Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

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In which a closeted transfemme gets an isekai wish set that's way stronger than she thinks, and has to resolve a complex relationship with a divine quest whose ultimate objective she doesn't even know. Hilarity is intended to ensue.
Prologue, Part 1: Why is it a rock so often?!

Prologue, Part 1: WHY is it a rock so damn often?!?!?!

You're pretty certain that the stupid Paladin who managed to get a one-over on you just tripped you to rub it in. How suitably annoying.

Seriously, Paladins, agents of heroically-aligned gods, they're so gods-damned annoying. Of course she catches you, ties your hands behind your back, is willing to assume that'd be enough to contain you - a ploy you opted to play along with for now in lieu of eating more of those thrice-accursed divine smites.

But for her to rub it in like that? That was just low. The kind of low you expect from these sorts, perhaps. Oh, sure, humans say they're paragons of kindness, justice, and goodness, but you're a Succubus, you know better. They're highly resistant to your charms, nigh-impossible to corrupt even under them, and have all sorts of powers that'd be way better aimed at stupid Undead than the likes of you!!!

… Okay, sure, you were plotting to screw with the local lord to cause an authority crisis. That's expected behavior from a loyal servant of the Red Queen, She Of Lust And Temptation, like yourself. Doesn't mean you deserve to be slammed in the mud, your forehead smacked into a rock hard enough to probably leave a mark for at least a few minutes. UGH.

Okay, Senaz, just keep playing along, find a place she's vulnerable, then try to pounce and get out of here. Maybe you can salvage the plan, maybe you just need to get away alive and unbanished and start something fresh. But all you need is to remember your past. Remember your wishes. Use them well.

… Wait, what the hell was that? That was definitely not your mental voice. It sounded more like some kind of…


Aaaand you're not sure if your day just got better or worse very, very suddenly. You're still face-down in the dirt, but also, the duration of your past memories just extended by, like, thirty years. You think? … Close enough.

Okay, let's sort through what you just gained. Namely, an oddly intact set of past life memories. That's weird, demonic souls aren't supposed to be under a reincarnation cycle like that.

That life was cut short by getting hit by a Mack Truck. And you know what those are now, which means this life - no, your past life - is from a different world.

… Or, to be more accurate, you reincarnated to a different Abyss. Sean Calvers reincarnated into Senaz. Overall, species upgrade, sex upgrade, sexiness upgrade -

No, no, catch up to the key parts of the story so far. Your story. Damn it that's too weird to think of. Anyways. Earth has much higher tech but vastly lower magic than the material plane of Aridia. Possibly no magic at all. But the tech was enough for you to be, to put it lightly, terminally online. Your work was remote, your social life focused around a raid guild in Another World Online, and going out involved a minimum of interactions.

So, social anxiety. But also kindness. In spite of it all, you were a good person. Yeah, they were (usually) virtual, but they were friendships, and they were across the entire planet - the kind of communication not available on your world except to some big-name adventurers and a few nobles, and even then not as conveniently. (Facebook's definitely still creepy though.) Also, a lot of your money went to charity and to helping your friends be okay.

And then you died, on August 18th, 2022.

When you 'came to', though, it was not a heaven or hell you saw, but a mist, and in it, what you immediately assume to be a goddess. Blue hair, obvious divine aura you're not sure if you could've sensed when this was happening ten years a-

Wait, was it ten years ago? It'd have to be, right, because you-as-in-Senaz have been active that long.

Anyways, you came to the same conclusion a few seconds later, and the goddess declared you a good person, worthy of -

Oh hell.

Great. Great, just. Great. A divine quest of positive nature. Which meant the Red Queen was, at best, going to be pissed. The Queen had put resources into raising someone who might be about to be assigned a quest to defeat, well, her. Which means huntings-down could start very quickly.

… Okay, the quest isn't specified. Maybe you can get a ways into it before - why do you feel obligated to pursue the quest, anyways?

… Oh, okay, that's why. For one, she granted you three wishes, and the only catch is one's gotta be useful to the quest. From the stories you read back on Earth, one is the norm, so she's being extra nice maybe.

Aaaaaand knowing your whole self now, you realize what the first gift you took was just before your 'playback' of the memory got to it. Your friends. Or rather, a way to get onto the Internet to keep having your past social life.

Not like you have much of one now. Still, you're kicking yourself that you picked that as your priority.

Second wish is your old stuff, a comfortable extradimensional lair to store and use it, and a way to order stuff from Earth to that lair. (You wonder if that includes pizza delivery, because now you're realizing you haven't had pizza for a decade and that's sad.)

… Ahahahahaa. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No wonder something that'd normally not make sense happened! Your third wish, the useful one, was to be a Succubus! Also, you were trying to make blasting your transgender eggness with a blue, pink, and white orbital laser sound macho and practical.

Not that you're wrong about the practical part. The stack of abilities you got, especially since you specified details that explain why you had more powers than usual for a lot of your kind, make you a potential machine of adventuring quest handling! Though you do have to ponder if this means the you here and now is transfeminine, or only your past life was and now you're cisfeminine.

… Maybe talk that out with some LGBT scholars on Earth later. And here if you can find them. But if the terms originate from there, maybe…

You can work on that later. Right now, there's the fact that you're a demon who is also a reincarnated hero. And the Goddess told you to 'just start trying stuff and see what sticks, you'll know when it's your real quest soon enough'.

Awfully nonspecific directions there.

For that matter, you're not sure if you're alone in the 'being an isekai heroine' or not. Also, there's still that Paladin right there, who could end this entire thing before you even learn how to use the first two wishes.

Slowly, you start to roll onto your back.


… Okay, you've got a few facts to piece together based on what your divine senses just told you.

Ten minutes ago, you found, fought, knocked out, and tied up a Succubus who was in the middle of… Well, she was only plotting as yet, but frankly, the plot could have become a major problem for the area, based on her being in a regional capital and probably intending to target the local Lord. She hasn't admitted to that part yet, but HAD immediately gone on the attack the moment you spotted her.

Still, you were going to march her to a nearby temple, interrogate her, and probably banish her back to the Abyss, where she would be stuck for one hundred years unless someone summoned her by specific name - unlikely for a random seeming novice of a lust demon. Just another standard good deed done while you try to find out what your real quest is.

And then she tripped on one rock, and fell right onto another. Even for a full-on demoness who was assuredly up to no good, that had to hurt, and you winced a bit reflexively.

… And then you spotted something that by any reasonable means shouldn't be possible. You have to check it again.

There are exactly three reasons you can think of for her alignment to suddenly start registering as both Good and Evil, in the capital-letters senses of both. The first is she's trying to fool you - but then she'd only register as Good. And also have done it much earlier.

The second is the rock was some kind of infectious divine artifact. Oh, she's moving - nope, the rock's just a rock.

The third is the one you were most worried about. It's the proof you're not alone in your quest, and that of thrice-damned course a succubus was the second reincarnated hero you'd meet.

Which probably means her wishes were less practical than yours, too.

Still, if this means she's relevant to your quest, maybe that Good can keep the Evil overpowered. And starting from kindness might be better…

[ ] Don't go on the attack, but keep cautious and make it obvious you're keeping cautious.
[x] A place of kindness is the best start. Don't let your defenses down entirely, but see if you can get her talking while you figure out your next move.

[ ] Just flat-out say you think she's reincarnated and just gained her memories.
[ ] Hint at it obliquely but in a way where, if you're wrong, she'll just be weirded out.
[x] SAY. NOTHING. Not yet.


"Are you all right?", comes a voice, back in reality. You're now looking up at its speaker, so you know it's not memories playing back.

This is here and now, and the paladin's brow has an expression that even your natural knack for reading people can only call… 'Complicated'.

Maybe you'd better work out your situation a bit more before answering.

You can't help but picture this in the form of four voices in your head, seated around a table. The first is you, but with fur armors, a viking helmet and a greataxe balanced on her chair. The second is still you, but dressed in a nice, slinky but full-length dress - not out of place amongst the rich and foolish. The third you's bikini and additional makeup make her look like she's specifically going for something, and her will to get it can get people dancing on her fingertips. (Not literally! Even with your damage resistance that'd hurt.)

And now, a fourth seat appears, and a fourth you sits down. The only one who looks masculine. Heavyset, a hoodie over his head, tan khakis. The voice of Sean, anxious but wanting to do some good without ruining his friendships that he literally burned a divine wish to preserve in the process.

All this is a metaphor, but it's a good one hopefully. It also reminds you that you were kind of a weeb in your past life. Okay, still are, but there's less of it available in this world.

And right now, as they start talking out your response to that question quickly, is a good time for the part of the story where a bunch of the last ten years gets filled in by a bunch of remote readers. THEN we can get to the conversation of the Council Of Senaz…Es. Okay, plural form of your own name later.


(Votes are soon, but let's give some setup first...)

Welcome to Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends!, by NekoIncardine with assistance from sun tzu and Talia B. This quest is mostly original elements or elements pulled from Dungeons and Dragons source material.

