Theresa calmly listens to Hamids lecture, though close observation might show her tensing up a little. She's just about to speak up when Sam starts talking, forcing herself to show less signs of tension.

"My apologies, Mister Chandrasakar. I did not intend to dismiss your expertise, obviously valuable as it is. I merely want to do my best on this operation and as part of this team. And on that note, it appears that the new SIN I was issued for this purpose contains the same first name. Should it matter, you can refer to me as Theresa Hazard, apparently."
Miriam quietly sits and drinks her coffee as she almost suppresses a laugh at the younger woman's SIN.

Then, mostly out of boredom, Miriam checks her appearance with her comlink, and notices that in her morning haze she had forgotten to apply makeup again.

Miriam then swears loudly and casts Makeover (force 7) on herself.

(13d6, roll20 gives 2 successes, Miriam takes one point of stun damage from drain.)

Miriam checks herself in her Comlink again and clicks her tongue in disappointment.

"And this is why we don't use magic everything," Miriam says to no one in particular.
You arrive at the mountain, to find a veritable mile of security standing in your way. Troops in heavy milspec armour patrol the outer perimeter, and as your car slows to a stop at the checkpoint you can see the drones overhead; and sense the spirits providing astral overwatch. You're sure that any attempt to break in via force of arms was utterly doomed, and broadcast your new SINs. After a thorough security check, and a call to base command to verify that you really were allowed to bring your weapons on to the base, you were waved through.

A lieutenant awaited you at the parking garage, and instructed you to make sure your SIN was broadcasting at all times. He was otherwise untalkative, and lead you inside the mountain itself and into a large elevator. He motions for you to step out of the elevator, though he himself does not follow you, and you find yourselves in a corridor leading towards a meeting room. A large, transparent, glass door barred your way and through it you can see metal shutters closed over windows; and a conference table. In AR, a 'please wait until the briefing begins' message floated above it. As you enter the corridor, the glass door opens.
Hitomi set her coffee on the table and took a seat. "Well, this is cozy." She leaned back and stared up at the ceiling.

"That commute and security check will be a bear every day, unless they set us up in here." Her eyes flicked down and she watched the others as they filed around the table. "So, Hazard-san, Ada-san, Carter, and Rama-sama...are we all happy with those? Or would anyone prefer otherwise?"
Hamid pulls out a chair with a wave of his hand and floats into it. He rests his legs on the table and leans back, waiting for the briefing to start.

"I think the rhyming is going to get old incredibly quickly," says Hamid, "But hey."
"Excuse me, I can dispense with the honorific, but it felt right to be as respectful as one can in the circumstances. There's also the fact that 'your' last name is a bit of a mouth full."

Hitomi sipped her coffee and stared pointedly at where the mage had kicked his feet up. "Really, it would be simpler with callsigns, especially for voice procedure in the field. I think we have seen how some of us have a talent for talking, others not so much, and the less some say the better we will all be for it."
"No 'Carter-san' for me?"

Sam grinned slightly as she sat down, shifting her rifle to her side so she can sit back against the chair. "As they get more familiar with us, security checks will get faster. That said, I suspect we will be lodged in the facility they move the Stargate to, at least when we're running jobs for the program."

Looking around, she smiles. Sam had to admit... now that the shock had worn off, she was excited about this. Astronomy had always been an interest for her, wondering what was out there. And now... she'd be getting to go there, and as a bonus, she'd be running against some legitimately nasty guys from the sounds of things.

At Tancho's mention of callsigns, her smile takes on a certain... quality about it that's hard to read, but almost looks like she's remembering something. "I've generally just gone with Sam in the field."
"Ada-san works." Miriam says as she grabs a decent looking seat off at the corner of the table. "Ada-hakase would be nicer, but I'm also willing to take Ada-chan. Your pick."

Miriam checks the time as she finishes her coffee. "How long do you think they'll make us wait?"
"I'll need to get used to it, I suppose. To the name, the honorific is fine, thank you" Theresa smiles at Hitomi.

Theresa passes the time by swirling and twisting her AR-gloves around, creating a multi-dimensional web of notes. "Ask any military type about 'Hurry up and Wait', Miriam. Sorry, Ada. Sorry, still getting used to all the smokes and mirrors. I hope it'll be better what they have in here, at least. Though I suppose the facility is temporary."

Theresa is doing three things here.
Astral Perception to check out the astral security of the place, as well as anything else she notices. 3 successes
Computer to scan around for the general AR/VR layout of the place. 4 successes
And Security Design to check out how it all acts together to act as security. What conclusions she can draw from that would be nice to know. 8 successes.

Hope that's applicable. If you don't have anything notable for it prepared, the above statement can just stand on it's own as idle chatter.
"I'll need to get used to it, I suppose. To the name, the honorific is fine, thank you" Theresa smiles at Hitomi.

