Stargate: 2078 [Shadowrun 5E] [Recruitment Closed]

Well, here's a preliminary sheet (really, just Hero Lab BBCode statblock). Haven't purchased all my equipment just yet and if anyone has suggestions for additional gear, that'd be appreciated), but if anyone wants to have a look, that'd be nice.


B 4, A 7/8, R 4/5, S 3, W 4, L 3, I 4, C 6, ESS 6, EDG 3, M 5
Condition Monitor (P/S):
10 / 10
Armor: 11
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 5, Social 7
Physical Initiative: 8/9+1D6
Active Skills: Arcana 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms Group 6, Gymnastics 6, Leadership 6, Negotiation 4, Perception 4, Performance 6, Pilot Ground Craft 3, Running 6, Stealth Group 4, Unarmed Combat (Capoeira +2) 6
Knowledge Skills:
Astromony 2, Parkour Scene 6
English N, Hawai'ian 6
Metatype Abilities:
Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Adept, Agile Defender, Ambidexterous, Friends in High Places, Perfect Time, Practice, Practice, Practice: Running
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (2), Danger Sense (1), Enhanced Accuracy: Automatics, Improved Physical Attribute (1): Agility, Improved Physical Attribute (1): Reaction, Killing Hands, Mystic Armor (2)
. . Suzuki Mirage [Handling 5/3, Speed 6, Accel 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 1]
. . "Katherine Fields" w/ Fake License: Adept (6), Fake License: Driver's (6), Fake License: Gun (6), Fake SIN (6)
. . "Samantha Dawes" w/ Fake License: Adept (4), Fake License: Driver's (3), Fake License: Gun (3), Fake SIN (6), (6 months) High Lifestyle
. . Ares Armored Survivalist w/ Custom Protection: Fire Resistance (4), Decrease Social Limit by 1
. . Armor Clothing
. . Fairlight Caliban
. . Flashlight
. . Glasses (4) w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link, Smartlink, Vision Magnification, Electronic
. . Lined Coat w/ Chemical Protection (2)
. . Respirator (3)

. . Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP -1, SA, 15 (c)] w/ (15x) EX-Explosive Rounds, (30x) Flare, (100x) Regular Ammo, Smartgun System, Internal, (30x) Stick-n-Shock
. . Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP -1, SA, 15 (c)] w/ Smartgun System, Internal
. . HK Urban Combat [SMG, Acc 10, DV 8P, AP –, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 36 (c)] w/ (40x) APDS, (50x) Explosive Rounds, (100x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, Smartgun System, Internal, (30x) Tracer Rounds
. . Ranger Arms SM-5 [Sniper Rifle, Acc 8, DV 14P, AP -5, SA, RC (1), 15 (c)] w/ (40x) APDS, (10x) EX-Explosive Rounds, (20x) Explosive Rounds, Imaging Scope, (50x) Regular Ammo, Shock Pad, Silencer/Suppressor, (20x) Stealth Tag Tracker
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 5, DV 3P, AP –]
. . Flash-Bang Grenade x3 [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, Acc 5, DV 10S, 10m R, AP -4]
. . Fragmentation Minigrenade x3 [Acc 0, DV 18P(f), -1/m, AP +5]
. . Gas Minigrenade, Neuro-Stun X x3 [Acc 0, DV By Chem., 10m R, AP –] w/ Neuro-Stun X
. . Smoke Grenade x5 [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, Acc 5, DV Smoke, 10m R, AP –]
Arms Dealer (Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
Bodyguard (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Bodyguard (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Company Suit (Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
Fixer (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
ID Manufacturer (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 5,000 + (5D6 × 500)¥

Suzuki Mirage

Handling 5, Handling (Off-Road) 3, Speed 6, Acceleration 3, Body 5, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seating 1, Device Rating 1, Data Processing 1, Firewall 1
Condition Monitor:
Armor: 6H
Limits: Mental 2
Exceptional Attribute: Agility and/or Prototype Transhuman (Fluff it as some cutting edge genemods from said Friend in high Places)/Initiating to get your lost magic back with some bioware is probably a better option than Improved Physical Attribute: Agility. Hell, you might just want to get it as a Qi Focus, which would save you a power point and not eat into your budget significantly. Also, Improved Physical Attribute: Reaction is shit and you should NEVER buy it. For a single .5 of a power point more, you can get Improved Reflexes which is better in every way.

