Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Interrogations) Ask if you can interrogate them yourself with some magical assistance. (Clever Self likes this one too. Helen will probably be better with this one than the other two personal ones.)
[X] (Interrogations) Ask if you can interrogate them yourself with some magical assistance. (Clever Self likes this one too. Helen will probably be better with this one than the other two personal ones.)
... I did not realize you could cast non-concentration-requiring spells while maintaining concentration before now. Though with them unconscious, there's not a lot of thoughts to capture right now. Still, I'll keep that in mind next time.

Yeah, that's a specific 5eism. It's not so much "concentration" anymore so much as a cap on how many spells with durations you can have going at a time, with a few exemptions. They just reused a classic term to mean something loosely related, like with Hit Dice.
Yeah, that's a specific 5eism. It's not so much "concentration" anymore so much as a cap on how many spells with durations you can have going at a time, with a few exemptions. They just reused a classic term to mean something loosely related, like with Hit Dice.

True, though 5e's implementation of hit dice as a partial replacement for 4e's Healing Surges is quite nice at the table (Though 1 hour for 'breather' feels a bit off given I think the game still assumes 4ish encounters a day). And there are some exceptions - Invisibility is not just Concentration but specifically switches off if you cast another spell for example. (Ethereal Shift notably lacks that disadvantage, since it's not a spell in 5e but a separate ability entirely. Which will totally see implementation at least once as her walking backwards into a bush in reference to a certain Simpsons clip.)
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True, though 5e's implementation of hit dice as a partial replacement for 4e's Healing Surges is quite nice at the table (Though 1 hour for 'breather' feels a bit off given I think the game still assumes 4ish encounters a day). And there are some exceptions - Invisibility is not just Concentration but specifically switches off if you cast another spell for example. (Ethereal Shift notably lacks that disadvantage, since it's not a spell in 5e but a separate ability entirely. Which will totally see implementation at least once as her walking backwards into a bush in reference to a certain Simpsons clip.)

Yeah, I do wonder why they decided that illusionists just shouldn't work in 5e. What good is an illusionist that, twice over, can't cast an illusion while invisible?
Wasn't all spellcasting surrounded by loud chanting and visible lights even in 3.5? Though I guess if you could cast an illusion on your illusion...
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Oct 15, 2022 at 11:49 PM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] (Interrogations) Ask if you can interrogate them yourself with some magical assistance. (Clever Self likes this one too. Helen will probably be better with this one than the other two personal ones.)
    [X] (Interrogations) Offer to do the interrogations yourself; ask if you can do it privately and cut a little loose. (Seductive self likes this idea. Helen, maybe not so much.)

Wasn't all spellcasting surrounded by loud chanting and visible lights even in 3.5? Though I guess if you could cast an illusion on your illusion...

There were a few mitigating options to reduce all of this - including the 'Conceal Casting' skill trick added later on.

That said, Illusion and Enchantment got nerfed to the ground in 5e and I'm not much a fan of it. Don't be surprised if I ignore some of what's in the 5e rules for closer to 3e behaviors to make major pieces of Senaz's toolkit functional.

Post will start tomorrow. I'm also considering opening the floor to reconsidering my previous plans with Eira (consisting of "happy resolution, she stays as our duo head onward to next destination").
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Wasn't all spellcasting surrounded by loud chanting and visible lights even in 3.5? Though I guess if you could cast an illusion on your illusion...

The "visible lights" thing was more of a late Pathfinder idea (though 3.5 psionics used the idea first). In 3.5, the visibility of most spellcasting was primarily about the gestures, which there were methods to conceal -- invisibility included, so long as the spell didn't constitute any form of attack. Sometimes, material components could be conspicuous as well (people might well be suspicious if the unarmored person is caught manipulating a scrap of fleece). The audibility is more directly true, though there were ways to invest in concealing that too; Silent Spell was a favorite feat of many an illusionist, allowing them to prepare their spells to involve no chanting at all at the cost of them occupying a slot one higher than normal.

In the case of combining Invisibility with Silent/Minor/Major Image, it really strikes me how much they changed to nerf the combo out of existence several times over (though to be entirely fair, they also moved Detect Magic back to 1st-level like it was in TSR editions so an entire school of magic couldn't be trivially thwarted by the infinite cantrip rule):
  • In 3.5, while old-style concentration existed and Silent/Minor/Major Image required it, Invisibility did not. In 5e, they're mutually exclusive spells due to both requiring concentration.
  • In 3.5, Silent/Minor/Major Image had a Long range (400' + 40'/lv.), making it possible (if not always practical) to cast far enough away that people weren't guaranteed to hear the chanting. In 5e, Silent Image's range is 60', so casting from out of hearing range or even out of obvious visual range is impossible... and Major Image's range is 120', less absurd but still shorter than before. (For further comparison, the range of the equivalent spells in 2e were 180' + 30'/lv. and 180' + 3'/lv.)
  • In 3.5 Invisibility only ended early if you took an offensive action (a detail which, admittedly, accrued more and more complicated rules surrounding it leading up to 3.5). 5e's additionally can be hit out of (assuming you're struck successfully) or ends if you cast any spell at all.
It's like they want to punish people for daring to want to be clever instead of violent, because D&D is "supposed to be" a combat game only. Personally, I prefer my D&D to have tools for a wider variety of occasions. Though I'd probably be less salty if each arcane casting class had one subclass that let you perform combos like that anyway; then at least you could have it be "your character's thing".

