-level Paladin spell now. What would be suitable?

[ ] (Helen's Added Spell) Detect Evil And Good - save Divine Sense uses and spot a little more.
[ ] (Helen's Added Spell) Detect Magic - Nuff Said
[ ] (Helen's Added Spell) Divine Favor - +DPS as long as you can maintain concentration? HAndy.
[ ] (Helen's Added Spell) Protection from Evil and Good - Possession nixing? Yay!
[ ] (Helen's Added Spell) Write-in from - look, you know the routine now.


Eira's 3rd level is a bit more boring - her Power POints go up some, and she can gain one more power from the Psychic Rogue list ( ) - or powers I'm convinced are on-theme.

[ ] (Eira's New Power) Conceal Thoughts - not guaranteed to suppress your tail
[ ] (Eira's New Power) Compression - fit into smaller spaces!
[ ] (Eira's New Power) Float - Always handy.
[ ] (Eira's New Power) Write-in from the list above, or sell me on a 1st-level power from another source.


Plan votes are encouraged this time around!

Note that the only thing I've already plugged into the character sheets is Helen's Oath and the spells it grants, plus the loot.
This is not a vote.

Heat Metal is hilariously versatile. The cause of, and solution to, anyone with metal weapons or metal armor.
Surprised solaria is harmony and not devotion, but I guess it makes sense given the inspiration that lead to solaria.

I think eloquence is the best bet here. It makes us insanely convincing. Never rolling below a 10 on deception and persuasion checks is really good!
[x] Plan Aranfan
-[x] (Senaz's Bardic College) College of Eloquence - Perfect for oratorical manipulation.
-[x] (Senaz's Expertise) Investigation
-[x] (Senaz's Expertise) Performance
-[x] (Senaz's Spell Selection) Heat Metal - Weaponize the same principle that forces you to crack your car window when it's too hot out!
-[x] (Helen's Added Spell) Bless
-[x] (Eira's New Power) Float - Always handy.

Collage of eloquence is probably the best at enhancing our girl's social prowess, and lets be honest: she didn't wish to become a succubus so she could be a shut in in her next life. With our insane Cha from being a succubuss, Silver Tongue makes us unable to roll below 18 on the two most important cha skills, and that will only get higher as we level and gain further proficiency. Its honestly probably better than charm person in a lot of cases.

Expertise: Performance is so that our music isn't too far behind our rhetoric. I can be convinced to change Investigation to something else, but it seems the most useful at the moment.

Senaz Spell: Making anyone drop their metal weapon is just the most basic use case of this.

Helen's Spell: Bless is one of the few ways to improve saves, which is a pretty big deal.

Eira: Float is picked because a fly speed is always useful. I'm assuming that's what that does anyway.
Eira: Float is picked because a fly speed is always useful. I'm assuming that's what that does anyway.
Since she's using an adaptation of a 3.5 class, her powers are based on 3.5 Psionics. And as a hybrid class, she'll only have level one powers until Class level five. Fly speeds are far too strong to be a reasonable result of a level 1 power, and if you look it up, what Float does is increase your Swim speed by 10', giving you one if you don't already have one.
Since she's using an adaptation of a 3.5 class, her powers are based on 3.5 Psionics. And as a hybrid class, she'll only have level one powers until Class level five. Fly speeds are far too strong to be a reasonable result of a level 1 power, and if you look it up, what Float does is increase your Swim speed by 10', giving you one if you don't already have one.

I see. I am taking suggestions for Eira's power.