I'd recommend the following changes to powers:

Combat Sense (2), Danger Sense (1), Enhanced Accuracy: Automatics, Improved Physical Attribute (1): Agility (As a Qi Foci, or replaced by bioware) Improved Physical Attribute (1): Reaction, Improved Reflexes 2 Killing Hands (You might want to buy a shock glove instead, but you have a high dice pool so I dunno) , Mystic Armor (2) (This is also kinda questionable. It's a whole power point spent for two points of armour, and it might be worth trading it for Improved Reflexes 3. Or you could keep the Killing Hands and swap out a point of this.)

Also, whatever you do, considering initiating. It's an extra power point, and potentially another if you increase magic with your special attribute points.

In regards to gear, you should probably invest in High Fashion Armour Clothing over the armor clothing from the core rulebook. A Berwick Suit & Argentum coat or Sleeping Tiger Suit & Synergist Business Longcoat (If Sam has no fashion sense) are going to do a lot more for you than the armour clothing or lined coat will. Also, you might want to invest in some 'Loud' body armour, unless you go the Sleeping Tiger/Synergist Coat combo. Also, regular ammo sucks. Switch to APDS.

You might also want to look into Gun Kata and/or Ares Firefight from Run & Gun.

EDIT: Also, get concealable quick-draw holsters for your pistols.
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Sam- horngeek
Well, with some of that in mind, here's the updated sheet:

Runner Name: Sam
Real Name: Samantha Lawson
Metatype: Elf
Physical Appearance: Polynesian in appearance, Samantha has slightly dark skin, dark brown hair approaching black, and amber eyes. In terms of clothing, she tends to dress very practically, although stylishly, generally wearing a Berwick Suit and long Argentum Coat- although she will wear heavier combat armour if the mission calls for it.
Biography: Samantha was born in Detroit to a human mother- who, while from Hawai'i, never explained exactly why she left the kingdom- and an Elven father- and while she got most of her physical features from her mother, she got her metatype from her father. Life was...

Not hard, exactly. Her parents were both SINless, and she kept that status, but they were able to do relatively well for themselves (Sam suspects they were Runners- but she's not certain). And they raised her well- her mum taught her what she knew about the ways of the Adept, and her father taught her how to shoot a gun- to protect herself, yes, but also so she could get food and shelter for herself, eventually.

While that eventually came too soon for her liking (she still doesn't talk about it much) she was old enough when the time came. And so, she took up shadowrunning in Seattle- almost a classic story, in some ways, if it wasn't for one of her earliest jobs from Ares Macrotechnology. What started out as a simple hit on a low-life crime gang turned significantly more complicated when the gang did the unthinkable, and managed to snatch Fiona Green- the young daughter of Anthony Green, a mid-ranking Ares executive.

As soon as Samantha leaned about this- she went in. Alone. And five hours after she went into one of the worst areas of Detroit, she walked out again, battered and bruised- but carrying a healthy Fiona Green in her arms, and with the gang in question devastated. And in doing that- impossible, suicidal act for the safety of a young girl, Sam earned Anthony Green's undying gratitude.

Since then, life has been good- Anthony's done right by her, and she's repaid the favour by not taking jobs against Ares. Oh, she doesn't work exclusively for them, but she doesn't work against them, either. And now, through her connections with Anthony, she's gotten news of a new task force...

