Okay. Doing a wander through the character info/life experiences. The following is everything I've been able to dredge up that Harry actually knows pertinent to the process of deciding who to apprentice under..
So, first, overarching themes I've seen in Harry's personality....
- Harry haggles. A lot. near-instinctively. He almost *never* accepts the first offer if he thinks he can maybe get more out of it. He doesn't mind people making him offers, even bad offers, but *is* wary of being cheated or taken advantage of. Doesn't like to commit early - it harms his ability to get the best deal. He doesn't necessarily push his luck - he understands about discretion and not burning bridges and so forth. He also lays off a little when the person he's dealing with is sympathetic and under real pressure (Agnes, Fawkes). Other than that?
- He has this little sister thing. Agnes is almost certainly fitting a slot in his psyche like Cecily did - a bit younger, less well-informed, gets him in trouble sometimes, very protective.
- Responds to complicated situations with study and secrecy. Plays it close to the chest and tries to find out more rather than going to authority figures for help. When he does go to others, he goes for information rather than assistance.
- Actively interested in delving into the secrets that surround him. He's not really going to give up on that one. Hangs onto every clue he can get his hands on.
- Cares deeply about a small group of people, and will invest real effort and resources into their well-being. Right now, that's his family, Agnes, and maybe a few nameless friends from back home. It *might* include Rubeus - though it didn't include his old master at the monastery.
- Has a Thing about being master of his own mind. Shakes off the effect of the fae, shakes off Agnes's Gift, blows Confidence to press through the Gifts of elder mages later, and so forth.
- When thrust into situations of potential conflict, will generally try to defuse them verbally if he thinks he can get away with it.
- Generally thrifty. Does not like to waste material resources, in large things or small things.
Random databits known:
- With the strength of her Gift, Agnes is going to be a lot happier if she can stay in the Covenant full-time and just not ever interact with anyone outside of it.
- prophetic quote: "Your play would work for Voluntas," she says, carrying on with little regard for your surprise. "If you ask the Raven about his colleagues. Or, you could approach the ever changing Magus and get a deal for the girl that wants to follow you." There's a short pause as she glances at the horizon, and one of the shapes of the fog moves away from her sight. "Death and trouble will follow you either way."
Ex Miscellanea:
- You suspect it's not the most prestigious House
- They're disliked
- More interactions with the mundane world.
- All of them are trying to understand some core secret of the universe
- With their efforts, strange markings and tattoos appear on their skin
Cad Gadu:
- Founding covenant of Ex Miscellanea - but still nto the most prestigious/powerful Covenant in the Tribunal.
- birthplace of the Columbae tradition.
- Not very populated
- Tends to keep visitors out. Something about poor hospitality.
- the three Columbae are unlikely to want us as apprentices - two because they are too old, and the third because we aren't welsh.
- Immanola herself said that we wouldn't get an answer about our past from any of the magi of Cad Gadu.
- Serves as a counterweight to Blackwell (the meeting place of the tribunal, and the covenant with the most political pull)
- Very active
- Has a library that many are envious of
- The smallest covenant - three magi only.
- A bunch of wagons, pulled by oxen
- has been orbiting London at a large distance for the past two years.
- Mobile nature makes it hard to meet up with them anywhere other than prearranged meeting places
- Heavy into magical research in spite of having so few magi
- Quite well-off in terms of resources (or at least that's what people say)
- Someone in Semitae is throwing around some fairly potent mind magics, given their defenses.
Julia of Jerbiton (Voluntas)
- Her interactions with the mundane side have made things easier on people like Rubeus lately. She's been workign wihtin the circles of the King.
- Genderswaps from time to time.
- Was interested in Harry, when she heard of him. Was not interested in Agnes, when Rubeus tried to convince her that Agnes was the only one he was bringing in. It was really clear that Rubeus was trying to hide us from Julia (to deliver us to Gerfalion).
- Driving force behind Voluntas. Also political leader.
- Has been campaigning hard (and without success) to hold the tribunal anywhere other than Blackwell.
- active opposition of the Blackthorn in the Tribunal gatherings.
Corvus of Bjornear (Voluntas)
- Can turn into a raven
- Was apparently spying on us earlier (and reporting to Julia)
- Perhaps a bit ascerbic, if subtly so.
- Intellego specialist.
