Storey Time

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Betrayed for sweet, sweet loot, you find yourself in something of a pickle. But remember, the only way from here is up!
1. Intro



Waking up hurts.

This makes no sense, because you only set the maximum pain allowance to 5%, so your bodily aches seem oddly strong... but right now you're more concerned with dazedly trying to figure out what's going on.

That's right - the dirty tiles under your face and body are from the second floor of the Infinite Tower. You must have passed out after... after...

Those backstabbers!

Eyes snapping open to the torchlit corridor, you remember what happened since you activated your account and logged in as a

[ ] warrior.
[ ] mage.
[ ] healer.
[ ] rogue.
[ ] bard.
[ ] {something else}.
2. Healer

- healer.

Your combat stats might be terrible, and your MP is still that of a low-level n00b, but you should have enough for a healing spell. You think.

Slowly pushing yourself to your feet, heart hammering, you check your gauges - HP is 38/60, but MP is 100/100. More than enough!

You autocast Minor Heal a couple of times - 10 HP each for 10 MP each time - watching in relief as your HP rises to 58/60.

Good. You're safe.

Except for being trapped in a PvP dungeon with your party having left you to die.

And the heavy sound of padding paws and deep growls approaching you from down the hall.


[ ] You should have a single beginner's escape pass to exit the dungeon - use it!
[ ] Stand your ground. You can take it.
[ ] Something else?
3. Escape attempt
3. Flee via... wait what

Not good. Very not good! Your hands reach quickly to tap at your inventory and retrieve -


Staring blankly at your inventory, reality strikes. The reason why your party kicked you (metaphorically) and stabbed you (literally). Those beautiful beginner goodies that you can't just buy - the one-time escape pass included. It gets you free from any dungeon, you remember the skill description saying... that alone is worth luring a n00b along to a nearby PvP area. How much could they sell it for?

You swallow hard, looking at all the empty boxes that used to be filled with loaves of bread and minor potions. A PvP area... but how did they steal it? A skill for stealing from people's inventories? Unless your items dropped because you died?

A quick skim through recent notices finds the (YOU HAVE DIED!) message, along with a cheery message saying you'd revive in ten minutes. Apprently that was enough time to loot your body and flee - likely outside the Tower, considering -

A louder growl cuts into your panicked thoughts, and you realise how much closer the monster must be.

In an instant, you're overwhelmed with

[ ] terror!
[ ] fury.
[ ] resignation.
[ ] Other?

[ ] (Take action?)
4. Life is pain.
4. Resignation

Shoulders slumping as the realisation of your brief (and crappy) mortality overwhelms you, you gaze listlessly ahead at the sight of a shaggy monstrosity rounding the corridor, its claws scratching the tile in an accompaniment to your pitiful whine of, "I'm not even going to drop anything good!"

LESSER DIRE-RAT, the name above it tells you, which is a lie. It seems highly, extremely dire to you.

It's also Lv 5 to your Lv 1. And it's just noticed you, but not in a nice, sempai way.

"SCREEEEEEEEE!" The name turns red as aggression flares, and the three-foot tall beast opens its jaw wide, hurtling towards you -

[ ] Jump over it and run! It can't turn fast in a narrow hallway like this!
[ ] Screech back, grab a torch from the wall and try to attack with it.
[ ] Grab the torch bracket and try to climb the wall like Spider-Healer. Probably while crying.
[ ] Other?
5. Athleticism
5. Jump over and run!

There's no way that thing can turn quickly in this sort of corridor - a fit of wild, desperate inspiration hits, and you run... towards the bloodthirsty monster.


You are truly the smartest

[ ] boy
[ ] girl
[ ] person of indeterminate gender

in the world.

"AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH," you bravely cry, the rat's vicious expression almost seeming befuddled as its prey attempts suicide in an entirely unexpected manner.

And then you fling yourself over the Dire Rat.


