Starfleet Ship Design Bureau, Refit ("To Boldly Go...")

To Boldly Go
Recent readers

This is To Boldly Go, a Star Trek quest run through the eyes of Commander, Starfleet.
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Ship Design Bureau Current State

The old thread is here. Thanks to @UbeOne for their work in administering it.​

This is as separate thread for hosting designs for the Star Trek Quest, To Boldly Go...

Ship design is done via a parts list and rules document. There is a spreadsheet which is far easier than doing things by hand, and @Gravitas Hunt has turned that spreadsheet into an app. Either sheet or app designs are generally accepted, a typical way to save them for posting is to screenshot them. If you want to refer to your designs often, I recommend posting them on a subpage of your userpage on the TBG wiki, with the Proposed_Ship_Designs category tag. There will be a tutorial as soon as one can be prepared.

Warp-capable craft in TBG are generally divided into line starships (aka military starships), auxiliaries, and small craft. This thread is for designing line starships, and occasionally an auxiliary. It does not function for most auxiliaries and never for small craft. That means no probes, small drones, fighters, shuttlecraft, or borg cubes. Our system just doesn't do that. What it does do is produce ship statistics for use in the main thread.

Every game-year during Q4 I will post a round-up of designs that have gained the Admiral's attention to the main thread. This may be preceded by design competitions here.

Important Links
Current Parts List and Rules
Current SDB Spreadsheet
SDB App (not Current)

Official Starfleet Designs

Designer: sunrise and Alliterate


Designer: Sunrise and Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate

As implied by the Centaur above and the Centaur-B below.


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Enerael


Designer: Alliterate

Bird of Paradise
As implied by the Bird of Paradise-A below.

Bird of Paradise-A

Designer: synchronizedwritersblock

As implied by the Constellation-A below.


Designer: sunrise

Patrol Cruiser
As implied by the Patrol Cruiser-A below.

Patrol Cruiser-A

Designer: sunrise


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate


Designer: Alliterate
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (in progress)
What are these abbreviations?
In TBG most ship stats are used as a bonus to that ship's dice rolls. These roll-affecting stats are C (Combat), S (Science), H (Hull), L (Shields), P (Presence), E (Endurance), and R (Reaction). E and R used to be D (Defense also called Reaction), but will be split into E and R sometime in the near future.

There are also combat-affecting stats with some overlap. C is the ship's firepower, H is the hull strength, L is the shield strength, %ev is evasion aka the dodge chance, %pen is the shield penetration chance, %crit is the critical hit chance, S is compared with opposing S to increase own evasion or reduce target's evasion, and R contests opposing R in a roll to determine skirmish victory.

Finally, there are ship costs: BR (Bulk Resources), SR (Special Resources), crew split into O (Officers), En (Enlisted), and T (Technicians), kt (weight in kilotons which determines berth size in kilotons), Build Time, and SP (Supply Points required).

What are Supply Points?
In the upcoming logistics system, ships and most other things require a Supply Point upkeep or they take penalties or cease functioning. This supply is provided by your supply pool of cargo ships, freighters, and so on. In peacetime this is a soft-cap on the maximum size of the fleet, and in wartime this pool can be attacked by the enemy.

What kind of parts are always necessary?
Only parts in the Infrastructure section are necessary. Each platform has a minimum number of non-infra slots you must fill. Ships without weapons cannot engage in the combat engine. Other lack of parts might lead to reduced narrative capabilities.

What does this (1) mean?
It means you can use at most 1 of the part.

What is a "Req"?
It means "Requires".

What Tech Tier can I use?
What year do you intend your design to commence building? If it is a Starfleet or Federation Member design then you should refer to the lists directly below this post - I may publish separate sheets per year based on the lists eventually. If in doubt, the 2325 Federation is at mostly tier 3 with some 2 and some 4, and other modern powers are at a similar level. Ships designed from 2310 to 2320 were mostly tier 2 in the middle of that decade.

What if I want to design ships for a non-Starfleet power?
There are a large number of non-Starfleet parts on a private GM-only sheet. If you are designing ships for a friendly power please request the relevant parts and they may be released either publicly in the thread or to you privately. If as part of a race submission you want to design neutral or hostile ships contact us privately and we'll see what we can do.