Kirist of Flambeau (Voluntas)
- Master of all magic concerning fire
- "Typical Flambeau", whatever that means.
- Young
Phessallia of Merinita (Voluntas)
- Something of a shaky reputation
- Works closely with the fae
- Experienced maga
- Roams the country outside of covenant.
- Deals with winter and cold fae.
- Has a bad reputation.
Desiderius of Verditius (Voluntas)
- only leaves his laboratory for the Tribunal every seven years (exaggeration?)
- Experienced magus. Secular. Necromancer?
Gerfallion of Criamon (Semitae)
- Interested in the area aroudn where we lived
- leader of Semitae
- Rubeus said that he was "very wise" and "someone that [Rubeus] trusts"
- Partial to secrets that others don't understand
- Driving force behind the Semitae research focus.
- the creep-factor looks like it might be fanon and/or driven by the effects of his Gift.
- inclined to lecture, but in a rapid, high-level style that will take effort to keep up with.
- Actively eager to have us as an apprentice. Dislikes that he's forced to compete for us when he'd thought we were guaranteed.
- Actively enjoys being the smartest person in the room. There's a bit of an ego on him
- Has a reputation of an eccentric magus, with strange decisions on the course of his covenant
- Probably has a fair bit of skill at mind magics, given the enthusiasm with which he lectured about the covenant defenses.
Vanasalus of Criamon (Semitae)
- Young and female
- There to learn from Gerfallion's example.
Junius of Verditius (Semitae)
- Master of crafting magical trinkets (made the wagons)
- Never took an apprentice before
- Experienced. Prime of his life.
Immanola of Ex Miscellanea (Cad Gadu)
- leader of Ex Miscellanea - likely very busy
- respected seer.
- Thinks *very* highly of her own abilities as a seer... though they have apparently faded.
- Apparently did not *want* to take us as apprentice, but was willing to, to give us a safe place to grow.
- we turned her down, not wanting to be locked in. It seems that she was pleased and intrigued by this.
Findabar of Ex Miscellanea (Cad Gadu)
- Young and attractive. *Distractingly* attractive.
- Maybe uses magic to make her appearance entrancing?
So... the stuff I pull out of this (all stuff that might be thought of IC).
- Based on the prophetic quote, going to talk with Corvus right now (and asking about his colleagues) is the easy path to get both us and Agnes into Voluntas (presumably by ourselves taking an apprenticeship with Julia). It *might* open up paths to reasonably easily apprentice with someone in Voluntas who is not Julia. It might not.
- Based on the prophetic quote, going to talk with Julia and Gerfallion right now (and make a deal with Gerfallion) is the easy path to get us both into Semitae.
- Semitae is *small*. It's not going to leave a particularly large social circle for Agnes if she's trying not to interact outside the covenant. On the other hand, before we met her, her social circle was effectively nonexistence, so that's less of a problem than it might be.
- Going with Julia is going to mean that we're focused on politics - both inside the tribunal and out in the mundane world. It's also going to mean that we spend a lot of time not near Agnes regardless, given that Julia does a lot of travelling outside of the covenant. Going with Gerfallion means we're going to see a lot more of her, and that we'll be spending most of our time delving into Deep Mysteries (and desperately trying to keep up with Gerfallion's lectures.
- Harry understands the value of a good library (though me probably doesn't grasp how valuable a good magical library is to a mage). Harry *also* understands the value of wealth, in a variety of forms. In his head, I'd see this as a push, really.
- Gerfallion may be able to barter political favors to Voluntas (Julia seems to care a lot more about that stuff) to at least take the edge off her unhappiness about things. Doesn't mean he *will*.
- Going to talk with Corvus means getting information. Going in to talk with Gerfallion and Julia means getting in on the haggling. Both seem very in character for Harry, but I honestly see the urge to get in on the haggling to be much stronger (and the voting bears that out).
Personally, I'd see the natural, IC route as "Pit the two against one another for the best deal for both us and Agnes" - probably going with Gerfallion eventually. Sure, the weird tattoos are weird, but it lets him work on the stuff he cares about, rather than being pulled neck-deep into a bunch of politics he *doesn't* really care about.
As for other routes... if we're paying attention to the prophecy (and we did just hear it a few minutes ago) we might think to talk with Corvus in an attempt to get someone other than Julia. Of the others in Voluntas...
- Kirist is all fire all the time, and we're not.
