Stargate: 2078 [Shadowrun 5E] [Recruitment Closed]

Post will probably be up after I've finished running DnD for today. Plan is to ask Mason (Fixer contact) for more deets on the job and then go Astral in his hotel room to scout the area for interesting Auras until he needs to leave for the meet. Definitely checking the meeting place and the hotel he's in (Presumably a very fancy one), then just sweeping the city for them.
This is only relevant to @Mina, but I generally rule that if you have Iaijutsu or Rapid Draw you can have a quick draw sheath/scabbard for a melee weapon. Also, Iaijutsu fix because per RAW it gives you two attacks per pass or breaks quick draw (Because Catalyst forgot that Quick Draw is an attack action...). Simple action to draw and attack, just like normal quick draw.
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Alrighty. So that's a -2 to the threshold for the action with the scabbard then, just as Quick Draw but with swords.

What's the military situation out here by the way? Are the old installations still active just with different flags or has Cheyenne Mountain gone completely dark? Thinking about trying to hit a bar up for some gossip.
So because I forgot to include that in my post:
Assume that Theresa will arrive on time. She won't take any weapons or notable armor (at best some light armor clothing, if that's reasonable), but if permitted she will take a Rating 3-4 Fire Spirit with 1 task, bound into a small object (say, a pen or something similarly innocuous item) to fry anything she points it at.

She also won't do any additional legwork beyond what her contact can send her, since she has no real distrust of her employers.
Alrighty. So that's a -2 to the threshold for the action with the scabbard then, just as Quick Draw but with swords.

What's the military situation out here by the way? Are the old installations still active just with different flags or has Cheyenne Mountain gone completely dark? Thinking about trying to hit a bar up for some gossip.

It's right on the border with the Pueblo Corporate Council. I'd bet that there's a fair bit of military stuff left.

(I'd also bet that if they were certain they could do it safely, they'd move the Stargate)
And yeah, Sam's going to flat-out show up to this with unarmed and while in her Armoured Clothing, she almost never wears anything different. :V
And yeah, Sam's going to flat-out show up to this with unarmed and while in her Armoured Clothing, she almost never wears anything different. :V
That's decent enough.
Miriam is probably miserable in a suit and that stupid armored catsuit plus the snake socks. Which means she has like 12 points of armor from the calfs down.

I think she might just wear the catsuit and socks under normal clothes on a mission though. The suit is just a little ridiculous for other planets.:V
Hitomi's taking her crossbow, sword, and Sleeping Tiger getup because she's got a rep to maintain dammit, plus she's wandering around a strange city and a girl can never be too careful. Even if she could technically just punch things to death. Anyway, I'm assuming they'll check weapons at the restaurant so she'll only have her fists and whatever cutlery is on the table during dinner. :V

As for the eventual ops, she's going to be giddy as a schoolgirl behind her mask of cold professionalism that she can bust out her milspec armor and really let loose. In a culturally respectful way that engenders the good will of the natives once they've been punched in to friendship of course.
And yeah, Sam's going to flat-out show up to this with unarmed and while in her Armoured Clothing, she almost never wears anything different. :V

Same. No weapons, Sleeping Tiger getup. Admittedly, unarmed means something different when you have 20 dice for pasting people with combat spells. :p

So yeah, asking Mason about the contact and Ares. Asking Yahyah about the local mages. Showing up unarmed with my focus Masked, not bothering to Mask myself since I plan to have a Forces 2 Levitate on me and just float in like a douche.

Edit: Can I just buy the sux for Levitate? I've got 16 dice.
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Ah, the douchey "I'm a caster, deal with it" entrance.

Hitomi will probably get there about an hour/forty-five early, run up a little tab at the bar (top shelf, real good stuff), and then get that added to the table's bill.
Miriam might do the same.
I don't think she'll actually be armed, aside from the knife-focus, since opium den and Hot Potato are good enough when you don't want to wreck shit.

I'll actually type up a description of her at some point, since I did take distinct appearance (because I couldn't find anything for playing a low-end changeling,) But for the most part, silver hair, gold eyes and better dressed than you about sums it up. (Yeah, she's vain and abuses the shit out of Makeover, because it's not just for picture day anymore!)
Okay, pre-meet RP will probably wrap up tomorrow, and I'll make a post with you all arriving at the meet. This okay with everyone?
Quick mechanics run down to make sure I understand this:

When Hitomi's armored up in her milspec gear any hit with a DV of less than 15-AP has no effect. Any hit equal to or greater than that, but less than 22-AP gets through as stun damage, and then anything above those is physical.

Then for her DR she rolls Body 4+(Full Armor-AP)+3 for her bones+3 for helmet and adds automatic successes for half the post AP value of her hardened armor.

That right?
Almost. The counts as armor, so it can theoretically be reduced to 0 (unlikely though that is at this amount of armor).

So yes, it's otherwise correct.
Hardened Armor allows you to ignore attacks with a damage value lower than the AP-modified armor it provides, before any bonuses.
Damage lower than your modified armor rating does cause stun damage.
You resist damage with Body + Armor, each hit reducing the damage taken by 1.
So for you you roll your body (4, +3 from the Bone Lacing) plus (your armor, probably 15 (mil-spec) +3 (helmet) +3 (bones) + 4 (orthoskin) minus enemy AP).
Even against pretty penetrating attacks (say, a Laser) you should roll ~22 dice, which would on average reduce any incoming damage by 7. That's a lot, so you should be quite tanky.

However, be warned that this works proportionally worse against bigger weapons, an assault cannon would still do about 8 physical damage, a high-explosive grenade about 6 stun damage and an anti-vehicle rocket about 17 physical damage.
Even upgrading to heavy hardened mil-spec armor won't make you immune to damage. Sure, for you that'd be about 30 armor, thus reducing damage by about 12 before AP. Throw in a strong Armor-spell and you're up to a reduction of 14.
A Mil-Spec Sniper rifle still blows through that (5+ stun damage), as does a heavy machine gun (2+ stun damage) or a gauss rifle (5+ stun damage), and since you're clearly an armored target at this point an anti-vehicle rocket would be adequate and still do ~15 physical damage.
Oh, and a Dragon would easily maul you for 42 damage before reduction, so expect about 30 physical damage AKA "you're dead, why did you try to melee a Dragon?"

For that matter, all that only protects you from certain spells. Many combat spells just flat-out ignore armor, against a Power bolt you'd only roll your unmodified body plus whatever antimagic you're provided with, no augmentations no armor.