Steps Towards Nirvana: Rebirth [Naruto, Reincarnation]

[X] Orochimaru

we must ignite the scientist in him and ask to bio upgrade our bugs, maybe give them stingers?
Voting Locked. update underway.
Adhoc vote count started by fallintolife on Dec 12, 2017 at 7:42 PM, finished with 28 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by fallintolife on Dec 12, 2017 at 8:15 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.
...he's 10. he hasn't even killed a man, let alone turned into what he was in canon. maybe don't talk about burning him until and unless he deserves it.

I didn't say burn him for growing up to be an evil scientist. I just said burn him. If it was the Toad Sage I'd do the same.

A guy can't support generic burning any more...sigh, what has the world come too
added kikkai swarms, updated total chakra, and added Ninjutsu: Shunshin to in-depth techniques section. update is chugging right along.
Road To Chuunin 4
[ ] Orochimaru

You don't normally spend a lot of time alone with Orochimaru. You learn a lot better through practicing things with your body, he learns better through reading or writing, and the two of you aren't studying any of the same things. You've also found over the years that you don't have many of the same interests, and even your tastes in food are different. It doesn't stop you from being friends, but you usually hang out with other people involved.

Before the Exams, though, you make some time for him.

Sensei mentioned in passing that most ninja climb the Hokage Mountain at least once. He said that it gives him perspective, reminds him what he's protecting. You don't know if it gives you perspective or anything deep like that, but Konoha at sunset sure is pretty.

The two of you watch the village go through the motions of shutting down: shops closing their doors, kids running home, gate chuunin changing shift, lights starting to come on as the sun sinks beyond the horizon. Though you try not to stare too obviously, your eyes keep swinging to the Uchiha District. What did people see in canon Naruto, when they sat up on this monument? Did the village reclaim any of the Uchiha land, or was it just an ugly chunk of darkness when the rest of the village was lit up? How do you recover from that kind of vibrancy disappearing from your village in just one night?

Orochimaru shifts at your side, recrossing his legs. You don't worry like Shikako does, about people here becoming what they were in the world you read about, but you're not blind to the possibility. At the same time… you can't see this Orochimaru becoming that one. You don't know what happened to him between the boy you met and the man you read about, but you don't believe people are born evil. There's peace in your Orochimaru, not the hungering madness that shone clearly on the pages of your manga.

You want to hug him and not let go, so you shove him instead because that's how feelings work. He shoves back, and the two of you end up wrestling. You're bigger, stronger, and more experienced, so you get him in a headlock pretty quick.

"How is your chakra doing?" He asks, sugary-sweet in that way both he and Tsunade get when they're about to wreck someone.

"Uh…" You're not sure how this is a trap, but it is. "Almost full, why?"

He twists, contorting in ways he shouldn't be able to, then throws you off the mountain entirely. You can hear his laughter as you fall.

It's a long way down. In your last life, you would have been terrified, but you're a ninja now. So instead you enjoy the freefall for a few seconds, then with a twist of chakra you're on the side of the mountain, running up the stone face of your jounin-sensei.

When you get to the top, Orochimaru is nowhere to be seen. A few seconds later he appears with a knee to your back, and you cackle gleefully, rising to the challenge.

It's full dark by the time you get home. You fall into bed that night with a full heart and a lightened mind, more than ready to leave for Kiri in the morning.


Your parents see you off in the pre-dawn hours with hugs and last-minute words of advice. It's nothing you haven't heard before, from Sensei if not from one of them, but it's their way of showing they care. Your mother presses some more money into your hands despite your protests, and you suspect she snuck cookies into your pack when you weren't looking. It's good to be cared for.

The rest of your team, plus Team Homura, meets you at the gate just as the sun is peeking over the horizon. Tsunade and Shikako sag a little, both blinking blearily at the world, but you and Sensei are more than awake and alert enough for all three of you. You're both morning people, much to the horror of the other half of your team. For Team Homura, Bena seems awake but displeased, Jiraiya is dragging himself along, and Orochimaru and Homura both seem twitchy-awake.

Your two teams take to the trees, heading east at a good clip. Your packs are mostly for show - Shikako learned storage seals years ago; there's just a couple changes of clothes and a snack in your bag - and it's pretty easy going.