...And that is today's utility magic lover's rant.
PREEMPTIVE VOTE because I wrote myself into a corner where having this vote resolved will make things much easier to write out.

[ ] (Eira) Is an ordinary civilian and unsuitable to join the party.
[ ] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

She is not the third Reincarnated Heroine regardless.

As a side discussion, what kinds of classes might be suitable for the floof? Remember that you have a Bard of indeterminate Bardic College, and a Paladin of a custombrew Oath whose abilities will be fully presented later.
[x] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

The bard knows little of the local area, she was just figuring out her maybe plot. Can sneak and fight, some magic.

The paladin is tanky and knows what's going on, some healing.

So the gap is really for an arcane thief; magic and lockpicks. Maybe started/is starting as a fence? Working in the bar to meet contacts and get their loot, then open the lockboxes and evaluate the magic items and sell it onwards. Contacts, pick locks, and low level arcane divination to start with?
IF she's Adventurer, I'm going to say the possibilities... are kinda narrow in any case.

Cleric's possible but definitely requires a god with a code that's very... I don't know how to put it. Maybe Druid?


Actually I was going to discard Wizard out of hand, but a Wizard who is fascinated with all sorts of spells and their direct effects on her would be both hilarious and a genuinely cool character concept.

Sorceress is a no, for kind of the same reason that Wizard is a yes.

Monk is a no because she's absolutely not Lawful.

Ranger definitely doesn't work because she's not well-traveled.

bbn is hell for you to write, so that's a veto anyway.

Rogue? Fighter?

Rogue because she's been playing us by acting like a normal townie when she's got the right stuff
Fighter because it's really hard to tell a good Fighter in the best of times anyhow
Eh, arcane thief is probably too much to ask. But even a level one rouge could be handy.

Anyway, I'm not too opinionated on this choice, but if Eira does become a party member, she's almost certainly something simple like a fighter (part of the militia, learned to fight, owns a spear), a rouge (fell on some hard times, learned from the school of hard knocks, and came out intact and able to participate in society), or some other simple class.
I'm largely familiar with Pathfinder classes, and of those she could maybe be a Brawler, or maybe a Swashbuckler or down-on-her-luck and out of materials Alchemist at fanciest.
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[X] (Eira) Is an ordinary civilian and unsuitable to join the party.
[X] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

Party member get! For class, hmmmmmmmm, I think fighter is unfortunately the option that meshes and makes the most sense, although I'd be lying if I said I could actually kind of see barbarian?

Priority vote fighter, but also tossing a vote in to barb
[x] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

No real thoughts on class though.
Eh, arcane thief is probably too much to ask. But even a level one rouge could be handy.

Anyway, I'm not too opinionated on this choice, but if Eira does become a party member, she's almost certainly something simple like a fighter (part of the militia, learned to fight, owns a spear), a rouge (fell on some hard times, learned from the school of hard knocks, and came out intact and able to participate in society), or some other simple class.
I'm largely familiar with Pathfinder classes, and of those she could maybe be a Brawler, or maybe a Swashbuckler or down-on-her-luck and out of materials Alchemist at fanciest.

Brawler is an interesting choice. I didn't realize Swashbuckler isn't a Rogue mod like in 3.5 until now, hahaha. Alchemist or the 3.5 semi-counterpart of Artificer would be slightly odder fits but I could still see it.
IF she's Adventurer, I'm going to say the possibilities... are kinda narrow in any case.

Cleric would be sorta odd, but don't forget you're not limited to the 5e classes. 3.5 and Pathfinder open up a range of odder options like Psionics ideas. And, of course, I could consider refluffs - in a test of Undying Corruption, a 5e campaign that's on Kickstarter right now, I reworked the psionic Soulknife into 'Shadowknife' for example, connecting it to the character being a Mark of Shadow Elf (and in turn tying her into more lore implications than I'd expected). So ideas need not be limited by the classes if you've got something weird and cool for a floof to do.
[X] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

Definitely agree that she smells like a mundane/martial class of some stripe if this option wins.
  • Fighter or Rogue would be the obvious picks among the classic/5e classes.
  • 3.5's Marshal (which evolved into 4e's Warlord) could either fit the trope of a normally dominant sort having a kink for being a sub to "take a break" from that side of themselves, or could be flavored more in the "stalwart friend" mode -- yes, I'd make Samwise Gamgee a refluffed Marshal/Warlord.
  • PF1's Vigilante is very well-suited to an "adventurer surprise" of this nature.
  • I agree that Swashbuckler (either 3.5's or PF1's) is a suitable possibility as well.
If she did have any supernatural capability, I'd peg her as a "made deals to get it" sort. Warlock is the "standard" version of this, and comes in three very different flavors -- 5e's version, 3.5's original version, and the archetype for PF1's Vigilante. Aside from Warlock, there's also 3.5's obscure Dragonfire Adept and 3.5's cult classic Binder (or Dario Nardi's third-party reworkings thereof).

As for the third reincarnated hero, my suspicion is that they're going to be a Druid to round out the party balance -- probably a fairly blasty Druid to make up for our arcane caster being of a more utility-and-support-focused class. That way, arcane, divine, and primal magic will all be represented.
[X] (Eira) Has one or another stripe of adventuring class level and could join the party.

Honestly Vigilante swayed me. I have a vigilante. They're fun.