Primary inspirations include Talia's quest, (Mature) Isekai/Online, and the Novels based on it, along with sun tzu's A Champion in Earth-Bet and (Vastly though not overwhelmingly NSFW) Mind Control University. There are many other inspirations, some probably more obvious than others. Also stuff from their stories or those of other friends of the author may show up, with permission and active input.

Here are some facts that should be considered established - I may be up to change my mind on some of them, but only if I see something that really clicks with me.
The main character's name (well, the one she uses around others) is Senaz. (Her name actually came before 'Sean' believe it or not; I literally reverse Organization XIII'd it. Sean is not a reference to any specific person living or dead.) (Her name originates from one of the name generator sites, so I'm willing to ponder other ideas.)

She gets a bit of fourth wall crack, as a treat - namely, she can IC'ly veto choices offered by the readers ala Guybrush Threepwood in Monkey Island. The QM also reserves the right to veto choices; which one does will be specified (in general, choices vetoed by Senaz may be able to be returned to later, QM vetoes are usually final unless 'not yet' is specified.)

The quest is rated Mature, and given, you know, Succubus, sex scenes may occur - consistent with Sufficient Velocity policy, these will be behind a cut and if anything important happens during them it'll be mentioned outside of the cut. That said, a lot of what'll actually happen is more comedy-fanservice anime in nature.

Sean, the past life of the main character, is from 21st-Century Earth, somewhere boring along the US West Coast. The exact place isn't clear, but his identity was strong enough that he devised his wishes… And the goddess threw in an extra bit or two in how she implemented them that may be highly exploitable, if only given the right clues.

Sean and Senaz are/were both bisexual leaning towards women. There's not a lot of line between them, since ultimately it's one person's extended lifetime. Sean's Neutral Good by nature, Senaz started Neutral Evil by circumstance, and the combination's instincts will lean more Good than not.

The core framework of this quest will be a homebrew-laden Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - however, strict rules adherence is not a firm guarantee, especially not when it's funny. Sean, however, specifically wished to be a 3.5 Succubus, which is why Senaz has 'unusual' powers. (Though some things are nerfed, particularly the attribute bonuses; she doesn't get to completely trivialize all of this quest. Also, I swapped in 5e terms in a few places to simplify things.)

One particular swap-out will be that Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws will be replaced with Fate Core-esque Aspects and Fate Core-esque Fate Points. Compels to build points will be your friend both in terms of setting up long-term wins and in providing comedy, so never be afraid to suggest them!!! The more Senaz suffers by dint of her own comic stupidity, the better her victories will be!

The first quest will be derived from, but not identical to, the iconic D&D adventure, Keep on the Borderlands... At least, once we reach Chapter 1. The Prologue is basically going to be introducing a few elements and filling out Senaz's character sheet. You have already met her first companion/minder, but others may be available to be introduced later in.

Senaz's (usual) appearance is also, very intentionally, not defined yet; I may open this to a poll, but only after her character sheet's filled out much of the way.

Senaz actively chose Succubus so hard it was one of her wishes, and this came with a pile of abilities. (Plus her comments on them.)
  • Type - Your creature type is Fiend, rather than humanoid. "Unfortunately, that doesn't protect me as reliably as you might hope..."
  • Enhanced Attributes - +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +8 Charisma; the last one can take you over the usual stat cap of 20.
  • Natural Armor - Your body is abnormally resilient against blows. Your Armor Class is 15 plus your Dexterity modifier or the armor class dictated by your equipped armor plus 2, whichever is higher. "But I'm still soft and comfortable to hug. So that's better than armor."
  • Eye For The Blade - You are proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons. "And that includes whips in 5th Edition, yay!"
  • Claws - Your fingernails can sharpen into claws as natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. "Sure, I can do this, but it's kind of unstylish. I guess it works, but a good weapon is so much flashier."
  • Energy Drain - When you kiss a charmed or willing creature, you can drain energy from them. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d10+1 times your level (max 5d10+5) psychic damage. The target's hit point maximum is lowered by an amount equal to the damage dealt; this effect lasts until they complete a long rest. The target dies if this reduces their maximum health points to 0. "Please note the key word in the first sentence, can. It's not forced."
  • Spell-Like Abilities - You are a 12th-level spellcaster. Your spellcasting ability is your Charisma. You can cast the following spells at-will: Charm Monster, Detect Evil and Good, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion, Teleport (limited to yourself and items on you). "Yeah, no slots, but that's fine."
  • Ethereal Shift - As an action, you can magically enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. "Hiding in plainer-than-plain sight!"
  • Telepathy - You have telepathy out to a range of 60 feet, and ignore the range restriction on your telepathy when communicating with a creature you have charmed. "A fairly reliable source of concealed communication."
  • Shapechanger - You can use your action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into your true form. Without wings, you lose your flying speed. Other than your size and speed, your statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert to your true form if you die. "A fairly reliable source of fitting into any context."
  • Damage Resistances - You are immune to Electricity and Poison damage, and resistant to Acid, Cold, and Fire damage, as well as resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. "As you might imagine, very useful in far more situations than you'd want to think about."
  • Enhanced Senses - You have Darkvision out to 60', and Proficiency with both Perception and Insight. "Reading people's expressions is easier with 20/10 eyesight."
  • Sustenance - You do not need sleep while taking a Long Rest, and do not require food nor water. (You do, however, need to breathe.) "NEED is the key word. If I wanna nap while snuggling a cutie after enjoying four bottles of wine and a steak dinner, I get to do so."
(It's possible the QM forgot something 3.5 Succubi get; if so, let me know and I'll define it. Not having the hit dice is intentional. As for what happens if you die... Well, that might be different too? Senaz has no basis to know that, though.)

With all that said and done... Here's the first vote for the thread:

Senaz has existed for ten years since her reincarnation began. During at least part of those years, she trained and developed adventuring skills as a…

[ ] [CLASS] Bard - The obvious to the point of stereotype Succubus class - good knowledge of your world's stories, and amazing skills for supporting the allies you gain - or create.
[ ] [CLASS] Sorcerer - One step less obvious, but arcane casting DOES let you get away with quite a lot.
[ ] [CLASS] Warlock - The stronger cantrips and some other options are sweet, but this does mean you're connected to a specific patron - probably a higher-ranking demon. This means potential complications.
[ ] [CLASS] Rogue - Sneaking is powerful.
[ ] [CLASS] Cleric - An interesting pick - but keep in mind what kinds of gods and thus domain options Senaz might have access to while training would've been intensely limited.
[ ] [CLASS] Druid - Vetoed preemptively by Senaz. "Demons' ability to get that kind of connection to nature is a bit too tenuous, and I wouldn't have the opportunity to study with them."
[ ] [CLASS] Paladin - Vetoed fiercely by Senaz. "EXCUSE YOU, ASSHOLES, WHAT PART OF HATING PALADINS DO YOU NOT GET?" "Also, I'm right here." "And yes, I'm just gonna preemptively nix Oathbreaker and Oath of Conquest and that entire 'We're not calling it Blackguard but' group too." "Thank you."
[ ] [CLASS] Barbarian - Vetoed by the QM for writing comfort reasons.
[ ] [CLASS] Write In - any 5e class not vetoed can be considered - the options already listed are ones that seem an obvious fit. 3rd Party, Homebrew, 3rd Edition, Pathfinder 1st, or other classes may be considered for adaptation, but the questmaster has to be able to see the information, may change it to suit the quest, and you are reminded of both the QM and Senaz's veto option.

And, related, let's vote on your base ability scores:

[ ] [ABILITY SCORES] Write In - You've got six numbers (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8) to assign to each of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. (Per advice, the QM is nixing point buy for this quest.) Don't forget the racial attribute modifiers when deciding, but please clearly list the pre racial modifiers values - prioritization will help to flesh out the main character's personality some.

Feel free to combine these votes into a plan (so that Senaz doesn't, say, dump INT if she goes Wizard) - just mark it with (PLAN) if you do and make sure both the class and stats are clearly in the line. Senaz will then talk through some of her own character sheet and the backstory implications, and offer a next round of choices.

Poll opens at Noon PST tomorrow, and closes in three days. I will answer questions as I can.
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Character Sheets And Related Data

Character Sheets, Etc.


Succubusekai discussion is at a dedicated channel in the Isekai/Online Discord.
Please note that you will need to read the rules, and take at least one race, class, or faction role (possibly the ones added that are specific references to this quest?) as well as Actually An Adult to join the Succubusekai channel. (Look, this quest is going to get horny eventually.)

Gold Truths Of The Campaign

  • The goddess who is handling the reincarnations and providing the wishes is NOT one who has been named in Succubusekai's Prologue, Isekai//Online, A Champion in Earth-Bet, or Mind Control University.
  • The goddess has at least three champions, though when you will meet the third is in question.
  • As this quest focuses on a rather small party, you may be able to gain additional spells - in particular, critical utility magics may be earnable through play. If you gain a spell as a reward or similar and already have it, you can swap in a spell from the same level.
  • If the QM misses something, readers may poke it; corrections may ensue. However, once the next post has shown up, events are locked unless the error is critical.
  • The only IPs intentionally used in this quest are D&D-originated IPs by Wizards of the Coast, and IPs owned by friends of the QM. References, however, are fair game.
  • As of the Prologue, Sean's Earth has not yet been touched by extradimensional circumstances - Senaz will be this world's first extradimensional contact. (Later in, 'possibly not the last' may come to apply.)