There isn't any way to talk with how fast you're running, but Sensei timed your departure so you'd have a day of wiggle room, and you have plenty of time for water breaks. As always, Sensei finds something to lecture on during your stops.

"There are very few times when a Kage is allowed in a Hidden Village not his own," Hiruzen tells you, leaning his shoulder against a tree, "and one of them is the Exams, if one of his children or students are competing. There is no law or custom compelling the hosting village to allow this, but so far Kage have waited until the Exams take part in a Village that agrees to let the Kage enter for the duration. As I suspected, Hozuki Gengetsu has no problem with allowing me in."

Hozuki Gengetsu. Nidaime Mizukage, founder of the Seven Swordsmen, known for his genjutsu and suiton ninjutsu. In your lessons on politics, Sensei mentioned that Gengetsu is laid-back for a shinobi, only bloodthirsty when in direct combat or if threatened. You remember something about a water-related bloodline, but not exactly what it does. Overall, politeness should get you through meeting him, Sensei says. And since you're a Kage's students, you will meet him while you're in Kiri.

"They think the Academy law was us being weak," Tsunade remembers, in-between bites of her energy bar.

Sensei nods. "They believe that sending out their young genin removes the weak and strengthens the strong."

"And you believe otherwise," Shikako drawls.

"I do," Sensei says, with the simple faith that draws people to him.

It isn't long before you leave the forests and water-walk (well, water-run) the short distance from Fire Country's east coast to Wave Country. You understand why a bridge to Fire Country would have changed Wave Country so much; what is a short run for water-walking ninja, is all but impossible for civilians without a boat, and probably not easy even for those with it. Opening up foot traffic would make things a lot easier.

Wave Country isn't poor like it is in the manga. Children play in the streets wearing clothes that have only been patched once or twice, neighbors have friendly discussions, and while the three of you get eyeballed, it's more awareness than hostility. This isn't a place that's afraid of ninja or samurai, not like it was in Naruto's time (was? will be? could be?). You wonder what happened between now and then.

You take a ship from Wave Country east to the capital of Noodles Country, where you've got a couple hours between ships. It is in this time that you find out 'Noodles Country' is a hard-earned title; the noodles here are so good that you stuff yourself full and your only regret is that you can't take anything with you to Kiri.

It's another series of ships that take you island hopping across Water Country. The closer you get to the main island, the foggier it gets, until you can't see either end of the ship when standing in the middle. If not for your kikkai spread out over the ship, you wouldn't know when a pair of ninja climb up the side, and they're so fast you barely have time to turn around to see them.

Standing in the middle of the deck looking unconcerned are two ninja wearing the customary Kiri pinstriped arm- and leg-warmers, their hitai-ate sitting upon their brows. One carries a chained hammer-and-axe that you know to be Kabutowari, the "helmet splitter" of the Seven Swords. The other carries a hammer and axe that aren't chained, and looks younger than Kabutowari's wielder. Probably master and apprentice.

"Konoha-nin," the older of the two says politely, inclining his head. He has a strip of grey hair on top of his head tied into a top-knot, a slate-grey flak jacket that extends up to protect his throat and downward to protect his lower stomach, and the typical ninja sandals. "I am Momochi Shoichi, and I will be your guide to Kirigakure."

Sensei steps forward, smiling politely. "Thank you for your guidance, Momochi-san."

"It is my pleasure, Hokage-san."

It takes a few more hours to reach Kirigakure, and you spend it watching the two Kiri-nin out of the corner of your eye along with the Konoha-nin. The others are probably sizing them up, but you're more curious than anything. The only Swordsman you knew before coming here was Momochi Zabuza, who probably hasn't been born yet. Is Shoichi his father? Grandfather? The mist is thick and ninja age strangely, so all you can say for sure is that he's definitely an adult. He could even be a distant cousin, barely related to Zabuza at all. Are you changing things even more by interacting with him?

Before you can get too deep into wondering about that, the mists thin and you can see the port of Kirigakure.

Wave Country was like Fire Country but a little poorer, and the capital of Noodles Country was close enough to Fire Country stuff that you didn't really notice, but Kirigakure is something else altogether.

"It's so… green." Jiraiya tilts his head.