Fear propels you harder and higher than you though you were capable of, barely avoiding clipping the confused monster as you hurtle over it and hit the floor

[ ] on your feet. (HARD)
[ ] in an awkward roll. (MEDIUM)
[ ] in a crumpled heap. (EASY)
[ ] Other? (VARIES)
Zen threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Need 18 Total: 5
5 5
6. Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl, does whatever, a spider... whirl.
6. Girl. Cling to the ceiling like a bat

(Roll needed: 18. Rolled: 5. lol)

You rise through the air like a bird taking wing. A fledgling bird that's never flown before. And doesn't understand gravity.

"OH GOD WHY," you ponder as your fingernails scramble furiously across the ceiling for a brief instant, before physics helpfully inform you that such an endeavour will only impede your progress, and send you crashing down onto -

Hm. Dire Rats sure are squishy. And a screamy. And flaily. Especially when they're shaking and throwing themselves around to try and get a panicked girl off from their back.

Current HP: 56/60!
Dire Rat HP: 76/80!
Learned (Body Slam Lv 1)!
Learned (Riding Lv 1!)

[ ] Try and gouge its eyes out with your fingers!
[ ] Slip off its back and flee while it's distracted.
[ ] Something else?
Zen threw 1 14-faced dice. Reason: Need 14 Total: 14
14 14
7. Olé
7. Cling on and scream

(Roll needed: 14. Rolled: 14)

Terror and adrenaline fuel you, or maybe you just aren't thinking at all (probably that one). Your fingers dig deep into the Rat's wiry fur, holding on for dear life while it shrieks and hurls itself around in a wild dance to get you off it.

You help panic it more by keeping up a constant scream.

Admittedly, you get knocked against the walls a couple of times, knocking off a Hit Point here and there, but the rat doesn't seem to have worked out it can deliberately do that, nor has it tried to roll over... so you'll count this as a win. Sort of.


And you'll keep screaming. For the whole two minutes you've currently been on the monster's back.

(Riding now Lv 3!)
Learned (Battlecry Lv 1!)

[ ] Start kicking it! Just start kicking it!
[ ] There is a rat tail. You must pull it, for reasons. Bad reasons.
[ ] Something smarter?
8. Kick it real good
8. Be a nutrionally-deprived rat-kicker

Your panicked wails of physical deficiency are somewhat pointless, considering you're currently in a virtual body,

[ ] and still a lie considering your real-life body is that of a well-fed, upper-class teen.
[ ] even though it's true your real body is fueled by the cheap junk food of a struggling, lower-class teen.
[ ] Other?

In any case, your kicks, while weak, are both furious and numerous - even as your hands clutch at the violently-writhing body, your boots repeatedly slam into the monster's sides in time with your terrified begging.

Dire Rat -1 HP!
-1 HP!
-1 HP!

Your own health trickles down at a larger, but slower rate when you get knocked into the walls, although ducking yourself low against its back helps; the cheery -1 HP notice for the Rat itself comes thick and fast though, even as your feet start to ache. Seriously, why is the pain level so high?!

(Riding now Lv 4!)
Learned (Kick Lv 1!)
(Kick now Lv 3!)

Current HP: 48/60
Rat HP: 65/80

[ ] HEALER, HEAL THYSELF (Slows kick-rate temporarily as focus is split)
[ ] Just. Keep. Kicking!
[ ] You know, you could probably change grip and grab its ears. Or bite them. Just saying.
[ ] Wait for it to fling its head back and strangle the vermin!
[ ] Other?
9. Self-care
9. You are a filthy peasant. And you heal yourself.

"MINOR HEAL MINOR HEAL I DON'T WANNA DIE," you wail. Well, at least you aren't resigned to your demise any more, so that's... something.

In any case, your MP slams down as your HP increases, body shimmering faintly as the weak healing takes effect. You instantly feel much better, even though the Dire Rat takes advantage of your slowed kicking to - run. Giving up on its useless flailing, it decides to instead charge down the corridor, screeching furiously.

This is mildly concerning.

(Riding now Lv 5!)
(Minor Heal now Lv 3!)

[ ] It's time to blow this joint! Hurl yourself back off the monster and run for it!
[ ] A vaguely intelligent decision?