Theresa passes the time by swirling and twisting her AR-gloves around, creating a multi-dimensional web of notes. "Ask any military type about 'Hurry up and Wait', Miriam. Sorry, Ada. Sorry, still getting used to all the smokes and mirrors. I hope it'll be better what they have in here, at least. Though I suppose the facility is temporary."
"It's no big deal." Miriam replies with a smile. "I'm just thinking it might be fun to set up a pool. Winner doesn't have to buy a round if we go out tonight maybe?"
"It's no big deal." Miriam replies with a smile. "I'm just thinking it might be fun to set up a pool. Winner doesn't have to buy a round if we go out tonight maybe?"

"I'd take you on that. I say...twenty minutes from when we entered this room. Enough to let us talk, give them time for last minute approach and strategy discussion and let us sweat the bare minimum. Power play."

At Tancho's mention of callsigns, her smile takes on a certain... quality about it that's hard to read, but almost looks like she's remembering something. "I've generally just gone with Sam in the field."

She smiled a little as she caught Sam's comment. Of course the unrooted got no special note, but Hitomi'd hardly come out and say it straight.

"I see. Ares guns, Ares work, Ares everything about you, hmm? We cut you open and you bleed red, white and blue?"
Sam looked at her for a moment, lowering her glasses. "No, but there are people who are that I would call friends, and who've... done better by me than many corp people would for a 'runner. I won't deny I've got ties, but I'm not corp material. Too much of an independent streak."

The elf smiles, although there's a bit of pain in her eyes as well.
"I'd take you on that. I say...twenty minutes from when we entered this room. Enough to let us talk, give them time for last minute approach and strategy discussion and let us sweat the bare minimum. Power play."

"I'll say thirty minutes." Miriam replied. "Someone's going to take a leak after the strategy discussion."

Sam looked at her for a moment, lowering her glasses. "No, but there are people who are that I would call friends, and who've... done better by me than many corp people would for a 'runner. I won't deny I've got ties, but I'm not corp material. Too much of an independent streak."

The elf smiles, although there's a bit of pain in her eyes as well.
"Eh, it's why I married my ex," Miriam replies, "it's not that odd. you get stability, dealing with people you can almost trust, and if they like you and you don't rock the boat, you're taken care of. Of course for me, I got a nice research posting, a new surname and a better way to keep some old enemies from finding me, instead of just relying on how I Surged."
"Eh, it's why I married my ex," Miriam replies, "it's not that odd. you get stability, dealing with people you can almost trust, and if they like you and you don't rock the boat, you're taken care of. Of course for me, I got a nice research posting, a new surname and a better way to keep some old enemies from finding me, instead of just relying on how I Surged."

Hitomi looked confused, trying to parse the topsy-turvy talk. " married your ex? So... you were married, then split...then back? Wouldn't that mean they're not really an ex anymore?"
Hitomi looked confused, trying to parse the topsy-turvy talk. " married your ex? So... you were married, then split...then back? Wouldn't that mean they're not really an ex anymore?"
Miriam laughed a bit at that.

"I think she means he's her ex now."

Sam smiles. "Like I said, not for me, though."
"We got it finalized two weeks ago." Miriam said, "aside from that, everything is under an NDA because of my former employer."
"Hour,. Project like this? They're running into delays elsewhere and have decided that we're low priority as long as there isn't an active emergency," says Hamid, "Unfortunately I don't drink. So if I'm wrong I'll pay for dinner somewhere decent."
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A hurried looking man in uniform - a lieutenant of some sort - comes rushing out from the glass doorway. He's clearly out of breath, and you can see his obvious cyberarm as he leans against the concrete wall.

"I'm -" He pauses for a moment, still breathing hard "- so sorry about the wait. We just had something of an emergency, and your briefing got lost in the chaos. All resolved now, you can come on through." He says, leading them into the briefing room. A blonde general, her hair tinged by more than a few strands of grey, stands beside an AR holoprojector; the semi-circular table facing her. After you take your seats, she begins.

"Team AR-S1 has two objectives for this mission - the first, to infiltrate a Goa'uld stronghold on a remote slave-world and steal their archives. Secondly, they are to return any personal-scale technology they feasibly can that they encounter. The target location is known as 'The Library of Gohtan'; located on the world of the same name. It's primary exports are slaves and foodstuffs, so it's quite primitive even by our standards, but the Jaffa forces guarding the Library are said to be pulled from the elite guard of a Goa'uld known as 'Apophis'." The general paused, then waved her hand at the projector.

An image of a man in retro-futuristic armour with a huge, bird like helmet appeared. He carried a long staff with a counterweight on one end and a bulbous head on the other. The general motioned to a man who was almost certainly a Firewatch team leader.