It's not like you're not used to green; the six of you grew up in a heavily forested area after all. Konoha grew around forests, however, where Kiri looks like it was built and then planted a whole lot of greenery. There's a garden, greenhouse, or outright forest on top of every building you can see, and the roads are hidden by more plant life. There have to be power lines because you can see lights on in some of the buildings, but you can't see any of them. Walls curve through the village, only barely higher than some of the trees, and if you squint you can see a wagon crawling along on top of one.

"Kirigakure has little arable land available to it because of the mountains it is surrounded by," Homura says, coming up behind you. "The locals have compensated by growing food and medicinal herbs throughout the village."

"Our chakra-assisted hydroponics are the best in the Elemental Countries," Momochi says, with no small amount of pride. Huh. Not something you ever thought about, ninja farming.

Your ship pulls up to the dock, and the ten of you - counting Momochi and his unintroduced companion (apprentice?) - jump from the ship to the dock, and the Kiri-nin lead you into the village proper.

"This is where the Exam participants will be staying for the duration." Momochi gestures to the inn he's brought you to. It's not the fanciest thing you've ever seen, but in nearly three years of C-ranks, you've stayed in a lot worse. "If you have any needs, there are Kirigakure ambassadors staying in the northmost rooms of both floors. You are among the last to arrive; Mizukage-sama's speech starts in one hour in the town square, which is directly north of here."

"Thank you, Momochi-san."

Checking in is as simple as saying hello to the desk clerk, who recognizes Sensei on sight. She gives you a key and a small map, and the you find your adjacent second-floor rooms easily. From there, you drop your bags and head right back out onto the street to find the town square.

Surrounded by a massive dome, with birds flying overhead and plants streaming over the walls, Kirigakure's town square is like nothing you've ever seen. The giant arches on the north, east, south, and west walls let in light even through Kiri's ever-present mist, and the occasional electric light makes up for what natural lighting doesn't illuminate. Ninja and civilians alike populate the 'square', civilians manning their stalls and ninja flitting between them. You see everything from your fellow Konoha-nin, to a Suna team (must have been sailing for a long time!), to Takigakure. The ninja wear their hitai-ate to show allegiance, but you also see banners that you figure are probably Water Country's nobility, including one you recognize as the Water Daimyo.

There are… a lot of people. None of you say it, but the looks you exchange with your fellow genin say it all: being told that over a hundred teams are competing this year is nothing like seeing them all in person.

Homura leads his team off with a nod to your sensei, and Hiruzen takes interest in a nearby juice stand run by someone he recognizes.

For all that you try to stay watchful, there's only so much you can pay attention to with so many heavily-armed ninja surrounding you and your kikkai valiantly trying to survey them all. Tsunade, too, looks like she's going to nurse a sensory overload headache later from her chakra sensing. Shikako has the measured breathing that means she's trying not to glare; you know she doesn't like crowds because they're unpredictable. Somehow, Sensei manages to have a pleasant conversation with the juice merchant, even getting small sample cups of apple juice for the three of you.

Before long, the resounding boom of a gong cuts through the noise of several hundred people all crammed in the same space. The noise dims to a near-silence, and you turn to face a small podium set up against one of the walls.

Standing on the podium, clad in a grey high-collared kimono with Kirigakure's grey-black pinstripes, is Hozuki Gengetsu, the Second Mizukage. He wears no weapons and doesn't have the corded muscle you'd expect out of a taijutsu specialist, but you know better than to let that fool you. He radiates an aura of power, backed up by the Seven Swordsmen fanned out behind him.

"Welcome to Kirigakure!" Hozuki flicks a hand dramatically, smiling wide. Somehow his voice carries perfectly through the space, even with the plants and people surely dampening the sound. "This is our third time hosting the Exams since the Great Foundings, and I like to think we've outdone ourselves." Polite chuckling ripples through the crowd. "This is a great opportunity for…."

Shikako's elbow brushes your side, seemingly by accident, and she gives you a pointed look when you meet her eyes. Oh, right.

Since you've got four swarms now, the three of you agreed that you should start canvassing as much as you can. You still don't get really complicated communications from your kikkai, but simple pictures are more than enough if you concentrate.

One by one and two by two you release your kikaichuu, your eyes unfocusing as they report back.