B 4, A 7/8, R 4/6, S 3, W 4, L 3, I 4, C 6, ESS 6, EDG 3, M 5
Condition Monitor (P/S):
10 / 10
Armor: 13
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 5, Social 9
Physical Initiative: 8/10+3D6
Active Skills: Arcana 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms Group 6, Gymnastics 6, Leadership 6, Negotiation 4, Perception 5, Performance 6, Pilot Ground Craft 4, Running 6, Stealth Group 4, Unarmed Combat (Capoeira +2) 6
Knowledge Skills:
Astromony 2, Parkour Scene 2, Shadowrunning 4
English N, Hawai'ian 6
Metatype Abilities:
Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Adept, Agile Defender, Ambidexterous, Code of Honor: Cannot Kill Innocents (10dicepool vs. 4), Friends in High Places, Perfect Time, Practice, Practice, Practice: Running
Martial Arts: Firefight (Close Quarters Firearms (Pistols) +1)
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (2), Danger Sense (1), Enhanced Accuracy: Automatics, Improved Physical Attribute (1): Agility, Improved Reflexes (2), Killing Hands, Mystic Armor (1)
. . Suzuki Mirage [Handling 5/3, Speed 6, Accel 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 1]
. . "Katherine Fields" w/ Fake License: Adept (6), Fake License: Driver's (6), Fake License: Gun (6), Fake SIN (6)
. . "Samantha Dawes" w/ Fake License: Adept (4), Fake License: Driver's (3), Fake License: Gun (3), Fake SIN (6), (6 months) High Lifestyle
. . Ares Armored Survivalist w/ Custom Protection: Fire Resistance (4), Decrease Social Limit by 1
. . Argentum Coat w/ -3 modifier for concealability, Custom Fit, Custom Fit (Stack), Increase Social Limit by 1
. . Berwick Suit w/ -2 modifier for concealability, Custom Fit, Increase Social Limit by 1
. . Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
. . Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
. . Fairlight Caliban
. . . . Integrated Tactical Network Cyberdeck Module (Rating 10)
. . Flashlight
. . Full Body Armor
. . Full Body Armor Helmet w/ Gas Mask, Image Link, Smartlink, Trodes
. . Glasses (4) w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link, Smartlink, Vision Magnification, Electronic
. . Qi Focus: Improved Physical Attribute (1) (Agility) (4)
. . Renraku Taka
. . Respirator (3)

. . Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 8, DV 11P, AP -6, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c)] w/ (120x) APDS, (40x) Explosive Rounds, (10x) Flare, (50x) Gel Rounds, Grenade Launcher, Imaging Scope, Smartgun System, Internal, (30x) Tracer Rounds
. . . . Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 6, DV 10S, 10m R, AP -4, SS, 6 (c)] w/ (5x) Flash-Bang Minigrenade, (5x) High Explosive Minigrenade, Smartgun System, Internal, (5x) Smoke Minigrenade
. . Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 6, DV 10S, 10m R, AP -4, SS, 6 (c)] w/ (5x) Flash-Bang Minigrenade, (5x) High Explosive Minigrenade, Smartgun System, Internal, (5x) Smoke Minigrenade
. . Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP -5, SA, 15 (c)] w/ (100x) APDS, (15x) EX-Explosive Rounds, (30x) Flare, Smartgun System, Internal, (30x) Stick-n-Shock
. . Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP -1, SA, 15 (c)] w/ Smartgun System, Internal
. . HK Urban Combat [SMG, Acc 10, DV 8P, AP -4, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 36 (c)] w/ (140x) APDS, (50x) Explosive Rounds, Silencer/Suppressor, Smartgun System, Internal, (30x) Tracer Rounds
. . Ranger Arms SM-5 [Sniper Rifle, Acc 8, DV 14P, AP -9, SA, RC (1), 15 (c)] w/ (90x) APDS, (10x) EX-Explosive Rounds, (20x) Explosive Rounds, Imaging Scope, Shock Pad, Silencer/Suppressor, (20x) Stealth Tag Tracker
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 6, DV 3P, AP –]
. . Flash-Bang Grenade x3 [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, Acc 6, DV 10S, 10m R, AP -4]
. . Fragmentation Minigrenade x3 [Acc 0, DV 18P(f), -1/m, AP +5]
. . Gas Minigrenade, Neuro-Stun X x3 [Acc 0, DV By Chem., 10m R, AP –] w/ Neuro-Stun X
. . Smoke Grenade x5 [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, Acc 6, DV Smoke, 10m R, AP –]
Fiona Green (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Lyra- Bodyguard (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Daniel- Bodyguard (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Simon- Ares Low-Level Suit (Connection 4, Loyalty 3)
"Webs"- Fixer (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
ID Manufacturer (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Anthony Green- Mid-Level Ares Executive (Connection 11, Loyalty 5) (Bought with Friends in High Places)
Starting ¥: 14,000¥

Suzuki Mirage

Handling 5, Handling (Off-Road) 3, Speed 6, Acceleration 3, Body 5, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seating 1, Device Rating 1, Data Processing 1, Firewall 1
Condition Monitor:
Armor: 6H
Limits: Mental 2

Still got a bit of money left to spend- and honestly, I might end up leaving it there, unless I'm missing on anything vital. Rolling for starting money in this post.
horngeek threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Starting money Total: 18
5 5 1 1 1 1 6 6 5 5
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And here's my character, in first draft form at least.

