Marine casualties
1. Vice Admiral Onigumo (death by fall damage after Marco catapulted him into the sky)
2. the unnamed female giant Rear Admiral (kidnap...taken to safety by Urouge after being knocked unconscious by Oars Jr.)
3. Sengoku (not dead but lost a foot)
4. Kizaru (not dead but temporarily out of commission due to having taken a long bath in cold sea water)
5. Akainu (not dead but temporarily out of commission due to being turned into a human skewer)
6. a bunch of vice admirals, loads of rear admirals, truck loads of commodores and a small army of captains, off screen.
1. Oars Jr (turned into mincemeat by Doffy)
2. Namur (turned into sushi by Doffy)
3. Whitebeard
4. 100-200 Whitebeard pirates and about as many from the allied crews
1. Shiryu (got his head...squished by Whitebeard)
2. Avalo Pizarro (not dead, but at least all the bones in one arm got pulverised by Garp)