Still Working her identity out a bit

  • Succubus Bard 3

    - 1637 XP
    Hit Points: 22 / 22
    Hit Dice: 3 / 3
    Armor Class: 18 15 Natural Armor + 3 DEX
    Defenses: Immune Electricity, Poison; Resist Acid, Cold, Fire; Resist Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing from nonmagical attacks
    Bardic Inspiration (d6): 6 / 6 Recharge on Long Rest
    Fate Points: 1

    Saving Throw+0+5+1+2-18

    Initiative: +3
    Proficiency: +2
    Speed: 30 ft., Flying 60 feet.


    Passive Perception (Wis): 11
    Passive Investigation (Int): 12
    Passive Insight (Wis): 11
    Senses: Darkvision 60'

    Attack Options

    Claws: +2 for 1d6 Damage
    Rapier: +5 (Finesse) for 1d8+3 Damage
    Longbow: +5 for 1d8 Damage
  • Succubus Bard

    You are a demoness of lust and desire, capable of charming people into doing what you want with your magics and wits - enhanced by learning the magically-enhanced music and storytelling of a Bard, including a knack for improvisation. You may have a tendency to think in terms of storytelling tropes and favoring seduction and manipulation first, especially if not tempered by other elements of you - but that charm can get you through with great reliability.

    Reincarnated For A Quest

    You promised a goddess you would complete a holy quest, and were reincarnated with some massive boons to get there. Technically you're not magically bound or anything, but you feel a deep obligation to follow through - and you're pretty sure that's why the goddess picked you. If only she'd told you what your actual goal is...

    Past Life Connections

    You weren't going to let your death get in the way of what you found most important in life. Your old apartment now travels with you as a 'lair' of sorts, and with it, an Internet connection that provides you connection to those closest to you. Some of whom may be aware that Sean Calvers is supposed to be dead.

    Your obligation to these connections - to these voices, now forevermore on the other side of an audio, video, or virtual world feed. The connections that matter to you so much, you couldn't even let death break them. But perhaps these connections can empower you.

    The Metaphorical Mind

    You don't think you're formally a Plural individual, but you've found organizing your mind into a few different 'voices' is a powerful tool... And it has helped you accept the sudden introduction of a past life and deep-seated sense of obligation to your mind. The problem is, if these voices get into argument, it can take up too much internal screen time and get you distracted from the real world.

    My Allies, Sigh

    You are not the only one of the goddess' Reincarnated Heroes... And the first one you ran into was a friggin' Paladin. This can compel any time your personality headbutts with your allies.
  • SkillsToolsOther
    Acrobatics (Dex) +4
    Animal Handling (Wis) +0
    Arcana (Int) +4 (Proficient)
    Athletics (Str) +0
    Deception (Cha) +8 (Proficient)
    History (Int) +3
    Insight (Wis) +1 (Proficient)
    Intimidation (Cha) +6
    Investigation (Int) +4 (Proficient)
    Medicine (Wis) +0
    Nature (Int) +3
    Perception (Wis) +2
    Performance (Cha) +10 (Expertise)
    Persuasion (Cha) +10 (Expertise)
    Religion (Int) +3
    Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4
    Stealth (Dex) +4
    Survival (Wis) +0
    Lute (Cha) +8
    Flute (Cha) +8
    Keyboard (Cha) +8
    Card Set (Int) +4
    Thieve's Tools (Dex) +5
    Armor: Light
    Weapons: All Simple and Martial
    Languages: Common, English,
    American Sign Language, Tongues
  • ItemWeightValueNotes
    Rapier225 GP1d8 piercing, Finesse
    Entertainer's Pack?40 GPBackpack, Bedroll, 2 Costumes, 5 Candles, 5 days of rations, waterskin, disguise kit
    Lute235 GPThe classic instrument for chatting while playing music and leaning on objects
    Leather Armor1010 GPRequires a bit of shapeshifting your chest down to fit in, and it doesn't beat out your natural armor, but if you need to look the part...
    Dagger12 GPA knife! YES!
    Crowbar52 GPUseful for opening stuff; grants advantage to Stealth checks where leverage can apply
    Clothes (dark with hood)35 SP
    Silk Rope510 GPRope, has 2 HP and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. Sean has certain instructions bookmarked on his computer...
    Grooming Kit21 GPEssential toiletries - comb, scissors, nail file, sponge, hairbrush, mirror, soap, chewing stick, tooth powder. Not particularly well-used.
    Soap1.02 GPAlways nice to have handy.
    Longbow250 GP1d8 Piercing, requires ammunition, heavy, Range 150 / 600, Two-Handed
    - Quiver with 20 arrows21 GP
    - :ogles:Like 20$300Oh the fun you will have next time you're up to 'play' with Eira~
    - Duct Tape (100' roll)4$10
    - Modern Knife.5$15Folding utility knife, holds an edge super-well and has a saw edge
    - Swiss Army Tool.5$75Many Common Tools In One – even a magnifying glass
    - Some lockpicking bits2$100Not as many as Eira, but easy to multipurpose…
    - Headlamp.5$60Functions much like a Hooded Lantern, except no space taken up, and can be dropped to red light.
    20.68 GP
    $190 safe-to-spend

    Senaz's equipment lists what she keeps on her, not what's in her Lair.
  • Casting Modifier: CHA (+6)
    Spell Attack: +8 (Casting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus)
    Save DC: 16

    Spell-Like Abilities

    Senaz's spell-like abilities can be cast as mental actions, skipping Verbal, Somatic, and/or Material components.
    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Charm Monster1 Action30 FeetWIS SaveAttempt to charm one creature in reange (it has advantage if you or your allies are fighting it); on fail, it is charmed by you for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything harmful to you. The charmed creature is friendly to you. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.V, S
    Detect Evil and Good1 Action30 feet (5' cube)N/AFor Concentration (10 minutes), you know if there is an berration, celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, undead, consecrated object/place, or desecrated object/place within 30 feet of you, as well as where the creature/object/place is located. This can see through barriers, except 1' stone, 1' metal, a sheet of lead, or 3' wood/dirt.V, S
    Detect Thoughts1 ActionSelfWIS Save (see text)For Concentration (1 minute), you can read the thoughts of one creature within 30'. (Doesn't do much for creatures of INT 3 or lower or who don't know any language.) You read target's surface thoughts, and as an action can change your focus target or try to probe deeper (WIS save to resist and it knows you're doing so and can try an Int-vs-your-Cha to force end it as an action); if they fail, you gain insight to their reasoning, emotional state, and something that looms large in their mind; if they succeed, spell ends. Verbal questions can help.
    Alternatively, can use it to detect thinking creatures you can't see within 30'. 2 feet stone, 2 feet metal, a sheet of lead will stop that. If you do this, you can pivot to focusing their thoughts.
    V, S, M
    Suggestion1 ActionSelfWIS Save (see text)Compel one course of action to a creature that isn't immune to charm; the action must sound reasonable. IF they fail the save, they will pursue the course of action to the best of its ability; it can continue for the entire duration. If the activity can be completed in a shorter time; the spell ends when the subject finishes the course of action. Conditions can include trigger conditions; if the spell ends before the trigger is met, the action doesn't happen.V, M
    Teleport*1 ActionSelfN/A(Unlike normal, Senaz's teleport only works on herself and objects on her person. Don't make me count the 50 pound limit out, please.)
    Teleport to one selected location - must be known to and on the same plane of existence as you. There is a risk of ending up in the wrong place the less familiar you are with the area (see this chart); "Mishap" results are changed to "Similar Area", or "Similar Area" to "Off Target" for areas with which Senaz is either Very Familiar or Seen Casually; she gets +20 to her d100 roll for areas she has Viewed Once or had a Description of. Damage taken when suffering a mishap is reduced to 1d6, plus one die size per level (max 3d10).