What about ships with 0 crew?
As shown in the rules document, Starfleet does not allow ships with 0 crew due to a number of incidents with automated starship technology. Starfleet and Federation Member ships with 0 crew are presumed to have enough crew to run their systems, even if that number is below the threshold to be listed as a 50-sophont crew unit. Other powers may or may not allow 0 crew, with varied consequences.

What about Recreation, Sickbays, Impulse Engines, Fuel Storage, and other parts that were present in a previous version?
Most of these things are built into the base platform now. Refer to the Platforms tab on the spreadsheet.

What is Militarization?
Militarization is a defunct mechanic from early in the quest. It no longer applies, and you should ignore all references to it. The Council will veto battle-focused ships and you simply won't be allowed to build them. That goes for a lot of marginal designs, not just combat-focused.

What is this C<=S+2 phaser array rule?
A defunct rule that no longer applies.

What are these old ship statistics I found?
Originally, there was no ship design system, and there was just a schedule of fixed designs on the main page of the quest (they're still there). These designs are considered completely obsolete and should be ignored completely. Then there was a stat-only system, then the first part system, and now the second part system. Basically only ship designs from this point forward are relevant anymore.

What about really ancient ships or future ships?
The ship design system works best at tech tiers 0 to 5. Past 5 it gets a bit fuzzy (and many of the parts 4+ aren't revealed publicly yet), before 0 it can break with negative values. I recommend attempting using 5+ or 0- tiers, and if that doesn't produce an outcome you like, use the stats produced as a baseline to make up the values you want. Also keep in mind the limits of any given platform are not hardcoded and you can break the slot limit if it makes sense to do so.

Why is the SDB in a separate thread?
Years ago when the first two design systems came out the main thread was deluged with constant design posts. The SDB was quarantined to a separate thread to keep the main thread on topic.
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Parts by Year
Technology Tier by Year

2280-2303 (Miranda, Centaur, Excelsior, Constellation)
-1 (minus 1) or 0

T0 2280s Frigate Platform
T0 2280s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T0 Warp Core
T0 Nacelles
T1 Computer Cores
T0 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T0 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T0 Tactical Sensors
No High-Fidelity Sensors
T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T0 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T0 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T0 Laboratory Suite
T0 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T1 Scientific Specialists
T0 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T0 Additional Medical Ward
T0 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T0 Conference Center
T0 Xenopsych Specialists
T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T0 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T0 2280s Frigate Platform
T0 2280s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T0 Warp Core
T0 Nacelles
T1 Computer Cores
T0 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T0 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors

T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T1 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T0 Laboratory Suite
T0 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T1 Scientific Specialists
T0 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T0 Additional Medical Ward
T0 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T0 Conference Center
T0 Xenopsych Specialists
T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T0 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2306 (Centaur-A)
T0 2280s Frigate Platform
T0 2280s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles

T1 Computer Cores
T0 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T0 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T1 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer

T1 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital

T1 Diplomatic Facility
T0 Conference Center
T0 Xenopsych Specialists
T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T0 2280s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T1 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T1 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T1 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T1 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T0 Conference Center
T0 Xenopsych Specialists
T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T1 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T1 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T1 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T0 Conference Center
T0 Xenopsych Specialists
T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T0 2280s Explorer Platform
T0 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T1 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T1 Deflector Shields
T0 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T0 Dedicated Away Teams
T0 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T1 Long-Range Sensors
T0 Shuttlebay
T0 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T0 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists

T0 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2310 (Miranda-A)
T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T1 2300s Explorer Platform
T1 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T1 Deflector Shields
T1 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T1 Dedicated Away Teams
T1 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors

No Survey Sensors
T1 Shuttlebay
T1 Cargo Bay

T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T1 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T1 2300s Explorer Platform
T1 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T1 Supplemental Armor
T1 Tactical Sensors
T1 High-Fidelity Sensors
T1 Dedicated Away Teams
T1 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T1 Shuttlebay
T1 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T1 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2312 (Renaissance)
T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T1 2300s Explorer Platform
T1 Hull
T1 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T0 Phasers
T0 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T1 Supplemental Armor
T2 Tactical Sensors
T2 High-Fidelity Sensors