- Corvus... well, we have that problem with our eyes. Seems like that woudl directly conflict with his general MO. Also, the constantly being away from the covenant means little time with Agnes.
- Phessalia... bad reputation, frequently outside of the covenant and spends her time dealing with fae? Not so very appealing. Harry may be well-statted for dealing with the fae, but I really don't see him having any *desire* to.
- Desiderius... *could* be okay, but we've heard some dubious things about him.
Really, none of them look like they're particularly good catches for us other than Julia and Corvus. Our eyes are going to make us not so hot at doing the stuff that Corvus does, and while we're apparently quite well-suited for what Julia wants us to do, that's not what *we* want to do. On the flip side, with Gerfallion, if we can manage to learn spoken Latin fast enough to keep up with the lectures, and can learn to tolerate the weird skin markings, it sounds like he wants to do *exactly* what we want to do.
Oh, and as a bonus - Semitae is apparently both really into research and has a fairly heavy Mind focus. Agnes has a fairly heavy Mind focus and would like to figure out a way to gentle her Blatant Gift. These things go together pretty well.
Apologies for the double-post, but I wanted to split the two thoughtsets (more-or-less objective info from possibly-subjective analysis). I also started to get a bit paranoid with how big the previous post was getting.
Half of Harry's personality here is what all the players push for his choices... and that's not necessarily a bad thing, after all, you are steering him.
Otherwise, a very thorough analysis.
I've debated if to let you deliberate a bit more, but since I've already been penning the next update, AND the vote is rather clear so far, I'm going to pull a trick over you and call it an early vote.
@Sirrocco - for the overarching theme of haggling that made me believe in such an interpretation, I'm giving a +5 bonus xp to Bargain. Just because I wanted to give your effort some reward, but confidence is too precious to just hand out like it was Herbam Vis in Novgorod tribunal. You already have 2 points of it. Entire two points too many (kidding).
Calling vote:
[X] Approach Julia, Rubeus and Gerfallon
No. of Votes: 7
Vote Tally : Stolen Destiny: Of Storms and Magi (HP/Ars Magica) | Page 26 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Approach Julia, Rubeus and Gerfallon
No. of Votes: 7
And, since the next update is rather short, and today was a surprisingly productive day, have an update.
Update XVIII
Lies and Misdirections
You take a few steps towards Rubeus.
Agnes keeps her hold over your clothes, shuffling after you, but her grip keeps you slightly uncomfortable, especially as you've planned to approach with a measure of confidence. Agnes is getting in the way of that.
The many gifts in the room are making you edgy, and Agnes getting in your way like that, it's...
You consider pushing Agnes away, possibly even tripping her up, but then you realize that it's all yet another way of her gift acting up, take a deep breath and try to maintain the pace with her dragging you down.
"Agnes," you mutter. "Could you try and relax a bit more?"
When she doesn't reply, you cough a short cough, uncomfortable.
"You can hold onto my arm, instead," you suggest. "Nothing's going to happen, try not to work yourself up about it."
She nods, and pushes next to you, grabbing your elbow for dear life. You frown, momentarily, and then get your expression under control. "A bit better."
When you finally reach the large man, you also step into the purview of two Magi flanking him. Julia of Jerbiton offers a reserved smile, throwing a short glance at cowering Agnes. In turn, Gerfallon stands a drop reserved, his eyes now a vibrant violet color, his high cheekbones peeking out aggressively out of his face. You're sure he looked different the last time you laid your eyes on him. Only the markings remain constant.
Julia is the first to speak.
"Harry, the potter's boy," she begins in a calm voice, in slightly accented English. You cannot truly place her accent, not yet, at least. "I've heard about you, most of it good and promising things," she gestures vaguely towards the spot where Corvus is standing watchfully; on the other side of the hall. "It's a shame we didn't get a chance to exchange a few words earlier, quite unlike with young Agnes here. I had been unintentionally mislead, you could say."
Agnes raises her head, still visibly uncomfortable - perhaps even with Julia, who feels completely normal for you. Perhaps you've grown too used to it. You catch a glimpse of Rubeus shuffling a step back. The large man coughs lightly, fingers twitching under his lush beard.