    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Prestidigitation1 Action10 FeetN/AUp to 3 minor effects for 1 hour eachV, S
    Minor Illusion1 Action30 feet (5' cube)N/ASound or image for 1 minute, can be countered with Investigation vs. DCS, M (a bit of fleece)
    Thunderclap1 Action5'N/AEach creature in range (except you) must make a CON save or take 1d6 Thunder damage. The soundwave can be heard within 100'.S


    3 / 3 casts, recover on Long Rest
    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Faerie Fire1 Action60 feet (20' Cube)DEX SaveOutline objects and creatures in blue/green/violet light - subjects grant advantage when attacked and can't go invisible. Duration Concentration 1 minuteV
    Sleep1 Action90 feet (20' of a point)NoneRoll 5d8 (+2 per higher level); creatures within range fall unconscious, lowest HP target first, until spell ends or damage or someone uses action to awaken them.V, S, M (sand, rose petals, or a cricket)
    Unseen Servant1 Action (Ritual)60 feetNoneGenerates a medium force that can do basic tasks on command (STR 2, 1 HP, AC 10)V, S, M (bit of string/wood)
    Detect Magic1 Action (Ritual)Self (30' sphere)NoneDetect magic sources within range; action to learn its location and school.V, S
    Illusory Script1 Minute (Ritual)TouchNoneWrite message designated people can read, unintelligible to others without true seeing or similar. Untintelligibility lasts 10 days.S, M (10 GP of ink)


    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Heat Metal1 Action60 feetIt's ComplicatedChoose one object and make it glow red hot for Concentration (max 1 minute). Any creature in contact takes 2d8 fire damage; until the spell ends , you can use a bonus action to cause this damage again. This may force the creature to drop the object (Con save to hold on), and if it doesn't drop it, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
    BTW, when it's red hot, that means that, for most metals, it's malleable.
    V, S, M (iron and flame)
  • Racial Features

    • Type - Your creature type is Fiend, rather than humanoid.
    • Enhanced Attributes - +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +8 Charisma; the last one can take you over the usual stat cap of 20.
    • Natural Armor - Your body is abnormally resilient against blows. Your Armor Class is 15 plus your Dexterity modifier or the armor class dictated by your equipped armor plus 2, whichever is higher. "But I'm still soft and comfortable to hug. So that's better than armor."
    • Eye For The Blade - You are proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons. "And that includes whips in 5th Edition, yay!"
    • Claws - Your fingernails can sharpen into claws as natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. "Sure, I can do this, but it's kind of unstylish. I guess it works, but a good weapon is so much flashier."
    • Energy Drain - When you kiss a charmed or willing creature, you can drain energy from them. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d10+1 times your level (max 5d10+5) psychic damage. The target's hit point maximum is lowered by an amount equal to the damage dealt; this effect lasts until they complete a long rest. The target dies if this reduces their maximum health points to 0. "Please note the key word in the first sentence, can. It's not forced."
    • Spell-Like Abilities - You are a 12th-level spellcaster. Your spellcasting ability is your Charisma. You can cast the following spells at-will: Charm Monster, Detect Evil and Good, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion, Teleport (limited to yourself and items on you). "Yeah, no slots, but that's fine. Makes it easier to organize if I pick a caster class."
    • Tongues - You constantly benefit from the effect of Tongues, allowing you to understand and speak any spoken language. This additionally includes written languages (but not encoded text, secret languages, or the ability to immediately see through code-speak any better than a native speaker of the language would have).
    • Ethereal Shift - As an action, you can magically enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. "Hiding in plainer-than-plain sight!"
    • Flight - You have a Flying speed of 60 feet.
    • Telepathy - You have telepathy out to a range of 60 feet, and ignore the range restriction on your telepathy when communicating with a creature you have charmed. "A fairly reliable source of concealed communication."
    • Shapechanger - You can use your action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into your true form. Without wings, you lose your flying speed. Other than your size and speed, your statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. You revert to your true form if you die. "A fairly reliable source of fitting into any context."
    • Damage Resistances - You are immune to Electricity and Poison damage, and resistant to Acid, Cold, and Fire damage, as well as resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. "As you might imagine, very useful in far more situations than you'd want to think about."
    • Spell Resistance - Any spell cast on you that you do not wish to receive has a 50% chance of failing outright, reduced by 5% per level if the caster has a higher character level than you. (SR doesn't exist in 5e, so going with this.)
    • Enhanced Senses - You have Darkvision out to 60', and Proficiency with both Perception and Insight. "Reading people's expressions is easier with 20/10 eyesight."
    • Sustenance - You do not need sleep while taking a Long Rest, and do not require food nor water. (You do, however, need to breathe.) "NEED is the key word. If I wanna nap while snuggling a cutie after enjoying four bottles of wine and a steak dinner, I get to do so."

    Class Abilities

    • Spellcasting - You are a bardic spellcaster - your music turning into powerful effects. Charisma is your casting ability.
      • Cantrips - You start with two, and will gain more at higher levels. These are your bread-and-butter magics, so pick well.
      • Spell Slots - You start with two 1st-level slots, which you can use to cast any spell you know.
      • Spells Known - You start with four 1st-level spells, and will gain more at higher levels.
      • Spellcasting Focus - You can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus for your Bard spells.
    • Bardic Inspiration- (Charisma Mod) times per day, you can use a bonus action to grant a Bardic Inspiration die (d6), which they can use on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw in the next ten minutes, rolling the die and adding it to their d20. They may choose to do so after they roll, but only before the DM declares if it succeeds or fails.
      • Magical Inspiration - The die can also be used to boost damage or healing from a spell cast by the die's holder. This still expends the die.
    • Jack of All Trades - Senaz has unlocked the most important skill of any Bard: Fake It Till You Make It. She gains half her Proficiency Bonus to any Ability check that doesn't include her bonus.
    • Song of Rest - Senaz's calming music can soothe wounds! During any Short Rest, if anyone uses hit dice to recover HP, they gain an additional +1d6 HP (increasing by one size at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels).
    • Expertise - Two skills now gain double your proficiency bonus! (Selected: Persuasion, Performance)

    Subclass Abilities

    Senaz is a practitioner of the College of Eloquence - as taught in her queen's realm, it's all about the power of mundane oratory to attain magical ends. Talk anything out of anyone - and taunt enemies into making mistakes.
    • Silver Tongue - Your words can rock harder than your boobs. (And your boobs are good.) When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10 - simply put, you don't flub your words that badly. (Reminder that this ELIMINATES Critical Failures.)
    • Unsettling Words - Your Bardic Inspiration can cut both ways now - unsettling a creature to screw them up at a crucial moment. As a bonus action, expend and roll one Bardic Inspiration die, and choose one creature within 60 feet of you. That creature's next Saving Throw before the start of your next turn is penalized by an amount equal to the rolled amount. (For the record, that increases the odds of success by about 17.5%)


    • Lairgate (Special) - Your first two divine wishes are combined into one lair. At any time, you may summon a plain, white, US-style door on any vertical (or close enough) surface within ten feet of you. If none is available, you can summon it freestanding. Going through the door moves you to an extradimensional lair (detailed in the "Your Lair" tab), within which you can store resources, and take advantage of those already stored. While inside the lair, you can conceal the door from outside view; however, you cannot move it while inside it. Something something you don't know yet.
    • Reincarnated Hero (Background) - You've got an entire past life's worth of memories you can potentially take advantage of. You are at least aware of technology well beyond what exists in this world, and can learn such far faster than any normal native. (Also grants two skills, thieve's tools and one gaming set).
  • (Formal Floorplan to be developed later!)

    Sean's apartment was once part of a fairly standard downtown housing block in some smallish city near the West Coast; now, it sort of follows Senaz, as a place where she can enjoy some of her previous reality. It kind of makes her miss Earth, but...

    It is a fairly typical three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment; Sean had roommates, but they and their stuff isn't here. The electricity, bathrooms, heat, air conditioning kitchen appliances, and most importantly Internet still work... So long as you pay the bills. (You may need to figure out a way to preserve your bank account and such... Your employers might be pleased that dying doesn't stop you working, you guess???)

    The front windows show whatever was outside the door where Senaz last placed it. The rear windows and tiny little patio open out to what looks like a grassy field, blocked off by oddly invulnerable glass which does not open.

    Inside, two of the bedrooms are entirely empty right now, while the third has a desk, chair, bed, and various other stuff that will be detailed out over time.

    Anything that can reasonably be delivered to the apartment can be ordered and will show up just inside after a reasonable delivery time; if you order pizza or the like, the delivery person will be an odd phantom... Or perhaps you're the odd phantom to them??? Or both. Best not to think about it too hard.

    You're also aware that the space has a time-bending property of sorts. Inside the apartment is always synchronized with Earth time - but unless the door is open, time only flows on the side Senaz is on. So if the door's closed and you're inside, you will exit the apartment at the same time you entered.

    The space may have other properties you haven't yet discovered.
  • Our main heroine... Of a sorts.

    Sean Calvers was a fairly typical computer programmer for a more than slightly shady corporation, when he suffered a terminal case of Got Hit By A Mack Truck. The Isekai Goddess came to him, as usual... But probably wasn't expecting his wishes to be what they were. Internet, his home... And, uh, being a Succubus? Still, she granted them (and secretly greased the wheels a bit).

    Ten years ago (thanks to some mild timeline weirdness), the demoness, Senaz, was created by the Red Queen, this world's strongest Lord of Succubi. Trained at her finest dark academies to be a seductive manipulatrix, Senaz went forth and promptly suffered the one-two punch of running into and getting her ass kicked by the Paladin of Solaria, Helen Garland... And then hitting her head on a rock, unlocking Sean's memories and wishes.

    And it turns out Helen is also an Isekai heroine.

    And the foxgirl she was trying to seduce for, basically, funsies, was a psionically-trained thief in hiding. (Which might explain a thing or two.)

