A/N: I finally got around to updating the extended cast list again, sorry that got delayed past the episode tick.
[X] Plan Downsizing
-[X] Tell Gwen she is in charge of the Suck House now, and she can keep the half of the staff she thinks is least likely to kill anyone and that she can most easily control and Buffy kills the rest.
--[X] Make sure Gwen understands that if any of her employees are killing people outside and Buffy finds out from anyone but her that she will die along with the vampire that broke the rules.
-[X] Install discrete cameras watching the entrance to the suck house and have the Watch frequently check on them to make sure the same number of people that go in also come out, and make a list of who is patronizing the place.
-[X] Demand they clean up the building to cut down on disease and buy some first aid kits, then start paying 10% less than they were to Teeth to Harmony, who will be handling collections.
"Is this everyone who works here?" Buffy asked.
Gwen tilted her head worriedly. "Trish is still upstairs." Buffy made a gesture to get on with it, and Gwen shouted for her. The other vampire started at the scene as she came down the stairs, but after a bit of wordless communication with Gwen she walked up by her side and stood quietly, also looking worried.
When everyone was assembled, there were nine vampires in the room, not counting Harmony or the one Buffy had already dusted. Most of them were girls, but there were two guys, one of whom was the big one that was still in the corner. As was usual for random vampires that didn't have a particular reason to hide, all of them were fangy. The humans (at least the three that were awake) seemed a little more with it by now, but even they seemed interested in what was going on and showed no signs of leaving. Buffy considered kicking them out before this got ugly, but in the end it was probably going to be more dangerous on the street, so she just ushered them over to an empty area to the side instead.
In the end, the problem was that even if some of these vampires were relatively unobjectionable, she definitely couldn't trust them all. She had to treat the danger to innocent victims as more important than the other concerns here, but she felt that maybe she could strike a balance. Minimize the risk, maximize the reward. And even if what she was about to do wasn't very nice to the vampires here, it at least felt a little more fair.
"So. There are going to be some changes," Buffy put up her index finger. "First, this place is seriously gross. You're going to clean up the floor, swap out this furniture, and get the power-"
"We don't actually own this place," someone interrupted. She was the same vampire who had complained about truth telling before.
"I can get the paperwork dealt with," Buffy said. "You can take ten percent off whatever you were giving Teeth for that, anything else comes out of whatever you were keeping." Buffy didn't really have any way to check on them, but figured Gwen wouldn't be too keen to lie to her after this talk was done.
There was some grumbling, but Buffy didn't give them time to muster more objections, and put out her middle finger to count to two. "Second. I don't care what your pecking order was before. Gwen is in charge. Obviously, none of you are allowed to bite anyone outside of this building, none of you are allowed to kill anyone ever. If I hear about this rule getting broken, the vampire responsible gets dusty, and if it wasn't Gwen that told me, she gets dusty too." Gwen squeaked.
Buffy theatrically raised an eyebrow, and took a few steps into Gwen's personal space. "Is that OK with you, Gwen? You can keep all your buddies under control, right?"
She managed a very quiet, "I think so."
"You don't sound very confident," Buffy acted worried herself. "Maybe this whole experiment is a bad idea, I could-"
Trish grabbed Gwen's hand, and hastily whispered something in her ear. "I can do it," Gwen said, louder now.
Buffy nodded, and then took the opportunity to glance around the room. The vampires still looked a little complacent, having decided that this was mostly for show, but Harmony seemed concerned. The humans just looked mystified.
Buffy frowned, letting her troubled expression build. "It's OK Gwen. I've actually got a pretty good read on you. You're a coward." She quivered, starting to back up, but Buffy stopped her with a strong hand over her shoulder. "No, it's good. I know you'll be too afraid of me to screw around, too afraid to lie. You'll keep me as well informed as you can. But the problem with that is some of these friends of yours probably aren't cowards, and when push comes to shove, you aren't going to be able to stop them." Gwen was looking confused now instead of afraid.
Buffy stepped back from her a little again, and finally counted to three on her fingers. "That brings me to the third change. Half of you are going to re-die, right now. Gwen, pick the four of them you think you can actually control." Buffy put a concerned tone into her voice. "Pick fast, or things might get out of hand."
Trish seemed to burrow into Gwen's side, and the room was instantly filled with the noise of pleas and threats. Gwen didn't pay attention to any of it though, just looking Buffy desperately in the eyes. In retrospect, this whole stunt had come out a little more psycho than she'd intended, but if it made it more likely to stick in their heads, all the less likely any humans would end up hurt.
The big vamp finally got up out of the corner and approached, but Buffy didn't let him get physical with Gwen, moving over to him in a flash and battering him back onto the floor like a rag doll. The rest of them took their cue from that, and stayed where they were, but the noise of their entreaties didn't stop. Buffy noted happily that Harmony had moved to cover the humans; she didn't think it would be an issue, but it was a good thought.
"Trish," Gwen started slow, and there were barely any sounds of disappointment, as nobody was surprised by that. Then, more rapidly, she pointed out three more of them, "Harper, Annie, Cindy!"