"Never mind that missed opportunity," Julia presses on, pretending to pay no attention to Rubeus' discomfort. "I see that you're both not entirely comfortable with this mani Magi in attendance. I could extend you a measure of protection with my parma magica, to mitigate the negative effects of their Gifts. Rubeus did mention discussing the Gift with you two." She throws a short glance at Gerfallon, who nods. "For the sake of transparency," she points out. "The suggestion was Gerfallon's, but we agreed that Agnes would be more at ease with me performing the spell. You see, the recipient of such a loaned protection must be willing to achieve it, else it all but useless."
She pauses, giving you a moment to understand just what she is offering. You don't remember Rubeus talking about Magi who extend their protection to cover over someone else, but it sounds plausible enough. You're uncertain as to the rarity of such an event. It's being suggested rather casually, at that.
"If you want this protection as well, I should be able to cover you both, for the duration of this whole meeting." Julia adds as an afterthought. There's something vaguely French, in the way her voice echoes, not that you truly know how true French sounds likes. Perhaps her accent only plays into your expectations.
Agnes looks very much uncertain about such a proposal.
"I could cover one," Gerfallon adds in a tired tone, speaking Latin. "Make things easier." His comment seems to be mostly directed at Julia, but he spares you a glance as well. For all you know, covering two people is a lot of work, and he might be doubting Julia's ability, or suggesting to share the burden.
Agnes squeezes at your elbow. "Think we should-?"
Choose one: [X] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[ ] [Parma] Julia covers both of you.
[ ] [Parma] Gerfallon covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[ ] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, Gerfallon covers you.
[ ] [Parma] Decline both offers. The next choices could be your suggestions, not fully covered by the letter of their offers, nor an automatic success, thus the distinction: [ ] [Parma] Suggestion. Gerfallon covers Agnes, Julia covers you.
[ ] [Parma] Suggestion. Gerfallon covers both of you.
[ ] [Parma] Suggestion. Julia covers you, Agnes remains without the protection.
[ ] [Parma] Suggestion. Gerfallon covers you, Agnes remains without the protection.
"Now," Julia picks up the conversation again, giving another glance at Gerfallon. She's still using accented English, and her words are directed entirely at Agnes, even while you feel her eyes lingering on you while she chooses her words. "We might not have exchanged words directly on our first meeting, but I'd like to fix that." As she speaks, she leans a drop closer to Agnes. "Would that be alright with you?"
Rubeus places a hand on your shoulder, distracting you from that conversation. His gesture makes you look up, more or less directly into a thoughtful face of Criamon magus. Gerfallon offers a short smirk. As you're watching, his features shift before your eyes, the only thing constant in his face - the weird labyrinths of his tattoos.
"...from my colleague Corvus," you overhear Julia mentioning the name, but as she has elected to speak in a softer, quieter tone, you need to focus to listen in. "...curiosity..."
Which is something that Gerfallon doesn't let you.
"It's by choice," he announces in a slightly hoarse voice, and it takes you a few precious moments to realize that he's addressing you, and in Latin. "...that our Order values the process of democracy," he continues. "We love the show and the possibility of influence." There's a short pause where you're lost as to his meaning. Unsure on what to reply and even if you should.
On that note, you remember Democracy as a term mentioned in some reading material, was translated from Greek, but you're not truly sure if Gerfallon has exactly that in his mind. Perhaps he's referring to the part about votes in the Hermetic Oath? Ah, had you the memory of Agnes, you'd instantly recall the exact line.
"Immanola offered you apprenticeship," Gerfallon announces matter-of-factly, breaking your quick thoughts. "Why did you refuse this time?"
Choose one:
[ ] [Misdirection] Point out that Immanola didn't truly want you as an apprentice
[ ] [Misdirection] Express doubts in divination, and your calling for it.
[ ] [Misdirection] Point out that she was trying too hard to convince you, or at least so it seemed for you.
[ ] [Misdirection] You were unsure if she was truly honest with you.
[ ] [Misdirection] You had another parens in mind.
[ ] [Misdirection] You wanted to apprentice in the same covenant as Agnes.
[ ] [Misdirection] You're hoping for a better opportunity.
[ ] [Misdirection] Ask about the concept of Democracy. [X] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind.
[ ] [Misdirection] Do not reply yet, listen in on Agnes and Julia.
[ ] [Misdirection] Write In.