One thing I haven't done as of yet is detail my contacts. Largely this is because I'm not entirely sure how much use they're going to be and what we want from them - there's not much point taking a Street Doc as a contact if Ares offers to foot the medical bills as part of our contract, for example.

Name: Allen Grey
Metatype: Human
Alias: Zephyr
Concept: Ex-corporate mercenary with far too many augments and a dedication to professional conduct that borders on the neurotic.
Allen was born in one of the many hospitals owned by Ares Macro-Technology, and as such has been an employee and quasi-property of the mega-corporation for as long as he can remember. His schooling highlighted his exceptional potential and raw talent, and as such he was fast-tracked into one of Ares' elite finishing schools, there to receive extensive training in what the company called 'asset protection and active threat response' - a bodyguard and private soldier.

He excelled in this role for well over a decade, rising from front-line grunt to officer and manager with a string of successful operations, obtaining the higher paychecks and augmentations that went with it. Even so, he found himself craving something... more, some of the excitement and adrenaline that couldn't easily be found in the comforting routine of his day-to-day life. While he resisted the urge for several years, eventually it became too much for him, and he began actively seeking a way to slip away into the shadows - ideally without sacrificing the comforts offered by his corporate citizenship.

His opportunity came when a shadow-running team made an attempt at infiltrating one of the facilities he was in charge of protecting. Defeating them, Allen made sure to keep the runners alive through the use of gel-rounds and gas grenades, then arranged a private meeting with their leader in her holding cell. A deal was struck - he would leak the information regarding their transport to a proper holding facility to their allies on the outside, and they would put him in touch with their fixer. Both sides kept their end of the bargain, and later that year Allen Grey adopted the moniker 'Zephyr' and began running the shadows.

All things considered, his career has gone exceptionally well. Not every team of runners works well with his evident corporate background and strict adherence to professionalism, but his skills and equipment have helped keep many of them earn considerable amounts of nuyen and the lifespan to properly appreciate it. That he won't take contracts against Ares raises some eyebrows in the shadows, but Zephyr appreciates the value of having a home to go back to (on extra-territorial property no less) and has no intention of souring that relationship anytime soon. He's fairly sure that several of the Johnsons he has taken work from in the past are both from and aware of his connection to Ares, but generally speaking everyone is too polite to actually say anything about it, and more than a few 'special resource executives' have appreciated the value of having an experienced and reliable shadowrunner on call.

Now his connections and experience have brought him a contract unlike any other, one he thinks that might just quench his lust for adventure and excitement for good...

Metatype B - Human (7)
Attributes A (24)
Magic - No
Skills A (46/10)
Resources A (500,000)

Body - 5
Agility - 6 (8)
Reaction - 5 (7)
Strength - 3 (5)

Willpower - 4
Logic - 5
Intuition - 5
Charisma - 3

Edge - 7
Essence - 1.3
Initiative - 12 +3d6

Mental: 7
Physical: 8
Social: 4

Ambidextrous (4) - Can use either hand equally well, no off-hand penalties.

Bad Reputation (7) - Zephyr is widely known in the shadow community as the sort of person who takes wet-work contracts and doesn't hesitate at carrying them out. For his part, Zephyr doesn't see the need to combat the rumours - he can and has killed people for money before, after all, and while he always takes care to avoid collateral damage his hands are far from clean. He begins play with three points of notoriety.

Quick Healer (3) - Gain a +2 bonus to all healing tests made by or on you, including magical healing.

SINner (Corporate, 25) - Zephyr was born into Ares, was raised by them and spent most of his working life employed by them before going freelance. The megacorp has an astounding amount of information on him as a result, though they are reluctant to share it. Zephyr personally does not like to mention this fact, as other shadowrunners can and have taken issue with it.


Skill Group: Close Combat 2
- Blades
- Clubs
- Unarmed

Skill Group: Firearms 6
- Automatics
- Long-arms
- Pistols

Skill Group: Outdoors 2
- Navigation
- Survival
- Tracking

Escape Artist 2
Gunnery 2
Gymnastics 4
Heavy Weapons 2
Sneaking 4

Pilot Ground Craft 3

Running 4
Swimming 3

Con 2
Etiquette 4
Intimidation 2
Negotiation 4

Perception 4

Armorer 1
Computer 1
Demolitions 2
First Aid 2

Knowledge and Language
Famous Shadowrunners (Street) 2
History (Academic) 2
Language (English) N
Language (German) 2
Language (Japanese) 2
Language (Mandarin) 2
Literature (Academic) 3
Military (Professional) 4
Ares Macro-Technology (Street) 3

