Weeks passed. A month. Month and a half.
As it turned out, with somebody who actually knows how to use magic, it was significantly easier to figure out the limits of this special magic of mine.
The cold magic was focused on water, ice, illusion and mind magic according to Targos.
The fire magic was fire, earth, energy, electricity. Emotion and passion.
He called them Blue and Red. I guess that kind of fit. Blue of water and Red of fire... helped differentiate them from ice and fire magic.
I lowered my left wing, slowly swinging around as I approached the icy island of Coldarra and I could see the Nexus in the distance as I crossed out over the water separating the Island from the Borean Thundra.
Hunting took some getting used to.
But I had to eat. Every couple of days, at least.
There was nothing else to it. I tried a fire a couple of times. While it removed some of the 'modern human' problem with it, the taste actually got worse. I stopped trying it.
Fish was apparently a alternative but quite frankly I didn't think I was good enough to catch some. Fuck that, I know I wasn't. I had tried swimming in the ocean, but I was not fast enough. Sure, I could use a fishing rod but do you have any idea how much fish I would need to catch?
Simply not practical.
Spreading my wings I caught a thermal as I crossed the cliffs and stopped beating them, simply letting the air lift me before I started my glide towards the Nexus.
Soon enough I could see the other dragons.
I had talked with some of them. Not entirely sure how I learned Draconic so fast. Did brain damage translate over when you have a new brain or something?
They seemed friendly enough, if a bit wary of me. Not that I could blame them for that.
The dragonkin, though, were... different. Not dragons, not mortals. They were... not servants, more like loyal vassals. All the Dragonflights had them.
Descendants of mortals that served and worshiped the Dragonflights for so long that they were centaur-like half dragons themselves.
They seemed to find me fascinating.
Quite frankly, though, I found them a tad creepy.
Most of my time was spent studying with Targos, sometimes with Kalecgos. Sometimes just reading. They had the most amazing collection of books I had ever seen. It was not a library, it was The library.
I had been getting better as well. Oh, I still pretty much sucked. But I could do the basic exercises and I was even able to do things like fireballs and frostbolts with enough time to concentrate. Like ten minutes with silence and calm to focus on it. Not exactly practical in a fight.
At least I managed to learn to use my ice breath. Now that would have been a special kind of a pathetic if I was unable to.
The only magic I actually was on the curve with was illusions. They depended more on imagination and mental strength. That's nice and all, but Illusions are harder to work in a fight than a fireball.
Targos thought that I might also be good at mental magic because of it, but I'm not experienced enough to start trying that yet.
I was not actually bad at magic. I was actually pretty decent at the low power, high control stuff... at least for somebody who had only done it for two months.
It was just when the power went up my spells tended to lose structure and collapse. My teacher said it was a issue of practice. I'm not so sure.
Slowly swinging around the Nexus I slowly swooped down for landing.
Now that was difficult to get right. I provided all the dragons in sight much amusement the first dozen flights I did each time I went in for landing.
Slow down, pull up hard, cup wings, two hard beats and... touchdown!
I stretched my wings before folding them, heading towards the tunnels leading in under the 'tower'. Is it even a tower if most of it floats in the air?
My only warning was a split second of shadow before something hit me hard from the right, sending me rolling across the snowy ground.
Snarling I dug my claws into the ground through the snow, scrambling onto my paws and turning to face my attacker.
She was almost my size, slightly larger. Wider wingspan, scales like sapphires in the bright sunlight.
I barely had time to face her before she was in my fact again, snarling and slashing with her claws.
Ducking under her first swipe I lowered my upper body before I slammed forward, tackling her of her feet as I pounced in return, jaws snapping for her throat.
She dodged to the side, slamming the knuckles of her left wing straight into my snout. I was barely able to get out of the way as she spun in place, aiming to slam the club at the end of her tail against my head.
Seeing it coming I was barely able to duck beneath it.
I growled and I tried to counter as she pounced again, but she compensated and slammed into me, using her superior size and weight to push me over on my back, pinning me.
Trying as I could, she slapped my attempt to claw her aside and her jaws found my neck.
I froze as her teeth pressed against my scales.
She held it like that before a couple of seconds before she let go and moved of me with a snarl, sitting down as I shook my head and rolled onto my paws to get up, shaking the snow off of me.
"Slow, but better." She said, "You need to work on your situational awareness."
"I just ate, Rengosa. Do you have to randomly ambush me?" I growled as I laid down in the snow.
Well, mostly the other dragons were friendly but wary. At times I wished more of them were like that.
Rengosa had been asked by Kalecgos to help instruct me how to fight. Hard for him or Targos to do, they are like ten times my size.
She took to it quite happily and had been kicking my tail for the last month or so, both during practice sessions and random ambushes.
But that was not the worst of it.
"Like some dragon hunter or undead monster will wait until you are finished digesting." she snorted, shifting her wings. "Targos asked for you to meet him. He said he had some information for you."
I nodded and got up. "I see. Well, I better go see him then."
Rengosa nodded and got up as well. "I have a study session in the lower library. You are welcome to join me after your meeting." she said and rubbed her side against mine as she moved past towards the tunnels.
That was the worst of it.
Somehow, and I had no idea why, she liked me. As in was attracted to me. Every brand new instinct I had screamed that at me as soon as she was in the same general area.
I suppose she was... impressive enough. Pretty colors.
But I was not a dragon. Okay, I was a dragon but my mind was mostly human. I didn't find her attractive.
Oh, I bet I would when she learned to take mortal form. I liked her personality even if she was a tad aggressive. But as a dragon?
I sighed. One girl I couldn't stay with. Another had no interest in me. One that was interested in me, I couldn't find attractive in that way.
...At least not yet. My mind was certainly different from when I was human. Even I could tell that much. Who could say how much it would change during the next forever.
I felt bad for her. I knew how it felt to like somebody who was unable to return it.
I wasn't even sure I felt the same about Venir any more. I missed her, but was it more than as a friend?
Well, that was my good mood ruined.
Better go see what the boss wanted to talk about before I manage to make my day any worse.
AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.