T1 Dedicated Away Teams
T1 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T1 Shuttlebay
T1 Cargo Bay
T1 Impulse Thrusters
T1 Communications Array
T1 SIF Nodes
T1 Laboratory Suite
T1 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T1 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2313 (Excelsior-A, Ambassador, Renaissance if you must)
T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T2 Warp Core

T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T1 Phasers
T1 Torpedoes

T2 Deflector Shields
T2 Supplemental Armor
T2 Tactical Sensors
T2 High-Fidelity Sensors
T1 Dedicated Away Teams
T1 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T2 Shuttlebay
T2 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array

T1 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer

T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T1 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T1 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T1 2300s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T2 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T1 Phasers
T1 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T2 Supplemental Armor
T2 Tactical Sensors
T2 High-Fidelity Sensors
T1 Dedicated Away Teams
T1 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T2 Shuttlebay
T2 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T1 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2315 (Constellation-A)
T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T2 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T1 Phasers
T1 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T2 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T2 Tactical and DamCon Specialists

T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T2 Shuttlebay
T2 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T2 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T1 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T1 Additional Medical Ward
T1 Shipboard Hospital
T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T1 Intelligence Operations Team
T1 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2316 (Kepler)
T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T2 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T1 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T1 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T2 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T2 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
No Survey Sensors
T2 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T2 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T2 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T2 Additional Medical Ward
T2 Shipboard Hospital

T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T2 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2317 (Kepler if you must)
T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T2 Warp Core
T1 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T1 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T2 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T2 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T2 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T2 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T2 Scientific Specialists
T2 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T2 Additional Medical Ward
T2 Shipboard Hospital
T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T2 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles

T2 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes (and Burst)
T2 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T3 Scientific Specialists
T2 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T2 Additional Medical Ward
T2 Shipboard Hospital
T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T2 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2319 (Centaur-B, Comet)
T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T2 2310s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T3 Scientific Specialists
T3 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T3 Additional Medical Ward

T2 Shipboard Hospital
T2 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T2 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T2 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T2 Laboratory Suite
T2 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T3 Scientific Specialists
T3 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T3 Additional Medical Ward
T2 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T2 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T2 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T3 Tactical Sensors
T3 High-Fidelity Sensors
T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T3 Laboratory Suite
T3 Dedicated Analysis Computer

T3 Scientific Specialists
T3 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T3 Additional Medical Ward
T3 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T1 Conference Center
T1 Xenopsych Specialists
T2 Intelligence Operations Team
T3 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T2 2310s Frigate Platform
T1 2300s Cruiser Platform
T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T2 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T3 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes
T2 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T4 Tactical Sensors
T4 High-Fidelity Sensors

T2 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T2 Long-Range Sensors
T2 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T2 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T3 Laboratory Suite
T3 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T3 Scientific Specialists
T3 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T3 Additional Medical Ward
T3 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T2 Conference Center
T2 Xenopsych Specialists
T3 Intelligence Operations Team

T3 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

2323 (Envoy and Renaissance-A)
T3 2320s Frigate Platform
T2 2310s Cruiser Platform

T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T3 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T3 Computer Cores
T2 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes
T3 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T4 Tactical Sensors
T4 High-Fidelity Sensors
T3 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T3 Long-Range Sensors
T3 Survey Sensors

T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T3 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T3 Laboratory Suite
T3 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T4 Scientific Specialists
T4 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T4 Additional Medical Ward

T3 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T2 Conference Center
T2 Xenopsych Specialists
T3 Intelligence Operations Team
T3 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T3 2320s Frigate Platform
T2 2310s Cruiser Platform
T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T3 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T3 Computer Cores
T3 Navigational Deflector
T2 Phasers
T2 Torpedoes (and Burst)
T3 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T4 Tactical Sensors
T4 High-Fidelity Sensors
T3 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T3 Long-Range Sensors
T3 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T3 Cargo Bay
T3 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T3 Laboratory Suite
T3 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T4 Scientific Specialists
T4 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T4 Additional Medical Ward
T3 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T2 Conference Center
T2 Xenopsych Specialists
T3 Intelligence Operations Team
T3 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities

T3 2320s Frigate Platform
T3 2320s Cruiser Platform
T3 2320s Explorer Platform
T3 Hull
T3 Warp Core
T2 Nacelles
T3 Computer Cores
T3 Navigational Deflector
T3 Phasers (and Phaser Array)
T3 Torpedoes

T3 Deflector Shields
T3 Supplemental Armor
T4 Tactical Sensors
T4 High-Fidelity Sensors
T3 Dedicated Away Teams
T3 Tactical and DamCon Specialists
T3 Long-Range Sensors
T3 Survey Sensors
T3 Shuttlebay
T4 Cargo Bay
T4 Replicators

T3 Impulse Thrusters
T2 Communications Array
T3 SIF Nodes
T3 Laboratory Suite
T3 Dedicated Analysis Computer
T4 Scientific Specialists
T4 Inpatient Sickbay Ward
T4 Additional Medical Ward
T3 Shipboard Hospital
No Holosuite
T3 Diplomatic Facility
T2 Conference Center
T2 Xenopsych Specialists
T3 Intelligence Operations Team
T3 Adaptive Life Support
T2 Five-Year Mission Command
T3 Five-Year Mission Crew Amenities
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Ship Designer Official Release (v4)
Ship Builder Spreadsheet v4 (SUPERSEDED, follow threadmark links to new version)
Rules Document and Parts List (SUPERSEDED, follow threadmark links to new version)

- Added 0.5% crit chance to all torpedo parts. This may become 1% depending on some further investigation.
- Added 1% crit chance to Iso Battle Core.

Crew Cost:
- Compact High Performance Nacelles +1TGrade
- Sprint Pattern Nacelles -1OGrade +1EGrade
- Garrison Pattern Nacelles +1EGrade
- Primary Deflector Shields -1OGrade +1TGrade
- Primary SIF Node -1E +1T
- Secondary SIF Node +1O -1E
- High Fidelity Sensors -1O +1T
- Inpatient Sickbay Ward +2T
- Adaptive Life Support -1O +1T.
- Diplomatic Facility -1O
- Intel Ops -1O +1E
- Survey Sensors -1O +1T

E and R... again:
- Small Annihilation Core now gives +0.5E, +1.5R. Likewise Small Singularity Core tilted towards R.
- Supplemental Armor now gives +0.1E and Secondary Deflector Shields gives +0.1R. These extra stats don't count towards the scaling formula and the tech scale is 0.2 for both. Secondary SIF gives +0.1E and +0.1R with 0.1 tech scaling.
- +0.5 RGrade for Cloaks.

General changes:
- Compact High Performance Nacelles +1 SRGrade
- Garrison Pattern Nacelles +2 SRGrade
- Life Support, Comm Array +2 SR
- Moved scientific and xenopsych specialists up a tier to under the basic before the spammable.
- Remove CE on Dedicated Away Teams, Infantry, and Adaptive Life Support. Now available for Frigates.
- Categorized Survey and Long Range Sensors as Science, and IntelOps as Operations.

- Unrounded BR fixed.
- Rows 39+ fixed.
- Add tiers to certain parts.
- Typos.
- Fixed a few tech scaling issues including reversing decision on making Replicator an exception.
- Re-fix Build Times.
- Re-fix Modular Hull. This may be modified to 0 BR or even -5 BR in the future, as the current +5 BR is effectively +15 BR.

With this we're mostly out of testing and although there may be minor changes later this is what we're going to start with for re-creating the current fleet.
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Request For Proposals: The Entire Fleet
So we need to re-create the entire fleet of existing Starfleet ships. Here are the principles we will use.

