Storey Time

Rataction, GO!

EDIT: I'm sorry Zenny, I have failed you.
Nero200 threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 14
14 14
Last edited:
13. An actual success
EDIT: I'm sorry Zenny, I have failed you.
I'm not going to Like this comment because your roll is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. I spit on your roll. Ptoo! Ptoo!

13. A successful roll due to lucky update 13

Your mind is at murky, doleful peace. Your body is relaxed and prepared for imminent death. You care not for this pathetic mortal (virtual) world, full of... of backstabbers and... rats... and... really BIG Rats.

Come, sweet death. Come, rigor mortis. You await with silent stoicism! YOU ARE AS ONE ALREADY DEAD.

Learned (Aura of Dread Lv 1)!
Aura of Dread active!

... Learned what now?

You also notice your Riding ping up another level, but you're more distracted by the way the Dire Rats seem to flinch back from you slightly, noses twitching almost warily as their tails still, beady eyes flicking to each other, one letting out a tentative squeak...

[ ] Use the distraction and attack!
[ ] Use the distraction and flee!
[ ] Accept your fate and die.
[ ] Something else?
[x] Accept your fate and die.

How dare they not kill us already! I demand we jump into their open mouths! With barbecue sauce on!
[X] Glare at them harder. Make them bow down to their new queen!
Let the reign of the rat ruler commence!
[X] Glare at them harder. Make them bow down to their new queen!

Fucks = Zero. Not even our suicide is going right. We are adrift in the sea of zero fucks, and these rats acting weird is not going to unsettle us!
I'm not going to Like this comment because your roll is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. I spit on your roll. Ptoo! Ptoo!
[x] Accept your fate and die.
I just like the idea of this healer just looking serene while the rats go 'you know what, I want none of this, RUN!'
[X] Glare at them harder. Make them bow down to their new queen!

Rat Queen! Rat Queen! Rat Queen!
14. Emperorat
14. Become THE GLARE

These little shits.

Eyes narrowing, nose wrinkling, your mouth curving into contempt, you glare down upon these beasts living in their wretched hive of scum and... clean-picked bones.

You have had the absolute shittiest day.

And here these sacks of stereotypical pixels are, come to make it shittier still.

(Aura of Dread has inflicted MILD CONFUSION!)
(Aura of Dread has inflicted MILD FEAR!)
Debuffs will last: 30 seconds!

Somewhere inside your body, you feel the ice-cold burn of rage, but your mind is clear, body under control. You are at peace. The peace that comes with acceptance that you have Taken Enough Shit and that Taking More Shit isn't even a threat any more. You fear nothing. There are only vermin in front of you, sacks of overgrown and likely badly-coded targets that need to learn their true place.

A skull crunches under your steed's paws as it shuffles slightly, one of the others tentatively baring its fangs at you.

[ ] Stay on your Rat and charge the filth down!
[ ] Dismount and assert your status to these bone-gnawing dunces.
[ ] Quickly search the remains for potential weaponry - their wariness won't last long.
[ ] Another option?
[X] Dismount and assert your status to these bone-gnawing dunces.

Rat Queen! Rat Queen! Rat Queen!
[X] Dismount and assert your status to these bone-gnawing dunces.
-[X] Heal our Rat. We will be harsh but fair.
[X] Dismount and assert your status to these bone-gnawing dunces.
-[X] Heal our Rat. We will be harsh but fair.
15. Everyone wants to be the Rat Queen
15. Beautiful Rat Goddess of Disease and Vermin (or something)



You're going to keep making it clear to these... these obnoxious little wretches exactly WHO is in charge here.

(Its you.)

Sweet, furious adrenaline slams in ragged pulses through your veins as you shift to the side and slam your booted feet down onto the floor, kicking aside some dented armour (and a collapsed, picked-clean ribcage) with your non-standard lack of fucks.

Your imperious glare remains on the small crowd throughout, the beasts' tails flicking nervously as they try to figure out what you're doing.

They won't figure it out. You have no idea either.

Plans are for losers.

And you... you are NOT a loser. You are a Vengeful Demon of Death and Destruction and... and other things beginning with D. No, not those. Pervert.

Eyes starting to burn from your lack of blinking, you thrust one hand out at your bewildered steed, hand glowing as you cast a healing spell with some of your last remaining MP.

"... squeak?"

(Aura of Dread now level 2!)

You keep glaring at the other Dire Rats. The other Dire Rats stare back, caught up in a moment of despe-rat-ion.

[ ] Vermin. You dare present yourselves like this before ME?!
[ ] (point at yourself) I'm the boss now, minions. Got it?
[ ] Something else?
[X] (point at yourself) I'm the boss now, minions. Got it?
Serenity is passe~ I guess. Fine. We're going Rat Queen! SUBJECTS! ATTEND TO MY WHIMS!