    Senaz's desire to be all cute flirty and seductive for fun and profit is rather deeply overwhelmed by her sense of responsibility. She agreed to try and save this world from an unspecified but major threat that came to it, so she's going to try. She hasn't lost her job yet, and she can do remote work, so she will (after the medical leave expires). Her past life, on some level, wanted to do Right Things, and that impulse deeply impacts her behavior, even more strongly than Helen Garland's presence.

    Art by Sakurarose12

Helen Garland

The Wanderer From Transmission-V

  • Human Paladin 3

    - 1637 XP
    Hit Points: 21 / 21
    Hit Dice: 3 / 3
    Armor Class: 18
    Defenses: -
    Lay On Hands: 10 / 10
    Divine Sense: 4 / 4
    Luck Points: 3 / 3
    Fate Points: 3

    Saving Throw+3+0-1+2+4+5

    Initiative: +0
    Proficiency: +2
    Speed: 30 ft.


    Passive Perception (Wis): 14
    Passive Investigation (Int): 12
    Passive Insight (Wis): 14
    Senses: -

    Attack Options

    Longsword: +5 for 1d8+3 Damage (1d10+3 if used two-handed)
    Unarmed Strike: +5 for 3 Damage
    Longbow: +5 for 1d8 Damage
  • Human Paladin of Solaria

    From a young age, you - well, the pre-regain-memories you - was inspired to the pursuit of quests most holy on behalf of the Goddess of Civilization, Solaria. Your sacred vows grant you sacred power... But can also make you an utter stickler for just behavior and order. Thankfully, you can in fact, in certain contexts, consort with evil beings and such, as Solaria's ideals assume a complicated reality.

    It's just unfortunate that Solaria's not too popular a god yet.

    Reincarnated For A Quest

    You promised a goddess you would complete a holy quest, and were reincarnated with some massive boons to get there. Technically you're not magically bound or anything, but you feel a deep obligation to follow through - and you're pretty sure that's why the goddess picked you. If only she'd told you what your actual goal is. Or Senaz, for that matter. Seriously, WTF.

    Past Life Knowledge

    In your past life, Captain Helen Garland was a highly capable starship captain. You aren't quite on the level of building all the tech of the Transmission-V, but you know that there is, technologically speaking, a better way, and you burned a sacred wish or two to get a tool for speeding up technological evolution in your world, and finding opportunities to take advantage is important to you.

    Where's That Last Damn .1% Completion

    There's doing good deeds, and then there's all the smaller good deeds on the way - and in this world, there's a lot of room for those, and you want to clear every last one you can - every improvement you can make, you are constantly inspired to pursue, which can get in the way of getting proper downtime, and sometimes lead you down very, very odd rabbit holes.

    My Allies, Sigh

    You are not the only one of the goddess' Reincarnated Heroes... And the first one you ran into was a friggin' Succubus. SHE CHOSE TO BE A LUST DEMON, WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT. At least her now-more-or-less former master, the Red Queen, isn't associated with Sanctifer, one of Solaria's traditional foes. But she still has ten years of being raised to be a manipulative sociopath to try and overcome, and now you've gotta deal with that. At least there's her better-person past life to help you.

    This can compel any time your personality headbutts with your allies.
  • SkillsToolsOther
    Acrobatics (Dex) +0
    Animal Handling (Wis) +2
    Arcana (Int) +2
    Athletics (Str) +3
    Deception (Cha) +3
    History (Int) +2
    Insight (Wis) +4
    Intimidation (Cha) +3
    Investigation (Int) +2
    Medicine (Wis) +2
    Nature (Int) +2
    Perception (Wis) +4
    Performance (Cha) +3
    Persuasion (Cha) +5
    Religion (Int) +4
    Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
    Stealth (Dex) +0 (DISADVANTAGE)
    Survival (Wis) +2
    Herbalism Kit (Wis) +2
    Smith's Tools (Int) +2
    Armor: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor, Shields
    Weapons: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Compact Standard
  • ItemWeightValueNotes
    Chain Mail557516 AC, requires 13 STR, Stealth Disadvantage
    Longsword315Martial, Versatile, 1d8 Damage
    Shield610+2 AC
    - Shield Sconce.51Metal frame that lets a torch be attached. (Probably would make shield bashing hurt more, too.)
    Javelin (5)2 each.5 eachSimple, Thrown, Range (30/120), 1d6+1
    Amulet11Holy Symbol
    - Bedroll71Helen's has an extra layer or two sewn in...
    - Mess Kit1.2
    - Rations (10 days)205
    - Tinderbox1.5
    - Torches (10)10.1
    - Canteen12Sturdier than a leather water skin; Helen's is steel.
    - Waterproof Bag.5.5Tar-sealed bag keeps contents dry against typical rain or up to 10 rounds of complete immersion
    - Tindertwigs (5)-5Create a flame faster than flint-and-steel or a magnifying glass and tinder (standard action for a torch)
    - Travel Cake Mix2.2A fairly standard long-lasting quickbread mix; one pound makes one dozen biscuits for example.
    - Waffle Iron51Helen's has Solaria's symbol along the center, except with a more textured sun.
    - Stove Can (10 uses)110Small can that creates enough heat to cook while only giving off light of a candle. Lasts 5 hours, enough for about 10 meals.
    - Filter Hood410A leather hood suitable for avoiding inhalantion hazards; -2 to Perception while wearing, but if the sponges are moist, +2 to saves vs. inhalation hazards
    - Chalkboard12Helen wonders if she should've wished for a full Datapad now...
    - Chalk (8)-.12Four white, and four color - pink, yellow, green, and blue.
    - Grooming Kit21 GPEssential toiletries - comb, scissors, nail file, sponge, hairbrush, mirror, soap, chewing stick, tooth powder. The last two are likely to be replaced very quickly.
    - Soap1.02More soap.
    - Traveler's Clothes (2 sets)84 GPClothing suitable for walking the road when not in full armor. Helen's are specifically thick enoughto be gambesons under her chainmail as well.
    - Religious Formalwear45 GPSolaria's formalwear is well-crafted, meant to show the value of the kind of divided labor that only well-established civilizations can truly pull off.
    Longbow250 GP1d8 Piercing, requires ammunition, heavy, Range 150 / 600, Two-Handed
    - Quiver with 20 arrows31 GP
    - Modern Knife.5$15Folding utility knife, holds an edge super-well and has a saw edge
    - Swiss Army Tool.5$75Many Common Tools In One – even a magnifying glass
    - Headband Lamp.5$60Functions much like a Hooded Lantern, except no space taken up, and can be dropped to red light.
    - Advanced Medical Supplies5$250All kinds of medical supplies, from gauzes to KT tape.
    - Signalling Whistle-$10Loud
    - Emergency Blanket-$20Plastic, oddly warm, freaking tiny
    - Spade with Multitool Edge5$30Senaz isn't sure how good this is, but…
    - Small Hatchet5$30Good for woodcutting and other use
    - Hiking Boots6$130VERY comfy and suited to sliding under Helen's greaves.
    - Modern Underwear10$130So comfy; combined with Hiking Boots, grants Advantage on endurance type checks
    16.36 GP
  • Casting Modifier: CHA (+3)
    Spell Attack: +5 (Casting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus)
    Save DC: 13


    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Mending1 MinuteTouchN/ARepair one break or tear in a touched object (up to 1 foot in any dimension); doesn't restore magic to magic items or constructsV,S,M
    Spare the Dying1 ActionTouchN/ATouch one creature at 0 HP, they become stable; no effecct on undead or constructionsV,S
    Sacred Blast1 Action240 feetAttack RollA beam of divine energy strikes your target for 1d10 damage (if you hit). Add extra beams (at same or different targets) at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.V,S


    2 / 2 casts, recover on Long Rest
    NameCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Compelled Duel1 Bonus30 feetWIS SaveForce a duel; target has disadvantage to attack anything other than you, must WIS save to move to a space more than 30' from you. Concentration, 1 minute, you attack another creature, spellcast at an opponent, ally damages or harm-spells it, or if you end your turn more than 30' from target.V
    Cure Wounds1 ActionTouchN/AHeal target for 1d8+CHA HP (no effect on undead/constructs)V,S
    Wrathful Smite1 BonusSelfWIS Save (see text)First time you hit a target within Concentration (1 minute), deal +1d6 psychic and target must make a WIS save or be frightened of you for duration (it can take an action to reroll the WIS save)V
    Healing Word1 Bonus60 feetN/AOne creatuer in range gains 1d4+WIS HP (+1d4 per level if higher level slot used);
    Helen may use this free 1/Long Rest
    Searing Smite1 BonusSelfCON Save (see text)The next hit with a melee weapon within Concentration (max 1 minute) deals +1d6 Fire damage and sets them on fire - on the start of each the target's turns until the duration, the target must make a save or take another 1d6 fire damage (on success, the spell ends). They or an ally can also put out the flames as an action.V
    Comprehend Languages1 actionSelfN/AFor 1 hour, you can understand the literal meaning of any spoken language you hear, and any written language whose text you touch (though slower than native reading). This does not break secret codes, nor Thieve's Cant.V, S, M (soot and salt)
  • Racial Features

    • Ability Score Increase - +1 to all Ability Scores

    Class Abilities

    • Divine Sense - The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.
    • Lay on Hands- Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level × 5. As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.
      This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.
    • Divine Smite - Expend a spell slot upon hitting an enemy with an attack to add 1d8 + 1d8 per spell level to the damage, +1d8 more against a Fiend or Undead.
    • Fighting Style: Protection - While using a shield, if something attacks a creature next to you, may use a Reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack.
    • Spellcasting - Charisma Casting, using a Holy Symbol as a spellcasting focus.
    • Divine Health - Helen is immune to disease. (She would like to emphasize this is NOT an excuse to be less neat.)

