Hitomi let the questions fly fast and furious before settling on a few of her own. "You mentioned parasite, any metabolic interactions there we should know? Resistances to toxins, shock, paralytics that sort of thing. Second, site security. How primitive is the design, especially those sensors?"
Sam listens to the questions and answers of the others for a little while, before asking one of her own as well. "In addition, what sort of goods have you observed being traded on the planet? Could be useful for establishing a cover."

Casting her eyes around the room, she frowns for a moment. "Second question- are any of our metatypes going to attract special attention?"
Sam listens to the questions and answers of the others for a little while, before asking one of her own as well. "In addition, what sort of goods have you observed being traded on the planet? Could be useful for establishing a cover."

Casting her eyes around the room, she frowns for a moment. "Second question- are any of our metatypes going to attract special attention?"
"That is going to be extremely important." Miriam says, "we could probably pass the elves off just fine if they're even remotely common or if they cover up a bit, and I'll just wear a tichel, but Nartaki aren't exactly common even in India."
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Sam listens to the questions and answers of the others for a little while, before asking one of her own as well. "In addition, what sort of goods have you observed being traded on the planet? Could be useful for establishing a cover."

Casting her eyes around the room, she frowns for a moment. "Second question- are any of our metatypes going to attract special attention?"
"Given the wildly varying tech levels across what we've seen so far of the Stargate network; everything from fresh vegetables or livestock to energy weapons." She said, then paused and answered the second question. "Yes and no - there are only humans and Jaffa on this world; but there are many different metatypes across the 'gate network. It will mark you as off-worlders, but that's your cover."
"Follow-up on Ada's question," says Hamid, "What's Naquadah and what makes the refined version a currency?"
"It's a room temperature superconductor, can be used to make a power source that puts anything we've got to shame and, when refined, is about the most potent form of explosive known to metahumanity save antimatter. Less than a kilogram of it can increase the yield of a nuclear warhead by several orders of magnitude; and it won't explode without a detonator in the kiloton range if properly refined. If it's not refined, it can be used in alloys to create absurdly tough armour, the kind that could armour a starship against a direct hit by a small nuclear weapon. That explain it?"
Hitomi let the questions fly fast and furious before settling on a few of her own. "You mentioned parasite, any metabolic interactions there we should know? Resistances to toxins, shock, paralytics that sort of thing. Second, site security. How primitive is the design, especially those sensors?"
"The parasite inside a Jaffa warrior is not physically mature, and cannot exist outside of them. In their mature form, however, they are both magically powerful and capable of hijacking the body of their hosts. The Jaffa serve a dual purpose as both warriors and incubators. The sensors themselves seem to be quite basic, and installed after the initial construction of the archives."

After that, the briefing went on for perhaps another half hour. Then, after you'd all prepared yourselves for the mission ahead, you found yourselves standing in what was quite obviously a kill room. Large, armoured doors closed behind you; and the stargate itself rose from the ground. A metallic iris sat closed within in; and you could see the security this room had. Fiendishly powerful spirits swirled around it, drones and remotely controlled turrets joined the power armoured guards - and that was only one room!

The iris receded, and there was a whir of metal sliding on metal. Enormous amounts of energy from the base's retrofitted fusion generator flowed through cables as thick as a troll's torso; and cooling systems went into overdrive. The 'gate itself was a large, round disk of silvery metal and orange-red chevrons. It's inner wheel span, and as it absorbed all the energy the base could give it the chevrons along it's outer wheel began to light up and lock into place. An alarm blared, announcing the outgoing departure, and then the seventh chevron locked into place and there was a pool like the rippling surface of a lake inside the ring for a split second.

A surge of energy rushed forward from the Stargate, and then the portal was calm again. A ramp rose into place, and the basic drone carrying the trading goods Ares had supplied you with sat at your side; ready to follow commands relayed by your comlinks; or verbally from an authorised user. It carried a selection of items - packaged foodstuffs, some dikote-coated melee weapons, and clothing. You were ready to step through the Stargate, and leave Earth for the first time.
Miriam smiled from behind her sunglasses and headscarf. Under her oilcloth duster and hidden in her hand-me-down costume, she had both her pistols in their holsters, and her focus in it's scabbard on the small of her back. Her armor was camouflaged as bare skin for all that mattered, her boots from grad school and her snake socks still fit perfectly, which was a nice surprise.

God she'd missed this. Probably wouldn't get used to the feel of the cheap headset she'd gotten for her comlink, but that was part of the nostalgia as well, or so she supposed.

"You all ready to head out?" she said aloud as she turned to look over at the rest of the team.
Hitomi checked her sword, crossbow, and the tightly folded bow nestled up against its quiver on her back. Like Miriam she'd concealed her less than subtle armored clothing beneath a weatherstained surplus greatcoat and bound her hair up in a topknot so her snakes were in full display. The elf flexed her fingers, moving from digit to digit, then the hand, then the arm, focusing on each lightning nerve response and smooth motion of enhanced muscle. It was a pity she hadn't gotten her battle gear in yet, but then this mission was supposed to be quick and relatively low-key.

Not that she'd mind a bit of noise.

"I've good to go," she purred, grinning at the mage. "Let's get some paydata."