Our targets are, in order of priority:
1. General role. Can the new design perform the same duties the old one could, or was intended to?
2. Costs. Are the SR and crew costs close, and if not why not? (Note: Don't mind BR, build time and SP can be fuzzier too.)
3. Technology year. I have created a listing in the third post of the thread. If you need a couple parts from future years go ahead, noting which ones. In particular I suspect the Centaur-A, Renaissance, and Excelsior-A will be the troublesome ships to keep on tech-year. For the Centaur-A we could go up to Miri-A parts, or you could just ignore its existence and build the Centaur-B more directly. For the Rennie, maybe +1 year to 2313.
4. Flavor. Try a Modular Hull on the Miri-A. Try Sprint Nacelles on the Constellation. Try to make the Comet the fastest ship in the quadrant. For the most part this should hopefully naturally follow from point 1.
5. Size. Feel free to break the original's size by 100kt here or there. More than 100kt for explorers.
6. Refit progression. Feel free to break the half-parts refit rule as you need to. Feel free to design the current ship without designing the refits the came before it if you want to.

The GMs will pick the design we feel best fits the most important criteria, and we may even suggest designs. If we feel that multiple designs fit the spirit of the ship we may go to the main thread for a vote.

In order to do the basic system conversion we need designs for the following:
Patrol Cruiser-A
Bird of Paradise-A (Patroller-A) - don't break your brains on this one I have a design already

It would be interesting to have our obsolete ships but definitely not necessary:
Patrol Cruiser
Bird of Paradise (Patroller)

As we go we may make some requests for non-Starfleet ships.

I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the people who worked hard to develop the ships and applications we used up to this point.

OneirosTheWriter, lbmaian, Nix, Vebyast, Gravitas Hunt, Goat, and likely some people I've missed did an incredible amount of work on all the various ship builders we've used. All the current GMs are involved behind the scenes. And all the people who sunk time into the old thread and in discord... tryrar, UbeOne, AlphaDelta, Jenny, aledeth, Katsuragi, Void Stalker, sunrise, Alliterate, aeqnai, SuperSonicSound, Simon_Jester, Briefvoice, Wootius, shard, ClawClawBite, Forgothrax, Kaze, DarknessSmiles, Night, chriswriter90, Shadows, Godwinson, UberJJK, MS-21H 'Hawke', The Sandman, Ato, CeBrudas, Oksbad, Enerael, Gnarker, Kolar, Zerohour, Hazard, Thebigpieman, Derpmind, fasquardon, Steven Kodaly, Himmelhand, Raw90, Ash19526, kimagurena, AntiSanity, CommotionSocks, LaggPlaguedDuke, and everyone else. I look forward to what you'll create in the coming months.
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Ship Designer Patch Notes (v4.2)
Ship Builder Spreadsheet v4.2
Rules Document and Parts List

- Implemented Docking parts. X kt per slot, +100 kt per tech level.
- Docking equals parasite nacelles (these are ships that are not designed for high-endurance warp travel on their own).
- Mothership core equals parasite core (these are ships that use warp batteries like HoH corvettes do).
- Both Parasite Nacelles and Parasite Cores are crew-saving parts; their negative crew costs are balanced by large crew costs on the Docking parts.
- Ships with Docking act as supply Distribution when in a local logistics pool; normally only Starbases, Outposts, and DSS act as Distribution in a local pool.
- Parasite supply cost vs Distribution represents the number of ships that can be serviced (up to the ship's kiloton capacity can dock, but not necessarily all be serviced at once; conversely the limitation may be kilotons if Distribution is higher).
- Note: Harmony has a slightly different part list for their Docking Clamps.

- Capital platforms implemented, these are underweight compared to Starfleet explorer platforms but can be made much farther overweight. This means that pound for pound a Starfleet explorer will be more capable than the same weight of opposing ship, but some polities go crazy and build way too big.
- VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Going overweight on a non-Starfleet ship is limited by the polity. Just because you have 4800kt of space on the platform does not mean that polity has 4800kt of space available. Generally polities are limited by their technology, berth sizes, and method of thinking.

- Removed supply cost from Microtorps.
- Removed requirement for burst primaries from burst torps, they may now be used with any torp primary.
- Added a specialized Singer dedicated computer.
- Added Amenities requirement for Harmony tenders.
- Removed 5 BR from Modular Hull, it now costs 0 BR (in effect this is 10 BR when you fill the slot).

- Moved overweight SR to the pre-rounded fields so that it rounds properly.

There aren't substantial changes in this version for current Starfleet ships. Likely we'll be selecting designs very soon.