@Sirrocco - for the overarching theme of haggling that made me believe in such an interpretation, I'm giving a +5 bonus xp to Bargain. Just because I wanted to give your effort some reward, but confidence is too precious to just hand out like it was Herbam Vis in Novgorod tribunal. You already have 2 points of it. Entire two points too many (kidding).
Yay! Glad you liked it. I'm perfectly happy with exp rewards.
Incidentally, has the Strong Willed merit been gaining exp? We've certainly been working it pretty hard since we got it (breaking free of Agnes's mind effect, largely maintaining rationality under a variety of oppressive gift effects, and at least partially breaking through Semitae's defenses - spending Confidence to do it, too, in at least a couple of cases). You did mention that there were traits other than skills that could gain exp.
[x] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
Agnes has shown that, at least for now, she *needs* that protection, if she's going to be able to function and represent herself well. We have shown that we do not - and it seems clear that the more you expose yourself to this effect, the more you become inured to it. We're planning to live among these people, and we'd rather not depend on others for the protection of our own mind.
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind.
The man loves being smart at people. If we want to distract him, giving him a chance to show off how smart he is is a great way to distract him - and this sounds like it might be interesting or important.
[x] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind.
[X] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[X] [Misdirection] You wanted to apprentice in the same covenant as Agnes.
I'm thinking this sells us as a set deal, they'd make offers with that in mind, and Julia wants us bad enough that she'd change her original approach to accomodate that if she knows(otherwise she'd have made haste to see Agnes go elsewhere)
Sadly, not everything gains experience.
Speaking about things that gain experience, when you settle down at some place (or not) I'll try to remember to start keeping track of Reputation traits. Don't write it down, it's not important yet.
The closest thing that could get xp from the application of strong will (the next time I'll give you lot some bonus I'll try to remember to give some to it) would be your Concentration. That's the most related and relevant Ability.
Technically, it's nearly exclusively used by Magi, and you haven't had any formal training in that yet.
p.s. I've read your summary posts again, and it seems that you've caught every relevant bit I wanted to show/tell in the story so far. Good job.
p.p.s. Not saying that everything is 100% correct or true, but...
[x] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your m
[x] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind.
Let's not ignore him.
Agnes has a perfect memory, we can just ask her to relay the conversation to us later.
[x] [Parma] Julia covers Agnes, you elect remain without the protection.
No. of Votes: 7
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind. No. of Votes: 3
Vote Tally : Stolen Destiny: Of Storms and Magi (HP/Ars Magica) | Page 27 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally 1.1.15
Task: Misdirection
[x] [Misdirection] "This time?" You're not sure you're going to understand the answer, but it's the first one on your mind.
No. of Votes: 3
Harry tries to make sense of the answer. Intelligence + Enigmatic Wisdom: #A1+1 #CircularReasoning DC9
The next rolls will determine the extent of follow up choices. It's Harry catching a window of opportunity before Immanola turns up. Intelligence+Intrigue: #A1+2 #Opportunity DC7
If you can, post the roll results here, and if needed, I'll be starting a confidence vote.
Since there won't be an opportunity to spend another point of confidence for a +3, that's nearly right.
It's 28%*
*For the ones curious, the breakdown of this simple stress die roll and its probabilities looks thus:
A1+1 Probability Breakdown
Solved using the easiest method - tree.
First roll possible outcomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or (result +1) 0- 1+ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Positive outcomes - 9 10
Negative outcomes - 3 4 5 6 7 8
Potentially positive or negative - 1+
Potentially negative or botch - 0- +20% positive, +60% negative. 20% yet to be examined.
ON rolling 1 (10%):
Second roll possible outcomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or (result x 2 +1) 21 1+ 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Positive outcomes - 21 9 11 13 15 17 19
Negative outcomes - 4 6
+2% negative, +7% positive, 1% yet to be examined.
ON rolling second 1 (1%):
Third roll possible outcomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or (result x 4 +1) 41 1+ 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37
Positive outcomes 41 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 No negative outcomes.
Rolling 1 again can only get better than 9. (Verify yourselves) (result x 8 +1) +1% positive.
ON rolling 0 (10%)
Second roll possible outcomes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or (result x 0 +1) 0- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Negative outcomes - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Botch - 0-
Negative +9%, Botch +1%
Total: 28% Positive.
71% Negative
1% Botch
Edit: added this probability breakdown under Dice and Rolling section of the Info Page