-A whip curled tightly at the side of an Iwa genin-

-A cluster of Kumo's finest curling their lip at a Uzushio girl with her hitai-ate covering one eye-

-Too many swords to count, and not all of them belonging to Kiri nin-

-An Iwa-genin built like the proverbial mountain, only his chubby face betraying his true age-

-Three Konoha genin you don't recognize, one with Uchiha-dark eyes-

-A tiny Kusa genin trying very hard to look brave-

Tsunade bumps you from the other side when Hozuki is finishing his speech, and you tune back into the outside world. You trust your teammates will tell you if he said anything you need to remember later.

You clap along with everyone else, and follow along behind Sensei when he approaches the podium. Hozuki bares his teeth in a shark-smile (holy shit, they really do sharpen their teeth), and steps down to offer Hiruzen his hand.

"Hey there, Sarutobi." Hozuki's blue eyes flicker over the three of you, then back to Hiruzen. He's really tall. "Long time no see!"

"Hozuki," Sensei says, smiling his bland political smile. "You look well."

Hozuki takes his hand back, posing with fingers cupping his chin. "I always look well!" He smirks. "I hope you're going to give us a show this year. Keeping the children at home for so long would be a waste without results."

"I think you'll find my ninja will surprise you." The words are mild, but there's a competitive edge to Sensei's voice. You feel like there's more being said here than you really understand.

The other Kage throws his head back and laughs. "I hope so. Blood in the water draws sharks."

With those cryptic words, Hozuki leaves, finding someone else to overwhelm with personality.

You can't go straight back to your inn - Sensei is the Hokage and a veteran ninja besides; lots of people want to talk to him - but you manage to get back before sunset. Hiruzen excuses himself to wash up a bit, leaving the three of you alone in your inn room.

"I've got an idea," Shikako says abruptly, leaning against one of the beds. "We do a clean run of the Exams. Keep our skills hidden. I'll stick to stealth and basic fuinjutsu, Tsunade will do basic medicine, and Kento, you'll use chuunin-level taijutsu and only one or two of your kikkai swarms."

You and Tsunade exchange a look, then you tilt your head at Shikako. "Uh. Why…?"

"We want them to underestimate us," Shikako says, folding her arms. "When the next war breaks out--"

"What war?" Tsunade interrupts, squinting at her. "Everything's fine right now."

"We're ninja," Shikako says flatly. "There will always be another war." She waves a hand impatiently. "Even if it's not another world war, there's gonna be fighting at some point. You train people to violence, they use it."

Tsunade frowns, but doesn't argue further.

"So when the next war breaks out, we're gonna be targets. We're the Hokage's students, Tsunade's a Clan Heir; people know who were are. We want them thinking we're weak."

You tuck your mouth into one corner. That makes sense, but…. "I think Sensei wants us to show off. You heard him talking to the Mizukage."

Shikako snorts. "So his prestige is more important than our survival?"

"Well… no…."

"So we hide what we do best. That's what ninja do, right? Always another knife?"

"If there's another war," Tsunade argues, "we'll be better by then. Look at how far we've come since graduation. Who cares if they know what we can do right now?"

"And if it breaks out right after the Exams they'll know exactly what we're capable of." Shikako shakes her head. "You heard Sensei. Suna only sent five teams. Five. Every other major village sent at least four times that."

"Wind Country is pretty far," you offer.

"And Earth Country is any closer? Any Iwa-nin would have to come here over land, but Suna-nin could sail most of the way. No, Hiruzen even said they're probably up to something."

It's true that he said they were probably doing something, but you think you remember him implying they just really don't like Kiri. Or that they weren't going to waste time sending genin halfway across the world in fight in bad terrain when they could be training for next year.

"They're just poaching missions like they always do," Tsunade says dismissively. "You're making a big deal out of nothing."

Shikako's mouth sets in a hard line. "I don't think I am."

They both look to you, and you can almost feel the anime sweatdrop form on your forehead. They work together on the battlefield, but getting pessimist Shikako and optimist Tsunade to agree on anything usually involves someone else making one of them see sense. Looks like today that person is you.