    Subclass Abilities

    Helen is sworn to Solaria's Oath of Harmony. See the dedicated tab for the tenets and future benefits.
    • Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus o f +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
      • You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.
    • Inspiring Smite: Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action and distribute temporary hit points to creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you, which can include you. The total number of temporary hit points equals 2d8 + your level in this class, divided among the chosen creatures however you like.


    • Hyperaccelerated Learning (Special) - Your third wish grants you the ability to build skills vastly faster than anyone else on this world should normally. At every odd-numbered level, you gain a Feat; at every even-numbered level, you gain one Skill or Tool proficiency.
    • Divine Wit (Special) - Solaria's cheated in your favor, leaving you born with just a hint of her divine wit. You gain +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
    • Reincarnated Hero (Background) - You've got an entire past life's worth of memories you can potentially take advantage of. You are at least aware of technology well beyond what exists in this world, and can learn such far faster than any normal native. (Also grants two skills, thieve's tools and one gaming set).
    • Lucky (1st Level Feat) - Solaria is not normally a Goddess of Luck, but it seems her blessing gives you something close enough. You have 3 luck points per long rest. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw (or when an attack roll is made against you), you can spend one to roll an additional d20 and you choose which die to use. You can choose to spend luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined.
    • Magic Initiate (Cleric) (2nd Level Feat) - Gain two Cleric cantrips and one 1st-level Cleric spell, which you may cast 1/long rest (all WIS based)
    • Spell Sniper (3rd Level Feat) - Gain one cantrip that requires an attack roll (chose Eldritch Blast, refluffed to Sacred Blast). When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell's range is doubled. Your ranged spell attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
  • Oath of Harmony

    Solaria's Oath calls on six tenets to create a better world. (Originally developed by sun tzu for a different campaign. The fact that they're rather unsubtly based on the Elements of Harmony is intentional.)

    • Tenet of Truth: Though disinformation in the face of evil is oft necessary, the paladin must otherwise seek to spread truth and honesty by example wherever possible. Without honesty, there can be no trust, no friendship, no civilization.
    • Tenet of Compassion: The world can be cruel. It is the paladin's duty to be kind wherever kindness is needed.
    • Tenet of Light: There are causes aplenty for gloom and despair. The paladin must sow the seeds of light and joy, for they are precious resources.
    • Tenet of Charity: The paladin may need some resources to fulfill their mission, but their first need must always be to help those in distress and the victims of injustice.
    • Tenet of Honor: To live as a paladin is to live a life of duty. The paladin must be one who can always be relied upon, by their allies, by the people, by those in need.
    • Tenet of Harmony: There is not one single, simple path or tenet to righteousness. The paladin must seek to balance virtues and the needs of the people at all times.


    Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus o f +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
    You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

    Inspiring Smite: Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action and distribute temporary hit points to creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you, which can include you. The total number of temporary hit points equals 2d8 + your level in this class, divided among the chosen creatures however you like.

    Aura of Warding: Beginning at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance to damage from spells.
    At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

    Purity of Spirit: Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effects of a protection from evil and good spell.

    Holy Nimbus: At 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of sunlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light shines 30 feet beyond that. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the bright light, the creature takes 10 radiant damage. In addition, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by fiends or undead. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

    Oath Spells:
    Level 3: Searing Smite, Comprehend Languages
    Level 5: Lesser Restoration, Zone Of Truth
    Level 9: Beacon Of Hope, Blinding Smite
    Level 13: Aura Of Life, Death Ward
    Level 17: Flame Strike, Greater Restoration
  • Senaz's erstwhile rival turned companion, who just outed herself as a freaking starship captain in her past life. Kinda cool!

    She's also stifling to Senaz's instincts as a Succubus, making magical seduction of people to her ends much riskier. But also kind of massively enabling of Senaz's responsibility addiction - and, confessedly, willing to be more than a little practical, like her sponsoring goddess, Solaria.

    Art by Sakurarose12.

    NOTE: Helen is a recurring original character of sun tzu, used with permission.
  • Solaria, Goddess of the Sun and Civilization, is often mistaken by the commonfolk as some kind of alternate aspect of Aurora, also Goddess of the Sun. In truth, she is a goddess all her own, with a modest sect on this world. (She's bigger on some other worlds.)

    Solaria has a habit of gaining Paladins named Helen Garland in alternate dimensions, and is a lot more aware of the larger situation going on here than she's willing to let on.

    Solaria is Lawful Good, but also willing to be deeply pragmatic in the name of increasing both Law and Good - forgiving of those are earnestly trying to earn forgiveness. Senaz before she regained her memories wouldn't even be in the top five most evil characters Solaria's worked with on-screen.

    NOTE: Solaria is also a creation of sun tzu.

Eira Nicholls

Sneaky Brainfloof

  • Vulpinae Psychic Rogue 3

    - 1637 XP
    Hit Points: 17 / 17
    Hit Dice: 3 / 3
    Armor Class: 15
    Defenses: -
    Power Points: 5 / 5
    Fate Points: 3

    Saving Throw-1+5+0+4+2+1

    Initiative: +3
    Proficiency: +2
    Speed: 30 ft.


    Passive Perception (Wis): 14
    Passive Investigation (Int): 14
    Passive Insight (Wis): 16
    Senses: Tremorsense 60'

    Attack Options

    Predator's Fangs: +5 for 1d6+3 Piercing Damage
    Shortsword: +5 for 1d6+3 Piercing damage
    Dagger: +5 for 1d4+3 Piercing Damage
    Shortbow: +5 for 1d6 PIercing Damage
  • Vulpinae Psychic Rogue

    Your potential for psionic manifesting was observed by a thieves' guild, who recruited you from a youngish age. You went independent after a while, though a few old contacts could still be of use.

    Shameless Sub

    You're hot, girls are hot, being hypnotized is hot, and you have no shame about any of this. Casually sleeping naked even where you could get spotted, openly flirting with someone you know to be a Succubus - and probably being hornier than the one you've teamed with, overall - you don't have a lot of space in your head for modesty or the like.





    My Allies, Sigh

    You don't entirely get Senaz or Helen's situation, if you're completely honest. I mean, it's obvious they're from entirely different planar spheres, but why does that mean that, as obviously opposed as they should be being a Paladin and a gods-damned demon, they feel forced to stick together?

    Senaz is so into specific material things from her past life that you wonder how much she values material things from this life, and Helen's standards of modesty are probably gonna start chafing you quickly.
  • Italicized means Proficiency, Bold means Expertise.
    Also, a reminder that Arcana is used as the catch-all for Psionic knowledge.

