A New Life Arc: Cristophsis 3:
You took a deep breath and examined the main road going towards the heavy canons and the forward base.
The road was quiet, as befitting for the calm before the storm that was yet to come. The crystals that were on the ground were pushed to the side, there were craters from exploding shells from the heavy canons.
At any other time, you would have praised the lack of destruction on the local infrastructure. But that was not the case of the plan in your mind.
This place was a kill zone, both for the clones and the droids alike, any cover on the side would be quickly overrun with the forward momentum of tanks, the clones would be ground back until they were overrun and destroyed.
That was not going to happen. You had read that the Sepretist tanks could be slowed down if there was anything close to the bottoms of their hover panels, creating a small back up in navigational data that causes the tanks to stop for a couple of seconds, before recalculating and adjusting the hover power in the craft.
It may not be much, but if it can slow down the line of tanks coming your way.
Adding to the fact it may also separate the droid column, giving time to the clones to aim and fire, and the use of cover.
1D100 => 94+29=123
You reached out into the force and lifted the great crystal ruins that were beside you, the shards that were beside the roads, the chunks that were barely holding onto the sides of buildings ready to fall apart.
Those chunks were… without question, useful for cover.
Over craters, over the hexagonal road, over the few trenches that were also dug in, trenches that were now some of the only roadblocks that may help the clones stay alive.
A few more minutes passed before you felt the presence of Obi-Wan, who looked at you with a curious glare, and a smile.
"I take it you are trying to help with the defense?" He asked.
"Yes sir, the cover I'm moving over the main road should be able to slow the droids and tanks down." You took a deep breath, and Obi-Wan saw how tired you were. "I can move some more Master Kenobi, to-"
"You have done fine Loran." Master Kenobi replied quietly. "Rest for a moment, let your mind and body rest."
He viewed the cover you made, how it turned an open Killzone into a jagged, ragged center of cover for the clones, that looked like it could stop most any conventional force of organics, militia or otherwise.
But the droids were not a conventional force. They would not stop, not until their objective was completed.
You ached, ever so slightly feeling the force ebb and flow through your body, taking some of the stress off as you recovered.
Master Kenobi must have realized something. "I take it you have studied the battle droids?"
"And their tanks in the weeks since Geonosis." You replied. "I spotted a few things that could slow down the enemy tanks, buy us some time."
"Good." He replied, stroking his beard. "Are you ready?"
"Yes," you replied with a small smile. "I promise you I am."
Master Kenobi's smile then dropped and he placed a hand on your shoulder. "Do not do anything reckless, trust your instincts and know when a fight is lost. And keep your ears open to the clones, they know more than you do."
"I promise." You replied.
Reward: Enemy Battle Rolls Suffer a -20 until the clone forces are defeated.
The Rayshield was coming fast, the red beam of death that was now your timer came closer, inch by inch, second by second.
The droids marching was the sound of metal on stone, a screeching sound that made you feel the nauseous feeling of death.
It wouldn't be long until you would meet with them.
Where did you wait:
[]With Master Kenobi: Your master was on one of the rooftop catwalks, overlooking the route that was now covered in your debris. He was ready to fight. He placed a hand on your shoulder.
[]With Captian Rex, on the Ground: You were with the clone captain of the 501st, he was prepared, and you felt his calm. It felt reassuring that he was beside you.
[]Alone, on a roof with jet troopers: The clones looked at you with feelings of… strangeness and foreignness. However, they looked ready to follow you into battle.
AN: Enjoy.