All of the vampires exploded into motion at that. Buffy had the big one staked before he even got up, two of the other three went for Gwen, and one ran for the door. Harper and Cindy flinched back, hiding behind furniture, but Annie tried to get in the way of one of the rogues and they scuffled on the ground. Buffy saw Harmony tackling the one who tried to run out of the corner of her eye, and so she quickly charged the last one and staked her.
After that, it was just a matter of cleanup, though she let Harmony finish her scuffle with the other girl and do the staking herself. She was coming along nicely, and Buffy was pleased she could deal with the average minion on her own already. Harmony gave her fangy smile before forcing game face back down, and then Buffy turned to the knot of five survivors.
"Any questions?"
"I was mostly just, you know, acting on instinct," Buffy said. She was sitting on her own desk, nervously kicking her feet against it. This wasn't a time for chairs.
"Well, your approach was certainly unconventional," Giles said hesitantly, cleaning his glasses. "In my younger days I knew of a couple such establishments, often in the fetid conditions you describe. I wouldn't think you'd concern yourself with them, but I suppose our circumstances are anything but normal."
Buffy's eyes widened, "Don't tell me you, umm, Giles,-"
"Heavens no!" he said, disturbed, "But some people in my circles did. They aren't safe, but tend to be safer than one would imagine, and at the end of the day, the 'patrons' there are willing victims. I didn't realize there was one in Sunnydale, but I wouldn't have directed your attention to it even if I did. They're a rather low priority, in the scheme of things."
"Do you think I was too nasty with them then? Or too nice? I was kind of torn between sympathy and an urge to stake them all and burn the place down."
"I don't think anyone of note has tried to be, ah, 'nice' to them before," Giles said. "But I'm not sure if it matters that much either way. If you think they can become a source of income and information, I trust you to keep them under control."
"Well, I think you handled it the right way," Anya piped up, after Giles finished. She was the other person Buffy had decided to get an opinion from, and she was much more confident. "It's easy for humans to make mistakes dealing with vampire psychology, but you did just the right thing."
Buffy and Giles just stared at her, and she took that as permission to launch into lecture mode. "So, normally, this whole vampire brothel idea would be a fool's errand. Vampire instincts constantly push them to kill and destroy, just like a human's instincts push them to have sex and make money."
"They didn't seem especially destructive?" Buffy ventured. "Like, most vampires are all 'Grrr, Argh' right out of the grave, but they were pretty subdued in comparison."
"That's because the sort of vampires that end up in those places are beaten down and demoralized," Anya said authoritatively. "They're like sick little puppies, all sniffly and pathetic. But if you ever improve their conditions and let them recover some dignity, soon they'll just get aggressive and murderous again, no matter what they're like at first."
"That would seem to be an argument that what Buffy's doing is a terrible idea," Giles argued. "If she keeps them defended against the other rabble, and the conditions there improve, won't they just go down that same path?"
"They would, except for the other primary feature of vampire psychology." Anya paused dramatically, having fun being the center of attention. "If you expose a group of vampires to a bigger, badder demon, they'll usually get all subservient and it overrides their normal instincts. That's why every serious monster in the underworld worthy of the name has a bunch of vampire minions, they just sort of glom on, like groupies."
"Wait, but-" Buffy started, but Anya interrupted her.
"I mean, I know you're not actually a demon, but I doubt the vampires really get that, deep down in their guts. You're way stronger than they are, you demanded tribute, and then you killed half of them just because you felt like it." Anya nodded. "Totally normal for the type of demon that gets vampire groupies."
"Harmony…" Giles began, trailing off.
"That's why I'm pretty confident." Anya said. "Buffy put the same whammy on her. She shows all the signs of growing up to be a big important vampire, but despite that not the slightest whiff of normal rogue vampire behavior. And Buffy didn't even have to terrorize her with random acts of violence!"
"Wouldn't that cast some doubt on your whole theory though?" Buffy was still a little worried she'd been out of line, despite herself. "Like, Harmony didn't need to be terrorized, so maybe I didn't need to go all murder rampage on the suck joint?"
"I mean, Harmony was already on your side before she died in a big violent battle where you defeated an Old One," Anya said. "Maybe that proved your murder chops to her demon?"
Buffy frowned, not liking the implications of all this vampire groupie stuff, and decided to bite another bullet. "My powers have been kind of weird lately." She hadn't told anyone but Giles about the KILL vision, or more recently, the Wilkins dreams, but Anya's well of esoteric demon knowledge was too tempting to ignore. "I haven't told anyone besides Giles because it's mondo creepy."
"Oh! This is where I'm supposed to promise not to gossip and then I tell everyone behind your back, right? Kidding!" Buffy and Giles just stared at her again, and Anya pouted. "Nobody appreciates my jokes."
Buffy rolled her eyes, but decided she might as well keep explaining, "When I was fighting the dragon last week she almost got in my head once, but I had this vision that kicked her out and told me to KILL with lots of drama and special effects. Plus, I've been having Wilkins in my slayer dreams ever since Graduation, and we've been doing this whole weird conversations with dead people thing."
