Style of the Gods: A Xianxia Style's Celestial Bureaucrat

Cultivator 2
Legendary 2
Lunar 2
Wyld 2
Hunter 2
Warrior 1
Assassin 1
Artisan 1
Alchemist 1
Rich 1
Worldly 2
Prepared 5
Alert 4
Tranquil 1
Disreputable 4
Cowardly 4
Impolite 1
Vicious 1
Ghoulish 1
... Only three shifts? Hmm.

Worldly, Alert, and Cowardly, which looks similar to what we got the last time we did Fundamentals. I don't think we got a bunch of stuff cancelling out from our other choices?

Edit: I'm pretty sure the last time we picked Fundamentals for Style, we got Worldly, Prepared, Cowardly.
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[X] Rat Spreads Under Moonless Night
-[X] [Asuka] Focus on being a good Master to the students who follow you.
-[X] [Domain] Encourage Asuka's master to begin experimenting with Grey Rat Cheats The Heavens.
-[X] [Style] Bite of the Grey Rat
-[X][Personal] Use your influence over Grey Rat style to encourage its discovery by a larger group of practitioners.
[x] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt
-[x][Asuka] Focus on being a good Master to the students who follow you.
-[x][Domain] Sort through the students who flocked to Asuka and look for good seeds.
-[x][Style] Grey Rats Swarm The Carcass
-[x][Personal] Hunt Demon Beasts to craft a Treasure for Asuka.

Committing to teaching a whole lot of students means I'd prefer to not spike them all dead with simultaneous increases to dangerous and difficult, so I'm passing on Legendary this time.

Good Seeds and cultivation treasures are helpful for our students taking their first steps onto the Way of the Grey Rat without killing themselves, so I'm trying to create a plan that leads to teaching students how to make those treasures, and hunting for the students who might not need them to specifically encourage to advance.
[X] Plan finding talent in mortals and ourselves
-[X][Asuka] Focus on being a good Master to the students who follow you.
-[X][Domain] Sort through the students who flocked to Asuka and look for good seeds.
-[x][Style] One Thousand Rat Bites
-[x][Personal] Continue cultivating and attempt to form a second Core. Cultivation DC40.

I figure we need more prominent students to focus on. if asuka dies we are pretty boned at the moment. On thousand rat bites helps give us some killing power and makes the style more useful without putting our students at risk. Advancing our own cultivation in order to progress our own understanding.
Everything in me just kind of painfully crunches at the though of passing on point of Legendary yet again, but we really shouldn't increase Dangerous or Difficult right now. Really, really should not.
[X] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt, But Don't be a Coward
-[X][Asuka] Focus on being a good Master to the students who follow you.
-[X][Domain] Sort through the students who flocked to Asuka and look for good seeds.
-[X][Style] Grey Rats Swarm The Carcass
-[X][Personal] Train to remove one of your personality faults and thereby improve the style you're responsible for. (Cowardly)

I think it might be neat to be the "hidden dagger" to another sect, doing the shit that sect can't be seen doing.

It makes for an interesting story, and does a fair bit to mitigate our ranks of Disreputable while still making use of them.
Eh, I've already made my want for Ethereal Deathly Wild Lunar Hunter thing know.

By the way are we eventually going to incorporate a weapon into our style or are we going full unarmed?
Removing a point Dangerous or Difficult at this point is probably a pretty competitive idea.

Cowardly is problematic, but... it actually has a positive impact on our style, amusingly enough?
Cowardly is problematic, but... it actually has a positive impact on our style, amusingly enough?
I think all traits might be positive or negative, depending on circumstance?

So, e.g., if Asuka gets in a fight with Taro, and he takes a swing at her, she can say "you don't hit; I'm Evasive." But if Taro tries to take a swing at one of Asuka's students, and Asuka says she gets in the way, Taro says "that would work better if your style wasn't so Evasive, wouldn't it?"

On that note, Taro is no longer available for recruiting into the Way of the Grey Rat.

I'm more irked by the fact that going on a hunt was an important part of my plan; emphasizing cooperation, teaching, and hunting demon-beasts on the same turn that Kaname hunted a demon-beast in order to make a treasure was intended to encourage our practitioners to take up the same habits.
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[X] Plan: A master must be polite
-[X][Asuka] Focus on being a good Master to the students who follow you.
-[X][Domain] Sort through the students who flocked to Asuka and look for good seeds.
-[X][Style]Bite of the Grey Rat
-[X][Personal] Train to remove one of your personality faults and thereby improve the style you're responsible for. (Impolite)
[X] Plan: New master must be reputable

Like I've said earlier, I think the poison fist attack is something I want.

...But if we don't do that, this is fine.

[X] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt, But Don't be a Coward

[X] Plan finding talent in mortals and ourselves
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[X] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt, But Don't be a Coward

I know when to back a winner.
Why do we want reduce Cowardly? We're not any sort of frontline combatant nor do we aim to get any similar responsibilities, so why is it a problem? If it is a problem, why is it a bigger problem than something like Impolite, a trait that directly harms the spread of our Style?

The focus on Cowardly just seems so random. Like, what's wrong with what's essentially a paper-pusher wanting to avoid fights? It even has a positive impact on our Style. I legitimately think it's a mistake to focus it down, especially compared to what we could be doing.

Therefore, I'm approval voting plans that don't remove Cowardly, and I really hope other people do the same.

[x] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt

[X] Plan: A master must be polite
I like the collaborative path a bit more, I think. After all a swarm of rats is scary af. Also rats must be disreputable!

[X] Plan Asuka Leads a Hunt, But Don't be a Coward
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