"This is your standard Jaffa palace guard. The armour is made from an alloy that we don't currently understand, and resistant to most small arms fire. APDS rounds have proven to be effective, but the armour is still incredibly tough. What's more of a concern is the men and women underneath it. They're not quite trolls, in terms of physical strength and toughness, but they also possess incredible dexterity and reflexes. At the moment, we believe them to be a new metatype or the product of extensive genetic engineering. They're equipped with a staff weapon that fires powerful plasma bolts, though it's hellishly inaccurate. Our armour does provide some protection against these weapons, but they're still very powerful and liable to deal damage through impact alone; leaving aside their incredible heat. At the moment, we've yet to see any awakened Jaffa." The Firewatch team leader said, and the AR display changed to aerial surveillance photos of the target area, and the area between it and the stargate.

"Any questions?" The general asked.
"Has anyone looked at the astral spectra of one of these Jaffa? Was there any indication of the Nguyen-Hoffman process, or was it an alternate form of..." she catches herself. "I'm sorry. What I mean is, what are their auras like? And I'm wondering if there was any damage to it, possibly from augmentations or an astral parasite like HMVV."

Theresa only pays partial attention while the other questions are answered, mulling over her own. "Actually, do you have a genetic sample of a Jaffa? If not, we could try to get one. It'd just take a quick extraction from one, after all."
"What form are these 'archives' gonna take and how do we transport them? Do we have a map of the area? Does the enemy suspect our presence or infiltration on our part? What sort of surveillance are they likely to have active? Has any preparatory, or otherwise possibly useful, work been done by previous teams? How viable is social infiltration?"
"Yeah. I've got three." Miriam said as she raised her hand. "How well do they handle magic? Do you have any pictures of the locals, or at least what non descript peasants dress like? And finally, what's the local language?"
"Our war-mages have reported that the Jaffa are, if anything, somewhat vulnerable to magic." The captain now standing at the AR holoprojector answered. With a mental command, a three dimensional image of a gathering of locals popped into view. They were dressed in brown and greys, matching what one would assume a peasant wore for the most part. They also looked to be nearly uniformly from the Middle East, though they couldn't be pinned down to any specific ethnicity. "They speak a language that is closely related to Sumerian. The Goa'uld tongue is also used to interact with off world traders, as it is nearly everywhere in the galaxy. It is a form of Ancient Egyptian."
"Has anyone looked at the astral spectra of one of these Jaffa? Was there any indication of the Nguyen-Hoffman process, or was it an alternate form of..." she catches herself. "I'm sorry. What I mean is, what are their auras like? And I'm wondering if there was any damage to it, possibly from augmentations or an astral parasite like HMVV."

Theresa only pays partial attention while the other questions are answered, mulling over her own. "Actually, do you have a genetic sample of a Jaffa? If not, we could try to get one. It'd just take a quick extraction from one, after all."
"No reported astral deviations, and no indication that their essence had undergone the Nguyen-Hoffman process; though they did show some signs of advanced stage Zhou-Clarkson Syndrome with respect to a particular parasite..." One of the mages answered. After some time, and a few messages, it's determined that you may have access to a genetic sample of a Jaffa, if you require it.
"What form are these 'archives' gonna take and how do we transport them? Do we have a map of the area? Does the enemy suspect our presence or infiltration on our part? What sort of surveillance are they likely to have active? Has any preparatory, or otherwise possibly useful, work been done by previous teams? How viable is social infiltration?"
"The actual information in the archives is stored in three crystalline matrices, each stamped with this symbol. They weigh perhaps two hundred grams total." The captain explained, gesturing to the symbol on the projector. "Yes, maps have been sent to you along with the general data-packet and formal orders. The Goa'uld are believed to be quite paranoid about one another, but they won't suspect you specifically. Based on our experience so far; they seem to mostly rely on manual guards other than in secure areas; where they show a fondness for pressure sensors. We... acquired floorplans for the Archive at the same time as it's location. Posing as off-world traders is possible, and will likely be successful in getting you to the archive; but not into it."
"Well, thats good to hear. That you alreay have DNA samples, that is. Im sure your scientists will figure it out, Im not even trained in that. However, I do look forward to looking at their astral signature myself, and see what I can find about the nature of that parasite you mentioned. Do you have anyother information on it?"
"Our war-mages have reported that the Jaffa are, if anything, somewhat vulnerable to magic." The captain now standing at the AR holoprojector answered. With a mental command, a three dimensional image of a gathering of locals popped into view. They were dressed in brown and greys, matching what one would assume a peasant wore for the most part. They also looked to be nearly uniformly from the Middle East, though they couldn't be pinned down to any specific ethnicity. "They speak a language that is closely related to Sumerian. The Goa'uld tongue is also used to interact with off world traders, as it is nearly everywhere in the galaxy. It is a form of Ancient Egyptian."
"That's pretty helpful then." Miriam said, "At least we'll be able to get close before risking our cover if we dress right. What's the usual currency?"