"So you're worried he like, what, used his freaky Old One powers to like, jump into your head as he died?" Anya asked. "And now he's slowly taking control of you by tempting you over into some kind of evil demonic pact?"
"Umm," Buffy said.
"As far as I know, that's totally impossible!" Anya said brightly. "Old Ones had all kinds of weird unfathomable powers, but they also tended to get pretty rooted into whatever paradigm they used. Wilkins needed a hundred years to coax Olvikan into joining with himself, it wouldn't just stick onto you in a spray of exploded gore."
"While that's reassuring, if a bit unnecessarily graphic," Giles said. "Can you think of any other explanation for what's happening to Buffy? She's also mentioned that her Slayer reflexes have become much keener since the vision." Buffy nodded at that. It'd made a lot of things easier in the past week, but it was also a constant troubling reminder.
Anya pursed her lips. "Well, maybe whatever powers the Slayer is just happy with a job well done? Buffy has killed a large number and variety of bad things. It's only natural that extra effort in the workplace be rewarded."
"What does that have to do with Wilkins though?" Buffy asked.
Anya shrugged. "Probably nothing? I mean, even in the demon world, dead is usually dead. You blew him into a million pieces, it'd be silly to be afraid he was like, lying in wait as he regenerated or something. It's not like he's talking to you when you're awake, right? People have all kinds of weird dreams. I had a dream just last night about Willow feeding me jello, that doesn't mean she's controlling my mind. I hope." She frowned a bit, looking pensive.
Buffy sighed. She'd been hoping for something more concrete than that, but at least Anya had put her worries about the 'suck joint' (she was going to need to name it something less eww) mostly to rest.
Later that day, Buffy was just leaving her office when she ran into Cynthia, holding out an classy looking vellum envelope.
Buffy slowed down, not spooked by slayer instincts, but teenager ones instead. "That looks scary."
Cynthia gave her a flat look, and explained, holding the open envelope out to her. "You've been cordially invited to the Sunnydale Country Club tomorrow. You don't have to go, but I think it'd be a very good idea."
Buffy had heard of the country club, but never been out there before; it was treated pretty exclusively, and they didn't like bumping elbows with people from the other side of the tracks. The Cordettes' families were all members, along with a lot of the richer people around town. Despite the bad neighborhoods and chronically low property values, there were a lot of wealthy families in the Sunnydale area too.
She got the invitation out and gave it a leery eye. "This is pretty vague. Why are they inviting me now? What do people even do at country clubs? Do the wives all stand around gossiping while their husbands play golf?"
"More or less, to the second," Cynthia said. "As for the first, you are in fact the mayor of their town, and thus a fairly important person for them to get to know. You'll probably be offered a complimentary membership, and it's likely they'll try to wheedle various concessions out of you, but I think this is mostly just an action to 'feel you out', as it were."
"Concessions? What kind of things do rich people even want?" Buffy was a little alarmed. "Are they going to try to buy the town out from under us or anything nefarious like that?"
"To an extent, yes, but it's less of a serious concern than you might think," Cynthia hedged.
"Mayor Wilkins made it a policy to keep some rather labyrinthine zoning laws on the books to support his various demonic constituents and foster areas that might serve their interests. With the way property values in Sunnydale have risen since you've become active here, they might hope you're receptive to some changes he stood firm against."
"Is there any real issue with that?" Buffy asked.
"Well, some of the properties may react rather … poorly to new construction, for various reasons, but Richard played his cards close to the chest, so it's hard to know which ones, or how violently," Cynthia said. "It's a bit of a risk, but then again, their support might be invaluable for your upcoming election, and it would probably be good for the city's economy in the long term."
Buffy felt a little adrift, and was happy to at least be getting guidance enough to understand what the issues were before being shoved in the deep end. "Is that it, or are there other things too?"
"It's difficult to say." Cynthia tilted her hand back and forth. "It's also possible they're concerned about the high school reconstruction or the new police chief, or they might be too cautious with you to bring up much of anything at all. You're an unknown element for them, so they'll have to improvise."
"Unknown is good," Buffy said. "They're an unknown element for me too."
"There is one more decision," Cynthia said gravely, leading Buffy to a closet and opening it up. Inside was a set of golf clubs. "Their vague invitation was in part due to having no idea how you would present yourself. Normally, a young lady mayor would be expected to come dressed for a formal lunch."
"However," Cynthia continued, "even amongst the mundane residents of the town, your rather active stance in fighting crime is already widely known. They might equally expect you to come equipped and ready for their prime mode of athletic competition, acting like 'one of the boys'. Being careful not to offend, the obvious move for them was to leave the choice up to you."
Vote: What does Buffy go to the country club expecting to do?
[] Buffy brings the Mayor's old clubs, and comes dressed for a round of golf. She's only played the mini variety before, but could hitting little balls with sticks really be that hard?
[] Buffy comes dressed to impress, ready to hob it up at a formal lunch. It's a little more upscale than she's used to, but Buffy's confident she can handle a social situation.