    Autohypnosis (Int) +4
    Acrobatics (Dex) +5
    Animal Handling (Wis) +1
    Arcana (Int) +4
    Athletics (Str) -1
    Deception (Cha) +1
    History (Int) +2
    Insight (Wis) +6
    Intimidation (Cha) +1
    Investigation (Int) +4
    Medicine (Wis) +1
    Nature (Int) +2
    Perception (Wis) +4
    Performance (Cha) +1
    Persuasion (Cha) +1
    Religion (Int) +2
    Sleight of Hand (Dex) +3
    Stealth (Dex) +7
    Survival (Wis) +2
    Thieve's Tools (Int) +4Armor: Light Armor
    Weapons: Hand Crossbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Simple Weapons
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Compact Standard
  • ItemWeightValueNotes
    Leather Armor (unequipped)1010 GPAC 11 + Dex; Eira's is thicker and less stiffened than average
    Daggers (4)48 GP1d4 Piercing; Finesse, LIght, Thrown (20/60)
    Shortbow225 GP1d6 piercing; Ammo-based, Rang 80/320, Two-Handed.
    - Quiver with 20 Arrows21 GP
    Thieves' Tools125 GPFor breaking traps and locks; well-used.
    Crystal110 GPA spellcasting focus, also useful for some psionic uses.
    Backpack52 GP
    Adventurer's Sash320 GPSix pouches and a satchel make for easy carrying of an entire toolkit.
    - Sack.5.01 GP
    - Bedroll72 GPEira's bedroll has a thicker blanket and a couple extra pillows.
    - Iron Pot102 GPBetter seasoned than the one in Senaz's kitchen...
    - Iron Skillet4.8 GPEira's does not have the popular-for-adventuring hinged handle. It does have better seasoning than the one in Senaz's kitchen, but its feet may make it a bit awkward on the stove...
    - Listening Cone1.8 GPGrants advantage to Perception to listen through a closed door or wall when pressed against said door/wall.
    - Magnet.5.5 GPHand-sized horseshoe can handle up to 3 pounds of iron, mithral, adamantine, or lobster at a short range; not useful for combat disarming or the like.
    - 50' of twine-.1 GP
    - Common hacksaw (20 rounds)15 GPSuitable for cutting thin metal (not mithral/adamantine); when used on material softer than iron, doesn't consume rounds.
    - Crowbar52 GPGrants advantage to Strength checks where leverage is useful; not suitable for use in sandwiches
    - Light Hammer22 GPSuitable for pounding pitons into a wall; Eira got one reinforced enough to use as a weapon in a pinch (simple melee, 1d4 bludgeoning, light, throwable range 20/60).
    - Silent Piton (4)22 GPSimilar to normal climbing pitons, except it generates less noise when driven into a surface (only 10' from point of impact).
    - Drill1.5 GP(Pathfinder makes these cheaer than 3.5's Dungeonscape...) Good for 1-inch-diameter holes.
    - Steel Mirror15 GP
    - Fake Footprint Shoes25 GPLeave footprints of a different species (wolf, in Eira's case). Survival check sets DC for others to see through.
    - Iron Vial1.1 GPMetal bottle suitable for a potion
    - Wax Key Blank.515Suitable for making an excellent mold of an item quickly (Sleight of Hand to do surreptitiously)
    - Merchant's Scale12 GPGood for appraising items that are valued by weight
    - Grooming Kit21 GP21st-century grooming equipment is so much better than so many parts of Eira's kit, though Senaz's brush doesn't feel nearly as good on her tail...
    - Soap1.02 GPExtra Soap Good
    - Waterskin1.2 GP
    - Traveler's Clothes (2 sets)84 GP
    Chain Shirt2050 GPAC 15 + Dex (Max 2); considered less sexy than the leather, but too functional to complain about too much. Taken from a bandit leader.
    Shortsword210 GP1d6 piercing, Finesse, light. Taken from bandits.
    - Modern Lockpicking Supplies3$150Between better steel and precise manufacture, these enhance Thieves' Tools (+1d4 to checks to use them).
    - Trail-Running Shoes3$130Soft enough to enhance some Stealth checks (+1d4)
    - Headband Lamp.5$60Functions much like a Hooded Lantern, except no space taken up, and can be dropped to red light.
    - Duct Tape (180' roll)4$10Look, there's an entire series of books about this stuff
    - Modern Water Bottle.5$10Holds more water than a waterskin
    - Pocket Trowel1$25A great shovel, but tiny.
    - Nylon Rope (100 feet)4$10Tougher but easier to work than even silk!
    - Hand telescope1$33SO MUCH CHEAPER than 1000 GP local options!
    - Water Filter Kit3$100Good for a couple hundred gallons of river water. Not rated for magical diseases or more extreme pollutants.
    - WD-40 multi-use spray, 2 bottles2$10This stuff's apparently used for all sorts of stuff in hardware shops…
    - Camp Pots and Knives6$140Small pots, knives, a chopping board, and other tools to enhance camp cooking.
    - Modern Clothing10$70 worthA cheap but okay-looking sports bra and a couple other pieces. If only Eira could raid a thrift shop or ten…
    35.07 GP
  • Manifesting Modifier: INT (+3)
    Spell Attack: +5 (Manifesting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus)
    Save DC: 13 (8 + Manifesting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus)


    NamePP CostCast TimeRangeHit / DCEffect SummaryNotes
    Catfall11 ReactionPersonalN/AYou treat a fall as ten feet shorter than it actually is, and land on your feet.Auditory
    Detect Pisonics11 ActionPersonalN/ASee psionic/magic auras around youAuditory, Visual
    Empty Mind11 Reaction or ActionPersonalN/ANo thoughts, head empty. You gain your Proficiency bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves until the start of your next turn.Auditory
    Skate11 ActionYou or 1 creature or 1 objectN/ASubject can slide along solid ground as if on smooth ice with skates that you're magically awesome at; +15 movement speed (nixed if going up an incline, +15 more if going down); object treated as 1/10th its weight to drag around.Material, Visual
    Entangling Ectoplasm11 ActionCloseN/AAttack a creature with a glob of ectoplasmic goo; on hit, target is entangled for 5 rounds (no save)Material, Visual
    Float11 ActionPersonalN/ASwim at speed of 10 feet using only the power, or boost a swim speed by 10 feet, for (character level) rounds.Auditory
  • Racial Features

    • Ability Score Increase - +2/+1 (to Dex/Wisdom in Eira's case - Dex/Cha is the Common Floof Combination)
    • Mouse-Hunting Ears- Vulpecian hearing is so good that they can hunt mice with it. You have tremorsense out to 60'.
    • Predator's Fangs- Your nails are tough enough to serve as claws, and your bite is fierce. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, plus the better of Strength or Dexterity. They are Finesse weapons.
    • Fluffy Tail - Doesn't really have much by way of mechanical effects, but it's brushable and soft.

    Class Abilities

    • Sneak Attack +1d6 - Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.
    • Psionics - You know the power of psionic manifesting at a functional level, allowing you to access a variety of powers from across multiple psionic disciplines to enhance your basic thievery talents. This grants you the ability to use psychic powers with Power Points. Psionic powers are suppressed by antimagic fields and can be dispelled with dispel magic, but are only affected by counterspell if recreating the effect of a spell.
    • Power Points - A psychic rogue's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points you have available, as defined in the original table, plus your Intelligence modifier times your Psychic Rogue level, divided by 2. Feats or Items may enhance your available points.
    • Power Point Recovery - When you take a short rest, you can meditate to recover Power Points equal to your Intelligence modifier. When you take a long rest, you regain all Power Points.
    • Psionic Powers - You gain one Psionic power per level, except levels where you would gain an Ability Score Increase or Feat, plus an additional three at 1st level. You may take powers of a level up to 1/4th your Psychic Rogue level, rounded up.
    • Evasion - When avoiding something that does half damage on a Dexterity saving throw, if save made, instead take no damage; if save failed, only take half damage. ("Yeah, I get the 5e Rogue version, no need for Improved Evasion.")


    • Never Tell Me The Odds (Background) - Odds and probability are your bread and butter. During downtime activities that involve games of chance or figuring odds on the best plan, you can get a solid sense of which choice is likely the best one and which opportunities seem too good to be true, at the QM's determination.
  • A floofthief, a thieffloof, and kind of addicted to being charmed, hypnotized, or both - and badly enough that she was actively into the idea of being seduced by a potentially highly dangerous Succubus!

    She comes from a thievery guild, but went independent some time ago. Also, she's very, very short on shame.

    Art by Sakurarose12
  • The Psychic Rogue implementation here nibbles a couple ideas from Kibbles' Compendium of Craft and Creation, though it mostly leans from the original 3.5 Psychic Rogue. (No, Wizards, Soulknife is not an acceptable substitute - though to be fair it's very cool as its own thing.)

Party Loot

Wot is yours collectively

  • Currency
    226 GP
    162 SP
  • ItemWeightValueNotes
    Greataxe (5)7 each30 GP eachTaken from Orcs on the road
    Javelin (10)2 each5 SP eachTaken from Orcs on the road
  • ItemWeightValueNotes
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I'm thinking that Bard would be an excellent choice for us, especially in 5e where the Magical Secrets class ability would let us add a few spells from other classes to our repertoire (choose two spells at 10th level, 14th, and 18th). The college of Lore is especially good at this since you can also get two spells at 6th level, so you get more options early. Lore also gives us proficiency with three extra skills which is nice.

So, we get a class that works well with our high charisma, lets us plunder the spell list of other classes, and gives us proficiency in more skills.

One potentially good spell to consider for magical secrets (at least for 6th level if we go Lore Bard) would be the cantrip Mold Earth which among a few other things lets you telekinetically move around dirt at will in up to 5-foot cubes. This is basically like giving you access to a modern day excavator or backhoe you can use to dig ditches, fill in holes, dig wells, create cover by making trenches, or just pretend you're an earthbender. Being on the Sorcerer spell list, it would also be available if we choose Sorcerer. There's also the Magic Initiate feat for extra cantrips, but I don't know if that would be an option.
I kind of want to write-in Fighter just because our girl was game enough to go toe-to-toe with a paladin

Given her racial abilities include a decent weapon and solid AC even if she dumps Dex, almost any class in tandem with them could at least stand a chance against an equal-leveled Paladin... Normally.

Problem is, if she immediately recognized Senaz as probably a reincarnated hero and the second one at that? The odds of her being normal aren't that great.

Zero experience with 5e. Does sorc still scale with Charisma?

+8 to casting stat was pretty crazy back in 3.5/Pathfinder.