[ ] Agree to Shikako's plan
[ ] Agree with Shikako, but specify that you should use your big stuff if it'll save someone's life
[ ] Disagree with Shikako


Phew, that was a long one. Here are some pictures: simple world map, complex world map, birds-eye of Kirigakure. As you can see, the journey from either Iwa or Suna to Kiri is a very long one, and it's not short from Konoha, either. Kumo and Uzushio (Whirlpool Country makes up most of the islands right off of the coast of Lightning Country) are much closer.

Kento now has Chakra Control 6 and knows Ninjutsu: Tadayou, as per his last week of training with Hiruzen. All six of you - both Team Hiruzen and Team Homura - can both swim and water-walk.
If not i'm going with [X] Agree with Shikako, but specify that you should use you big stuff if it'll save someone's life
I think it's kind of dumb. Konoha really needs a show of force after keeping its genin back until 10.

Shikako sounds overly paranoid over sand not sending their genin to fail at Kiri. A place they need to learn water walking for.
"And Earth Country is any closer? Any Iwa-nin would have to come here over land, but Suna-nin could sail most of the way. No, Hiruzen even said they're probably up to something."

It's true that he said they were probably doing something, but you think you remember him implying they just really don't like Kiri. Or that they weren't going to waste time sending genin halfway across the world in fight in bad terrain when they could be training for next year.

"They're just poaching missions like they always do," Tsunade says dismissively. "You're making a big deal out of nothing."

Shikako's mouth sets in a hard line. "I don't think I am."
Okay, so she's making a big deal about Suna not sending more genin. The thing is, she's overlooking a simple fact. Suna genin live in a desert. To learn water walking, an essential skill for any exam at Kiri, they'd need to travel all the way to the coast just to have enough water. It would be hugely disruptive to their training, for remarkably little gain. Even those that do learn it aren't going to be as comfortable as someone from Kiri. It's just a bad matchup, so them sending a token force for this exam makes sense. It isn't some kind of prologue to war.

As for Konoha needing a show of force:
"They think the Academy law was us being weak," Tsunade remembers, in-between bites of her energy bar.

Sensei nods. "They believe that sending out their young genin removes the weak and strengthens the strong."

"And you believe otherwise," Shikako drawls.

"I do," Sensei says, with the simple faith that draws people to him.
Last thread Sarutobi made a bill ensuring that no shinobi below the age of ten would become genin/be eligible for the Chuunin exams (I can't remember which). This means for the years until Kento's year group managed to graduate, there was a huge dearth of Konoha genin at these exams. Drips and drags sure, but very few compared to previous tests.

This is the first big showing of how well the academy law, which the other villages look down upon, works. Shikako's plan requires us to not show off during that. I find it pretty dumb to begin with, as who is going to underestimate the Hokage's genin team? Tsunade has the right of it, between now and some future war, we'll have improved enough that their info will be out of date anyways.
[X] Disagree with Shikako

Wounded bird gambit only makes sense if we are trying to protect someone weaker than us by making ourself a target.

While Shikako's reasoning of not giving away free info to possible enemies is sound, she is forgetting that appearing strong is an important part of not getting attacked in the first place.
[X] Disagree with Shikako
If you all are so sure.
Honestly if we were any other team it would be a good plan.
Unfortunately our team includes the Senju heiress, and is being trained by the Hokage.

If we just had Tsunade we could probably play up the "clan heir" bit and pretend she was carrying us through the exams. Setting us up for a pre made counter ambush. Sadly with Sarutobi as our teacher we are all expected to competent++.

Any perceived weakness on our parts is going to reflect badly on our teacher, and through him, the rest of the village. Possibly sparking off that war Shikako is so worried about.
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[X] Disagree with Shikako

Eh, our village has set a POLICY, you don't go against strategic policy without a better reason than that.
Hiruzen wants to show STRENGTH, to prevent a war because they worry about what ELSE we're hiding.
Looking weak just means we get the war because we expect a war.
I'd forgotten how well written this quest was.

[X] Disagree with Shikako

Hiruzen is canny, pragmatic and politically-minded. Following his advice seems best.
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[X] Disagree with Shikako

I agree, our village needs to show their strength. Blades in the dark don't prevent war like openly carrying them does.

Hiding our capabilities is a pro if:
- War happens soon
- War is inevitable

Hiding our capabilities is a con if:
- War happens any time except soon
- War doesn't happen
- War can be delayed if not halted by a strong genin force during the exams proving the new policy correct