2,170 ¥ unspent

High Lifestyle (3 months pre-paid)

DocWagon Basic Contract (1 year pre-paid)

Suzuki Mirage Motorcycle (8,500 ¥)

Bone Density Enhancement, Rating 4 (20,000 ¥)
- +4 to body for the purposes of damage resistance tests
- Unarmed attacks deal (Str+3)P damage.
- 1.2 essence

Mnemonic Enhancer, Rating 3 (27,000 ¥)
- +3 to all language and knowledge checks
- 0.3 essence

Muscle Augmentation, Rating 2 (62,000 ¥)
- +2 strength
- 0.4 essence

Muscle Toner, Rating 2 (64,000 ¥)
- +2 agility
- 0.4 essence

Ortho-skin, rating 4 (24,000 ¥)
- +4 armour
- 1 essence

Synaptic Booster, Rating 2 (190,000 ¥)
- +2 reaction
- +2d6 initiative
- 1 essence

Cybereyes, Rating 3 (31,000 ¥)
- Image Link
- Low-light vision
- Smart-link
- Thermographic vision
- Vision Enhancement rating 3
- Vision Magnification
- 0.4 essence

Combat Knife (300 ¥) - The classic backup weapon, this blade has a non-reflective surface and a chisel-point tip for punching through armour.
- (Str+2)P damage
- Accuracy 6
- AP -3

Extendable Baton (100 ¥) - Sometimes you just need to beat someone uncooperative until they change their mind.
- (Str+2)P damage
- Accuracy 5

Victorinox Memory Sword (1,500 ¥) - This smart-steel blade is sufficiently flexible to be disguised as a belt, which is typically how Zephyr wears it. It takes a complex action to change between flexible and rigid forms.
- (Str+2)P damage
- Accuracy 5
- Reach 1, AP -2

Yamaha Pulsar (180 ¥) - Not every job or self defense incident calls for a lethal response, and Zephyr generally prefers not to kill when the option is available. That this taser is legal to own and quick to fire are simply bonuses.
- 7S(e) damage, AP -5
- SA mode with 4(m) ammo
- Accuracy 5
- If wireless, a successful hit informs you of the target's basic health and condition monitors.
- Concealed quick-draw holster (275 ¥)

Ares Predator V (725 ¥) - Trust what you know. Zephyr has been using the Predator for most of his career, and he isn't about to stop now.
- 8P damage, AP -1
- Accuracy 5 (7)
- SA fire with 15(c) ammo
- Integral smart-link
- Top and barrel accessories
- Concealed quick-draw holster (275 ¥)

HK-XM30 Modular Assault Rifle (4,500 ¥) - Flexibility is a supreme virtue when it comes to tactical situations, and with the aid of this multiple-mode weapon system Zephyr always has the right tools on hand for his work. It takes an Automatics + Agility (5, 1 minute) extended test to switch between modes on this weapon.
- Has Assault rifle, Carbine, Sniper Rifle, LMG and Shotgun modes.
- Damage 9P, AP-2 (except shotgun, which is 10P, AP-1)
- SA/BF/FA firing modes and 30(c) ammo for carbine and assault rifle
- SA firing and 10(c) ammo for the shotgun and sniper rifle
- BF/FA firing and 100(belt) ammo for the LMG
- Accuracy 6 (8) for assault rifle, carbine and LMG. +1 for sniper, -3 for shotgun.
- (1) recoil, 2 (3) for LMG and Sniper
- Integrated smart-gun system, shock-pad equipped stock and imaging scope
- Under-barrel grenade launcher with accuracy 4 and 6(c) ammo.

60 rounds of regular Heavy Pistol ammo (120 ¥)
30 rounds of Heavy Pistol Gel rounds (75 ¥)

120 rounds of regular assault rifle ammo (240 ¥)

120 rounds of regular carbine ammo (240 ¥)
60 rounds of carbine Gel rounds (150 ¥)

30 rounds of regular shotgun ammo (60 ¥)
20 rounds of EX-Explosive (+2 damage, -1AP) shotgun ammo (240 ¥)

30 rounds of regular sniper rifle ammo (60¥)
10 rounds of APDS sniper rifle ammo (120 ¥)

6 Fragmentation mini-grenades (600 ¥)
- 18P(f) damage, AP+5, -1/m blast

6 Flash-bang mini-grenades (600 ¥)
- 10S damage, AP-4, 10m blast radius

Zoé Executive Suite suit (2,000 ¥) - Dress, as they say, to impress. Zephyr is a highly paid and highly experienced shadowrunner, and is proud to the point of arrogance about it. He tells people that owning a suit of such quality allows him to take covert bodyguard work at corporate functions - which pay ludicrously well - but in truth he really just likes looking stylish.
- Armour rating 12
- Capacity 4
- Non-conductivity rating 4 (1,000 ¥, adds +4 to armour against shock weapons)
- Increases social limit by one, two if wireless is enabled.