+8 to a stat is absurd in 5th Edition; one nerf I absolutely made from the 3.5e/PF stats was halving the usual racial bonus (which in 3.5 was +16 - good enough that especially under Pathfinder's monsters-as-races logic, they were very worth the cost in some contexts). It being able to breach the 20 limit (which normally you cannot exceed until very high levels) is also, well, bordering on an Isekai Cheat Power.
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I kind of want to write-in Fighter just because our girl was game enough to go toe-to-toe with a paladin
Well, for good fighter subclasses a quick check shows:
Battlemaster - Gain several maneuvers you can use to use on enemies to ruin their day. Basically the standard fighter stuff but more badass. (discussion)
Echo Knight - Gain the ability to create a ghostly 'echo' of yourself that you can use to scout areas, perform attacks, swap positions with you, and be re-summoned at will. The echo isn't a creature, more like an object or anime superpower. Sounds cool but hard to explain. (discussion, clarification on the echo)
Eldritch Knight - A fighter with limited access to arcane spells. Uses intelligence for it's spellcasting ability. (discussion)
Well, for good fighter subclasses a quick check shows:
Battlemaster - Gain several maneuvers you can use to use on enemies to ruin their day. Basically the standard fighter stuff but more badass. (discussion)
Echo Knight - Gain the ability to create a ghostly 'echo' of yourself that you can use to scout areas, perform attacks, swap positions with you, and be re-summoned at will. The echo isn't a creature, more like an object or anime superpower. Sounds cool but hard to explain. (discussion, clarification on the echo)
Eldritch Knight - A fighter with limited access to arcane spells. Uses intelligence for it's spellcasting ability. (discussion)

Eldritch Knight seems like it would be a good fit here. That means absurd Strength, Constitution and Intelligence, while we can afford to dumpster Wisdom and Dexterity.

ETA: Using the point spread we have, for an Eldritch Knight fighter I'd recommend 15 Strength, 14(+2) Intelligence, 13 Constitution, 12(+8) Charisma, 10(+2) Dexterity, and 8 Wisdom.

"why dumpster Wisdom?"

take a look at this trashfire and tell me that they have a positive modifier to Wisdom.
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Well, I'm gonna let people who are bigger DnD nerds than me decide on the character build stuff. Still, this seems like an interesting plotline and I can't wait for Senaz to get online.
Alternatively going Warlock and gunning for the melee tree (Blade Pact) allows us to Charisma cast and also do respectable fighting things.

We don't need 15+(8) Charisma for that, 12(+8) is still stupid good - for a Blade Pact Warlock I'd go

15 Strength, 14 Constitution, 13+2 Intelligence, 12+8 Charisma, 10+2 Dexterity, 8 Wisdom
Eldritch Knight seems like it would be a good fit here. That means absurd Strength, Constitution and Intelligence, while we can afford to dumpster Wisdom and Dexterity.

ETA: Using the point spread we have, for an Eldritch Knight fighter I'd recommend 15 Strength, 14(+2) Intelligence, 13 Constitution, 12(+8) Charisma, 10(+2) Dexterity, and 8 Wisdom.

"why dumpster Wisdom?"

take a look at this trashfire and tell me that they have a positive modifier to Wisdom.
Alternately, we could go for:
10 Strength
15 (17) Dexterity
14 Constitution
13 (15) Intelligence
8 Wisdom
12 (20) Charisma

I do agree on the Wisdom front, but we could easily go down a Dex build and the features we're playing with do actually suit that a bit better.

We could even trade Strength and Intelligence around - depending on what level of the class we're starting at EKs can do fine without an actually good Intelligence, if one focuses more on buffs and utility. We can lean on Charisma and innate spells like Charm Monster as the primary magical offensive unit to start with and in the medium term while we work on Int..
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Guys, guys.
She's a demon.
Who likes being stylish and using flashy weapons.
And allegedly has a taste for pizza.

Wacky Woohoo Pizza Girl build is clearly the only option.
Alternatively going Warlock and gunning for the melee tree (Blade Pact) allows us to Charisma cast and also do respectable fighting things.

Hmm, warlocks are neat from a roleplay perspective since the existence of a patron means the DM has a way to feed plot hooks to the party. Also, I think it's really nice if an Isakai adventure actually has the protagonist get in contact with whatever entity decided to reincarnate them to another world.

So, in our case, we have options like:

Genie patron - Our patron is a powerful genie we serve and we get a container we can use as extradimentional storage (can be a lamp, ring, statue, etc). Genie patron sounds like it could fit given we got the three wishes thing.

Elder God - We're siphoning power from Cthulhu, or at least that's what everyone thinks. Has some nice mental domination powers.

Fathomless patron - We made a deal with a powerful aquatic monster. Now we can summon tentacles!

Fiend Patron - A classic... but seems redundant and problematic considering we're already a fiend and working for a goddess.

Celestial Warlock - If we were anything other than a succubus, this could make sense. The only way I can imagine this making any sense is with a fallen angel... perhaps something like an Erinyes who are fallen female angels who became devils and are far more focused on the Lawful side of Lawful Evil? Perhaps one of these fallen angels retains their celestial powers despite being in the abyss and made a deal (a very lawful thing to do) with Senaz to make her a warlock and have her do missions in the mortal realm. Could even be a bit of a cover if the Erinyes has connections with the goddess who reincarnated us. It's a pity celestial warlocks are kind of lackluster compared to some of the other subclasses, but the QM isn't limited by RAW.

Hexblade - we got a magic (and possibly talking) sword that gives us powers. Frankly, the idea that we got something like a keyblade sounds really fun to me, even if it's not exactly that. Just a mystical weapon that can act as a conduit for our goddess/patron. Or it's a sapient weapon that's also working for our goddess.

There's also Jei from the Usagi Yojimbo manga, a villain chosen by the dark gods and given the power to anoint weapons with darkness and make them supernaturally deadly.

Personally, if we do go warlock for some reason, I like the idea that our patron would be an underling working for the goddess, or at least connected to them in some way so they are on the same side.
Guys, guys.
She's a demon.
Who likes being stylish and using flashy weapons.
And allegedly has a taste for pizza.

Wacky Woohoo Pizza Girl build is clearly the only option.

Actually, Create Food and Water is 3rd level spell which instantly conjures enough food and drink to sustain 15 people for a day (45 lbs of food, 30 gallons of water). It can be used by Artificers, genie warlocks, or lore bards who use their Magical Secret to get it.

RAW, it's supposed to be bland but nourishing, but prestidigitation can flavor stuff, in 3.5 genies got the spell as an ability but explicitly made their food delicious, and I'm sure some skill in cooking could improve the flavor. And if anyone should get the ability to make conjured food delicious the a succubus should be one them.

So yeah, genie warlock or lore bard should get us a succubus who can summon up a pizza party whenever she wants.
Actually, Create Food and Water is 3rd level spell which instantly conjures enough food and drink to sustain 15 people for a day (45 lbs of food, 30 gallons of water). It can be used by Artificers, genie warlocks, or lore bards who use their Magical Secret to get it.

RAW, it's supposed to be bland but nourishing, but prestidigitation can flavor stuff, in 3.5 genies got the spell as an ability but explicitly made their food delicious, and I'm sure some skill in cooking could improve the flavor. And if anyone should get the ability to make conjured food delicious the a succubus should be one them.

So yeah, genie warlock or lore bard should get us a succubus who can summon up a pizza party whenever she wants.

…I was referring to DMC's Dante. Y'know, the Wacky Woohoo Pizza Man.
Though I suppose that moniker isn't exactly well-known outside the fanbase.
Since we have an opportunity to go above 20 on Charisma, shouldn't we exploit that?

Or 20+ stats aren't particularly good value?

Against early game threats, a stat of 20 is ludicrous overkill. That's +7 when the game's calibrated for us to roll +5.

I'm not going turbo mega ultraoverkill mostly because being able to stab good is also a useful skill and we have the stat points to do both.
Honestly, i think the most fun way of leveraging our monsterous CHA score is via skill proficiencies. So im thinking we go rogue with a splash of battlemaster fighter.

Rogue for expertise Deception and Athletics(for grappling, opening up the possibily of combat kissing)

Battlemaster: pick superior technique for the extra technique and superiority die, with the following techniques;

Rally : die + our CHA score temp hp to an ally

Distracting strike: giving Advantage to a hard hitting ally like a paladin is always worth it.

Commanding presence: + die to a persuasion, intimidate or performance roll

Tactical assement: +die to Investigate, History or Insight checks
Does 5e have anything like the Pathfinder Witch? I know from looking that the Warlock isn't really it.


[ ] [CLASS] Write In - any 5e class not vetoed can be considered - the options already listed are ones that seem an obvious fit. 3rd Party, Homebrew, 3rd Edition, Pathfinder 1st, or other classes may be considered for adaptation (emphasis mine), but the questmaster has to be able to see the information, may change it to suit the quest

Also I have all these I/O classes and subclasses to test thanks to @Mattnificent and I'd be happy for Senaz to use a Mundane Shaman or Alchy as the basis for a Witch.