SWAT Body Armour with helmet (9,500 ¥) - This armour comes from the same companies as the ones that outfit Lone Star and Knight Errant, though Zephyr's set is significantly less... branded. He only breaks it out for the more dangerous assignments, where protection is considerably more important than subtlety.
- Armour 15 (+3 from helmet)
- Capacity 15 in Armour, 8 in helmet
- Increases social limit by two for intimidation tests, three if wireless is enabled.
- Chemical Seal (+3,000 ¥) allows the armour to become a fully sealed environment, providing absolute protection against airborne and contact poisons. One hour internal air supply.

Forearm Guards (300 ¥)
- Add +1 armour when worn.

Transys Avalon Comm-link (5,000 ¥)
- Device rating 6
- Bio-metric reader (200 ¥)
- Sub-vocal microphone (50¥)

Fake SIN "Hans Grüber", Rating 4 (10,000 ¥)

Fake SIN "Benjamin Orleans", Rating 4 (10,000 ¥)

2 unspent points

35 initial
-4 for ambidextrous
-3 for quick healer
+7 for bad rep
+25 for sinner

-25 to raise strength from 1 to 3
-25 to raise charisma from 1 to 3
-8 to buy 16,000 ¥
I am considering the idea that Sam's Friends in High Places are from Ares themselves- it's provide a hook for the game, after all.

She doesn't take major jobs against the corp they're from, in any case- she doesn't want to have to put people who've done right by her in a situation like that. For example, those faked SINs of hers are so good partially because she was able to call on those contacts to get them made- and it'd be awkward for a member of a Mega to have done that for someone who runs major jobs against the corp. :V
I am considering the idea that Sam's Friends in High Places are from Ares themselves- it's provide a hook for the game, after all.

She doesn't take major jobs against the corp they're from, in any case- she doesn't want to have to put people who've done right by her in a situation like that. For example, those faked SINs of hers are so good partially because she was able to call on those contacts to get them made- and it'd be awkward for a member of a Mega to have done that for someone who runs major jobs against the corp. :V

I confess, I am amused that both our characters appear to be Ares-affiliated professionals in nice suits who ride the same brand of motorcycle. Heck, they're both speed-focused combat builds with High Lifestyles, though Zephyr has more durability while Sam has the edge in magic and social.

I am basically imaging them as next-door neighbours who engage in wacky sitcom antics (also shadowruns) now, for the record.

In retrospect, I don't think I've ever actually played a Shadowrun character who did the whole 'tough gang kid from the bad part of town' thing. This leads to hilarity with some of the pre-published adventures that assume that sort of thing as the default.

There was at least one my GM ran the group through that expected our characters to be out of place at a high-end Corp social event, where most of the roleplaying challenge was meant to come from bumbling attempts to fit in well enough to avoid detection. This was rather derailed by the fact that all the PCs we'd ended up playing were not only perfectly at home in those sorts of environments, we actually had nicer suits than some of the executives did.
Okay, so the question for me was "Technomancer or Rigger", but once I got a better idea of how many points we were playing around with (a ton, apparently), my answer shifted to why not both. Especially since submerging lets you run drones without an RCC. This cannot possibly go wrong.

...I am probably going to screw this up somehow, and will probably need someone to review my sheet when it's done (hopefully today).
I'll admit, I am considering adding some knowledge of small-unit tactics in there- make Sam a proper team leader type as well.

But I like the idea of contrasting them like that. :D

On a side note, Teko, when are characters being picked?
If no one minds that it would be a full/mainly Ares-affiliated, i may make a less gun-heavy suit-type of character. Admittingly, i am just tossing around ideas in my head.
Okay, so the question for me was "Technomancer or Rigger", but once I got a better idea of how many points we were playing around with (a ton, apparently), my answer shifted to why not both. Especially since submerging lets you run drones without an RCC. This cannot possibly go wrong.

...I am probably going to screw this up somehow, and will probably need someone to review my sheet when it's done (hopefully today).

I was considering making a Technomancer myself, based on your prior thoughts on the subject, but this is my first attempt at 5th edition and I generally prefer not to have to learn too many sub-systems at once. Hence Zephyr is basically the default +combat build, and will be relying on others for tech and magical support.

I never quite grokked Technomancers or even Deckers in the past, for that matter, so I don't know if I'll be able to provide any feedback there. I can try though.

Personally, I'm interested in how Limits end up working out, since I've not played basically any game with something like them involved. An effective cap on the number of successes you can achieve is... interesting.
An effective cap on the number of successes you can achieve is... interesting.
That's to prevent some of the crazier builds from 4th working. A limit of 8 means that a pool of 24 is where you start to see diminishing returns quite rapidly, and since everybody who's posted sheets has some pools in the 12-16 area, we're already some of the best. A good rule of thumb is you'll average one success per three dice in your pool, but limits are there to keep people form stacking bonuses to get 60+ dice in their pool.

Starting to wonder if I should make Glacier an Ares security mage rather than a Runner. If I drop Addict for Corporate Limited SIN, then I can afford 12 points worth of contacts, but contacts don't seem like they'd be super useful in this game.
Okay, so on the plus side, doing submersion twice gives you what is, effectively, a rating-2 control rig for free (well, for a bunch of karma) with no essence loss and no nuyen. This is super handy, but playing with chummer ate up all my time so my character isn't quite done yet.

I think the character is going to be named Oblique, they're going to be from New York, and they're going to be a massive science fiction geek.
Attributes: 24 (A)
Skills: 46/10 (A)
Magic: Adept, Magic 6, one Rating 4 Active Skill (B)
Ressources: 210k (C)
Race: Human(5) (C)
Karma: 35

Name: "Raven" Duncan

Body: 3
Agility: 4
Reaction: 3
Strength: 3
Willpower: 4
Logic: 5
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 6
Edge: 6

Initiative: 7
Essence: 6
Magic: 7

Inherent Limits
Mental: 6
Physical: 4
Social: 8

Guts (10)
Exceptional Attribute: Magic (14)
Photographic Memory (6)
Corporate SIN (-25)
Weak Immune System (-10)

Acting 4
Influence 6

Unarmed 4
Intimidation (Psychological)4 (6)
Survival 3
Running (Parkour) 2 (4)
Pilot Aircraft 1
Pilot Ground Craft 2
Pistols (Semi-Auto) 6 (8)
Throwing Weapons 2
Gymnastics 3
Escape Artist 2
Blades (Swords) 3 (5)
Disguise 2
Medicine 1
Hacking 1
Computer 2
Electronic Warfare 2
First Aid 2
Artisan 1
Perception 4

Knowledge Skills
Ares Politics 3
English N/A
German 2
Japanese 2
Czech 3
Political Climate 2
Corporate Law 1
Small Unit Tactics 3
Law 1
Statistics 1

Mr Johnson (Ares)
-Connection 3
-Loyalty 3
Mr Jonson (Ares)
-Connection 3
-Loyalty 2
Mrs Grey Winters (Ares Security)
-Connection 4
-Loyalty 4
Officer Durden (Lone Star)
-Connection 2
-Loyalty 1
Rex (Decker)
-Connection 4
-Loyalty 2
Joshua "Gunslinger" Reeves (Retired Shadowrunner)
-Connection 3
-Loyalty 5

Work in Progress
Ressources: Untouched
Background: General Idea
Karma: 40 Unspent
Adept-Powers: Not yet
Last edited:
@Tekomandor- just wanted to double-check when/how the characters for this'll be selected. :)

I'll get backstory up… later today or early tomorrow, probably.

Now I just need to see if I can still find my 5ed book...

I don't need to be a big authority on Shadowrun to get in, do I?
Found my book, currently brainstorming.

What kind of roles do we have submissions for so far?

Real quick question, what sourcebooks do I need for this "High Life" thing? Prime Runners is in the core, but I haven't found a High Life bit after my quick refresher read.

Also, are we using lifepaths or no?
Ok, finished moving a bit, so I have my book again. We seem to have a technomancer; is it good to double up on those at all? Also, how effective are adepts? I've only played once before, and I've heard some negative things about those, but it's hard for me to know what's actually up with the system.